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2003-11-24, 01:58:21

ich suche einen Alles Ignorier Parameter für das NV Flash Tool, wenn man ein Grafik Bios update macht prüft das Flash Tool ob die Hardware ID mit dem Bios übereinstimmt

gruß gulli

2003-11-24, 14:28:00
der lautet "p", also "nvflash /p new.rom" eingeben.
ich habe noch eine txt datei, die beim parameter "help" angezeigt wird, nur ist die üblicher weise nirgends mit zum rutnerladen enthalten und man bekommt lediglich die "nvflash.exe".
ich poste mal deren inhalt oder lade sie auf meinen webspace.
jedoch sei gesagt das diese datei von einer alten nvflash version ist und da nicht alles (besonders beim syntax) mit der aktuellen(4.42) übereinstimmt - die paramter aber schon ;).

2003-11-24, 16:00:32
ok, wie ich angekündigt hatte hier nun der inhalt der readme.
achtet auf das datum, die datei war bei der version 4.28 von nvflash dabei. an den parametern hat sich nix geändert(evtl. der syntax), nur an den unterstützten chips und grafikkarten.

NVIDIA Flash ROM utility

Last Updated: 2002-08-14


First column is long form, prefixed with "--" and using "=" to assign the parameter as in "--file=filename"
Second column is short form, prefixed with "-" as in "-f filename"

file f <filename> Flash the ROM using <filename> (no confirmation),
then do compare and ~CRC32.
save b <filename> Read ROM and save to <filename>.
compare k <filename> Read ROM and compare with <filename>.
tv x <filename> Transfer TV data from file to EEPROM.
version v <filename> Display file version and ~CRC32
(if no filename, acts on ROM).
erase e Erase the ROM.
display d [bytes] Display 256 the first bytes of the EEPROM
(default is 256 bytes)
check c Check for supported EEPROM.
nolight l Don't light keyboard LEDs.
overridetype p Don't pause if file & chip PCI VenID/DevID mismatch.
overridesub u Don't pause if file & chip PCI subsystem ID mismatch.
reboot y Reboot the PC after other tasks completed.
protecton w Write protect ROM (only works on some ROMs).
protectoff r Remove ROM Write protect. (only works on some ROMs).
straps m <straps> Change soft straps.
format is: AND Mask 0, OR Mask 0, AND Mask 1, OR Mask 1
keepstraps g Keep the soft straps already present in the EEPROM
after flashing the new image.
romstrap j Override the ROM strap setting to allow flashing an
image when grounding the STRAP_SUB_VENDOR pin.
This allows flashing a corrupted or erased EEPROM.
Note: Make sure there is a physical EEPROM present
when using this option
guid q <guid> Set the IEEE 1394 GUID in the ROM image
(GUID is in the form of 16 hex digits).
list a List all NVIDIA display adapters found in the system.
index i <index> Force a specific device index.
help ? Display this screen.
silence s <level> Silence level:
default All beeps.
#=4 (or 2) No progress beeps.
#=5 (or 1) No beeps.
override o <level> Override safety check level:
default unknown EEPROM | NV chip aborts application.
level=1 unknown EEPROM acceptable for read operations.
level=2 unknown NV chip acceptable for read/write operations.
level=3 Combined effect of 1,2 (cannot write to unknown EEPROM).
directpci n Bypass the PCI BIOS.

NVFLASH supports these EEPROMs:
AMD 29LV001B 128Kx8 2.7v V, 1B page, 16k blk, Man,Dev=(01,6D)
AMD 29LV010 128Kx8 2.7v V, 1B page, 16k blk, Man,Dev=(01,6E)
AMD 29LV001T 128Kx8 2.7v V, 1B page, 16k blk, Man,Dev=(01,ED)
Atmel 49F512 64Kx8 5.0,3.0,2.7 V, 1B page, 0k blk, Man,Dev=(1F,03)
Atmel 49F001T 128Kx8 5.0 V, 1B page, 0k blk, Man,Dev=(1F,04)
Atmel 49F001 128Kx8 5.0 V, 1B page, 0k blk, Man,Dev=(1F,05)
Atmel 49(H)BV/LV010 128Kx8 2.7-3.6 V, 1B page, 0k blk, Man,Dev=(1F,17)
Atmel 29LV/BV010A 128Kx8 3.0 V, 128B page, 0k blk, Man,Dev=(1F,35)
Atmel 29LV512 64Kx8 3.0 V, 128B page, 0k blk, Man,Dev=(1F,3D)
Atmel AT25F1024 128Kx8 S2.7-3.6 V, 256B page, 32k blk, Man,Dev=(1F,40)
Atmel 29C512 64Kx8 5.0 V, 128B page, 0k blk, Man,Dev=(1F,5D)
Atmel AT25F1024 128Kx8 S2.7-3.6 V, 256B page, 32k blk, Man,Dev=(1F,60)
Atmel 49F010 128Kx8 5.0 V, 1B page, 0k blk, Man,Dev=(1F,87)
Atmel 29C010A 128Kx8 5.0 V, 128B page, 0k blk, Man,Dev=(1F,D5)
ST M25P05 512Kx1 S2.7-3.6 V, 128B page, 32k blk, Man,Dev=(20,05)
ST M25P10 1024Kx1S2.7-3.6 V, 128B page, 32k blk, Man,Dev=(20,10)
ST M29W512B 64Kx8 2.7-3.6 V, 1B page, 0k blk, Man,Dev=(20,27)
PMC 39LV512 64Kx8 3.0-3.6 V, 1B page, 4k blk, Man,Dev=(9D,1B)
SST 29EE010 128Kx8 5.0 V, 128B page, 0k blk, Man,Dev=(BF,07)
SST 29LE/VE010 128Kx8 2.9,2.7 V, 128B page, 0k blk, Man,Dev=(BF,08)
SST 29LE/VE512 64Kx8 2.9,2.7 V, 128B page, 0k blk, Man,Dev=(BF,3D)
SST 45VF010 128Kx8 S3.0-3.6 V, 1B page, 4k blk, Man,Dev=(BF,42)
SST 25VF512 64Kx8 S2.7-3.6 V, 1B page, 32k blk, Man,Dev=(BF,48)
SST 25VF010 128Kx8 S2.7-3.6 V, 1B page, 32k blk, Man,Dev=(BF,49)
SST 29EE512 64Kx8 5.0 V, 128B page, 0k blk, Man,Dev=(BF,5D)
SST 39SF010 128Kx8 5.0 V, 1B page, 4k blk, Man,Dev=(BF,B5)
SST 39VF512 64Kx8 2.7-3.6 V, 1B page, 4k blk, Man,Dev=(BF,D4)
SST 39VF010 128Kx8 2.7-3.6 V, 1B page, 4k blk, Man,Dev=(BF,D5)
MX 29F001T 128Kx8 5.0 V, 1B page, 0k blk, Man,Dev=(C2,18)
MX 29F001B 128Kx8 5.0 V, 1B page, 0k blk, Man,Dev=(C2,19)
WBond W39L010 128Kx8 3.3 V, 1B page, 4k blk, Man,Dev=(DA,31)
WBond W39L512 64Kx8 3.3 V, 1B page, 4k blk, Man,Dev=(DA,38)
WBond W29C011A 128Kx8 5.0 V, 128B page, 0k blk, Man,Dev=(DA,C1)
WBond W29EE512 64Kx8 5.0 V, 128B page, 0k blk, Man,Dev=(DA,C8)

2003-11-24, 20:43:50
vieln dank, werde mich gleich an flashen ran machen

schönen abend noch :)

gruß gulli

2004-01-16, 22:24:53
hier mal eine neuere Version

NVIDIA Flash ROM utility

Last Updated: 2003-05-30

nvflash [commands] [rom filename]

Use a single dash ("-") to use the single letter version of a command
(second column below).
Use a double dash ("--") to use the longer descriptive version of a
command (first column below).
Use equals ("=") to specify parameters, with separating commas (",").

Sample usage:
nvflash --index=1 nv30nz.rom

file f <filename> Flash the ROM using <filename> (no confirmation), then do compare and ~CRC32.
save b <filename> Read ROM and save to <filename>.
compare k <filename> Read ROM and compare with <filename>.
tv x <filename> Transfer TV data from file to EEPROM.
version v <filename> Display file version and ~CRC32 (if no filename, acts on ROM).
erase e Erase the ROM.
display d [bytes] Display 256 the first bytes of the EEPROM (default is 256 bytes)
check c Check for supported EEPROM.
nolight l Don't light keyboard LEDs.
overridetype 5 Don't pause if file & chip PCI VenID/DevID mismatch.
overridesub 6 Don't pause if file & chip PCI subsystem ID mismatch.
reboot y Reboot the PC after other tasks completed.
protecton w Write protect ROM (only works on some ROMs).
protectoff r Remove ROM Write protect. (only works on some ROMs).
straps m <straps> Change soft straps.
format is: AND Mask 0, OR Mask 0, AND Mask 1, OR Mask 1
keepstraps g Keep the soft straps already present in the EEPROM
after flashing the new image.
romstrap j Override the ROM strap setting to allow flashing an
image when grounding the STRAP_SUB_VENDOR pin.
This allows flashing a corrupted or erased EEPROM.
Note: Make sure there is a physical EEPROM present
when using this option
guid q <guid> Set the IEEE 1394 GUID in the ROM image
(GUID is in the form of 16 hex digits).
guidsource 1 <location> Set the source of the IEEE 1394 GUID.
main - main EEPROM image
dedicated - separate serial EEPROM part
list a List all NVIDIA display adapters found in the system.
index i <index> Force a specific device index.
help ? Display this screen.
silence s <level> Silence level:
default All beeps.
#=4 (or 2) No progress beeps.
#=5 (or 1) No beeps.
override o <level> Override safety check level:
default unknown EEPROM | NV chip aborts application.
level=1 unknown EEPROM acceptable for read operations.
level=2 unknown NV chip acceptable for read operations.
level=3 Combined effect of 1,2 (cannot write to unknown EEPROM or chip).
directpci n Bypass the PCI BIOS.
listver List BIOS versions of all adapters found.

NVFLASH supports these EEPROMs:
AMD 29LV001B 128Kx8 2.7v V, 1B page, 16k blk, Man,Dev=(01,6D)
AMD 29LV010 128Kx8 2.7v V, 1B page, 16k blk, Man,Dev=(01,6E)
AMD 29LV001T 128Kx8 2.7v V, 1B page, 16k blk, Man,Dev=(01,ED)
Atmel 49F512 64Kx8 5.0,3.0,2.7 V, 1B page, 0k blk, Man,Dev=(1F,03)
Atmel 49F001T 128Kx8 5.0 V, 1B page, 0k blk, Man,Dev=(1F,04)
Atmel 49F001 128Kx8 5.0 V, 1B page, 0k blk, Man,Dev=(1F,05)
Atmel 49(H)BV/LV010 128Kx8 2.7-3.6 V, 1B page, 0k blk, Man,Dev=(1F,17)
Atmel 29LV/BV010A 128Kx8 3.0 V, 128B page, 0k blk, Man,Dev=(1F,35)
Atmel 29LV512 64Kx8 3.0 V, 128B page, 0k blk, Man,Dev=(1F,3D)
Atmel AT25F1024 128Kx8 S2.7-3.6 V, 256B page, 32k blk, Man,Dev=(1F,40)
Atmel 29C512 64Kx8 5.0 V, 128B page, 0k blk, Man,Dev=(1F,5D)
Atmel AT25F1024 128Kx8 S2.7-3.6 V, 256B page, 32k blk, Man,Dev=(1F,60)
Atmel 49F010 128Kx8 5.0 V, 1B page, 0k blk, Man,Dev=(1F,87)
Atmel 29C010A 128Kx8 5.0 V, 128B page, 0k blk, Man,Dev=(1F,D5)
ST M25P05 512Kx1 S2.7-3.6 V, 128B page, 32k blk, Man,Dev=(20,05)
ST M25P10 1024Kx1S2.7-3.6 V, 128B page, 32k blk, Man,Dev=(20,10)
ST M29W512B 64Kx8 2.7-3.6 V, 1B page, 0k blk, Man,Dev=(20,27)
Tenx ICE25P05 64Kx8 S2.7-3.6 V, 128B page, 32k blk, Man,Dev=(5E,01)
PMC 39LV512 64Kx8 3.0-3.6 V, 1B page, 4k blk, Man,Dev=(9D,1B)
PMC 39LV010 128Kx8 3.0-3.6 V, 1B page, 4k blk, Man,Dev=(9D,1C)
PMC Pm25LV512 64Kx8 S2.7-3.6 V, 256B page, 32k blk, Man,Dev=(9D,7B)
PMC Pm25LV010 128Kx8 S2.7-3.6 V, 256B page, 32k blk, Man,Dev=(9D,7C)
SST 29EE010 128Kx8 5.0 V, 128B page, 0k blk, Man,Dev=(BF,07)
SST 29LE/VE010 128Kx8 2.9,2.7 V, 128B page, 0k blk, Man,Dev=(BF,08)
SST 29LE/VE512 64Kx8 2.9,2.7 V, 128B page, 0k blk, Man,Dev=(BF,3D)
SST 45VF010 128Kx8 S3.0-3.6 V, 1B page, 4k blk, Man,Dev=(BF,42)
SST 25VF512 64Kx8 S2.7-3.6 V, 256B page, 4k blk, Man,Dev=(BF,48)
SST 25VF010 128Kx8 S2.7-3.6 V, 256B page, 4k blk, Man,Dev=(BF,49)
SST 29EE512 64Kx8 5.0 V, 128B page, 0k blk, Man,Dev=(BF,5D)
SST 39SF010 128Kx8 5.0 V, 1B page, 4k blk, Man,Dev=(BF,B5)
SST 39VF512 64Kx8 2.7-3.6 V, 1B page, 4k blk, Man,Dev=(BF,D4)
SST 39VF010 128Kx8 2.7-3.6 V, 1B page, 4k blk, Man,Dev=(BF,D5)
MX 29F001T 128Kx8 5.0 V, 1B page, 0k blk, Man,Dev=(C2,18)
MX 29F001B 128Kx8 5.0 V, 1B page, 0k blk, Man,Dev=(C2,19)
WBond W39L010 128Kx8 3.3 V, 1B page, 4k blk, Man,Dev=(DA,31)
WBond W39L512 64Kx8 3.3 V, 1B page, 4k blk, Man,Dev=(DA,38)
WBond W29C011A 128Kx8 5.0 V, 128B page, 0k blk, Man,Dev=(DA,C1)
WBond W29EE512 64Kx8 5.0 V, 128B page, 0k blk, Man,Dev=(DA,C8)

nVFlash 4.46 (http://whitebunny.demon.nl/download?file=nvflash_4.46.zip)

2004-01-17, 13:33:31
oh man , überall steht was andres !!

wie jetz /p fbios.rom ?

und was iss mit -5 -6 ?

und richtig so mitn backslash ?

warum gibt es soviele varianten !?!?

Hat jemand bevor er geflasht hat - das vgabios.exe tool die bios datei getestet ?

wenn ja was passiert da !?
Bei mir seh ich nur npaar pixel und es piepst ständig !
muss dann resetknopf drücken !!!

2004-01-17, 13:40:18
"nvflash /p new.rom" müßte nun wohl "nvflash -5 new.rom" lauten.
ALs ich mein BIOS aktualisierte, hab ich es nicht getestet weil es ja für meine Karte war und ich lediglich am Anfang die Infos über RAM und Name der Graka aktivierte.

Wo kommen bei dir die paar Pixel und Töne, nach dem Flashvorgang oder beim Testen?

2004-01-17, 13:46:08
Original geschrieben von Sephirot
"nvflash /p new.rom" müßte nun wohl "nvflash -5 new.rom" lauten.
ALs ich mein BIOS aktualisierte, hab ich es nicht getestet weil es ja für meine Karte war und ich lediglich am Anfang die Infos über RAM und Name der Graka aktivierte.

Wo kommen bei dir die paar Pixel und Töne, nach dem Flashvorgang oder beim Testen?

also ob -5 oder /p is wohl dasselbe ?

di pixel waren als ich mit dem tool vgabios die neue a350u.rom bios getestet hab, war aber mit dem gigabyte und dem referenzbios vonnvidia für 5900u dasselbe, nur andre farben ! wie muss es den richtig aussschauen ?
weil das sieht schon übel aus, jz weiss ich net ob das normal iss oder ob das bios doch net meine graka packt !?!?
könnte jemand mal auhc dass probieren ??

wäre echt supa:asshole: