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2004-10-13, 17:17:27
IRA - A dark cheapter in Irish history

There are several paramilitary groups which call or have called themselves as the title "IRA" (Irish Republican Army). "Ira" as a latin expressions means fury in english.
The IRA was founded in 1919 as a merge of the "Irish Citizen Army" and the "Irish Volunteers".

The IRA sees it as its task to ensure Ireland's complete independancy from the UK.
Using violence was always seen as a way to achieve this aim.

And so the rebels began to attack British army installations and government buildings.
The British striked back with massive army arise. These british soldiers were bitterly hated by the Irish people, one reason is that they were extremely cruel in dealing with the rebels.

The first step towards peace was a treaty in 1921 on making Ireland a self-governing-country of the British Commonwealth named the Irish Free State.
The Irish people were sharply divided over this treaty.
Some people endorsed the situation. This group called Cumann na nGaedheal (Community of Gales) was first led by Michael Collins and later on by William T. Cosgrave.
Those who were against the treaty and demanded complete independence from the United Kingdom and union with Northern Ireland, formed a group named Sinn Fein.

In 1922, civil war broke out. When the fighting stopped in 1923, both groupes formed opposing political parties. De Valera became the head of the Sinn Fein party and Cosgrave became the leader of Cumann na nGaedheal.
As a result, the Irish Free State outlawed the IRA.

Nevertheless, members of the IRA continued in guerilla warfare against the British troups.

From 1922 till 1932, Cosgrave served as president of the Executive Council as governor of the Irish Free State. Under his lead, improvements in economy and trading with the United Kingdom were reached.

In 1926, De Valera left his party and founded a new one called "Fianna Fail" (Soldiers of Destiny).
Fianna Fail won the election of 1932 and so gained control of the Irish Parliament with De Valera as president of the Executive Council. Between 1932 and 1937, De Valera cut most of the ties between the Irish Free State and the UK. He abolished the oath of allegiance to the British monarch and the office of British governor general of Ireland.

In 1937, De Valera's government assumed a new constitution that described Ireland as a "souverein, independent, democratic state" and changed the state's name to Eire, which means Ireland in English. Since then, the office of President of the Executive Council is renamed into prime minister. De Valera became prime minister under the constitution.

Ireland remained neutral during the World War II (1939-1945), although thousands of Irish joined the British armed forces.

Ich habe das Ganze unter heftigem Zeitdruck geschrieben, von daher dürften Fehler die Regel sein ;)
Ich hoffe, das ist das richtige Forum. PoWi oder English Forum würden ja auch noch gehen =)


2004-10-13, 17:23:54
Willst du inhaltliche Verbesserungsvorschläge oder mehr in die Richtung Sprache/Rechtschreibung/Grammatik/Ausdruck?

mfg Sebastian

2004-10-13, 17:31:16
Beides - aber der Inhalt hat es imo mehr nötig :D

2004-10-13, 18:44:45
Meine Englisch-Lehrerin meint (der ich die HA schicken sollte)

IRA - A dark chapter in Irish history

There are several paramilitary groups which call or have called themselves "IRA" (Irish Republican Army). "Ira" is a Latin word and means ‘fury, anger’ in English.
The IRA was founded in 1919 as a combination of two parties, the "Irish Citizen Army" and
the "Irish Volunteers".

The IRA sees its main task to ensure Ireland's complete independency from the UK. The want to free Northern Ireland from the Protestant government and act against a country rules by the parliament in London. In order to achieve this aim the IRA uses violence as a legal means. On the other hand, British troops were sent to Belfast to support the minority group. They put up military camps and protect government buildings. And that is why IRA men attack both British army camps and government buildings. But the British forces answer back with massive military power and punished the rebels. The result of these fierce battles was a lot of victims. Consequently, British soldiers are hated by the Irish people, no matter what their religious faith is.

However, several attempts have been taken to bring peace. The first step was a treaty in 1921 on making Ireland a self-governing-country of the British Commonwealth which was called the Irish Free State.
The Irish people were sharply divided over this treaty. Some people disagreed with this solution. Michael Collins was the spokesman of the Community of Gales and protested in public against the idea. He and his group demanded a complete independence from the United Kingdom and a union with Northern Ireland. Sinn Fein was another famous political party.

In 1922, civil war broke out. When the fighting stopped in 1923, both groups formed opposing political parties. De Valera became the head of the Sinn Fein party and Cosgrave became the leader of Community of Gales. As a result, the Irish Free State outlawed the IRA.

Nevertheless, members of the IRA continued in guerilla warfare against the British troops.

From 1922 till 1932, Cosgrave was the President of the Executive Council and governor of the Irish Free State. Under his lead, improvements in economy and trading with the United Kingdom were reached.

In 1926, De Valera left his party and founded a new one called "Fianna Fail" (Soldiers of Destiny). Between 1932 and 1937, De Valera as the new head of Ireland cut most of the ties between the Irish Free State and the UK. He abolished the oath of allegiance to the British
monarch and the office of a British governor general of Ireland.

In 1937, the name of the Irish Free State was changed into ‘Eire’ under De Valera's government. Ireland was declared a "sovereign, independent, democratic state".
And the new constitution had a prime minister as head of the country instead of a president.

Ireland remained neutral during the World War II (1939-1945), although thousands of Irish joined the British armed forces.

Aus dem Buch sind aktuelle Daten zu übertragen. Du kannst doch nicht 1945 stehen bleiben.
-> Option 4 + Hinweiszettel von Herrn Hentschel siehe letztes Jahr!!!
In 1987 the bombing was extended to place outside Northern Ireland. People in Britain and Germany were attacked by IRA bombs.

In spring 2000 the direct rule from London ended. IRA agreed to disarmament, but some of the violence continues.

Abdul Alhazred
2004-10-13, 18:49:07
"Sovereign", nicht "souverein"... ;)

Zum Inhalt - die Angriffe auf deutschem Grund waren gegen Engländer gerichtet. Das die IRA England angegriffen hat ist doch wohl klar.

Ich finde, es fehlt Info über Michael Collins. Immerhin hat ER (und nicht de Valera) die heutige Republik gründen können.

Angriffe von der IRA heutzutage? Nicht wirklich. Nicht seit über ein Jahrzehnt. Es hat ein, zwei kleine Anschläge von der "Real IRA" gegeben, die aber wenig mit der Republican Army zu tun hat.

Etwas über die Sinn Fein wäre auch nicht schlecht.

Auch sollte erwähnt werden, dass in der Republik Irland schon über 60 Jahren Ruhe herrscht...