Archiv verlassen und diese Seite im Standarddesign anzeigen : lol

2002-05-03, 10:17:25
Ma ne dumme Frage. Was heist eigntlich lol. (wird ja des öfteren in Foren benutzt...)

Wäre nett, wenn Ihr mich mal aufklären könntet.

2002-05-03, 10:29:42
Laughing out loud.

2002-05-03, 11:00:04
Es heisst: loughing out loudly

Muss in dem Fall ein Adverb sein (http://www.ucl.ac.uk/internet-grammar/adverbs/formal.htm)

Sorry. :)

Eine Liste weiterer Abkürzungen: http://www.martin-stricker.de/abk.html

2002-05-03, 11:56:31
und jetzt noch einmal richtig::D

laughing out loudly

2002-05-03, 12:06:21

2002-05-03, 12:19:44

Shit happens.

Wobei lol echt vieles heisst irgendwie. Aber die gängigste Interpretation ist 'laugh out loud'. laughing over laughing hab ich auch schon gesehn.

Mich würd interessieren, wer die Abkürzung als erstes benutzt hat und was er genau damit meinte. *G*

2002-05-03, 14:57:36
Originally posted by Mephisto

Das ist doch "Roling on floor" oder???
omg "Oh my god"

irgendwas wollt ich auch mal fragen...mhm...wenns mit wieder einfällt schreib ichs hier rein

2002-05-03, 15:10:31
Originally posted by ||FireFrog||

Das ist doch "Roling on floor" oder???
omg "Oh my god"

irgendwas wollt ich auch mal fragen...mhm...wenns mit wieder einfällt schreib ichs hier rein

rofl = rolling on the floor laughing :rofl: <-- so halt =)

2002-05-03, 16:39:05
Achso heißt das....danke

Captain America
2002-05-03, 17:14:50
STFW... :D

2002-05-03, 17:57:21
STFW = Search The Fucking Web *g*

2002-05-03, 17:59:33
Acronym Meaning

ADN Any day now
AFAIK As far as I know
AFK Away from keyboard
A/S/L? Age/sex/location?
B4N Bye for now
BAK Back at the keyboard
BBIAB Be back in a bit
BBL Be back later
BEG Big evil grin
BFD Big f***ing deal
BFN Bye for now
BG Big grin
BIOYIOP Blow it out your I/O port
BL Belly laughing
BRB Be right back
BTA But then again...
BTW By the way
BWTHDIK But what the heck do I know?
CU See you
CUL See you later
CUL8ER See you later
CYA Cover your ass
CYO See you online
DBA Doing business as
DIKU Do I know you?
DQMOT Don't quote me on this
EG Evil grin
EMFBI Excuse me for butting in
EOM End of message
EOT End of thread
F2F Face to face
FAQ Frequently asked questions
FISH First in, still here
FOMCL Falling off my chair laughing
FUBAR F***ed up beyond all repair
FYI For your information
G Grin
GA Go ahead
GAL Get a life
GD&R Grinning, ducking, and running
GIWIST Gee, I wish I'd said that
GMTA Great minds think alike
GOL Giggling out loud
GTRM Going to read mail
HTH Hope this helps
IAC In any case
IC I see
IIRC If I remember correctly
IM Immediate message
IMHO In my humble opinion
IMNSHO In my not so humble opinion
IMO In my opinion
IOW In other words
IRL In real life
IYSWIM If you see what I mean
JIC Just in case
JK Just kidding
KOTC Kiss on the cheek
KWIM? Know what I mean?
L8R Later
LD Later, dude
LLTA Lots and lots of thunderous applause
LOL Laughing out loud
LTM Laugh to myself
LULAB Love you like a brother
LULAS Love you like a sister
MUSM Miss you so much
NFG No f*****g good
NFW No feasible way or no f*****g way
NIFOC Naked in front of computer
NP or N/P No problem
NRN No response necessary
OIC Oh, I see
OTOH On the other hand
OTTOMH Off the top of my head
PCMCIA People can't master computer industry acronyms
PDA Public display of affection
PITA Pain in the ass
PMFJIB Pardon me for jumping in but...
POTS Plain old telephone service
PU That stinks!
RL Real life
ROFL Rolling on the floor laughing
RSN Real soon now
RTFM Read the f***ing manual
SEG S***-eating grin
SNAFU Situation normal, all f***ed up
SO Significant other
SOMY Sick of me yet?
STFW Search the f*****g Web
STW Search the Web
SWAG Stupid wild-a** guess
TAFN That's all for now
TFH Thread from hell
TGIF Thank God it's Friday
THX Thanks
TIA Thanks in advance
TLK2UL8R Talk to you later
TMI Too much information
TOPCA Til our paths cross again
TTT Thought that, too
TTYL Talk to you later
TU Thank you
UAPITA You're a pain in the ass
UW You're welcome
VBG Very big grin
VBSEG Very big s***-eating grin
WDALYIC Who died and left you in charge?
WFM Works for me
WT? What/who the ?
WTFO What the F***! Over!
WTG Way to go!
WU? What's up?
WUF? Where are you from?
WYSIWYG What you see is what you get
YGBSM You gotta be s***tin' me!

2002-05-04, 15:01:00
wobei CYA auch las "See you/ya." gebraucht wird