Archiv verlassen und diese Seite im Standarddesign anzeigen : Charlie Chaplin erreichte 3. Platz bei einem Charlie-Chaplin-Doppelgänger-Wettbewerb

2007-08-13, 03:15:44
Folgendes Zitat bei dem Film Lucky Numer Slevin hat mich sehr belustigt und ich wollte mal nachforschen ob das tatsächlich stimmt.

Eine Geschichte ist, das Charlie Chaplin bei einem Charlie Chaplin Doppelgänger Wettbewerb Platz 3 belegt hat." - Lucky Number Slevin

Leider hat google keine wirklich vertrauenswürdige Ergebnisse geliefert.
Und da wollte ich mal fragen ob da jemand was geneaueres weiss.


2007-08-13, 10:27:14
Mehr konnte ich nicht finden:

Claim: Charlie Chaplin once lost a Charlie Chaplin look-alike contest.

Status: True.

Origins: As "Chaplinitis" swept across Charlie Chaplin American around 1915, Charlie Chaplin look-alike contests became a popular form of entertainment. (Actually, the competitions were really contests to see who could imitate the "tramp" character popularized by Chaplin, as few people would have recognized Chaplin himself without his familiar costume, moustache, and makeup.) A rising young actor/comedian named Bob Hope took first prize in one such contest in Cleveland.

Legend has it that Chaplin himself once entered — and lost — one of these competitions. It is usually said the contest was held in Monte Carlo or Switzerland, and that he came in second or third. (Some versions claim that Chaplin's brother Syd was judged the winner.) Chaplin did indeed fare poorly in a Chaplin look-alike contest, but the competition took place in a San Francisco theater. His final standing is not recorded, although it was noted that he "failed even to make the finals." Chaplin told a reporter at this time that he was "tempted to give lessons in the Chaplin walk, out of pity as well as in the desire to see the thing done correctly."

Von: http://www.snopes.com/movies/actors/chaplin2.asp

2007-08-14, 05:52:31
Na das hört sich doch mal recht zuverlässig an :)

Scheint das also doch zu stimmen, sehr lustig.


2007-08-14, 07:33:09
Lustig, aber vemutlich nix besonderes. Würde auch heute sicher fast jedem Schauspieler passieren. In echt sehen die alle bisschen anders aus als im Fernsehen.