Archiv verlassen und diese Seite im Standarddesign anzeigen : Crysis - was bedeutet die fehlermeldung ??

Stefan 008
2007-11-15, 14:50:18

spiele seit heute morgen Crysis , hab auch schon mehrere male das Spiel beendet und später wieder neu gestartet immer ohne Probleme , jedoch jetzt geht es nicht mehr egal welchen Spielstand ich wähle , das savegame wird geladen , dann drücke ich eine Taste und dann switch to Desktop,
hier das Logfile , vielleicht kann jemand helfen

BackupNameAttachment=" Build(5767) Date(15 Nov 2007) Time(14 40 11)" -- used by backup system

Log Started at Thursday, November 15, 2007 14:40:11
Running 32 bit version
Executable: I:\Crytek\Crysis\Bin32\Crysis.exe
Using STLport C++ Standard Library implementation

--- CPU detection ---
Total number of logical processors: 2
Number of available logical processors: 2

Processor 0:
CPU: Intel Intel(R) Core(TM)2 CPU 6600 @ 2.40GHz
Family: 6, Model: 15, Stepping: 6
FPU: On-Chip
CPU Speed (estimated): 3203.956092 MHz
MMX: not present
SSE: present
3DNow!: not present
Serial number not present or disabled

Processor 1:
CPU: Intel Intel(R) Core(TM)2 CPU 6600 @ 2.40GHz
Family: 6, Model: 15, Stepping: 6
FPU: On-Chip
CPU Speed (estimated): 3203.958403 MHz
MMX: not present
SSE: present
3DNow!: not present
Serial number not present or disabled

Total number of system cores: 2
Number of cores available to process: 2
Windows XP 32 bit SP 2 (build 5.1.2600)
System language: German
Windows Directory: "C:\WINDOWS"
* Installation of KB940105 hotfix required: no! (either not needed or already installed)
Local time is 14:40:11 11/15/07, system running for 10 minutes
3583MB physical memory installed, 3151MB available, 2047MB virtual memory installed, 12 percent of memory in use
PageFile usage: 44MB, Working Set: 17MB, Peak PageFile usage: 44MB,
Current display mode is 1680x1050x32, VGA
IBM enhanced (101/102-key) keyboard and 5+ button mouse installed
Stream Engine Initialization
Network initialization
[net] using iocp socket io management
Physics initialization
MovieSystem initialization
Renderer initialization
Console initialization
Time initialization
Input initialization
Sound initialization
Sound - initializing AudioDevice now!
Sound - starting to initialize DirectSound output!
Sound - 2 drivers found:
Sound - available drivers: 0 SB Live!-Wavegerät !
Sound - available drivers: 1 Bluetooth AV/HS Audio !
Sound - initializing FMOD-EX now!
Sound - initialized FMOD-EX
Sound - available record drivers: 0 SB Live!-Wavegerät !
Sound - available record drivers: 1 Bluetooth AV/HS Audio !
Sound - using FMOD version: 00040723 and internal 00040723!
Sound - initializing SoundSystem now!
Font initialization
AI initialization
Initializing Animation System
Initializing 3D Engine
Script System Initialization
Entity system initialization
Initializing AI System
[PlayerProfiles] Login of user 'RoNiN' successful.
[PlayerProfiles] Found 1 profiles.
Profile 0 : 'RoNiN'
[GameProfiles]: Successfully activated profile 'RoNiN' for user 'RoNiN'
[net 13:40:11.843] network hostname: RoNiN
[net 13:40:11.843] ip:
[Error] <Scaleform> Error: CallMethod - 'gotoAndStop' on invalid object. [Libs/UI/Menus_StartMenu.gfx]
[Error] <Scaleform> Error: CallMethod - 'gotoAndStop' on invalid object. [Libs/UI/Menus_StartMenu.gfx]
[net 13:40:52.468] connection requested to: <local>:64087
[net 13:40:52.468] resolved as: <local>:64087
[Error] <Scaleform> Error: CallMethod - 'gotoAndStop' on invalid object. [Libs/UI/HUD_RadarCompassStealth.gfx]
*LOADING: Level island loading time: 16.77 seconds

Stefan 008
2007-11-15, 17:21:09
hat sich erledigt , geht wieder

2007-11-15, 17:24:20
hat sich erledigt , geht wieder

Wäre vlt. im Sinne anderer User interessant, wie Du das Problem gelöst hast?