Archiv verlassen und diese Seite im Standarddesign anzeigen : Rechner mit BluRay-HD aufmotzen

2008-01-14, 16:49:05
Hi Leute, hier ist die Konfig meines kommenden Rechner (bitte nicht lachen)

Duron 1800@2000 Mhz
512 MB - 1 GB

Reicht der Prozessor für flüssiges HD-Genuß in Verbindung einer Ati 2600pro aus? Ich möchte die Filme aufn 19" @ 1024x768 oder 15" @ 640x480 flüssig wiedergeben.

Laut cbase liegen die Spitzenwerte bei 35% eines Core 2 Duo X6800, während normal ca. 25% dessen Leistung beansprucht wird. In Taktraten umgerechnet wären das doch maximal 1Ghz - das müsste doch der Duron packen (es sei denn, die Prozente gelten für beide Kerne, was ich aber nicht herauslesen kann).

Das SATA-HD-ROM würde ich per Adapter am IDE-Port stecken. Der Monitor und die Soundkarte (5.1 live! digital) haben natürlich kein HD-Kopierschutzdingsda oder was man braucht, vernichtet das mein Vorhaben?

Alternativ habe ich noch einen P3 800 / 384MB, aber den kann ich wohl vollends in die Tonne kicken (obwohl es auch eine Nvidia 8500GT PCI gibt)...

2008-01-14, 16:58:03
Hi Leute, hier ist die Konfig meines kommenden Rechner (bitte nicht lachen)

Duron 1800@2000 Mhz
512 MB - 1 GB

Reicht der Prozessor für flüssiges HD-Genuß in Verbindung einer Ati 2600pro aus? Ich möchte die Filme aufn 19" @ 1024x768 oder 15" @ 640x480 flüssig wiedergeben.

Laut cbase liegen die Spitzenwerte bei 35% eines Core 2 Duo X6800, während normal ca. 25% dessen Leistung beansprucht wird. In Taktraten umgerechnet wären das doch maximal 1Ghz - das müsste doch der Duron packen (es sei denn, die Prozente gelten für beide Kerne, was ich aber nicht herauslesen kann).

Das SATA-HD-ROM würde ich per Adapter am IDE-Port stecken. Der Monitor und die Soundkarte (5.1 live! digital) haben natürlich kein HD-Kopierschutzdingsda oder was man braucht, vernichtet das mein Vorhaben?

Alternativ habe ich noch einen P3 800 / 384MB, aber den kann ich wohl vollends in die Tonne kicken (obwohl es auch eine Nvidia 8500GT PCI gibt)...

Ja klar, reicht das um FILME in 640x480 wiederzugeben solange es sich dabei nicht um BD Filme handelt.

2008-01-14, 16:59:24
Ist die Anfrage ernstgemeint? Bluray-Filme auf einem 15" und 19" Bildschirm? 4:3-CRTs vermutlich dazu noch. Mal abgesehen, dass es wegen dem Kopierschutz tatsächlich nicht so einfach gehen wird, ist das doch kein Filmgenuß in diesem Briefmarkenformat.
Ob der Prozessor reicht, weiß ich nicht. Hab noch keine Tests von einer H.264/VC-1-fähigen Grafikkarten in Kombination mit einem prähistorischen Prozessor gesehen. Der Kopierschutz könnte bereits einen Großteil der CPU-Leistung wegfressen.

Ja klar, reicht das um FILME in 640x480 wiederzugeben solange es sich dabei nicht um BD Filme handelt.
640x480 ist vermutlich die Auflösung, mit der er seinen 15"-CRT betreibt. Und dafür tuns DVDs natürlich genauso, die haben sogar eine höhere Auflösung als 640x480.

Imo tuns hier DVDs genauso gut wie HD-DVDs oder Blurays. Wenn man natürlich seine Filmsammlung umstellen will auf HD mit Blick auf zukünftige Heimkinoinvestitionen, ist der Thread hier schon berechtigt. Nur was Preis-Leistung angeht, ist das Vorhaben nicht gutzuheißen (230€ für Laufwerk + Grafikkarte und dann gehen wegen HDCP nur ein paar ältere Filme und von der höheren Auflösung hat man auch nix).

2008-01-14, 17:04:39
Reicht der Prozessor für flüssiges HD-Genuß in Verbindung einer Ati 2600pro aus? Ich möchte die Filme aufn 19" @ 1024x768 oder 15" @ 640x480 flüssig wiedergeben.

Ganz abgesehen von dem anderen Quatsch, den du geschrieben hast:
Selbst 720p hat eine höhere horizontale Auflösung als dein 19er. Besorg dir erstmal einen Monitor, der das ausgeben kann.

2008-01-14, 17:06:11
Reicht der Prozessor für flüssiges HD-Genuß in Verbindung einer Ati 2600pro aus? Ich möchte die Filme aufn 19" @ 1024x768 oder 15" @ 640x480 flüssig wiedergeben.Warum willst du HD-Material schlechter rechnen und dann anzeigen lassen? HD ist das dann nicht mehr...

2008-01-14, 18:07:41
hui, sind doch eine Menge Antworten :)

Ja, Frage ist ernstgemeint und es sind 15" bzw. 19" 4:3 CRTs, weil die an dessen Farbbrillianz und Schwarztiefe noch kein (Glare-)TFT richtig rankommt. 19" empfinde ich eigentlich als ziemlich groß, Abstand beträgt nur ca. 25-30cm; den 15er betreibe ich mit 800x600. Wobei mir eigentlich kein Unterschied zwischen 640x480 und 1024x768 in Vollbild bei DVD-Wiedergabe aufgefallen ist?! Irgendwie scheint die Wiedergabe in Vollbild unabhängig von der Auflösung zu sein. Ein niedrigere habe ich gewählt, damit es schneller läuft auf die CPU.

Die Frage ist halt eher in die Zukunft gerichtet; würde das o.g. System evtl. mit einem 22" TFT aufrüsten. Jedenfalls werde ich dann zuschlagen, wenn HD/BlueCombos günstig geworden sind, sonst reicht mir ja der Rechner in allem, auch wenn es schwer zu glauben ist ;)

Was für anderen Quatsch? Der 19er, übrigens eines der besten erhätlichen, geht auch ohne Probs auf 1600x1200, das sollte langen?!

Um die zukünftigen Filme überhaupt abspielen zu können; später kann ich sie mir nochmal @highend sehen :)

Also sollte ich es sein lassen (vor allem wegen Kopierschutz :( ) ?

2008-01-14, 18:12:56
Vergiß mit deinem pc alles was das Kürzel HD trägt.

Schau mal in meinen thread "suche fordendstes hd video" um zu sehen welche Rechenkraft man heutzutage braucht um HD ordentlich abspielen zu können.

Du bräuchst die CPU Rechenleistung von einem Core2Duo über 2.5GHz um auf der sicheren Seite zu sein.

Don Vito und ich bauen uns gerade HTPCs, und wir haben beide E21xx cpus übertaktet um auch 1080p ordentlich abspielen zu können. Solche Vidoes erreichen Datenraten bis zu 50mbit/s, da hilft nur reine Rohpower, sonst nix.

E2xxx cpus bekommt um ca 60€, ein passendes Mobo um ca 40€.

Auf Videobeschleunigung der Grafikkarten kann man sich nicht verlassen, die sind schwer davon abhängig welcher codec und welche Abspielsoftware verwendet wird --> viel zu unsicher.

2008-01-14, 18:42:13
Der 19er, übrigens eines der besten erhätlichen, geht auch ohne Probs auf 1600x1200, das sollte langen?!Nein, für Full-HD reicht das nicht. Die Auflösung ist zu horizontal zu niedrig, ausserdem kann der Monitor kein HDCP, was BlueRay unmöglich macht.
Abgesehen davon, glaubst du wirklich, es ist weniger belastend für die CPU, ein verschlüsseltes Video vor der Wiedergabe extra runterzurechnen?

Um die zukünftigen Filme überhaupt abspielen zu können; später kann ich sie mir nochmal @highend sehen :)Du willst dir ab sofort nur noch HD-Filme kaufen, weil du die später ja sicher mal abspielen kannst?

2008-01-14, 18:55:05
Auf Videobeschleunigung der Grafikkarten kann man sich nicht verlassen, die sind schwer davon abhängig welcher codec und welche Abspielsoftware verwendet wird --> viel zu unsicher.

2600Pro ~65€, Playersoftware (Cyberlink) liegt bei den meisten BluRay laufwerken mit bei (jedenfalls bei LiteOn, Pioneer).

Don Vito und ich bauen uns gerade HTPCs, und wir haben beide E21xx cpus übertaktet um auch 1080p ordentlich abspielen zu können. Solche Vidoes erreichen Datenraten bis zu 50mbit/s, da hilft nur reine Rohpower, sonst nix.

50MBit peak musst Du mir mal bei einer BluRay oder HD-DVD zeigen. Und bei selbstencodeten Material braucht kein Mensch 50MBit für 1080p. Höchstens für Tests wie "guck mal, wie schnell mein PC ist" braucht man sowas. Ich kanns nur immer wieder sagen, für BluRay und HD-DVD reicht sogar eine Sempron 3000 aus. Hier zählt nur Grafikkarten Power, und da sind die ATI Karten aufgrund der Unterstützung für VC1 derzeit die beste wahl.

2008-01-14, 18:57:17
2600Pro ~65€, Playersoftware (Cyberlink) liegt bei den meisten BluRay laufwerken mit bei (jedenfalls bei LiteOn, Pioneer).
Nützt dir nur nix, wenn der player das Video schlicht ablehnt. Es gibt ja auch ne HD Welt außerhalb von BR und HDDVD...

2008-01-14, 19:11:05
Nützt dir nur nix, wenn der player das Video schlicht ablehnt. Es gibt ja auch ne HD Welt außerhalb von BR und HDDVD...
Wie meinst du das? Mit Haali Media Splitter kann man beinahe alles zum Laufen bringen.

2008-01-14, 19:13:07
Wie meinst du das? Mit Haali Media Splitter kann man beinahe alles zum Laufen bringen.
Aber nicht GPU-beschleunigt...

2008-01-14, 20:57:26
Aber nicht GPU-beschleunigt...

mit dem richtigen decoder schon (zumindest solange es sich um ein format handelt, welches die gpu beschleunigen kann.

2008-01-14, 20:59:04
mit dem richtigen decoder schon (zumindest solange es sich um ein format handelt, welches die gpu beschleunigen kann.
viel zu unsicher...

2008-01-14, 21:06:59
viel zu unsicher...

da ist garnichts unsicher, wenn der codec beschleunigt werden kann, dann kann er das immer, egal in welchem container.

2008-01-14, 21:11:37
da ist garnichts unsicher, wenn der codec beschleunigt werden kann, dann kann er das immer, egal in welchem container.
Und wenn die Abspielsoftware sich weigert gewisse files abzuspielen? GPU-Beschleunigung ist von der Abspielsoftware ABHÄNGIG. Das rennt eben NICHT automatisch.

2008-01-14, 21:11:58
2600Pro ~65€, Playersoftware (Cyberlink) liegt bei den meisten BluRay laufwerken mit bei (jedenfalls bei LiteOn, Pioneer).

50MBit peak musst Du mir mal bei einer BluRay oder HD-DVD zeigen. Und bei selbstencodeten Material braucht kein Mensch 50MBit für 1080p. Höchstens für Tests wie "guck mal, wie schnell mein PC ist" braucht man sowas. Ich kanns nur immer wieder sagen, für BluRay und HD-DVD reicht sogar eine Sempron 3000 aus. Hier zählt nur Grafikkarten Power, und da sind die ATI Karten aufgrund der Unterstützung für VC1 derzeit die beste wahl.

bd geht eh nur max bis 36mbit sonst kommen einige player ins stottern


2008-01-14, 21:34:40
Und wenn die Abspielsoftware sich weigert gewisse files abzuspielen?

mit der richtigen splitter/codec-kombination wird sie sich nicht weigern.

GPU-Beschleunigung ist von der Abspielsoftware ABHÄNGIG.

GPU-beschleunigung ist eben nicht von der abspielsoftware abhängig sondern nur vom verwendeten direct-show-codec und eventuell noch vom videorenderer. wenn der richtige codec installiert ist läuft die GPU-beschleunigung in jeder software die diesen benutzt.

2008-01-14, 21:39:00
GPU-beschleunigung ist eben nicht von der abspielsoftware abhängig sondern nur vom verwendeten direct-show-codec und eventuell noch vom videorenderer. wenn der richtige codec installiert ist läuft die GPU-beschleunigung in jeder software die diesen benutzt.
Dann zeig mir doch bitte wie du dieses 33mbit Video
GPU beschleunigt hinbekommst.

Ich lern ja gern dazu ;)

Als Beweis bitte mit ohne ohne gpu support Taskmanager posten...

2008-01-14, 21:42:27
Und wenn die Abspielsoftware sich weigert gewisse files abzuspielen? GPU-Beschleunigung ist von der Abspielsoftware ABHÄNGIG. Das rennt eben NICHT automatisch.
Das hat nichts mit der Abspielsoftware zu tun, sondern eine reine Sache der Einstellung im Decoder.
Stell dir vor, du hast Cyberlinks PowerDVD 7.3 installiert. Sein H.264-Decoder kann als Standarddecoder für alle H.264-Videofiles gewählt werden (ich bin im Cyberlink-Ordner amokgelaufen und auf jede AX-Datei geklickt, die dort war). Und jetzt nehmen wir an, du willst ein Video (H.264) mit AC3-Sound mit mehreren Spuren im MKV-Container wiedergeben. Weder PowerDVD noch WMP wollen solche Files abspielen. Ist aber der Haali Media Splitter installiert und TADA: Dein MKV-File wird im WMP abgespielt, dabei wird Cyberlinks H.264-Codec benutzt samt DXVA-Beschleunigung, wie es sonst PowerDVD macht.

Schade nur, dass DXVA nicht so ideal ist, wie man es gern hätte, wenn es Probleme mit dem Timing gibt.

2008-01-14, 21:44:21
Das hat nichts mit der Abspielsoftware zu tun, sondern eine reine Sache der Einstellung im Decoder.
Stell dir vor, du hast Cyberlinks PowerDVD 7.3 installiert. Sein H.264-Decoder kann als Standarddecoder für alle H.264-Videofiles gewählt werden (ich bin im Cyberlink-Ordner amokgelaufen und auf jede AX-Datei geklickt, die dort war). Und jetzt nehmen wir an, du willst ein Video (H.264) mit AC3-Sound mit mehreren Spuren im MKV-Container wiedergeben. Weder PowerDVD noch WMP wollen solche Files abspielen. Ist aber der Haali Media Splitter installiert und TADA: Dein MKV-File wird im WMP abgespielt, dabei wird Cyberlinks H.264-Codec benutzt samt DXVA-Beschleunigung, wie es sonst PowerDVD macht.

Schade nur, dass DXVA nicht so ideal ist, wie man es gern hätte, wenn es Probleme mit dem Timing gibt.

2008-01-14, 21:54:50
Mit meinem Rechner (3800+, X1950GT) gehe ich blind davon aus, dass das zuviel sein könnte.
Worauf willst du überhaupt hinaus?

2008-01-14, 21:58:11
Mit meinem Rechner (3800+, X1950GT) gehe ich blind davon aus, dass das zuviel sein könnte.
Worauf willst du überhaupt hinaus?
Es muß ja nicht ruckelfrei sein, sondern nur gpu beschleunigt.

Ich will darauf hinaus, daß sich niemand darauf verlassen soll, daß er jedes im Netz herumschwirrende HD Material GPU-beschleunigt abspielen kann, egal wie toll der Videoprozessor der Graka ist...

Sicher kann man nur sein, wenn man genügend cpu power hat, aktuell ca 2.5ghz dualcore core2 Serie.

2008-01-14, 22:02:14
Ich würde auf die neue IGP von AMD warten.

2008-01-15, 05:25:33
Ich präferiere da auch den Brute-Force Ansatz, ist im Zweifelsfall einfach viel weniger frikkelei, als mit Graphedit irgendwelche DXVA-Filterketten zu manipulieren.

Im WorstCase nutzt man die überschüssige Power dann halt für Echtzeitpostprocessingeffekte (resizen, nachschärfen, entrauschen etc.) um ein max. an Qualität rauszuhohlen.

2008-01-15, 11:38:30
Nützt dir nur nix, wenn der player das Video schlicht ablehnt. Es gibt ja auch ne HD Welt außerhalb von BR und HDDVD...

Ist mir schon klar, aber darum geht es in diesem thema hier nicht !!!

2008-01-15, 11:48:17
GPU-Beschleunigung ist von der Abspielsoftware ABHÄNGIG. Das rennt eben NICHT automatisch.

Jein, Sofern der Codec richtig angesprochen wird (VMR (XP), EVR (Vista)) funktioniert das mit jedem Player

Habs hier selber auf dem HTPC laufen mit

- PowerDVD (weils dort eh geht)
- MPlayer Classic
- MediaPortal (Man kann in der software die Codecs wechseln)

Richtig wäre: GPU beschleunigung ist vom verwendeten Decoder abhängig

Ich würde auf die neue IGP von AMD warten.

Da stimme ich zu, wenn der Chip das verspricht, was von ihm erwartet wird, kann man davon ausgehen das AMD langsam aber sicher den HTPC bereich für sich einnehmen wird :)

2008-01-15, 13:52:32
Jein, Sofern der Codec richtig angesprochen wird (VMR (XP), EVR (Vista)) funktioniert das mit jedem Player


Richtig wäre: GPU beschleunigung ist vom verwendeten Decoder abhängig

Du könntest nich vllt nen kurzes How-To verfassen? :)

2008-01-15, 14:02:06
Dann zeig mir doch bitte wie du dieses 33mbit Video
GPU beschleunigt hinbekommst.

das video ist kaputt, da kann nichts funktionieren. VLC ist der einzige der überhaupt ein bild zusammenbringt, und das nur fehlerhaft.

2008-01-15, 14:26:04
Du könntest nich vllt nen kurzes How-To verfassen? :)

später vielleicht, bin im moment auf der Arbeit :) Und heute abend werde ich erstmal das von vielen gehasste CrossFire Testen :D

das video ist kaputt, da kann nichts funktionieren. VLC ist der einzige der überhaupt ein bild zusammenbringt, und das nur fehlerhaft.

Das stimmt doch gar nicht. Das Video ist OK ;) Muss halt nur der richtige Codec her (ffdhsow oder CoreAVC)

2008-01-15, 17:08:19
Das stimmt doch gar nicht. Das Video ist OK ;) Muss halt nur der richtige Codec her (ffdhsow oder CoreAVC)

also irgendwas kann an dem video nicht stimmen, ffdshow ist der einzige der ein vernünftiges bild bringt, VLC bringt bildfehler und die AVC-decoder von cyberlink und nero bringen überhaupt kein bild (die filterkette ist ok, allerdings kommt am ende nur ein schwarzes bild raus ;))

2008-01-15, 17:53:51
Das 33mbit Video ist natürlich nicht kaputt, sowohl mit ffdshow als auch mit coreavcpro bekommt man ein richtiges Bild + Ton.
(vielleicht reicht bei einigen einfach nicht die Rechenleistung aus ;))

Es wurde ja behauptet alles läßt sich gpu beschleunigen, also bitte, ich warte immer noch auf den Beweis für dieses Video ;)

2008-01-15, 18:13:31
Das 33mbit Video ist natürlich nicht kaputt, sowohl mit ffdshow als auch mit coreavcpro bekommt man ein richtiges Bild + Ton.

ton funktioniert überall einwandfrei, bild je nach decoder:

nero + cyberlink: schwarz
VLC: bild am anfang fehlerhaft, anschließend ok, später wieder fehlerhaft.
ffdshow: bild am anfang fehlerhaft, später reicht die rechenleistung nicht mehr
CoreAVC: am anfang ein grünstich über das gesamte bild, danach OK

der beginn ist auf jeden fall fehlerhaft, da kommt es dann eben darauf an wie empfindlich der decoder ist. manche starten dann garnicht (cyberlink, nero), andere stellen den rest zumindest ordentlich dar (core). ffdshow ist für H.264-material eh uninteressant, da damit mit keinem rechner der welt eine vernünftige darstellung möglich ist.

(vielleicht reicht bei einigen einfach nicht die Rechenleistung aus ;))

mit ffdshow ja, ansonsten nein. da ffdshow bei H.264-material kein multithreading unterstützt und ein einzelner core2-kern selbst bei 3GHz bei weitem nicht ausreicht. um mit ffdshow 1080er H.264-material zu dekodieren bräuchte man wohl mindestens einen 5GHz Core2-kern.

Es wurde ja behauptet alles läßt sich gpu beschleunigen, also bitte, ich warte immer noch auf den Beweis für dieses Video ;)
nein, es wurde lediglich behauptet, dass alle von der GPU unterstützten formate mit dem entsprechenden decoder beschleunigt werden können, logisch dass das ganze für nicht standardkonforme streams nicht funktionieren kann. für XviD wird man beispielsweise auch schwer eine GPU-beschleunigung aktivieren können ;)

2008-01-15, 18:21:45
der beginn ist auf jeden fall fehlerhaft, ..
Das stimmt allerdings, der Anfang ist fehlerhaft, aber nur ganz kurz, danach gehts normal weiter...

mit ffdshow ja, ansonsten nein. da ffdshow bei H.264-material kein multithreading unterstützt
Bei mir tuts das sehr wohl, klar kann ffdshow multithreaden, über 50% bei dualcore kein Problem.

nein, es wurde lediglich behauptet, dass alle von der GPU unterstützten formate mit dem entsprechenden decoder beschleunigt werden können, logisch dass das ganze für nicht standardkonforme streams nicht funktionieren kann. für XviD wird man beispielsweise auch schwer eine GPU-beschleunigung aktivieren können ;)
Womit bewiesen wäre, daß man sich nicht auf gpu Beschleunigung verlassen sollte, und nur darum gings mir ;) Nur mit cpu power ist man auf der sicheren Seite ;)

2008-01-15, 19:12:42
Bei mir tuts das sehr wohl, klar kann ffdshow multithreaden, über 50% bei dualcore kein Problem.

welche version unterstützt multithreading mit AVC? die versionen die ich kenne unterstützten nur bei MPEG1/2 multithreading.

mit ffdshow bleibt die auslastung auch bei knapp über 50% hängen und das ganze stockt wie verrückt.

2008-01-15, 19:34:22
Das stimmt allerdings, der Anfang ist fehlerhaft, aber nur ganz kurz, danach gehts normal weiter...

ja klar nur der anfang ist fehlerhaft :lol:

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 82 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 40 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 249 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 207 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 416 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 374 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 583 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 542 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

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broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 709 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 917 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

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broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 1084 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 1042 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 1251 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 1209 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 1418 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 1376 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 1584 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 1543 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 1751 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 1710 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 1876 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 1960 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 2085 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 2043 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 2168 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 2252 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 2335 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 2419 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 2502 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 2627 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 2585 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 2794 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 2752 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 2961 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 2919 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 3128 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 3086 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 3294 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 3253 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 3461 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 3420 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 3628 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 3586 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 3795 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 3753 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 4003 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 3962 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 4170 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 4129 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 4337 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 4295 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 4504 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 4462 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 4671 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 4629 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 4838 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 4796 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 4963 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 4921 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 5130 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 5088 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 5296 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 5255 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 5463 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 5422 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 5588 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 5714 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 5797 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 5880 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 5964 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 6047 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 6131 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 6214 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 6297 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 6381 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 6464 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 6548 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 6631 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 6715 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 6798 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 6881 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 6965 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 7048 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 7132 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 7215 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 7298 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 7382 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 7465 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 7549 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 7632 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 7716 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 7799 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 7882 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 7966 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 8049 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 8133 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 8216 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 8299 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 8383 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 8466 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 8550 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 8633 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 8717 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 8800 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 8883 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 8967 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 9050 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 9134 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 9217 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 9300 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 9384 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 9467 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 9551 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 9634 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 9718 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 9801 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 9884 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 9968 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 10051 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 10135 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 10218 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 10301 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 10385 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 10468 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 10552 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 10677 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 10760 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 10844 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 10969 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 11136 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 11386 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 11636 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 11803 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 11886 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 11970 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 12053 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 12387 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 12470 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 12887 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 12971 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 13054 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 13179 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 13263 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 13346 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 13430 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 13513 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 13596 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 13680 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 13763 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 13930 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 14013 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 14097 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 14222 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 14180 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 14389 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 14347 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 14556 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 14514 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 14723 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 14806 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 14889 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 14973 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 15056 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 23440 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 23523 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 23606 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 23732 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 23690 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 23857 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 23815 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 24023 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 23982 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 24190 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 24149 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 29946 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 30029 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 30780 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 30864 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 30947 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 31030 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 31114 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 31197 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 31281 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 31364 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 31448 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 31531 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 31614 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 31698 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 31781 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 31865 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 31948 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 32031 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 32115 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 32198 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 32282 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 32365 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 32449 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 32532 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 32615 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 32699 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 32782 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 32866 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 32949 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 33032 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 33116 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 33199 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 33283 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 33366 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 33450 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 33700 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 33950 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 34033 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 34117 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 34200 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 34284 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 34367 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 34451 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 34534 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 34617 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 34701 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 34784 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 34868 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 34951 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 35160 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 35118 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 35326 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 35285 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 35493 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 35452 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 35660 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 35618 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 35827 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 35785 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 35994 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 35952 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 36161 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 36119 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 36327 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 36286 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 36494 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 36453 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 36661 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 36619 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 36828 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 36786 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 36995 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 36953 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 37162 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 37120 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 37328 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 37287 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 37495 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 37454 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 37746 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 37829 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 37912 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 37996 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 38079 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 38163 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 38246 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 38329 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 38413 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 38580 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 38663 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 38747 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 38830 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 38913 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 38997 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 39080 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 39164 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 39247 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 39330 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 39414 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 39497 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 39581 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 39664 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 39748 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 39831 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 39914 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 39998 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 40081 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 40165 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 40248 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 40331 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 40415 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 40498 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 40582 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 40665 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 40749 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 40832 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: Video frames seems to be weirdly ordered.

[!] Couldn't locate decompressor for format 'ÿÿÿÿ' (unknown).
VirtualDub requires a Video for Windows (VFW) compatible codec to
decompress video. DirectShow codecs, such as those used by Windows Media
Player, are not suitable. Only 'Direct stream copy' is available for this

http://img245.imageshack.us/img245/5001/unbenannt1pa8.th.png (http://img245.imageshack.us/my.php?image=unbenannt1pa8.png)

2008-01-15, 19:36:30
ja klar nur der anfang ist fehlerhaft :lol:

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 82 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 40 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 249 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 207 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 416 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 374 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 583 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 542 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 750 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 709 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 917 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 875 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 1084 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 1042 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 1251 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 1209 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 1418 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 1376 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 1584 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 1543 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 1751 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 1710 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 1876 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 1960 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 2085 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 2043 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 2168 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 2252 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 2335 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 2419 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 2502 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 2627 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 2585 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 2794 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 2752 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 2961 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 2919 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 3128 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 3086 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 3294 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 3253 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 3461 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 3420 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 3628 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 3586 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 3795 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 3753 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 4003 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 3962 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 4170 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 4129 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 4337 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 4295 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 4504 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 4462 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 4671 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 4629 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 4838 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 4796 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 4963 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 4921 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 5130 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 5088 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 5296 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 5255 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 5463 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 5422 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 5588 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 5714 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 5797 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 5880 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 5964 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 6047 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 6131 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 6214 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 6297 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 6381 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 6464 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 6548 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 6631 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 6715 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 6798 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 6881 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 6965 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 7048 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 7132 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 7215 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 7298 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 7382 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 7465 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 7549 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 7632 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 7716 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 7799 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 7882 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 7966 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 8049 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 8133 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 8216 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 8299 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 8383 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 8466 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 8550 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 8633 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 8717 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 8800 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 8883 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 8967 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 9050 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 9134 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 9217 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 9300 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 9384 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 9467 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 9551 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 9634 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 9718 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 9801 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 9884 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 9968 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 10051 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 10135 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 10218 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 10301 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 10385 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 10468 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 10552 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 10677 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 10760 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 10844 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 10969 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 11136 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 11386 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 11636 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 11803 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 11886 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 11970 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 12053 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 12387 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 12470 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 12887 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 12971 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 13054 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 13179 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 13263 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 13346 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 13430 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 13513 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 13596 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 13680 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 13763 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 13930 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 14013 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 14097 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 14222 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 14180 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 14389 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 14347 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 14556 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 14514 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 14723 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 14806 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 14889 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 14973 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 15056 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 23440 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 23523 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 23606 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 23732 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 23690 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 23857 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 23815 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 24023 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 23982 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 24190 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 24149 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 29946 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 30029 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 30780 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 30864 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 30947 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 31030 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 31114 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 31197 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 31281 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 31364 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 31448 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 31531 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 31614 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 31698 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 31781 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 31865 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 31948 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 32031 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 32115 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 32198 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 32282 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 32365 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 32449 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 32532 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 32615 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 32699 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 32782 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 32866 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 32949 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 33032 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 33116 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 33199 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 33283 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 33366 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 33450 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 33700 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 33950 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 34033 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 34117 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 34200 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 34284 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 34367 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 34451 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 34534 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 34617 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 34701 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 34784 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 34868 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 34951 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 35160 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 35118 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 35326 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 35285 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 35493 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 35452 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 35660 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 35618 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 35827 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 35785 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 35994 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 35952 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 36161 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 36119 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 36327 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 36286 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 36494 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 36453 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 36661 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 36619 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 36828 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 36786 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 36995 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 36953 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 37162 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 37120 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 37328 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 37287 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 37495 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 37454 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 37746 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 37829 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 37912 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 37996 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 38079 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 38163 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 38246 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 38329 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 38413 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 38580 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 38663 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 38747 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 38830 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 38913 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 38997 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 39080 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 39164 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 39247 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 39330 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 39414 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 39497 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 39581 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 39664 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 39748 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 39831 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 39914 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 39998 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 40081 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 40165 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 40248 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 40331 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 40415 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 40498 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 40582 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 40665 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 40749 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: A frame of stream 1 (at 40832 ms) had only a forward reference (maybe
broken file).

[!] MKV: Video frames seems to be weirdly ordered.

[!] Couldn't locate decompressor for format 'ÿÿÿÿ' (unknown).
VirtualDub requires a Video for Windows (VFW) compatible codec to
decompress video. DirectShow codecs, such as those used by Windows Media
Player, are not suitable. Only 'Direct stream copy' is available for this

http://img245.imageshack.us/img245/5001/unbenannt1pa8.th.png (http://img245.imageshack.us/my.php?image=unbenannt1pa8.png)

Ich pisse auf Fehlermeldungen. Optisch ist 2 sec lang Fehler, und danach gehts normal weiter- ohne sichtbare Fehler!

2008-01-15, 20:00:51
Ich pisse auf Fehlermeldungen. Optisch ist 2 sec lang Fehler, und danach gehts normal weiter- ohne sichtbare Fehler!

mit coreAVC, mit allen anderen nicht.

2008-01-15, 21:14:38
ich habe das Video auch mit ffdshow abgespielt, ebenfalls ohne Fehler. (coreavc habe ich ja erst später installiert)

2008-01-30, 21:39:21
So.. ich bins wieder...
Mit MP11 @720p und Zoom Player @1080p gehen Samples auf dem Duron @2,02 Ghz @9800Pro definitiv flüssig :)

2008-01-30, 21:59:21
So.. ich bins wieder...
Mit MP11 @720p und Zoom Player @1080p gehen Samples auf dem Duron @2,02 Ghz @9800Pro definitiv flüssig :)

Denk aber dran, das die Entschlüsselung einer BluRay das eigentlich wirklich Fordernde ist! Die tollen Appletrailer kann auch ne alte Motte abspielen, aber schieb dir mal dein BluRay-Laufwerk mit nem Film rein, da wird aber Ernüchterung aufkommen...

Ich an deiner Stelle würds mir überlegen, ob du nicht auf Tombman hörst und dir einen kleinen Intel Dualcore zusammensparst.

2008-01-30, 23:07:28
tombmans Entscheidung werde ich nicht anzweifeln :eek:
Gespart wird aber nun noch mit Weile statt mit Eile. Könnt mir zwar nun schon einen 2,2 Core2duo holen, aber ich spare nun richtig für einen 8er Quadcore :biggrin:

2008-01-31, 08:47:57
Also etwa ab einen Pentium E2180 @2,67 GHz wäre man dabei auf der sicheren Seite... !?