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2009-03-16, 19:16:59

Ich hab hier ein Englisch Referat, wäre jemand nett und könnte das Referat gegenlesen? Möchte "Krasse" Fehler vermeiden.

The World Trade Organization is an international organization, located in Geneva (mit Sitz in Genf), which is dealing with international trade and economic relations. The WTO should create all over the world a uniform system of values and economic, which devotes itself to free trade and liberalization. The fundamental principals to the realization of the aims are the Non-discrimination of foreign trading partners, the revocation of duty and subventions, as well as the free trade and competition.

The World Trade Organization led out from the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade called GATT. The GATT was founded in 30th October 1947 from 23 states.
Until the foundation of the WTO, the GATT made eight big rounds of negotiations for mining of inches and other trade barriers. One of the most famous rounds of these eight was the “Kennedy Round” form 1964 till 1967, which achieved a lowering of duty of industrial products from 35 % and the “Tokyo Round” from 1973 till 1979, which also achieved liberalization of the world trade by reduction of industrial duties of 4, 7 %. In the last and most extensive GATT Round, the “Uruguay Round” from 1986 till 1993, it was clear, that the world trading law, which dominated from the trade in goods, had to be enhanced. The Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights, TRIPS and the General Agreement on Trade in Services, GATS got to central subjects for negotiations. After the conclusion of these rights the world trade agreement decided finally to found the WTO as the successor of the GATT.

Construction of the WTO

The WTO is separated into three parts:
Ministerial conference
General Council

Ministerial Conference
The highest body of the WTO is the ministerial conference, which meets at least once every two years. The leadership in all the conferences is always the director general namely Pascal Lamy. The ministerial conference is for all tasks responsible, the decisions of solutions will make with votes, although it can be decided with a simple majority it is normally taken by consensus. Every member regardless of size and stage of development has one vote.

General Council
The General Council meets regularly between the several days of the ministerial conference. It consists of ambassadors and public officials, whose concern about tasks of the WTO.
Dispute Settlement Body
The task of the Dispute Settlement Body is to resolve the trade disputes between the members. If they don’t find a solution a group of experts analyses the problem and look after violations of the WTO rules. To despise the rules and damage with that trade interests of the other member can lead to sanctions. Yearly there are 20 till 40 disputes settlement machinery.
Trade Policy Review Body

The Trade Policy Review Body/Mechanism controls the trade policy of each member of the WTO. It’s also for every member available. The check will regularly make after a given process. The frequency of the checks is dependent on the share of the members in the world trade.


The General Secretary’s Office with its seat in Geneva has 630 employees. Since 2005 the leader is Pascal Lamy. This third part has the task to act on instructions and decisions of the Ministerial Conference and the General Council.
Further tasks are:
The technical and lawful support of the developing countries, Ministerial Conference and the General Council
The observation, analysis and documentation of the developing of the world trade
Provision of information for the public
Advice governments, which want to join the WTO

The three head pillars
Apart from the fact that there is a Secretariat in the third part, there are also three head pillars, which are also helping to manage this organization and separate it to three councils:

GATT Council
The GATT Council has to keep a watch on the keeping of the agreements about goods. It was founded in the year 1960 and became a part of the WTO. Its tasks are:
• Treatments of questions about the trade with goods
• Reporting on General Council and the Ministerial Conference
• Preparation of meetings for the area goods.
• To fulfill the tasks, which they are getting from the General Council and the ministerial Conference

GATS Council
The GATS Council is responsible for the area services. At the time as the GATS Council was founded it was already overdue, because the global services increased and international prerequisites and certain regulations are needed for the international service sector. But there are some difficulties to achieve this, for example the different National Insurance System of each country, the different qualifications, which don’t accepted everywhere and the first and most important step is the meeting of these peoples otherwise there are no global services. So the WTO or rather the GATS Council requested members to do individual but universal regulations for the area services to make progress with the liberalization in services.

TRIPS Council
Because of the increase in intellectual property in the form of patents and brand names the piracy of products and brands increases, too, and this was and is a very big problem for a lot of companies. The original producer suffers from the damage on their image because of the imitation and so their chance to earn more money gets reduced.
So the TRIPS Council has a set of rules and regulations for the international protection patents, copyrights ad a lot of more. That’s especially good for countries, which don’t have regulations for the intellectual property and so it is a very useful basis for them.

The WTO has 153 members, including the USA, Japan, China and the member states of the European Union. Now there are 33 states, which are waiting for the joining in the WTO. But therefore they have to achieve some agreements of the WTO. Finally the Ministerial Conference decides the entrance with a two third majority. About two third of the members are developing countries. They have special regulations, because the WTO wants to give them a chance to keep up with the other countries. But many critics of the WTO disbelieve that the disadvantages against the industrial countries can be compensate with some privileges.
The four biggest economic powers are the European Union, Japan, Canada and the USA they called also “THE QUAD” or “QUADRITERALS”, which means a four-sided figure.

Aims & Basic Principles
The aims of the WTO are the reducing of duties and other trade barriers as soon as the disposal of discrimination and besides they want especially the integration of the developing countries in the world trade. These are the basic aims, which should lead to the following aims:
A better standard of living
Higher production and exchange of goods
To achieve this aims there are four basic principles:
o The Most-Favored-Nation Treatment:
If a country offers to give up a country trade advantages, it has to do it for the other members, too.
o National Treatment Obligation:
Equal treatment between the home and foreign products
Principles of reciprocity:
A country, which got reductions from another country, has to render it a service in return
Prohibition of non-tariff trade barriers:
Members should use duties and not contingents, because duties can’t stop the price mechanism and they are transparent
Transparency and also increasing understanding from the public plays an important role. The regulations and decisions of WTO need the publication as well as the strict realization.

Since the founding of the WTO, there accumulated a lot of bad criticism. The WTO wasn’t very successful with the achieving its aims. In the following text are the most important criticism:
I. The undemocratic structure: Because of the decisions, which are taken in form of a consensus, you think the WTO is very democratic, but on a closer inspection it isn’t. For the most part the four members USA, European Union, Japan and Canada take the decisions. These four members found an opportunity to change the solutions of the consensus how they want. To achieve this they meet in a little round called Green Room Meetings, which are illegal or they put pressure on other countries. Although the developing countries are in majority some industrial countries dominate with their interests.
II. Lack of transparency: The WTO excludes the whole civil society and the media from the ministerial conferences and also their daily business. So you don’t have really a chance to find something out and don’t really know what their next plan is.
III. Special and differential treatment: The WTO guaranteed to the developing countries suitable special treatments. In the 2003 they proposed 88 regulations, but the Industrial countries weren’t very pleased of them and they wanted only accept 28 of them. So they can’t find a final decision, therefore the special and differential treatment of the developing countries couldn’t be real.
IV. Neglect of the environment:
• They have no sustainable consumption and production policy; this is a big factor which supports the production of cheap and unnecessary products. An equality of environmentally friendly and environmentally damaging products has to consist. Because of that there is no opportunity to support the environmentally friendly products.
• The WTO doesn’t respect the sustainable environmental policy, which includes among other things the compensation and responsibility of unfavorable consequences for environmental damage, the principle of provisions and carrying out environmental assessment.
V. The old set of rules and regulations: The old trading principles, which was taken over from the GATT are now obsolete. The Most-Favored-Nation Treatment and the National Treatment Obligation prevent urgent necessary development and environmental measures.
VI. Unfavorable subventions: The WTO differentiates different kinds of subventions. But only one of them is limited and for long-term to reduce

Ist nur der wichtigste Teil vom Referat.

Gruß und Danke

2009-03-16, 19:21:09
"The WTO should create all over the world a uniform system of values and economic
The WTO should create a uniform system of values and economics all over the world...

"of these eight" würde ich streichen

"TRIPS and the General Agreement on Trade in Services, GATS got to central subjects for negotiations"
mit got to meinst du "wurden"? dann ersetz das mit "became"

Ministerial Conference
The WTO's highest body is the ministerial conference, which meets at least once every two years. The leading part (in all the conferences) is always taken by director general Pascal Lamy. The ministerial conference is responsible for all tasks. Though every member, regardless of size and stage of development, has a vote and therefore final solutions can be decided with a simple majority, the main goal is to reach a consensus.

wann ist denn die abgabe der Vortrag?

2009-03-16, 19:26:35
war auch das erste was mir aufiel!

Ich kanns mir nachher mal anschauen!

WIllst du den Text ao ablesen?

2009-03-16, 19:28:08
Danke, Jungs. Bin für jede Hilfe dankbar.:smile:

Das ist sozusagen der Hauptext, ist nach der Fehlerkorrektur die Finale Verson wenn ihr nichts gravierendes findet.

2009-03-16, 19:34:18
Statt "located in Geneva" bitte: "headquarters located in Geneva". Sonst liest sich das wie: "Die Organisation befindet sich in Genf." Es ist aber eine internationale Organisation mit Hauptsitz bzw. Zentrale in Genf.

2009-03-16, 19:36:48
Uii, schon beim Drüberfliegen sind da viele Fehler drin...

Edit: Ist es bei euch egal, ob ihr BE oder AE benutzt?

2009-03-16, 19:46:41
Statt "The WTO should ...": "The aim of the WTO is ..." "Should" heißt "sollte" und macht keinen Sinn.

Es heißt auch "principle" und nicht "principal". Principal heißt Auftraggeber. Du meinst aber "das Prinzip".

"Founded by 23 states" und nicht "founded from 23 states".

"Until the foundation of the WTO, the GATT made eight big rounds of negotiations ..." klingt nach 7.-Klasse-Englisch. Besser: "Until the foundation of the WTO, eight rounds of negotiations occured."

"Don’t accepted" geht auf keinen Fall -> "didn't accept"

"Now there are 33 states, which are waiting for the joining in the WTO." -> "Currently 33 states are expecting to join the WTO."

"So you don’t have really a chance to ..." -> So you don’t really have a chance to ..."

Ich werde nicht alles kontrollieren, aber einige Sachen. Achte auf meine Editierungen.

2009-03-16, 19:55:22
Freitag ist der Termin.

2009-03-16, 19:58:22
Kann ich grad noch mal fragen, für welche Klassenstufe das ist?

2009-03-16, 20:09:08
Kann ich grad noch mal fragen, für welche Klassenstufe das ist?


2009-03-16, 22:19:45
blankes Entsetzen!

Ganz wichtig - Satzbau im Englischen: SPO (Subject, Predicat, Object)

Da hast du viele Fehler mit gemacht

2009-03-16, 22:44:24
es heißt übrigens until und nicht till...Aber der Satzbau ist echt schrecklich...