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2009-09-08, 08:21:24
Name des Spiels: Elemental: War of Magic
Entwickler: Stardock Entertainment
Bekannt durch: Sins of a Solar Empire
Offizielle Seite: http://elementalgame.com/

Inhalt: Gut gegen Böse. Magie gegen Magie. Natürlich handelt es sich wieder um ein Strategiespiel, aber dieses Mal haben die Jungs von Stardock den Weltraum verlassen und sich auf das Mittelalter besinnt. Angereichert mit mystischen Elementen, wie der Name schon vermuten lässt. Interessant ist auch, dass es einmal mehr keinen echten Kopierschutz geben soll. Und die Optik ist auch recht interessant ausgefallen.

http://www.abload.de/thumb/elemental_1251920051b2b7.png (http://www.abload.de/image.php?img=elemental_1251920051b2b7.png) http://www.abload.de/thumb/elemental_fireshard_1z3at.jpg (http://www.abload.de/image.php?img=elemental_fireshard_1z3at.jpg) http://www.abload.de/thumb/screens_8-28-09-3i6fu.jpg (http://www.abload.de/image.php?img=screens_8-28-09-3i6fu.jpg) http://www.abload.de/thumb/screens_8-28-09-720cn.jpg (http://www.abload.de/image.php?img=screens_8-28-09-720cn.jpg)

Trailer von der Penny Arcade Expo: http://www.gamerglotze.de/ViewMovie?flv_id=2474

2009-09-08, 08:37:37
Auch wenns schön ist, dass das Spiel hier Erwähnung findet:
Stardock war bei Sins of a Solar Empire nur Publisher, programmiert wurde das von Ironclad Games.

Selbst erstellt hat Stardock die Galactic Civilizations Reihe, eines der wenigen neuen und guten 4X Weltallstrategiespiele. Und nur weil das unbekannter ist als das imo etwas zu unrecht gehypte Sins heißt das nicht, dass das Spiel schlecht ist :tongue:

Für Elemental erhoffe ich mir quasi nen modernes Master of Magic, die nötige Erfahrung im Rundenstrategiebereich hat Stardock auf jeden Fall.

2009-09-08, 11:35:20
Hat doch keiner etwas gegen GalCiv gesagt? Wie dem auch sei, das sieht vielversprechend aus, werde ichn im Auge behalten. Vielen Dank für den Tipp. :)

2009-09-08, 11:55:56
Es wird nur immer wenn von Stardock gesprochen wird Sins of a Solar Empire erwähnt mit dem sie nur am Rande was zu tun hatten während mit GalCiv2 das imo bessere Spiel, welches sogar selbst entwickelt wurde, unterschlagen wird.
Das stößt mir immer etwas negativ auf.

2009-09-08, 11:56:52
IGN preview

Gamespot preview

1up preview

Wenn die da nicht irgendwas total in den Sand setzen wirds gekauft. Rundenstrategie ftw. Ich Spiel heute noch Civ, Advance Wars, FF Tactics und HoMM.

Sir Winston
2009-09-08, 14:42:17
GalCiv2 war grandios - da bin ich mal sehr gespannt...

2010-02-16, 21:14:51
Um mal wieder auf die Entwicklung aufmerksam zu machen, hier ein paar frühe Screenshots:



Quelle: Elemental -Media (http://www.elementalgame.com/media.asp)

Besonders lesenswert ist zu diesem frühen Zeitpunkt der Entwicklung vielleicht ein Sticky im offiziellen Forum:

Elemental for dummies (http://forums.elementalgame.com/374531)

Auch wenn das Spiel im Gegensatz zu Galactic Civilizations über einen Multiplayer-Teil *sigh* verfügen wird (bis zu 32 Spieler, viellelicht neben Einzelschlachten und Szenarien auch optional in einer Art konsistentem Universum, also ähnlich einem MMO!@FCK!), hege ich die große Hoffnung, dass es in erster Linie ein Meilenstein der Single-Player-Rundenstrategiespiele werden könnte. Eine epische Kampagne ist angekündigt, ich selbst lechze vor allen Dingen nach einer riesigen Sandbox. Außerdem ist zu erwarten, dass die K.I. wie bereits in GalCiv nicht cheatet (Einheiten- und Ressourcenspawn), sondern nach den selben Regeln wie der menschliche Spieler aufbauen, planen, kooperieren und kämpfen muss.

Wie es aussieht versucht Stardock insgesamt einen enormen Spagat. Von Automatismen bis zu manuellem Mikromanagement soll das Spiel sowohl auf Weltebene, als auch bis hinunter zu den Schlachten enorme Flexibilität bieten. Man kann Schlachten auswürfeln lassen (einfach nicht hineinzoomen), in "Echtzeit" durchrennen lassen oder einzelne Einheiten im Rundenmodus kommandieren. "Grand Scale" Erfahrungen konnten sie mit GalCiv ja bereits zu Genüge sammeln, jetzt kommen eben noch taktische Kämpfe mit zahlreichen Einheiten und Zaubersprüchen hinzu. Inwieweit der "Basenbau" detailierter erfolgt und Mikromanagement erlaubt, weiß ich nicht, womöglich gibt es ja auch ein komplexeres Wirtschafts- und Diplomatiesystem als in GalCiv, vielleicht liegt der Schwerpunkt aber auch deutlicher auf Eroberung.

Wie auch immer, vielleicht verbeißt sich ja ein Forumsmaniac in die Entwicklung und hält uns ein wenig auf dem Laufenden, die nächste Betaphase (1G inkusive E+F) (http://forums.elementalgame.com/363844) soll ja demnächst eröffnet werden. :)

Übrigens, geschätzter CrashOberbreit, bitte ändere den Threadtitel oder bitte einen Mod, dies zu tun. Als Referenz eignet sich - wie bereits von Iceman346 ausgeführt - allenfalls "Galactic Civilizations II", wobei der Name Stardock auch für sich sprechen würde. "Sins of a Solar Empire" (in allen Ehren) führt dagegen in die Irre. :up:

2010-02-16, 21:27:59
Bis ich die "reingezoomten" Shots sah hat es für mich sehr nach Age of Wonders / MoM Klon ausgesehen. Die Landschaften sowie das UI auf den Shots im Startpost sehen noch etwas fahl aus, ansonsten sicher ein Titel den man schonmal vormerken kann. Das Spielprinzip mit "Reinzoomen" (Hoffentlich mit vintage Master of Magic Touch :) ) bzw. Auswürfeln gefällt mir sehr gut. Siedlungen sehen auch schon gut aus, der cellshading-look ermöglicht es sicher aus dem begrenzten Budget wovon ich bei dem Studio ausgehe das Optimum rauszuholen.

2010-02-16, 21:57:53
Die Beta Screenshots sind aber nicht aus der Version die Vorbesteller momentan spielen können ;)

Es geht halt langsam voran, das UI ist immer noch ziemlich Patchworkartig, die Beta stürzt wie zu erwarten war gern mal ab und die taktischen Kämpfe sind noch nicht integriert. Aber wenns läuft ist das "nur noch eine Runde" Feeling sofort da und den simplen aber übersichtlichen Look der Weltkarte find ich durchaus gelungen.

Das das eine "echte" Beta wird, wo die frühen Spielversionen instabil und mit wenig Features sein würden wurde von Stardock aber von Anfang an so gesagt und das witzige Intro welches an die guten alten VGA Spiele erinnert ist einfach göttlich, ich hoffe das behalten sie als Easter Egg irgendwo in der finalen Version drin ;)

Bis das Spiel fertig ist wird noch einige Zeit vergehen, aber für Liebhaber von Master of Magic oder Age of Wonders dürfte das Spiel definitiv ein Pflichtkauf werden.

2010-02-16, 22:12:19
Der Cell-Shading-Look ist ganz nach meinem Geschmack und dass damit eventuell kleinere Defizite in der Präsentation (Budget, Personal) sogar kaschiert werden können, wird Stardock sicher entgegen kommen.

Das das eine "echte" Beta wird, wo die frühen Spielversionen instabil und mit wenig Features sein würden wurde von Stardock aber von Anfang an so gesagt
Jepp, sieht man ja auch in der Roadmap (http://forums.elementalgame.com/363844). Ihr seit am Ende von Beta1 und nach Beta5 kommt ja erst einmal Gamma. :biggrin:

und das witzige Intro welches an die guten alten VGA Spiele erinnert ist einfach göttlich, ich hoffe das behalten sie als Easter Egg irgendwo in der finalen Version drin ;)
YouTube ftw! :smile:

Ich war ziemlich lang "sauer" auf Elemental, weil dadurch schlagartig das GalCiv2 Development abgewürgt wurde. Dann war ich wegen dem Multiplayer-Quatsch (nur meine bescheidene Meinung, IMHO gibt es genug MP-Spiele) angepisst, daraufhin hatte ich meine Tage und wieder etwas später wollte ich nichts vom Fantasy-Setting wissen. Jetzt habe ich nach langer Zeit mal wieder reingeschnuppert und war schon ein wenig irritiert, dass es zum Release wohl noch eine ganze Weile hin ist. :eeK:

Naja, gut Ding und when it's done!

2010-02-16, 22:36:13
Die Beta Screenshots sind aber nicht aus der Version die Vorbesteller momentan spielen können ;)

"Speaking of ugly

I realize there is a temptation to simply turn on the 3D engine. We just want to focus on the game being as ugly as humanly possible for as long as we can so that we can focus on making the game fun without relying on its graphics as a crutch. The 3D engine should enhance the fun but not be the ultimate source of it."

Eine derartige Einstellung sollten auch andere Firmen haben. :)

Mal sehen, diese Woche sollen auch einige Infos rausgehauen werden. Sieht aber sehr vielverspechend aus (wobei mir GalCiv nie so gut gefallen hat, zu viel Civ und zu wenig Moo2 ^^).

2010-02-16, 23:00:01
Mal sehen, diese Woche sollen auch einige Infos rausgehauen werden. Sieht aber sehr vielverspechend aus (wobei mir GalCiv nie so gut gefallen hat, zu viel Civ und zu wenig Moo2 ^^).

Jo, auch wenn ich GalCiv 2 sehr mag finde ich die abstraktere Art und Weise wie MoO2 das aufgezogen hat auch deutlich besser. GalCiv wirkt irgendwie so "klein" durch die Art der Galaxiekarte und Schiffbewegungen während man bei MoO2 das Gefühl wirklich ein Universum zu besiedeln viel mehr hat.

Aber Master of Magic war ja quasi damals schon Civ mit Fantasyeinschlag und selbst kontrollierbaren Kämpfen und genau so spielt sich auch Elemental. Und da Stardock mit Rundenbasierten Spielen ja einiges an Erfahrung hab habe ich da wenig Bedenken, dass das Spiel schlecht wird. Darum hab ich ja auch schon letztes Jahr die vollen 50$ hingelegt ;)

2010-02-17, 11:28:51
Lord Frogboy proudly presents:

Elemental: War of Magic Beta1 intro movie (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uAgEPCltF2Q)


2010-02-17, 16:42:31
Mal schauen, wie das Battle-System letztendlich umgesetzt wird. Zumindestens was sie dazu schreiben, gefällt mir nicht wirklich. Baldurs Gate mag ja vielleicht im Hintergrund turned-based gewesen sein, angefühlt hat es sich aber wie Echtzeit mit Pausenmodus. Die Alternative nach jeder Runnde automatisch die Pause zu aktivieren, war auch mehr Frust, da habe ich doch dann lieber gleich Echtzeit mit manueller Pausetaste gespielt.
Schade, doch kein waschechtes Rundenstrategiespiel. :(

Continuous turns: Continuous turns are turn-based. The difference is that the turn button is held down by default. Baldur's Gate was most certainly turn-based in its combat but, like Elemental, it was continuous turns. It literally used the D&D combat system in which every action used up X number of time units and such. A player can turn off the turns at any time they want in the battle and literally just do it themselves if they want to be the one pressing the turn button. With Continuous turns, you can literally pause the action, give orders to your units and see how many "turns" it'll take for that to happen. But when the action is moving, it moves fluidly. Battles are turn based. However, by default, they are continuous turns (turn button pushed automatically but can be turned off).

2010-07-29, 23:11:10

Ich würde es mir zwar nicht Preordern, aber auf die Testberichte bin ich doch gespannt. Bei youtube gibt es einige Videos der Beta zu sehen. :freak:

2010-07-29, 23:18:50
Das Spiel ist von den Machern von GalCiv 1 und 2. Das hab ich vorbestellt und bezahlt in dem Moment wo das möglich war ;)

2010-07-29, 23:19:49
Das Spiel ist von den Machern von GalCiv 1 und 2. Das hab ich vorbestellt und bezahlt in dem Moment wo das möglich war ;)

Ich nehme mal an, dass GalCiv1/2 gut waren? :freak: (Ich Bannause ;( )

2010-07-29, 23:24:33
das Einzige, das mir aufstösst, sind Random Generated Maps... das wird aber durch die Dynastien irgendwie ausgeglichen.

2010-07-29, 23:25:02
Ich nehme mal an, dass GalCiv1/2 gut waren? :freak: (Ich Bannause ;( )

Wenn man rundenbasierte 4X Strategiespiele mag sollte man die beiden Titel kennen, ja.

das Einzige, das mir aufstösst, sind Random Generated Maps... das wird aber durch die Dynastien irgendwie ausgeglichen.

Was anderes als zufallsgenerierte Karten macht in solchen Spielen doch wenig Sinn. Die sind dafür gedacht immer wieder gespielt zu werden, dann immer gleiche Karten zu sehen wird irgendwann langweilig. Dazu ist das Spiel ja nicht, wie Civilization, in der Realität angesiedelt, wo es Sinn macht eine Weltkarte mitzuliefern.

2010-07-29, 23:31:40
ich denke da eher an schlecht gemachte Karten... wenn sie stimmig sind, hab ich kein Problem damit.

Wenn mir nur dieses Spiel wieder einfällt, bei dessen Generator ich das kalte Grausen bekommen habe.

Und ja, Civ spiele ich noch immer gern.

2010-07-30, 01:29:30
Screens der Beta davon hatten wir schonmal irgendwo, oder?
< Warte immer noch auf einen würdigen Master of Magic-Nachfolger :) Bisher sieht Elemental ganz gut aus.
Ein Map-Editor ist ja auch dabei - wird schon nicht so schlimm werden.

2010-07-30, 10:56:03
Auf das Spiel warte ich schon sehnsüchtig, seit ich die recht ausführlichen Videos gesehen habe. Im Forum unterhalten sich die Devs auch munter mit den Fans, was natürlich eigentlich gut ist, aber den Release auch immer wieder verschiebt, weil soviel dran gebastelt wird :D (Scherz beiseite, das ist natürlich was Schönes).

GalCiv und Sins haben mir ausserdem auch sehr gut gefallen, weshalb ich hier von ähnlicher Qualität ausgehe. Dazu ist der Stil vom Spiel nochmal erfrischend anders.

2010-08-05, 15:33:30
Neue Videos:

Intro (http://www.gametrailers.com/video/opening-cinematic-elemental-war/702535)

Story & Characters (http://www.gametrailers.com/video/ceo-walkthrough-elemental-war/702541)

Mechanics (http://www.gametrailers.com/video/ceo-walkthrough-elemental-war/702539)

Mod Tools (http://www.gametrailers.com/video/ceo-walkthrough-elemental-war/702537)

2010-08-14, 14:13:03
Erscheinungstermin ist der 24. August.


2010-08-15, 14:49:32

btw. Hast du es von der offiziellen Seite bestellt? Frage mich gerade wie ich das ohne KK aus Amiland bekommen kann? :freak:

2010-08-15, 17:59:21
Wirecard bietet ne virtuelle Kreditkarte an: http://mywirecard.com/de/

Ist Prepaid und Kosten fallen nur beim Geldeinzahlen an. Wenn man nur hin und wieder nen Spiel kauft, sollten die 1-2 Euro da nicht sonderlich ins Gewicht fallen.

Colin MacLaren
2010-08-15, 18:15:16
Sieht gut aus. Ich habe früher Lords of Magic geliebt, das geht in die gleiche Richtung.

2010-08-15, 18:19:42
btw. Hast du es von der offiziellen Seite bestellt? Frage mich gerade wie ich das ohne KK aus Amiland bekommen kann? :freak:

Habs damals von der offiziellen Seite gekauft, ja. Ging über Paypal.

2010-08-15, 19:53:30
Potenziell interessant, aber

- den Grafikstil finde ich grausam
- ich hab nun schon öfters gelesen, dass die Taktikkämpfe recht schwach sein sollen

Außerdem hoffe ich, dass der Research-Tree nicht so seelenlos und iterativ wie bei GalvCiv ist. Ich werde die Tests und Spielermeinung abwarten und wenns halbwegs was taugt, wirds gekauft - zumal Stardock eh einen Sympathiebonus hat.

2010-08-16, 18:54:25
So, hab mal im Preorder zugeschlagen. Ich hoffe, dass damit ein zumindest halbwegs würdiger Nachfolger zu Master of Magic entsteht. Lords of Magic konnte mich weniger begeistern. Age of Wonders war da schon eine Zacken besser. Aber eines ist sicher: Stardock wird die ganze Sache längere Zeit mit Updates und Zusatzinhalten unterstützten. Und für ein paar entspannte Runden wird es allemal taugen.

mfg b.

2010-08-16, 20:34:23
Stardock wird die ganze Sache längere Zeit mit Updates und Zusatzinhalten unterstützten.
Die Chancen dafür sind sicher höher als bei irgendwelchen Mega-Publishern, bei denen Shareholder-Value und Manager-Gehälter wichtiger sind als das Produkt und die Kunden - aber letztendlich wird der zu erwartende Support auch bei Stardock in hohem Maße vom kommerziellen Erfolg des Spiels abhängen.

2010-08-16, 20:46:46
Das stimmt. Aber ich habe meinen Teil geleistet. Und bei Firmen wie Stardock bin ich gerne bereit, Geld zu investieren. Zumal schon seitens Stardock zugesichert wurde, keinen Kopierschutz zu nutzen. Das muss honoriert werden!

mfg b.

2010-08-16, 23:36:19
Zumal schon seitens Stardock zugesichert wurde, keinen Kopierschutz zu nutzen. Das muss honoriert werden!

mfg b.
Kopierschutz nicht, aber deren selbstentwickeltes DRM "GOO", was nach Stardocks Aussagen ein direkter Konkurrent zu Steamworks werden soll. Ist zwar DRM aber von den Funktionen her um einiges lockerer als Steamworks (Spiele können weiterverkauft werden und man muss keinen Client am Laufen haben).

Für Puristen wahrscheinlich noch zu viel DRM, aber auf jeden Fall besser als die anderen Systeme.

2010-08-24, 18:07:52
Erscheinungstermin ist der 24. August.

Hat es sich jemand von euch geholt?

Die Meinungen im Stardock Forum sind nicht nur positiv, 50$ "blind" ausgeben ist so ne Sache.

2010-08-24, 18:33:12
Würd wohl auch erstmal abwarten, was nachm Day-0-Patch gesagt wird (bei Reviews scheints dann evtl. auch stark drauf anzukommen, welche Version getestet wird).

2010-08-24, 20:53:40
Ich habe den Thread mal mit dem bestehenden Elemental-Thread zusammengeführt. Dessen Threadtitel war leider nicht besonders suchfunktionsfreundlich, den habe ich auch noch gleich angepasst und jetzt ist der Titel eine Mischung aus beiden Threadtiteln. Ich hoffe, ihr seid damit einverstanden.


Die Entwicklung des Spiels habe ich auch aufmerksam verfolgt und ich habe den Eindruck gewonnen, das sie vielleicht eher den späteren der diskutierten Launchtermine hätten nehmen sollen. Bei Stardock nicht so schlimm, das Spiel wird jetzt ja laufend getweaket und erweitert, aber ich warte auch erst einmal ab, weil ich nicht so recht an ein ordentliches Balancing und eine patente K.I. von Beginn an glauben mag.

Als Teaser:
Elemental: VIDEO TUTORIAL (http://forums.elementalgame.com/391280)

2010-08-24, 20:59:50
Ich weiss nicht so recht, mich schreckt im Moment die doch recht eigenwillige Grafik ab.


2010-08-24, 21:30:43
Bin gerade am Spielen (~6h) und es macht schon eine Menge Spaß. Durch das fehlende Hanbuch muss man leider sehr viele Dinge selber herausfinden. In der Kamapgne gibt es zwar ein Tutorial, welches aber auch nicht alles erklärt. Allerdings gab es bei mir bisher 2 CTD. Den Grafikstil selber finde ich gar nicht so schlecht. Bei konkreten Fragen einfach hier posten

mfg b.

2010-08-24, 23:06:24
Im Lieblingsblog für alte Säcke ist man auch relativ verwirrt angesichts der fehlenden Dokumentation (http://seniorgamer.wordpress.com/2010/08/24/nur-die-harten/)

2010-08-25, 13:56:02
Oh ja, viele wahre Worte :biggrin: Langsam fuchst man sich aber rein und versteht die Mechanik. Heut erschien übrigens der "day-0" Patch mit zahlreichen Verbesserungen. Bisher haben sich die ~37€ aber in jedem Fall gelohnt.

mfg b.

2010-08-25, 14:19:44
Ich hab aus Zeitmangel die Releaseversion noch nicht allzu viel gespielt, aber imo orientiert sich das Spiel ausreichend an "bekannten" 4X Spielen, dass die Einstiegshürden für Leute die Genreerfahrung haben nicht allzu hoch sind. Ich kam in der Beta eigentlich recht schnell mit dem Spiel zurecht, auch wenn manche Statistiken natürlich erstmal etwas undurchsichtig blieben.

Der Grafikstil ist natürlich etwas gewöhnungsbedürftig. Aber Stardock ist nunmal keine Firma die zweistellige Millionenbeiträge in schöner Grafik versenken kann. Rein spielerisch ist Elemental imo über jeden Zweifel erhaben. Für Genrefans ein Pflichtkauf.

2010-08-25, 14:28:21
Im September soll ja die Demo kommen, die warte ich auf jeden Fall noch ab.

2010-08-25, 14:31:58
Aber Stardock ist nunmal keine Firma die zweistellige Millionenbeiträge in schöner Grafik versenken kann.

Da reicht ein einziger brauchbarer 2d artist aus um aus diesem Augengraus was brauchbares zu machen. Millionensummen brauchts da auch nicht.

2010-08-25, 16:13:22
Ich werf mal das hier in die Runde:

2010-08-25, 16:26:25
Erfahrungsbericht wäre mal super, falls ihr vor lauter Spielen zum Schreiben kommt. :freak:

2010-08-25, 18:19:55
Da reicht ein einziger brauchbarer 2d artist aus
Sowas hatten Stardock nie und werden sie auch nie haben. Selbst das spielerisch ganz gute GalCiv2 war in Bezug auf UI, Grafikstil und allgemeines Content-Design unterste Schublade, was IMO der Atmosphäre wirklich abträglich ist. Das uralte MOO2 ist stimmiger.

2010-08-25, 18:37:42
Erfahrungsbericht wäre mal super, falls ihr vor lauter Spielen zum Schreiben kommt. :freak:
Ich bin noch immer am Ausprobieren. Bisher habe ich z.B. keine Ahnung, wann es zum taktischen Kampf kommt bzw. wann das Programm den Kampf mit kurzen Animationen auf der Weltkarte berechnet. Mein Magier (=Hauptheld) stürzt sich immer todesmutig in den Nahkampf, obwohl schöne Kampfsprüche für den taktischen Kampf auf Lager sind.

Ansonsten macht mir das Spiel eine Menge Spaß. Das Mikromanagement ist ausgezeichnet. Die Städte kann man direkt in der Weltkarte hervorragend ausbauen. Muss sich aber Gedanken machen, da nur begrenzt Slots pro Stadt (50 Stk.) zur Verfügung stehen. Zum Beispiel kann man umgebende Ressouren einbinden, verliert aber so 4 wertvolle Slots. Vorteil ist dann aber der Schutzbonus durch die Stadt. Umherziehende Kreaturen können Rohstoffquellen nicht mehr zerstören, ohne gleich die Stadt anzugreifen. Man kann seine Truppen komplett selber designen! Das ist richtig genial. Nutzt mann das bessere Schild und Rüstung, verliert aber so Bewegungspunkte und erhöht Kosten und Rohstoffbedarf? Klasse oder Masse? Fernkampf oder Nahkampf?
Selbst die Helden kann man rollenspielähnlich mit Items und Ausrüstung versorgen. Selbige kauft man in der Stadt, tauscht sie mit anderen Helden oder erledigt Quests.
Zur Diplomatie kann ich nicht viel sagen. Verträge, Handelbündnisse etc. sollen aber problemlos möglich sein.

Insgesamt nach Ersteindruck ein sehr guter Vertreter seines Genres und noch mit einigen Kinderkrankheiten beseelt. Meine Truppen haben z.B. gerade Dank Automovement einen neutralen Helden getötet (natürlich im Autokampf ohne Nachfrage), weil deren Endpunkt des Automovement natürlich gerade in diesem Zug von eben jenem Helden besetzt war. :(

2010-08-25, 21:54:32
Ich weiss nicht so recht, mich schreckt im Moment die doch recht eigenwillige Grafik ab.

Über Geschmack lässt sich ja schlecht streiten, aber was ich an Screenshots und Videos gesehen habe, gefällt mir eigentlich ausgesprochen gut.

Die Entscheidung für den früheren Releasetermin kam bei mir aber irgendwie sehr irritierend an, so nach dem Motto wir releasen jetzt in zwei Wochen und ich habe deshalb mal angefangen die K.I. zu coden, mal sehen wieviel Artwork wir noch fertig kriegen und irgendwer schustert nach Feierabend Quests im Akkord, Balancing wird sich schon ergeben. Vielleicht kam mir das auch nur als Außenstehender so vor und Betateilnehmer sahen das entspannter.

Von den Tutorial-Videos finde ich das mit dem Tactical Battle extrem abturnend. Ich meine, der Flottenkampf in GalCiv2 war richtig mies präsentiert und man konnte nur zusehen, aber das da sieht aus wie gähnende Langeweile. Hierzu würde mich Feedback der "Veteranen" sehr freuen, wobei bleipumpe ja schreibt, er sei noch gar nicht in die Verlegenheit gekommen.

Hat eigentlich jemand etwas über eine kommende deutsche Übersetzung vernommen? Ich hoffe sie haben das Spiel vorausschauender für Lokalisierungen ausgelegt als das ehrwürdige GalCiv2 und ferner hoffe ich, dass sie nicht wieder auf europäische Partner mit fragwürdiger Motivation zurückgreifen, sondern die Übersetzungen in Eigenregie machen (lassen).

2010-08-25, 22:17:06
Die Sache mit den taktischen Kämpfen hat sich mittlerweile Dank off. Forum geklärt. Man kann im Hauptmenü einstellen, bis zu welcher Anzahl an Einheiten das Programm alles im Autokampf ausrechnet. Standard sind wohl 4 Einheiten. Leider habe ich heute keine Zeit mehr zum Probieren. Evtl morgen oder eher Freitag werde ich mich der Sache annehmen.

mfg b.

2010-08-27, 17:07:24
----------- Elemental v1.06 Change Log ------------

* Gameplay / Balance *

+ Cost of weapons increased in terms of gold and materials
+ Monster leveling tops out earlier so that there aren’t crazy powerful monsters late game
+ Training time increased for the more sophisticated weapons
+ AI will focus more on training soldiers rather than building up their cities if under threat
+ General AI improvements
+ AI smarter about training units in cities based on their current resource situation
+ AI more effective at determining who to go to war with
+ By default, the AI opponents added in the Choose Opponents window get difficulty set based on the World Difficulty
+ Campaign: Markinn now gives tactical HASTE spell instead of strategic SUMMON ROCK GIANT spell
+ Campaign: city leveup bonuses for TECH KNOWLEDGE and ARCANE KNOWLEDGE now suppressed in campaign
+ AI sov's are now using an HP adjustment multiplier based on AI difficulty settings

* Battles *
+ Hooked up the projectile follow camera code to obey the Auto-Move Camera in Tactical option.
+ Adding message boxes to explain why spell casting fails.
+ Fix to repick targets in autoresolve when a counterattack kills the attacker.
+ Fix to make targeting picking more intelligent (to be sure it doesn't pick invalid targets).
+ Auto selection of the next unit in tactical battles should no longer occur if the game option for not auto selecting is turned on.
+ Tactical action cost modifiers for everything except for movement (which can have buffs) should now be 1.
+ The tactical action cost of special abilities is now 2.
+ All tactical actions use up to their cost, except for spells which require at least 2 action points.
+ When a tactical battle closes it now sets the cursor to be an arrow.

* UI *
+ Fixed Map Notifiers only placed for resources your faction can eventually tap (ex. won’t tell kingdoms about wargs)
+ Trade Equipment Wnd tweaks so that summoned creatures show up in the scene views better.
+ Hooked up new entries for the actions list, vitals list, and other basic image entries in main game wnd contexts to act more like buttons (highlight and have a click down state) to indicate that they are clickable

* Bug Fixes *

+ Fixed the infamous "white screen" in tactical battles that occurred on a very specific hardware/driver/OS configuration.

+ Fixed a problem that would cause the particle effects to disappear after alt-tabbing out of the game when running in full-screen.
+ Fixed a DirectX warning in Tile Highlight Graphic
+ fixed uninitalized UNIT pointer in AIMessageBox (caused a debugger crash, probably fixes random crashes users have witnessed)
+ Fixed bug where linked pioneer improvements were getting the multiplier bonuses from their linked cities twice
+ Changed around the values grabbed for some resource breakdowns so that they match getting rid of this double bonus
+ You can no longer build pioneer improvements on resources outside of your ZOC, even if they are adjacent to a city, to prevent them from getting destroyed if they can't get absorbed in time
+ Adjacent pioneer improvements to cities now get absorbed into the city the very next turn, instead of 2 turns after they became adjacent
+ Fixed bug where custom empire factions designed in the faction designer wouldn't have a valid tech tree
+ Custom factions now get the appropriate wall set, and change their name to "Kingdom of" or "Empire of" appropriately
+ Fixed a bug in the faction designer that caused the race spinner to not match the actual race being displayed
+ Shortened the text in the caravan info cards to make it less likely that text entries will overflow to the next line down, and got rid of some old text that doesn't mean anything to how caravans work anymore, and got rid of some hardcoded strings, and moved the hardcoded quote to the different caravan/trader unit types
+ CMapGenerator no longer generates race starting position for tactical battles, since they aren’t used in that mode and were causing debug messages to flood output as the random land tile buffer isn’t getting filled after the first tactical battle map is created.
+ Campaign: Fixed oddity where reloading a save would reblock the pass between New pariden and Gilden.

________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________

** Hotfix Update **

We've released a 1.06 hotfix - despite our intentions were to have 1.06 be more supportive of 1.05 saved games, things didn't work as planned and we were seeing a lot of oddities throughout the forums.

The hotfix will force the player to start with the new data, ensuring validity of key components (read: less crashy).
Quelle: Elemental v1.06 Released (http://forums.elementalgame.com/393126)

Mich würde wirklich ein wenig Feedback zum Balancing interessieren, denn damit steht und fällt ein Strategiespiel (noch dazu eines ohne cheatende K.I.) schließlich. Vermutlich ist es für fundierte Usererfahrungen dazu aber auch noch ein bißchen verfrüht, denn die Schwächen und Unausgewogen zeigen sich ja erst, wenn man das Spiel zu einem gewisen Grad gemeistert hat und das braucht sicherlich Zeit. Derweil kann Stardock die Entwicklung weiter vorantreiben, dieses Mal soll die K.I. ja auch von vorn herein flexibler sein, so dass nicht mit jeder Erweiterung wieder böse K.I.-Regressions drohen. :uponder:

2010-08-28, 00:52:45
Man kann seine Truppen komplett selber designen! Das ist richtig genial. Nutzt mann das bessere Schild und Rüstung, verliert aber so Bewegungspunkte und erhöht Kosten und Rohstoffbedarf? Klasse oder Masse? Fernkampf oder Nahkampf?

Wie genau funktioniert das?
Bei GalCiv 2 gabs ja Schiffe bestehend aus verschiedenen Komponenten.
Ich schätze mal bei Fantasy Monstern/Leuten geht das nicht oder:confused:
(Hier den Kopf, den Arm und dazu diesen Körper :D)


2010-08-28, 01:30:48
Im Endeffekt verteilt man Waffen, Rüstungen und magische Gegenstände an seine Einheiten bzw. stellt zusammen welche Ausrüstung eine Einheit haben soll.

2010-09-02, 14:12:55
Die Bugliste im Stardock-Forum ist in der Tat beeindruckend. Sieht für mich so aus als ob man da ohne Bedenken noch ein halbes Jahr mit dem Kauf warten kann.
Gerade bei Sachen wie dem mem-leak was nach 50-300 Runden zum Absemmeln führt oder den kleinen Hütten die es fertigbringen gestandene GPUs in die Knie zu zwingen frag ich mich wofür es ne Monatelange beta gab.

2010-09-02, 14:50:32
So wie sieht es aus? Bin eigentlich Stardock Fan. GalCiv und Sins sind einfach genial, aber Demigod zum Beispiel war zu Release eine einzige Baustelle!

Ist es denn nun gut spielbar? Eigentlich supportet ja Stardock seine Produkte gut. Vielleicht wartet man doch noch lieber 1-2 patches ab? :D

@fdk: Ne Bugliste mag im ersten Augenblick beindruckend aussehen, doch aussagen tun die nicht immer viel. Die Bugliste von WoW oder CSS umfasst auch mehrer A4 Seiten, trotzdem sind sie gut spielbar.

2010-09-02, 15:14:39
Ich hatte bisher keine merkbaren Bugs beim Spielen. Allerdings ist die Spielmechanik teilweise sicherlich noch etwas balancebedürftig.

Ich hab aber Vertrauen, dass Stardock das Spiel noch lange supporten wird.

2010-09-02, 15:16:12
Ich hatte bisher keine merkbaren Bugs beim Spielen. Allerdings ist die Spielmechanik teilweise sicherlich noch etwas balancebedürftig.

Ich hab aber Vertrauen, dass Stardock das Spiel noch lange supporten wird.

Ich konnte einfach nicht anders, hab es mir jetzt geholt. Mal schauen was es zu bieten hat :)

2010-09-02, 15:26:10
Sagen wir es so: Das Spielkonzept lässt erahnen das es Potenzial hat. Durch die schiere Masse an kleinen nervigen Bugs und vor allem UI-Schwächen bleibt davon derzeit aber nicht viel übrig.
Mal ein paar Beispiele:
Deine Stadt "Ushalabhurk" hat level 3 erreicht nun kannst du Boni auf verschiedene Stats verteilen, leider ist der ganze Dialog ein riesen-Popup und somit hast du keine Ahnung ob "Ushalabhurk" nun eine "Forschungsstadt" oder "Goldstadt" ist - es sei denn du bist gut darin dir diese rng-Namen zu merken oder du nennst deine Stadt "Research1" etc.

Taktischer Kampf: Dein "Held" greift eine Feindliche Einheit an und tötet 3/4 derer Figuren. Eigentlich müsste man denken das der Feind nun zB. einen Gegegnangriff mit maximal 10/40 Stärke durchführt. Pustekuchen: 40 Schaden und dein doller Held liegt im Dreck. (Hier spielt auch mit rein das Balancing de facto nichtexistent ist. (Todesmagie bekommt zB. einen kleinen Dämonen der dank rüstungsignorierender AOE im Alleingang sämtliche l1-3 Kämpfe plättet.) Besonders im Fall Held vs Fußvolk sieht ersterer sehr schnell sehr alt aus da die Skalierung derzeit einfach zu weit außeinander geht. Auch sonst favorisiert der taktische Kampf derzeit die glass cannons ungemein. Hit and run ist uneingeschränkt möglich - wozu dann Rüstung tragen?

Die AI ist bei einigen Aspekten des Spiels scheinbar genauso Ratlos wie der Spieler. Viele Spielmechaniken sind noch enorm undurchsichtig / umständlich. Wenn man zB. einen seiner Helden mit Magie ausrüsten will so macht man dies mit einem spell. Nun muss man aber seinen Zauberer in spe aus dem Stack pulen, ihn nebenan parken und dann den Spruch auf ihn kloppen sonst geht der Spruch einfach auf den nächstbesten Helden welcher gemäß murphy natürlich der 5-Int Axtschwinger ist.

Zaubersprüche: Die ersten 5 Stufen bestehen aus so aufregenden Sachen wie (Feuer/Eis-)Blitz samt upgrades, +1 Forschung/Material/Fressalien, +1 und ähnlich "aufregende" Sprüche. Wenn man sich ansieht was mom hier vor 13 Jahren ablieferte ist das ein schlechter Witz. Besonders vor dem Hintergrund das so ein Spruch im wesentlichen aus ein paar Zeilen script und einem Partikeleffekt besteht.
Bei der Ausrüstung für Einheiten sieht es ähnlich aus. Der Schwert/Knüppel/harnischpart passt noch, die specials hingegen sind ein schlechter Witz. Wie dort im Forum schon angemerkt wurde gäbe es hier die Möglichkeit den taktischen Kampf extrem interessant zu gestalten - zB. mit Sachen wie Ansturm, Pfeilhagel, Fallen, etc. stattdessen gibts (wer hätte es Gedacht) Packs mit +1 Sichtweite ... +0.25 AP im Kampf und ähnliches.

Also wie gesagt: Das Potential ist da sowohl beim strategischen wie auch beim taktischen Part (obwohl das Schlachtfeld doch sehr klein ist). Aber es wird noch dauern bis man davon auch was hat. Btw das Setzen des laa-Flags was die out of memory Fehler hinauszögerte wird derzeit als RK-Version erkannt und abgestraft. Fazit: Mit dem Launch haben sie sich keinen gefallen getan. Ein paar Monate mehr im Betastadium wären sehr angebracht gewesen.

2010-09-03, 19:01:58
Danke fdk, das klingt wirklich ernüchternd. Natürlich wird das Spiel noch lange Zeit von Stardock gepflegt und verbessert werden. Allerdings ist Stardock auch sehr gut darin, das Image als communityfreundliches Unternehmen mit vorbildlich gutem Support stark zu reden und zu pflegen. Kleinere Details, wie dass der Support auch verdammt dringend notwendig ist, fallen da schonmal unter den Tisch. :biggrin:

Ich bin guter Dinge, dass die neue K.I. nicht wieder wie bei GalCiv2 mit jedem Add-On teilweise von vorn beginnt und wieder mit Regressions überladen daherkommt, sondern dass es bei Elemental eine nahtlosere Entwicklung gibt, wo Add-On-Features sich organisch einfügen lassen. Ich finde schon traurig, dass GalCiv2 Twilight of the Arnor mit völlig verbuggter K.I. in der Luft hängen gelassen wurde, weil alle Ressourcen plötzlich zu Elemental wanderten. Egal und Schwamm drüber, ich bin jetzt froh, dass ich nicht frühzeitig gekauft habe und gehe fest davon aus, dass spätestens mit dem ersten Add-On dann die neue Referenz der nicht-cheatenden Rundenstrategiespiele auf mich wartet. Es gibt einfach zu wenig Spiele, in denen die K.I.-Gegner das selbe Spiel spielen müssen, wie man selbst und auch wenn mir GalCiv3 lieber gewesen wäre, ich werde sicher noch so manche Stunde mit Elemental zubringen, sobald die Betaphase abgeschlossen ist. :devil:

----------- Elemental v1.07 Change Log -----------

* Performance *
+ Major improvement to rendering system, especially when over cities.
+ Condensed scene rendering process from 3 passes through scene into a single pass
+ Bunch of fixes to the issues behind "DX Error: Invalid Call", particularly when Alt-Tab'ing. This will continue to be worked on.
+ Added new framerate limiter ( limits framerate to refresh rate of device )
- Removed throttle framerates option (this is always on now)
+ Particle Effects no longer render if the "Disable Particle Effects" option is on
+ Outlines now LOD-out as you zoom out
+ Added option "Disable Outlines" to the options screen to turn off rendering outlines (Might help lower-end machines, and some people prefer no outlines)
+ Commented out unnecessary debug messages

* Bug Fixes *
+ Fixed Various Memory Leaks
+ Fixed the issue that was causing the unimproved tile designs for elemental shards to stick around after a shard-harvesting improvement was built on top of them.
+ fixed a bug where if you have the option on where when entering/leaving city build mode, the camera switches between overhead and default view, you could get stuck in overhead view (and forced to manually move the camera back) if you pressed the city build mode button, while already in city build mode
+ fixed bug where AI demands a tribute of 0 gildar
+ fixed display issue where improvement cost entries overfilled the improvement build list
+ fixed display issue where units with long names overfilled the name area on the level up wnd.
+ fixed display issue on battle init wnd, if defense or attack was negative then it showed up as a huge number. Beserker ring gives a -3 to defense, which could give you negative overall defense. Same might be true of attack if in the future we have some strange item that decreases your attack.
+ Fixed bug where units in tile designs (like horses, wargs, etc) would not fade out when the tile is under fog of war
+ Fixed "jumping units" when starting new game from within a game (or loading a game within a game)
+ Other fixes regarding battle initition window, creating mountains in map editor, first contact status not being set to relation unknown
+ Fixed a bug where improvements that were flagged as once-per-city were able
to be placed twice.

* Gameplay / Balance *
+ Fixed bug where economic treaty gold bonuses weren't getting added to the global resource pool
+ Changed how creatures and NPCs increase their stats when they level up to nerf incredibly powerful high-level monsters running around
+ Stacking of items fixed (can now only wear 1 per type per champion)
+ Pioneers in a boat can no longer build a Settlement at sea
+ Wild improvements will now be able to be taken into account in a city's resource usage correctly, if any of them ever have negative resource production
+ Refugee camps (and other wild improvements that provide population storage bonuses) improvements
+ Fixed Miner sovereign profession bonus
+ Fixed Great Warriors faction bonus
+ Removed really high starting mana regen ability from Umber's faction config
+ Fixed Advanced Tracking techs (in both tech trees) to change the player ability that is hooked up to affect movement
+ Fixed broken productionreq tag on vengeance coating
+ References to Ice shards changed to Water for consistency
+ Sprint duration adjusted to 2
+ Lowered HP for fallen peasant
+ Fixed up resource hoard description text
+ Various food resources now provide different amounts as indicated by old description text
+ Improved output of Temple of Essence
+ Improved output of Tower of Titans, Tower of Souls
+ Fixed construction resource cost for curgen's exchange
+ Resource hoard costs now mirror kingdoms resource costs
+ Fixed up description text for construction yard
+ Great Theatre no longer provides +100% Gildar, only +100% Prestige
+ AI: Added code to send sovereign back to his capital city if he has no destination after the early phase of the game
+ Fixes for various terrain types not responding to RaiseLand spell
+ Resource hoards no longer deduct from the buildable tiles of a city (the 'bananna cities' from the forums)

* Battles *
+ Changed the calculation for battle damage to take multiple troops into better account (with each unit getting an individual attack roll).
+ Every time panic is caused, the combat text for the panic will be shown.
+ Fixed a problem where misses and non-damage spells would cause an on hit animation to be played in tactical battles.
+ Fixed a possible bug where units would no longer update their troop counts after reaching a single troop left.
+ When selecting the spell book in tactical battles the cursor should now reset to the arrow.
+ When clicking on a unit's hiergemenon entry in tactical battles the cursor should now reset to the arrow.
+ Turned on bounding box picking for tactical battles to improve the feel of unit selection.
+ Selecting units should now be turned back on while other units are animating in tactical battles.
+ Fixed a bug where unit tooltips in tactical battles would draw over tooltips for items and spells.
+ Added some checks to the battle init window to stop the window from showing when defenders or attackers were null. Also added logic to clear waiting flags in this case.

* UI *
+ Adopted the unit vitals context for a Details tab to show when a wild improvement is selected on the main map, to give more meaningful and easier to read information
- If the improvement is under construction, it says so and uses the level slider to show the progress towards completion and the turns left
- If the improvement is done, it shows what that improvement is producing and has an entry to get further information about the improvement by opening up the lorebook
- Also, it shows which city an improvement is linked to, or "Not linked" if it isn't. If it is linked, the tooltip explains that this city is contributing production bonuses to the resource production of that improvement. If the improvement is not linked, the tooltip says how many tiles the nearest city needs to be closer to link with that city, explaining that it will be able to get city production bonuses if it does link
+ New Tactical Icons hooked up for Smelter, Trade Center, Construction Yard, Merchant Guild
+ New Tile Designs for Ventri Iron Mine, Stone Quarry, Clay Quarry, Marble Quarry, Drath Village, Shrill Hive, Spider Nest
+ Fixed bug where double-clicking on a spell you couldn't cast from the spellbook popup would queue a bunch of "Can't cast tactical spell" message boxes to appear over and over, now just plays a little failure sound if something that can't be cast is double-clicked
+ Fixed a typo in a campaign dialog
+ When you build an improvement on a resource, the map notifier for it is removed
+ Fixed typo "completly restored" to "completely restored"
+ Fixed some places where the display of per-turn gold production lagged behind changes to it, gets rid of some income discrepancies between some screens when loading a game, adding/cancelling a treaty, etc.

* Known Issues *

+ Tactical Battles: Stuck turn if you use space bar or click "Pass Turn" button while selected unit is moving. Clicking auto-resolve will end the battle if the turn is stuck.
+ Occasional instances of damage indicators not appearing over units.Quelle - Elemental: v1.07 Update (http://forums.elementalgame.com/394934)

2010-09-05, 09:55:45
Mit 1.07 hat Elemental 3 große Schritte hin zum Sollzustand gemacht zusammen mit dieser mod (http://forums.elementalgame.com/395013) ist es jetzt ganz ordentlich spielbar.
Leider wird das Ganze an Stardock nicht spurlos vorübergehen ->

2010-09-05, 10:16:46
Leider wird das Ganze an Stardock nicht spurlos vorübergehen ->
Au weia, das ist bitter. Fraglich auch, ob das frühzeitige Release nicht noch zusätzlich Werte vernichtet hat, denn die Reviews und erstes Userfeedback beziehen sich jetzt auf den Releasezustand. Wenn man sich da mal nicht den Cashflow zum Launch und langfristig auch für kommende Erweiterungen böse dezimiert hat, die Chance auf einen Releasehype gibt es nur einmal. :(

Stardock darf als Spieleschmiede nicht sterben!

2010-09-20, 12:02:59
Elemental: War of Magic v1.08 Change Log (http://forums.elementalgame.com/396709)
----------- Elemental v1.08b Change Log -----------

We are on the process of putting up v1.08 of Elemental: War of Magic.

Here’s a change log over v1.07:

+ LOD optimizations across improvements and tile designs
+ Continued memory optimization
+ AI handles its sovereign more intelligently
+ AI more effective at going after targets of opportunity
+ AI sovereign is more careful about going into enemy territory
+ AI has new APIs for determining whether there are targets of opportunity in the area
+ Balance pass on resource distribution
+ Base tech cost changed from 4 to 5
+ Merchants/Money Changers now require 1 food to construct
+ Study/Archivist now require 1 gildar per turn to maintain
+ Gildar deposit now seeded near starting location
+ Tracker talent cost changed from 15 to 10
+ Organized talent cost changed from 10 to 20
+ Combat Rating calculation altered in an attempt to be a more accurate gauge of lethalness
+ Fewer resources spawned per 1000 tiles.
+ Fewer minor factions spawned.
+ Added scalars to attack and defence for units who are in home territory or foreign territory, modifiable in ElementalDefs.xml
+ Territory scalars now work as Empire v Fallen (e.g. Kingdom guy on Fallen territory gets penalty, etc).
+ Updated formula for gildar given when killing a given unit
+ Child essence is no longer modified by spawn rating, but is instead a value between 50% and 100% of the more powerful parent's essence.
+ Updated TerrainTypes.xml to make Forests and Swamps take 2 moves
+ Changing the “IncreaseMorale” modifier attribute to “AdjustMorale. It’s more clear for the modders.
-Revamp of the way offensive spells hit/miss and deal their damage
+HIT/MISS is deteremined by an attacker roll (minDamage – maxDamage) and by the defender roll (0-DEF)
+Values can now be specified as a MinValue and a MaxValue rather than just a Value (support for constant value spells is still supported)
+If a MinValue and a MaxValue is specified, the Value is defined by a rand roll between the two numbers based on the modifiers internal rand roll.
+Updated descriptions for all core spellbook spells to show bonus damage from INT and bonus damage from shards in the spell description.
+The SpellbookWnd has been updated to properly display the damage range if there is one, and the constant damage if there isn’t one.
+All core spells that were using stats to calculate the value but didn’t have a ValueOwner specified have been fixed.
+The elemental shards unit stats now default to 0 instead of 1. The calculations in the existing spells have been redone to reflect this.
+ Fixed BURNING BLADE spell to appropriately increase attack.
+ Fixed SHIELD OF FIRE spell to appropriately increase defense.
+ Fixed CRUSH SPIRIT spell to appropriately decrease morale.
+ Fixed BRAVERY spell to appropriately increase morale.
+ Fixed DRAIN LIFE spell to appropriately transfer HP from target to caster.
+ Changed the display code for the main UI bar to round attack and defense rather than truncate.
+ Hooked up the CTRL+ARROW and SHIFT-ARROW camera rotation and movement hotkeys to tactical.
+ Added save game descriptions
+ Fixed bug where dialogs from triggers in the campaign (like moving beyond where you should build a city) would pop up many times when a unit moved into that tile.
+ Fixed AI bug where it was doing deficit spending and creating units still
+ Removed the max spell points entry from the affected stats in the level up wnd, since it isn't affected by any unit stats anymore
+ Fixed bug where non-aggression pact wasn't being checked for when left-clicking on a unit in attack mode
+ Fixed modifier in Refined_Economics_Amarian_MP to modify A_Gold player ability instead of A_Wealth (which doesn't exist)
+ Fixed golem animation pack (commented out an animation that was missing and causing t-poses)
+ Fixed crash when making a mountain in map editor
+ Fixed trading your spouse (if she was a recruited NPC) in the regular unit trade
+ Perceived value stuff gets hidden when arranging marriages, instead of showing whatever was selected last
+ Entries for kids when arranging marriages now use a male and female icon to denote boy and girl, instead of the words in parentheses after the name
+ Fixed "..." from string overflowing for the divider title when trading or arranging a marriage
+ Fixed the divider title not ever changing from "And" once the arrange marriage screen was shown
+ Fixed display of tooltip text and color text on Customize Faction window
+ Tweaked SetToolTip to calculate the necessary size of the window more accurately, to fix bug where tooltips were sometimes being truncated
+ Fixed bug where clicking a new destination while the unit was moving would cause the unit to get a free move
+ You can no longer set a units destination while it is moving
+ Fixed Refined Housing and Refined Economics techs (and their fallen equivalents) so that they correctly provide the bonus they say they do
+ When a unit inside a city or an army is selected and asked to cast a spell, that is the unit that is used for spellcasting now, instead of having it just fail (in a city) or try to cast the spell from the leader of the army
+ Fixed bug where summoning a unit while in a city would cause that unit to be summoned in an army with you within that city (causing weird behavior), now just stations the unit in the city with you
+ Fixed bug where raise land spell would not work on all land category terrain types, like swamp or rugged terrain. Now, if a land tile is not hills, it raises that land to hills, instead of checking for only some terrain types
+ Fixed a bug where, in the faction editor, you could select ability bonus options for free by selecting and deselecting them, and then spinning the race spinner, caused by deselection not updating the faction config correctly
+ Fixed units that finished training on the same turn as an autosave not being there when the autosave was loaded
+ Fixed players not being able to select their city level up bonuses or tech breakthroughs on loading an autosave if they were earned that turn, by having the local player mark themselves as needing to get user input for these things instead of unhiding the windows to allow the choice right away during CWorld::EndTurn, and not letting the user choose until after the next turn starts and the autosave has been made. If one of thses autosaves is loaded, the local player will be allowed to choose their tech breakthroughs and city bonuses once the map is unhidden. This keeps us from having to delay an autosave and the start of the next turn by waiting for the user to choose their bonuses, instead making that choice part of the start turn logic after the autosave has been made and saving the mark saying the player will get to choose at the start of the next turn.
+ Fixed treaty turn counts not matching if an autosave was loaded
+ Based on confusion in the forums, removed ability to automatically unlock a spell in the learning queue if it makes it to the front of the queue when the player has enough research to buy it, so that users rearranging their spell learning queue don't have their spell points silently taken away while shuffling spells around, if they didn't intend to learn that spell next
+ Now it always takes at least one turn to learn any spell
+ Fixed bug where tile highlights in tactical battle would disappear after an ALT+TAB
+ Fixed bug where trees would not look correct in all cases after loading a gamesave.
+ Fixed an issue that was allowing counter attacks against units with abilities of type DoesNotProvokeCounterattacks.
+Fixed an issue that was causing modifiers applied in tactical battles to persist after the battle.
- This fixes the bug that causes XP and Gildar rewards after battles to be negatively skewed if the enemy unit combat rating was lowered due to debuffs.
+Fixed an issue with skipping turns in tactical battles that would cause a stuck turn if done when the unit being skipped was in motion. - Pressing spacebar now sets a tactical units moves to zero AND cancels their destination.

Es geht voran und man versucht offensichtlich, das Beste aus dem etwas mißglücklten Frühstart zu machen. Jetzt wird erst einmal weiter nachgebessert und Early Adaptors erhalten das erste Expansion Pack dann für umme:

Q: What is Stardock’s plan for Elemental going forward?

A: For the immediate future we’re going to go down two paths. First, the v1.0x versions will continue to focus largely on compatibility (crashing or weird video issues) as well as bugs and turning on multiplayer.

Then, we will work on v1.1 which will serve as our answer to player feedback. Enhanced AI, improved UI, a tutorial, updated quest system, new magic system, numerous other tweaks. This version will serve as the basis to make a demo version of the game.

Beyond that, we will be looking at player feedback. That will work towards v1.2 (October) and v1.3 (November). Once we are satisfied that the game has met reasonable expectations, we can then focus on the first expansion pack: Elemental: War of Magic – Book 2, Cerena.


That first expansion pack will be free to everyone who owns the game at the point of v1.3.
Drama Cleansing Thread (http://forums.elementalgame.com/395485)

2010-10-04, 20:55:20
Elemental v1.09 change log (http://forums.elementalgame.com/398128)

* Gameplay / Balance *
+ AI sovereigns take more care about where they are doing their attacking
+ Added code so that AIBasic is smarter about attacking units in cities
+ ‘Equipment Cache’ goodie hut now hands out cloth armor, instead of the patchwork armor that should not be in the game anymore
+ You can no longer train *groups* of Dragons, Catapults, or Giant Demons
+ New option: Players can choose not to have monsters spawn
+ New option: Players can disable minor factions
+ Loot given by monsters increased
+ Fixed bug where some AI-controlled caravans that had already established trade routes would wander off those routes while delivering their stuff at a city
+ Fixed a bug where caravan pathfinding through territory owned by anyone other than their owner would still have a penalty, even through caravans can always move freely through any territory
+ Changed dynasty kids to determine their essence based on the BASE essence of their parents (ignoring equipment, player ability bonuses, etc.) This should keep kids from double-dipping from things like player-wide essence bonuses and keep their max mana at more reasonable levels
+ fixed several armor and special ability xml issues (that were either pointed out on the forums or that I discovered while fixing others)
* Battles *
+ The starting side in a tactical battle is now chosen randomly. The attacker and the defender have an equal chance to go first. This is a short-term change. In the longer term, we are moving to an initiative system (individual units moving based on their combat speed rather than each side taking a turn together).
+ Added shorter animations for bow attacks and spell attacks
+ Fixed a divide by zero error in spell damage.
+ Fixed some logic to determine whether or not a tactical unit was moving.
+ Added code to make sure a unit cancels its destination when it skips a turn.
+ Added some additional checks to skip turn logic in tacatical battles to stop a turn from being skipped in the middle of other actions.
+ Fix to be sure ranged attacks don't always do max damage in tactical battles.
+ Fix to experience display for battles, and fixed a bug where auto resolve was only rewarding experience for killing the leader unit.
+ The AI does not take its first turn immediately after the window loads. This will prevent cases where the AI takes its turn before the window finishes rendering.
+ Fixed a spell type tag for Quicken (now shows up in Tactical Battles)
+ Fixed an issue where a single unit might lose its mana after attacking and killing a defending team.
+ Added the UsableInBattle tag for item types, will help to determine if an item should be displayed during a tactical battle. This defaults to FALSE.
+ Items in a tactical battle will now properly stack in the UI.
* UI *
+ NEW! City List window which can be brought up via a tab on the kingdom screen
- this will list all your current cities, along with vital information about resource, training, and building being done there (ie: it's a city spreadsheet)
+ New icons hooked up for sovereign talents
+ Got rid of trailing decimal zeros for the global resource pool tooltips, to clean up the display of resources that are always integers
+ Fixed bug where the global resources for a player didn't refresh when a city was lost through razing until the next turn
+ Tweaked the spell info card to get the stats to show up in the grey bar at the bottom of the info card, and to support multiple text entries of varying sizes
+ Item Shop now shows change in Combat Speed, Defense, and Attack for the highlighted item
+ Message Box input field now limited to 20 chars
+ Made auto-select next moveable unit code not select caravans
+ Fixed City HUDs clipping at the end (now they all get rounded edges)
* Performance / Stability *
+ Moved clean up code around so that game within a game cleans up better
+ Fixed mem leak in Trigger Manager, city wall nodes, destination and selection cursors for destroyed objects
+ Removed code in CTreeGraphic that was causing a leak on Win7-64.
+ Fixed big leak in DecalGraphicGraphicManager where every decal in the game was leaking on Win7-64bit when starting a new game within a game
+ Fixed leak in CUnitSceneViewWindow (which is used on lots of screens)
+ Fixed random crash in kingdom screen with the filling of the Lore Book
+ Tile Designs now flush out the graphics for their "base graphic" (the one that the graphic instances use to render) once the instances for that base graphic are released
+ Fixed crash if a spellcaster ever had to cancel more than one enchantment at a time from losing 2 or more available enchantment slots
+ Fixed memory leak in UnitAnimationHelper that caused unit gfx to leak after the unit was destroyed
+ Fixed memory leak in TreeGraphic that caused tree batches to leak on game within a game or destruction of the forest object
* Bug Fixes *
+ Fixed bug where mini map would sometimes not update itself after starting a new game from within a game
+ Hooked up renaming cities and units to use events (for MP)
+ Fixed cheat flag bug where you could go into the enchants tab for any unit and cancel their enchantments, whether that unit belonged to you or not even when cheat flag was not used.
+ Fixed bug where destination cursor would disappear if the unit it belonged to was off-screen
+ Added support for Resource modifier types in unit ability bonus options to be taken into account in what resources a unit always provides, without needing to be stationed in a city
+ Fixed Bug When reload a game with Wild Shard Improvements, the game now properly relinks them to their resource hoards (fixed issue where destroyed shrines would not regenerate shard resource)
+ Fixed particle effect render order on main map screen for better visuals
+ Fixed graphical bug where mounted units in an army did not scale properly
+ CalculateAbilities now uses champions for ability modifiers (this fixes NPCs that should give bonuses but didn’t, such as ‘Royalty’)
+ Fixed bug where the NPC AI player would spawn new NPCs based off of the unit types of dynasty kids. This would cause champions wandering around with the same name, and with baby portraits if they hadn't grown up yet.
+ Attacking cities or lone improvements while in attack cursor mode now works properly in all cases
- hooked up the cursor to change to the crossed swords at the right time for cities/improvements when one of your units is selected
+ Fixed comment in CityLevelUpBonuses.xml that caused malformed xml
+ Fixed merge error in QuestUnits.xml for Talax
+ Fixed end tags in CoreCityWalls
+ Fixed game modifiers and ending tag after Magnar_Staff in CoreSpecialWeapons.xml
+ Fixed end tag for Thumb in SpecialUnitProps.xml
+ Fixed comments in UnitSoundPacks.xml
+ note: thanks to ‘kenata’ and ‘heavenfall’ for helping us hunt down those above XML issues down and pointing us to some cool data checking tools

* Modding *

+ Tile Editor: Fixed bug where large silhouette figure would render in the middle of a tile design when placing pedestrians
+ Map Editor: when using the creature placement tool, defaults to giving the creature a random wander radius, which can be changed with the tool's third spinner in the bottom left corner
- Also changed the wander radius 0 item to say "Don't Wander" instead, does what the default used to do, cause the unit to not even go into auto-patrol mode
+ Added new data def type, CSpellResourceCost, which can be used in spell def xml to specify resource costs on casting a spell, as well as any persistent maintenance costs if this spell is an enchantment
- <PerTurn> tag used in the SpellResourceCost xml object to say whether the cost is deducted at time of casting (Per-Turn is 0), or if it is a continued maintenance cost that exists as long as the spell is in effect through an enchantment (Per-Turn is non-zero)
- Note: maintenance resource costs can only be per-turn if the spell is an enchantment; there's no one-time cut to per-turn resource production from an instant, non-enchantment spell
- Here's an example of some xml to put in a spell def, making this spell cost 5 metal immediately when cast, and having a maintenance cost of 1 material per turn until the enchantment is cancelled:
+ MODs folders now creatured for the user in their My Games/Elemental folder
+ Fixed Bug: Quests read in from XML (after loading the Data.zip) no longer override QuestDefIDs
+ Images and models now read in from the Mods/GFX folder properly
+ Mods are now enabled by default in Prefs.ini
+ Overlay: Implement tile upload/download

* Multiplayer *
+ Added code to prefer a random map that supports the max players
+ Cloud saving/loading enabled
+ AI opponents enabled
+ Added handling for if firewall is turned off
+ Added check for if player is disconnected before starting turn timer when the end turn is requested
+ Added check to prevent player from going to multiplayer menu if it's still checking for an update

Ein wenig lame scheint mir die Entwicklung gerade schon zu sein. Grundlegende A.I.-Änderungen werden ausdrücklich für Update 1.1 zurückgehalten. Auf 1.1 basierend soll dann auch eine Demo erscheinen, ich bin sehr gespannt. Spielt es hier zur Zeit eigentlich jemand und mag ein wenig Feedback zu den bisherigen Änderungen geben? Wo klemmt es denn am Meisten, UI, AI oder Balancing allgemein bzw. Spielmechanik?

Nachtrag für Multiplayer-Update:

Elemental: v1.09E Changelog (http://forums.elementalgame.com/398621)

** Fixes / Tweaks **

+ Fixed a bug where loot could go nuts (pioneers giving millions of Gildar)
+ Grand kids should no longer defect to dead factions
+ Map list now has tooltips & lists the map size
+ When you load a map from the world setup screen, it now updates the world size spinner
+ Fix: Minor Water Elemental summon (from Lord of Sea spell) and Storm Giant now have their “Drowning Strike” abilities
+ Heal spell working properly (Unit “CurHealth” modifiers now work with Min/Max value calculations)
+ City List now features tooltip explaining red popupation
+ Bug Fixed: ‘Resource Changed’ event not firing when the resource was already in the player’s pool (broke chapter 5 of the campaign)
+ Trigger for ‘Resource Ammount Met’ no longer requires the player to have been BELOW the required amount the turn before
+ Consolidated most of the SP/MP xml files, eliminating discrepencies between MP and SP files
+ fixed leaked ref with starting spellbook spells.
+ on new unit design screen, when hovering over or selecting an item that has no "attributes" or "costs", those labels in the selection context area will not be shown. An example is when you hover or select a hairstyle from the [OTHER] tab, equipping hair has no benefits or costs, but the labels were still showing up, which looked dumb.
+ Fixed bug where mounted units did not generate their portraits properly
+ Fixed bug where after renaming a city, the old name would still be displayed on the cloth map
+ AI being limited by the UnitType “AllowGrouping” tag (won’t groups catapults to assult the player)
+ City List: RED population when there’s not enough housing
+ City List: doubleclicking an entry acts the same as seleting it and pressing “Details”
+ City Building Mode
- turn off camera bounds clipping (fixed bug where the camera would jerk around,causing improvements to be oddly placed)
- selecting a friendly city in city-build mode selects it for city building
- doubleclicking a city-details improvement entry will auto-place it

** Multiplayer **

+ Multiplayer enabled in public build
+ Removed checks for duplicate factions in the choose sovereign screen so that cycling through all the AI players doesn’t leave you with no choices
+ You can now right click on the team, faction, and sovereign buttons in the game lobby to cycle backwards. (for non-AI players, right clicking does the same thing as left clicking for faction and sovereign)
+ Fixed bug where map size was always tiny in the available games list
+ Fixed bug where minor factions were picking player colors
+ Fixed bug where if there were duplicate factions, they would get all the AI designed units from the other faction
+ Fixed bug where you wouldn’t have a faction if you finished or quit out of a game (now keeps the one that was previously set)
+ If you change the world size, the map name is now cleared so that a new random map will be picked.
+ Fixed stuck turn bug caused by caravans with invalid destinations
+ I believe that I have fixed the bug where if you clicked fast enough you could build multiple instances of a limited improvement, or build two improvements on one resource
+ Fixed bug where the learning queue was not saved in mp save games
+ Fixed bug with learning spells twice by spam clicking
+ Fixed bug when choosing a spell level not getting saved

2010-10-30, 10:42:11
Ich mime mal weiterhin den Alleinuntehalter! :up:

Until the end of THIS MONTH (October 31), anyone who purchase Elemental: War of Magic, will get the first two expansions for the game for free (as well as our normal long-term support for the game itself).Quelle: Onward! (http://forums.elementalgame.com/399482)

In Worten: Wer noch heute oder spätestens morgen (Ortszeit!) Elemental über Impulse erwirbt oder registriert erhält die ersten beiden Erweiterungen gratis!

Ich habe gestern zugeschlagen, obwohl ich befürchte, dass ich mit dem Spiel in seinem derzeitigen Zustand noch nichts anfangen kann. Vielleicht sorgt das bevorstehende Update 1.1 bereits für ausreichend Feinschliff, immerhin wird darauf basierend eine Demo erscheinen und das ist auch der Ausgangspunkt für die Weiterentwicklung des Spiels. Im Grunde könnte man sagen, 1.1 ist die eigentliche Launch-Version.

Es ist natürlich auch möglich, dass dieses schnäppchen keines ist, denn wer weiß schon ob nicht die Pakete (Gold, später Ultimate) aus Hauptspiel und Erweiterung(en) später einmal genau so viel kosten, wie Elemental heute. Macht nix, ich habe immer noch Zutrauen, dass Elemental sich zur neuen Referenz im Genre entwickelt und deshalb hätte ich es irgendwann sowieso gekauft. Bei PayPal-Zahlung habe ich zum gestrigen Abzock-Umrechnungskurs 36,86€ bezahlt.

Von Betrag €36,86 EUR
Zu Betrag $49.95 USD
Wechselkurs: 1 EUR = 1,35512 USD

Nicht zögern Leute, kaufen, pushen, supporten! Wieviele rundenbasierte Strategiespiele kennt ihr sonst, bei denen die K.I. nach den selben Regeln wie der Spieler handeln muss? GalCiv zählt nicht, das ist auch von Stardock. :biggrin:

2010-10-30, 17:59:11
Wieviele rundenbasierte Strategiespiele kennt ihr sonst, bei denen die K.I. nach den selben Regeln wie der Spieler handeln muss? GalCiv zählt nicht, das ist auch von Stardock. :biggrin:

Da gibt es zur Zeit auch noch BloodBowl ;)

Mich als alten MoM-Veteranen würde Elemental grundsätzlich schon in den Fingern jucken. Aber ich habe einfach Angst, dass das eine ewige Baustelle wird.

2010-10-30, 20:41:49
Ich habe Elemental ebenfalls seit Release aber warte bis zur nächsten Runde bis zum großen Update 1.1. Die Sache mit den Erweiterungen ist natürlich klasse.

mfg b.

2010-10-31, 05:55:53
Mich als alten MoM-Veteranen würde Elemental grundsätzlich schon in den Fingern jucken. Aber ich habe einfach Angst, dass das eine ewige Baustelle wird.
Im Moment sieht das für mich auch schwer danach aus, allerdings habe ich ein gewisses Vertrauen in Stardock und insofern wird es wohl nur vorübergehend eine Baustelle bleiben. Das Spiel wird reifen und mit 1.1 soll übrigens wohl das Magiesystem in Richtung MoM überarbeitet werden. Auch was man sonst so an Ideen liest lässt mich glauben, dass auf einem guten Weg sind und nachdem das zweite Game-Team bei Stardock aufgelöst wurde und jetzt alle Entwickler an Elemental sitzen, wird das Spiel wohl unaufhaltsam Fahrt aufnehmen (*auf Holz klopf*).

Ich nehme den steinigen Weg bis zur neuen Genrereferenz derweil als willkommene Möglichkeit, einem Spiel beim Reifen zuzusehen. =)

Ich habe Elemental ebenfalls seit Release aber warte bis zur nächsten Runde bis zum großen Update 1.1. Die Sache mit den Erweiterungen ist natürlich klasse.

Also ich habe jetzt mal ein paar Stunden gespielt mit dem Spiel herumgespielt und muss sagen, ich hatte nicht besonders viel Spaß.

Ich hatte keinen wirklichen Plan, was ich tun soll. Hier mal irgendwas erforschen, da mal idiotische Quests absolvieren, außerdem ein paar Städte spammen und stupide erweitern, alles ziemlich lame. Ich hatte (Schwierigkeit: normal) auch nie Ressourcenprobleme, was die Freude an Forschungserfolgen entsprechend geschmälert hat. Naja, bei den Ressourcen soll sich ja einiges mit 1.1 tun, mal sehen.

Das Magiesystem ist im Moment (1.09e) auch eher der Marke "viel hilft viel". Redundantdantdantdantdant.... wenngleich ein paar Spells gerade zu Beginn ganz nett waren (Magic Armor/Weapon, Familiar).

Was ich mit diesen unzähligen (viel hilft viel?) Champions soll, ist mir auch ein Rätsel. Offenbar sind die nicht besonders wertvoll, man wirbt sie halt an, weil man es kann und einige geben wenigstens Produktionsboni. Ich habe gelesen, am ehesten nützen sie einem, wenn man sie mit Magiefähigkeiten versieht.

Kämpfe beschränkten sich bei mir bis jetzt auf meine Minitruppe (Leader, Familiar, vielleicht ein Champion) gegen zwei oder drei Monster. Krieg gegen andere Reiche habe ich noch keinen geführt, aber die "taktischen Kämpfe" finde ich jetzt schon schwach umgesetzt. Da wäre eine deutlichere Anleihe bei HoMM nicht verkehrt gewesen.

Wie soll man eigentlich die Welt erkunden und trotz Fog of War im Auge behalten? Ist es so gedacht, dass man ausreichend Scouts auf Auto-Explore losschickt (besserer Algorithmus als bei GalCiv2?!) und dann immer mal nachschaut, was die so in Sichtweite haben? Wie kann man eigentlich heiraten? Karawanen gründen (und wozu)? Zu allem Überfluss hat Stardock das Manual in Form eines PDF-Dokuments ausgeliefert, das mit "Sumatra PDF" nicht betrachtet werden kann, auf eine AdobeInstallation habe ich kein Lust und ein In-Game Tutorial gibt es wohl auch nicht.

Was mir gefällt ist die grafische Präsentation und dass ich endlich ein Spiel gefunden habe, bei dem ich 2xSGSSAA nicht mehr missen mag (die fiesen Flimmerbüsche!). Witzig auch, dass die paar Regler unter Grafikeinstellungen (noch) nichts bewirken, aber immerhin funktioniert InGame-AA und lässt sich dann treiberseitig um TAA erweitern, treiberforciertes AA funktioniert kurioserweise nicht ohne Weiteres. VSync wäre toll gewesen, aber auch hier lässt sich treiberseitig nachhelfen. Die Musik gefällt mir soweit auch, die Steuerung hat gewohntes Stardock-Niveau (:ulol:) und die GUI könnte allgemein ein wenig übersichtlicher und intuitiver gehalten werden. Ich bitte bei meiner voreiligen Kurzkritik allerdings stets zu bedenken, das ich wirklich noch keinen Plan habe, wie man das Spiel zu spielen hat.

Nächsten Donnerstag beginnt die 1.1 Open-Beta und ich bin sehr gespannt, ich denke dann werde ich auch erstmals ernsthaft versuchen, ein Reich zu erschaffen und meine Nachbarn zu massakrieren. Potential ist allerorten vorhanden, Feedback und Ideen aus der Community gibt es zuhauf. Stardock gibt sich außerdem motiviert und zu weitreichenden Änderungen bereit. Go, Stardock, go! :up:

2010-11-26, 09:21:35
Ich muss sagen, ich habe selten eine unvollständigere und planlosere Veröffentlichung erlebt und ich bin ja erst mit Version 1.09 eingestiegen. Ich habe noch ein wenig damit herumgespielt und nachdem ich es gekauft hatte intensiver die Forumsdiskussionen verfolgt.

Das Spiel zeigt hier ein paar Ideen, dort zahllose aus GalCiv2 offenbar per Copy&Paste übernommene Spielmechaniken und während die Checklistenfeatures auf den ersten Blick Abwechslungsreichtum und Spieltiefe erträumen lassen, merkt man schnell, dass nirgendwo wirklich eins ins andere greift. Brainstorming als Vollpreistitel! Das Balancing ist grottig, die einzelnen Spielfragmente existierern nebeneinander her, die Steuerung ist hakelig, die rundenbasierten Kämpfe sind ein Witz, da macht so richtig gar nichts Spaß. :biggrin:

Was allerdings Freude bereitet, ist das Forum zu verfolgen. In der Community gibt es zahllose gute Ideen, was für ein Spiel man aus dieser Grafikengine und dem gesetzten Thema basteln könnte und immer wenn man denkt, jetzt haben sich die Entwickler für eine Zielrichtung entschieden, lässt ein gegenläufiges Statement vermuten, dass sie doch noch nicht so richtig wissen, wohin die Reise eigentlich gehen soll.

Immerhin wird jetzt endlich ein Grundübel beseitigt, das mich schon beim ansonsten grandiosen GalCiv2 kirre gemacht hat:

A lot of games use 1DN rolls, they are quick, easy to implement, and WRONG.

Anybody played . . . any tabletop game, or sit down D&D ever, how many dice did you bring to the table . . . I'm going to guess more then 1. (like a small bag of them). Just one action on a tabletop game will take upwards of 5 dice easy.
Why? Because multiple dice = somewhat predictable behavior.

You're standard 1DN takes 2 operations, + Random # generation or lookup.
The generation of Gaussian Random numbers adds an extra 5 or 10 operations, more if you use a low efficiency algorithm, and then takes get this 2 operations.

If you do your RNG in advance or during slow cycles with not much on the CPU. it's the same!!!

So you've got a epic dude of Epic-ness kickass sword, expert training, Years experience. This guy is made of win.

This guy encounters a spider in the woods. Attacks, Rolls for 0 - 85 attack. gets a 3. doesn't kill the spider.

Wait, What??

I understand there maybe should be some chance to miss. but then just say miss, don't embarrass . . . everybody . . . with a hit of 3.

If your TOP hit is 85. you aught be doing 60 - 65, reliably.

that's 20 + 17D5. which is a lot of operations, or Gaussian(62.5, 5) which is 2, and a Gaussian look-up.

Same goes for Armour, You're amour that gives 8 protection should almost never roll 0, unless the attacker has some special for a chance to ignore Armour.

1DN should be used exclusively when it is logically defensible that all possible outcomes aught be equally probable . . . which is in thermodynamics, or nearly never.

If anybody thinks 1DN rolls are a good idea, Speak now, or rally behind me in this crusade against the misuse of random damage, and all other occurrences of 1DN.

Robbie Price

You have my Bow!
I'm definitely behind this. The current system just doesn't work well.
And my axe!
/signed in a big huge way
You have my sword...
Please god make it happen
The Communist Party of Elemental disapproves of 1DN model and joins the rally.
The Fascist Party of Elemental disapproves of 1DN model and joins the rally. Tactical Battle arm bands are passed around.
Now if we could only get the moderate left and the moderate right to join the political tides, I'm glad to see I have the extremists :- P
the liberals are for a new system
Catholic fundamentalists throw their vote for "1dN is the work of satan!"
/signs original petition.
Ceterum autem censeo, 1DN esse delendam
We agree with you. It's going to be modified coming up.
Geht doch! :biggrin:

Übrigens generell eine interessante Diskussion, denn mit der hübschen Determinierbarkeit der Zufallsergebnisse fängt man sich andere Balancingprobleme ein. Gamedesign ist eine echte Kunst.

Quelle: [suggestion/(demand?)][Gameplay] A rally against 1DN rolls (http://forums.elementalgame.com/392880/page/1)

Neue Beta-Patches schmeißen derweil einiges über den Haufen und jetzt hat das Spiel zunächst auch offiziell keine angemessene KI mehr. Die war zwar davor auch schon Scheiße (durfte aber immerhin nicht cheaten), aber jetzt muss sie erst einmal die neuen Regeln lernen! Die GUI wurde sinnvoll verbessert, Nahrung und Mana sind jetzt globale Ressourcen und das erschütternd langweilige Magiesystem ist jetzt nur noch zum Gähnen, ein deutlicher Fortschritt. Wer an den sogenannten "Quests", also dem Adventure/RPG-Part Spaß hat, möge sich übrigens melden! :ulol:

Elemental: v1.09E Changelog (http://forums.elementalgame.com/398621)

Tonight you’ll be able to update to v1.09E of Elemental. There are several bugfixes and tweaks in it, but the major change is the shift to a public Multiplayer build. If you’ve been playing the ‘release candidate’ MP builds, we suggest turning off ‘Show Pre-Release’ versions for anyone that has it selected that ONLY wants the official updates).

After 1.09E we’ll be shifting all our energies onto v1.1, where you’ll start to see the major gameplay shifts be officially implemented (a lot of the necessary code is actually in the builds you’re playing, to switch just hasn’t been flipped). I’m sure you’ve seen Brad’s posts on our plans, but the major items being addressed in 1.1 are:

+ Tactical Battles (edit: sorry, this isn't v1.1...sorry for my confusion): Working on a seperate branch, the guys have the new battle system implemented and are playtesting it as we speak. You’ll be seeing a new UI, new system for using special abilities, and the new streamlined ‘Initative’ based turn ordering system. Rumor has it it’s ‘considerably better’, but I’ll settle for ‘much better’.

+ Magic: Universal mana pool and cleaned up spellbook management are what 1.1 will bring to the wizards table. No more enchantment slot cheese-tactics and summon spamming. Now each enchantment results in a per-turn drain on that global pool, so you’re going to have to make some serious choices when casting those high level spells. And I think we can all agree...the more interesting choices, the better!

+ Cities, Population management, and the AI: These are Brad’s big areas atm, so I wont steal his thunder, but I’ve been told the City changes will result in a more competent AI, so get excited to...lose more?

And of course bug fixes, memory fixes, performance improvements, UI improvements...but that’s v1.1. Today, we have 1.09e, which should be available in the next few hours!


----------- Elemental v1.09e Change Log -----------

** Fixes / Tweaks **

+ Fixed a bug where loot could go nuts (pioneers giving millions of Gildar)
+ Grand kids should no longer defect to dead factions
+ Map list now has tooltips & lists the map size
+ When you load a map from the world setup screen, it now updates the world size spinner
+ Fix: Minor Water Elemental summon (from Lord of Sea spell) and Storm Giant now have their “Drowning Strike” abilities
+ Heal spell working properly (Unit “CurHealth” modifiers now work with Min/Max value calculations)
+ City List now features tooltip explaining red popupation
+ Bug Fixed: ‘Resource Changed’ event not firing when the resource was already in the player’s pool (broke chapter 5 of the campaign)
+ Trigger for ‘Resource Ammount Met’ no longer requires the player to have been BELOW the required amount the turn before
+ Consolidated most of the SP/MP xml files, eliminating discrepencies between MP and SP files
+ fixed leaked ref with starting spellbook spells.
+ on new unit design screen, when hovering over or selecting an item that has no "attributes" or "costs", those labels in the selection context area will not be shown. An example is when you hover or select a hairstyle from the [OTHER] tab, equipping hair has no benefits or costs, but the labels were still showing up, which looked dumb.
+ Fixed bug where mounted units did not generate their portraits properly
+ Fixed bug where after renaming a city, the old name would still be displayed on the cloth map
+ AI being limited by the UnitType “AllowGrouping” tag (won’t groups catapults to assult the player)
+ City List: RED population when there’s not enough housing
+ City List: doubleclicking an entry acts the same as seleting it and pressing “Details”
+ City Building Mode
- turn off camera bounds clipping (fixed bug where the camera would jerk around,causing improvements to be oddly placed)
- selecting a friendly city in city-build mode selects it for city building
- doubleclicking a city-details improvement entry will auto-place it

** Multiplayer **

+ Multiplayer enabled in public build
+ Removed checks for duplicate factions in the choose sovereign screen so that cycling through all the AI players doesn’t leave you with no choices
+ You can now right click on the team, faction, and sovereign buttons in the game lobby to cycle backwards. (for non-AI players, right clicking does the same thing as left clicking for faction and sovereign)
+ Fixed bug where map size was always tiny in the available games list
+ Fixed bug where minor factions were picking player colors
+ Fixed bug where if there were duplicate factions, they would get all the AI designed units from the other faction
+ Fixed bug where you wouldn’t have a faction if you finished or quit out of a game (now keeps the one that was previously set)
+ If you change the world size, the map name is now cleared so that a new random map will be picked.
+ Fixed stuck turn bug caused by caravans with invalid destinations
+ I believe that I have fixed the bug where if you clicked fast enough you could build multiple instances of a limited improvement, or build two improvements on one resource
+ Fixed bug where the learning queue was not saved in mp save games
+ Fixed bug with learning spells twice by spam clicking
+ Fixed bug when choosing a spell level not getting saved

1.09n (1.1 Beta) changelog (http://forums.elementalgame.com/400368)
Scheduled for release on Friday 11/19/2010

*** Beta requires an internet connection to play ***

*** This will break save games ***

*** The campaign is not playable in this version of the beta patch (it will be resolved before the final 1.1 patch) ***


+ Beacon of Hope kingdom improvement added (+2 prestige, 1 per faction).

+ Removed refund of global limited improvement instance counts for world wonders, so that once a world wonder is built, even if it is destroyed, it can't be built again

+ Outpost hubs for levels 1-5 now require 1 food per turn (you cannot build a settlement if you do not meet the 1 food cost)

+ Fixed bug where outposts with no population themselves, but in a faction that had some population available for training, would still not allow the player to train a unit until the city had some population

+ Fixed bug where rationing wasn't actually reducing the production of resources in a city unless that city already had some multiplier on its production, and fixed the disparities between the lorebook breakdown of resource storage in cities under rationing that was caused by this

+ Added ability to clear forests adjacent to your cities which costs 25 gildar and provides 2 materials.

+ Improvements now extend influence.

+ Tower of Civilization imperial improvement added (+2 prestige, 1 per faction).

+ Tower of Essence kingdom improvement added (+2 mana, city size 3, city has to have a shard).

+ Tower of Doom empire improvement added (+2 mana, city size 3, city has to have a shard).


+ Added a 1 available specialist cost to all the default and base unit types for the core factions and race types, so that training a unit will tie up one in the population, and the amount that is tied up scales with the grouping type (so a party of 4 ties up 4 population, etc.).

+ New Ability Bonuses for Great Defender and Immobilized (when immobilized a unit can’t move).

+ New "Guardian Ward" unittype added.


+ All spells now use global mana

+ Sovereigns now produce +3 Global Mana per turn

+ Spellbooks reorganized, new ones added

+ Added ability to specify a minimum stat score that a spellcaster needs to cast a spell to a spell def

+ Spells with durations will now be canceled on end-of-battle (note that tactical enchantment spells w/o duration will still be permanent)

+ Air Spells will be properly affected by an Air Shard and the Caster’s Intelligence

+ Imbue Champion now immediately available, takes 1 mana per turn

+ New Paintings hooked up for appropriate Spells

+ Spells cast on / removed from a city will now update their HUDs to properly reflect stat changes

+ Added a IsResistable tag to spells, will be used for magic resistance.

+ Sovereigns now ignore the min stat requirements for casting spells

+ "All Enemy Units" can be targeted by a given spell

+ "Random Enemy Unit" can be targeted by a spell

+ Increased the time it takes to learn each new spell level to 25/50/100/200 for levels 2 through 5

+ Players start with more generalized spellbooks (terraforming, enchantment, combat, mobility). Elemental and advanced spellbooks are unlocked through the tech tree.

+ Terraforming spellbook:

Raise Land- water into land and land into hill
Lower Land- mountain into hill, hill into land
Revive Land- tile becomes grassland
Desecrate Land- tile becomes forsaken
Erosion- erode Cliffside into beach
Create Mountain- raise land into a mountain
Destroy Land- lower land to water

+ Enchantment spellbook:

Nature's Bounty- settlement gets +1 food
Alchemy- settlement gets +1 gildar
Invisible Workers- settlement gets +1 materials
Inspiration- settlement gives +1 tech
Call to Arms- automatically completes training the unit in target settlements queue
Enchanted Hammers- reduces the build time of improvements in the target city by 25%
Greater Alchemy- settlement gets +3 gildar
Guardian Ward- provides a powerful city defender that can’t leave the city.

+ Mobility spellbook:

Blink- teleport unit to an empty tile in tactical combat.
Return- teleport to the capital city.
Teleport- teleport to any friendly tile
Mobility- target unit gets +1 movement
Haste- target unit gets combat speed +1
Greater Mobility- target unit gets +2 movement
Escape- entire army escapes from tactical combat
Greater Haste- +1 combat speed of the army in tactical combat
Call of the Titans- all the players units that aren’t in cities are teleported to the selected tile

+ Combat spellbook:

Arcane Weapon- target unit gets +5 to attack
Arcane Arrow- deals ¾ the casters Int in damage to target
Guardian Aura- targets dodge rating is doubled
Spell Blast- targets units within 1 radius receive ½ the casters Int in damage
Berzerk- target units defense is moved to attack for battle
Spell Immunity- target unit is immune to spells
Touch of Entropy- target unit takes 50 damage
Blood Rage- unit gains HP and strength for all damage dealt

+ Earth spellbook:

Pull of the Earth- combat speed is halved for 3 turns
Stone Skin- target unit gets +10 defense
Rock Slide- target tile blocks, unit in tile knocked back and loses 1 turn
Summon Earth Elemental- summons an earth elemental
Earthquake- destroys random improvements and resets the training and build queues of nearby cities

+ Air spellbook:

Evade- target unit gets +1 to dodge
Eyes of the Eagle- fog of war revealed for a 6 radius around the caster
Bottled Gale- target unit is knocked back 2 tiles
Storm- random enemy hit by a lightning bolt for 5-8 damage
Greater Evasion- target unit get +2 to dodge
Tornado- randomly disperses an army across several tiles and immobilizes them for a turn

+ Fire spellbook:

Burning Hands- target unit takes 8 damage (range 1)
Flame Dart- target unit takes 5 damage
Fire Ball- target unit takes 8 damage + 4 per fire shard
Fire Storm- area with radius 1 takes 10 damage + 5 per fire shard
Curgen's Inferno- causes a volcano to explode and destroy target city

+ Water spellbook:

Grip of Winter- target has a 25% chance of losing its next turn
Blizzard- damage to units within 2 tiles
Greater Grip of Winter- freezes all enemy units, giving them a 50% chance of losing their next turn

+ Life spellbook:

Summon Familiar- summons a familiar
Heal- heals target unit by 20hp
Regeneration- target unit hals +2 hp per turn (in and out of combat) and +3 con
Fertility- target settlement gets +1 prestige
Glyph of Life- target units hp increased by 20
Death Ward- imbued hero will be saved if they fall in battle (as a sovereign is)

+ Summon spellbook:

Summon Imp- summons an imp
Nature's Ally- summons natures ally
Demonic Ally- summons a lesser demon
Pariden's Return- summons Pariden to fight for one battle

+ Death spellbook:

Summon Spy- Summons a spy
Blindness- target unit gets -50% to accuracy
Wither- reduces the strength and constitution of target unit
Contagion- all enemies take damage per turn
Sacrifice- target city you control loses 100 citizens and provides 50 mana (or .5 mana per citizen if population is less than 100).

+ Mastery spellbook:

Spell of Making- wins the game.


+ In tactical battles you can now click on units outside of your attack range in order to set an attack destination unit.

+ Cities now use modifier instances (from Spells) for factoring in DefendingUnitBonuses

+ Quick battles now prevent popups until after the battle is over so that you can see what is happening

+ When a sovereign gets killed in non-hostile territory, instead of spending essence to retreat, they now spend half of their mana and are then immobilized in the city they retreat to for 5 turns.

+ Increased the speed of tactical animations, particuarly with archers and mounted units.


+ Trade equipment screen now only allows champions, no units. It was confusing that the screen allowed you to give equipment to trained units, but they could do nothing with it, since only champions can equip stuff. The downside is you cannot give your trained units potions and other consumable stuff via this screen anymore.

+ Trade equipment screen now supports drag-and-dropping of entries to trade

+ Trade equipment screen now supports double-clicking of entries, which behaves the same as selecting the entry and hitting the trade button.

+ Can now just high light entries on the trade equipment screen to refresh the context area and see what an item provides, previously you had to select something for that area to update.

+ Asking for the player's population (and the population display in the UI) now shows just the population of the player's cities, and no longer counts units on the map. This way the population can represent the "resource" that player has to manipulate and spend on training units and building improvements, and keeps us from having to have recruited units use available specialists, which when traded or killed would just decrement the specialists and total population simultaneously (e.g. 10/10 would to go 9/9)

+ Main Game Window changes:

Kingdom and Turn button now have labels.

Equip button is back, with a label instead of just a shield icon. It's for when you have a unit selected, otherwise it’s hidden.

Turn counter has been moved from upper right area, to the new upper left area.

On the vitals tab when a unit is selected, the 4th displayed stat is now CurHP/MaxHP instead of combat speed.

Implemented Faction Power Wnd, which is a little dockable window that displays the Power Rating of each player in a game. It is always shown at the start of a game. You can toggle it on/off via a button in the upper right of the main game window. List is sorted by power rating, in descending order. Only shows players that the local player has met. When they meet a new faction, the list is refilled and re-sorted by faction power, so it's always up to date.

+ Added displays of income tax to the kingdom report window and the lorebook info for cities

+ Moved the hotkey strings from the entry text of the unit actions into the tooltip for an action, when that action can be performed

+ Shortened the display name of some of the unit actions, so that they don't clip in the unit actions entries

+ Made the status bars in the city context (showing training and building progress) transparent, so that the button that takes up the whole back of them now can be clicked through the status bars still

+ Added a unit action type to open the spellbook for casting a spell

+ "Disable Particle Effects" option now works in tactical battles

+ AI is moving dialog now only shows in MP

+ Added a new Build List. Added short text info about why an improvement can't be built to the improvement entries themselves. Added any placement limits on improvements (e.g. one per city, or world wonder) to the notes section for the highlighted improvement's stats. Cleaned up some behavior, like disabling and highlighting, adding more info for demolition, and what stats to show when opening the thing the first time, and got rid of some hardcoded badness for adding notes for specific improvement types

+ Vitals tab for caravans and wild improvements now hides the level icon next to the status bar that is used for unit vitals

+ Made it so that when either a construction project or unit completes training, it checks if the city is idle (ie. not training anything else and not building anything else). If so, and it's the local player, they are warned with a popup that the city is idle. The camera now only scrolls to that location, if you select BUILD or TRAIN. So if you hit close to dismiss the dialog, the camera will not have moved from whatever it was you were doing elsewhere.

+ If you load a custom map, either in SP or MP, on the world setup window, it will change the world name to match the display name of the map you selected. You can still change it if you'd like though.

+ The train unit screen now shows the faction's available specialist count at the top instead of the total population of the city the popup was opened from.

+ Disabled "pedestrian LOD override" in tile editor (Makes it easier for our artists and modders to place pedestrians in tile designs).

+ Cleaned up the info cards for caravans, fixing bugs in resizing that kept lots of information from showing up, adding a line saying what city the caravan belongs to, and adding resizing code to ensure that the trade route's resource bonus shows up correctly at the bottom of the info card

+ Added home and trade city info to the vitals tab for caravans, since this is something people have said they wanted to know

+ Info cards pop up for improvements in demolish mode now, so the user knows what they are mousing over

+ Hooked up "M" as the hotkey for the cast spell unit action, added strings to let the user know about that in the new actions context

+ Tactical screen now supports the "Disable Outlines" option

+ Reset Quality and Quantity when you bring the training window back up

+ Clicking on any global resource entry is a shortcut to bring up the city list.

+ Changed all the unit stat displays to show stats as integers, always rounded up to the nearest integer, and to use the same breakdown tooltip to see where the numbers are coming from.

+ In some screens, added descriptions for the stats as the tooltip when mousing over the name or icon of a stat, such as on the level up window, lorebook window, and unit design window (when the user might want to know what their changes are doing to the units)

+ Created a new tooltip breakdown that shows the contributions each member of an army is making to an accumulated stat value, like for the army vitals context when an army is selected on the main screen, to replace the confusing breakdown of only battle bonuses used before

+ All functions and UI now grab the full stat value for a unit, instead of just the value without any geographic bonuses from the terrain they were on or whatever. Also made all stat functions return the full value by default, instead of the partial value (which was the default before).

+ Reenabled tooltips in the lorebook stat entries, so that breakdowns and stat descriptions can be shown.

+ Fixed bug where some trade info for cities weren't initializing their caravan IDs, so that if the trade info was cleared (from one of the cities getting destroyed), it picked an essentially random unit to disband for the caravan of the trade route being destroyed along with the city (aka: Kwilas memorial sovereign caravan assassination bug).

+ New tooltips for the resources in the global resource area of main game window.

+ If per turn amount of a global resource is negative, the number text will be red

+ Terrain Window no longer shows up by default.


+ Fixed bug where the AI was designing units with equipment that their model type did not support, caused the larger fallen races, like trogs and quendar, too use female armor that was too small for them (aka: the cross dressing quendar bug).

+ Pioneer Pack no longer an item you can equip dudes with.

+ Fixed quest "Alzor's Armor" to actually give you armor of that name, rather than some similarly (but not exactly) named armor.

+ Fixed bug that caused fallen to not have access to the Soldiers cloak

+ Changed "potion of lesser essence" to "Potion of Intelligence" and it now increases drinker's intelligence by 1

+ Fixed some minor issues from the new tech trees and finish first balance pass of weapons and armor.


+ Changed stat calculations for prestige bonus (from charisma), dodge, accuracy, attack, defense, and max HP.

Strength- Modifies damage
Dexterity- Modifies dodge
Constitution- Modifies hit points
Intelligence- Modifies spell resistance, boosts some spells, required for Champions to cast some spells
Charisma- Sovereigns Charisma modifies Champion recruit costs. Champions and the Sovereign give a prestige boost to the city they are in.

Attack (which is damage) = Weapon Attack + ((Strength - 10)/2)
Defense (which is damage absorb) = Armor Defense
Accuracy = 15 + (Level * 3)
Dodge = Dexterity / 2
Hit Points = 10 + ( (Constitution / 5) * (2 * Level) )
Spell Resistance = Intelligence / 2
Prestige Boost in City = Charisma / 5

+ Added a Magic Resist stat to units.

+ Made essence a hidden and non-upgradeable stat, so that it should be gone from all the UI and act only as an under-the-hood mark of being a spellcaster

+ Marked some stats as non-upgradeable, and gave them 0 points per level up point. Core stats (strength, intelligence, dexterity, charisma, and constitution) should now all default to 10, be upgradeable, and get 1 point per level up point.

+ Units now get 3 points when they level up.

+ Removed wisdom from the list of core stats.

+ Removed Morale.

+ Changed Intimidating and Cowardly Sovereign talents/weaknesses to affect spell resistance of the sovereign’s army.

+ Changed Natural Leader to Tactician and Cruel to Reckless, and they now affect Dodge of the sovereign’s army.


+ Players always have a choice of a breakthrough whenever they reach a new tech level.

+ Quests now save/load their 'Subject Unit' (this fixes the Sarog's Egg quest, along with any others that use the subject unit when saving/loading).

+ In SP, popups now prevent units from moving until the popup is closed, and the WaitingForUserResponse flag gets unset immediately after kicking out of the loop, to prevent stuck turns

+ Trade routes set up by caravans now provide 10% bonuses to gildar production in the two cities they connect. Upgrading the roads now provides a 20%, 30%, and 40% bonus for the 4 road levels defined in RoadLevelDefs.xml. Made trade route length and wagons not affect the bonus anymore.

+ There is now the concept of a game year, which starts at 159 A.C.. There are 4 seasons in a game year. A turn is a season. Game year and season are now displayed in the upper left hand corner of the main game wnd, instead of turn num.

+ Adjusted %'s techs show up when researching (it’s all 100% now, open to balance).

+ First pass at creature balance, new stats for all creatures in CoreMonsterUnitTypes.xml.


+ The AI is now multi-threaded (so it can spend its time contemplating your doom while you are doing other things).

*** This build does not contain Brad's AI optimizations ***


+ Fixed various crashes, memory errors, and hangs

+ Fixed exploit where you could still use the shortcut key (x) to raze a city, even if you don't yet have the tech that grants you the ability to Raze.

+ Fixed a bug where unit wouldn’t drop treasure after tactical battles unless auto resolve was used.

+ Fixed bug when teleporting units in an army: teleporting the leader would move the army, but teleporting using a sub unit would not but it would use its mana anyway, this has now been fixed so that if you use a sub unit to teleport, the whole army is teleported.

+ Fixed a bug where the AI spellcasters would cast spells that they hadn't learned yet, caused problem that we saw where the AI sovereigns would have stone giants, minions, basically many summons early in the game

+ Fixed bug where looking at spells you haven't learned yet in the spellbook wnd when your faction wasn't creating any spell points per turn would cause it to display a nonsense number for turns to learn, now just says "Will Not Learn"

+ Fixed an autoselection bug in tactical battles such that if a local unit is already selected a new unit is not chosen at the start of the local player's turn.

+ Spell effects should now spawn at an appropriate tile offset for units not at the center of their tiles.

+ Tactical window now caches unit IDs to avoid mysterious unit deaths after a battle.

+ Fixed a bug where absorbed damage was not detected properly.

+ Fixed a bug that caused double battle report text.

+ Fixed a bug where defending units had incorrect damage done in battle reports.

+ Fixed bug where the pass turn action in tactical was allowed only when stuff was animating, instead of the other way around, making it not do anything most of the time

+ Fixed bug where entries couldn't be dragged onto a listbox that doesn't already have at least one entry

+ Fixed bug where the AI would sometimes overwrite the description of unit types depending on what they were doing, which caused units of the same type owned by the player to lose their descriptions and show something that wasn't applicable to them

+ Fixed bug where turns to learn a new spell level wasn't being displayed in the spellbook window when selected

+ Fixed bug where after equipping a mount like a horse or warg, if you went to Edit Info Card screen the cloth poses would be incorrect

+ Fixed particle effects not working in tile editor

+ Fixed bugs in tile design shadow generation. Now when you save a tile design in the tile editor, its shadow will generate properly, and it will update in the editor window so it shows the new shadow

+ Fixed bug where icons on cloth map were being rendered over top of unit markers

+ Fixed "flickering" decals bug (If there is no texture or the texture is not loaded, the decal is not rendered).

+ Fixed bug where the actions entries and the item entries in the unit vitals tab had their pictures sized differently, causing them to look mismatched

+ Fixed beam effects not working

+ Fixed bug where decals would flicker and the wrong decals would show up for objects in tactical battle after multiple battles

+ Fixed bug where the valid demolish cursor did not show up when mousing over an improvement that could be demolished in demolish mode

+ Fixed bug where the train unit queue wasn't being shown in the context area when the train unit wnd was open, so that you couldn't see the state of the queue while adding to it

+ Fixed bug where the first time the city right context wnd was unhidden on starting/loading a game, clicking the train unit button or build button didn't do anything because the new data was getting cleared out by on start new game code

+ Fixed bug where the resource breakdown for a certain resource in a city would sometimes not match what was actually being produced because the city hub and improvements under construction were often being ignored in the breakdown; now all improvements in a city are looked at no matter what, the improvements themselves are smart enough to tell the lorebook what modifiers they apply or not based on if they have finished construction

+ Fixed bug where images in the conversation window did not scale properly

+ Fixed bug where Edit Info Card screen would display the unit type's name rather than the unit's name

+ Fixed bug where global resource area would not always resize correctly.

+ Fixed bug where destroyed units would still get counted in a player's resource production for the duration of the turn before the player actually removed them from their unit list

+ Fixed bug where caravans still had the Guard action available when they started trading, which could cancel their directive to travel along their trade route

+ Fixed bug where two caravans on the same road (but going in opposite directions) were applying their effects on the road separately instead of together, causing it to not take a shorter time for a road to grow levels by having two caravans on it versus one

+ Fixed problem where roads between cities, where one of the cities got destroyed, were not being deleted and removed from the world now that they were no longer needed

Man darf gespannt sein, wo das Spiel endet, aber ich glaube vor den Erweiterungen wird das nichts mehr. :smile:

2010-11-26, 10:11:41
Ich lese seit dem Release und vielleicht zwei, drei Spielen auch nur noch sporadisch das offizielle Forum. Das Spiel selber schlumert auf meiner Platte und wartet auf eine Reaktivierung nach dem 1.1. Zweifelsfrei großes Potential aber alles noch nicht wirklich final. Mal sehen, wie es weitergeht.

mfg b.

2010-11-26, 15:39:29
Sehr schade das Ganze. Mit 2 Jahren mehr Entwicklungszeit und einer ausgedehnten Beta-Phase hätte es schon zu Release gut sein können.

Aber das hätte wohl leider den finanziellen Rahmen gesprengt. :usad:

2010-11-28, 08:59:54
Naja, mal sehen was das noch wird. Jetzt bindet das Hinterhergefrickel ja erst einmal jahrelang die Entwickler, wobei Frogboy versprochen hat, nebenher noch GalCiv2 ToA zu flicken. Da ist die K.I. teilweise auch immer noch in einem katastrophalen Zustand. Ich hätte auch gedacht, dass sie Elemental mit all der Erfahrung und einem ausgereiften Gesamtkonzept beginnen. War wohl nix und GalCiv3 ist fern - schwere Zeiten.

2010-12-15, 09:59:27
Quelle: E-Mail-Ankündigung Patch 1.1

Elemental: War of Magic v1.1 Change Log (http://forums.elementalgame.com/402305)

We've been working very hard to get our beloved strategy game, Elemental up to its potential.

Version 1.1, which we've been working on for the past two months, is an important step in that direction.

We said we are committed to doing what it takes to make Elemental into the preeminent turn-based fantasy strategy game for the PC. Version 1.1 of Elemental: War of Magic is only the beginning.

We will begin work on the next update (for January) as soon as v1.1 is released.

We will be giving away the first expansion pack to anyone who buys Elemental: War of Magic before the end of the year.

While we collectively have a long laundry list of things we still want to do. We feel confident that most users who played v1.0 will be pleased with v1.1.

Below is a change log between v1.09 and v1.1. v1.1 is expected to be released later today (EST).


+ Beacon of Hope kingdom improvement added (+1 prestige, 1 per faction).

+ Added ability to clear forests adjacent to your cities which costs 25 gildar and provides 2 materials.

+ Improvements now extend influence.

+ Tower of Dominion imperial improvement added (+1 prestige, 1 per faction).

+ Tower of Essence kingdom improvement added (+2 mana, city size 3, city has to have a shard).

+ Tower of Doom empire improvement added (+2 mana, city size 3, city has to have a shard).

+ City hubs now automatically produce some prestige per turn equal to 1 - (0.1 * number of non-capital cities), with a min prestige production of 0.2 per turn. This is to make population more critical (since it won't grow as quickly).


Beacon of Hope- +1 prestige Fortress- +1 prestige, 1 per city, city level 5 Pub- +1.5 prestige, 1 per city, city level 3 Inn- +1 prestige, 1 per city, city level 2 Theater- +2 prestige, 1 per city, city level 4 Palace- +2 prestige, 1 per faction, city level 4 Great Arena- +4 prestige, +25% prestige in all cities, 1 per game, city level 5


Tower of Dominion- +1 prestige Imperial Throne- +2 prestige, 1 per faction, city level 4 Statue of Kir-Tion- +25% prestige in all cities, 1 per game, city level 2 Monument- +0.5 prestige, unlimited, city level 2

+ City levels changed from 25/100/400/1250 to 15/50/250/750.

+ City ZoC's adjusted:

City level 1: 1-3 (was 1-3) City level 2: 3-5 (was 3-5) City level 3: 5-7 (was 5-8) City level 4: 7-9 (was 12-15) City level 5: 9-12 (was 15-18)

+ City Level Gildar bonuses reduced from +10% per level to +5% per level.

+ Changed the Kingdom Smelter improvement to be one per city.

+ Added a Smelter improvement for the Empire to give them a way to boost metal production.

+ Villa Improvement added (replaces apartments), +60 pop, -1 food.

+ Houses moved up to the Economics tech.

+ Slums food cost reduced from 4 to 2 (to make slums efficient, if not pleasant to live in).

+ Slums moved back from the Proper Living to Majesty tech.

+ Gold Mines now require Harvesting tech to use

+ Lost Libraries now require Lore Recovery to use

+ Ancient Temples now require Arcane research to use

+ Inns can now be built by level 2 cities without a prerequisite.

+ Increased Shard Shrines from 1 mana/turn to 2 mana/turn.

+ The Empire can now build crystal mines.

+ The Imperial Throne reduces maintenance costs in the city it is built in by 50%.

+ Added the Garden improvement (Kingdom only).

+ Added the Skath Pit improvement (empire only).

+ Empire War Council improvement correctly requires Armies instead of the Tools of War tech now.

+ Added a tech requirement to the Empire Arcane temples.

+ Hedge Walls/Wooden Walls city level requirement reduced from 3 to 0.

+ Forts and castles city level requirement reduced from 4 to 3.

+ Added the Library improvement. Studies upgrade to libraries when a city reaches level 3 and the player has civics. Libraries provide 2 knowledge per turn. (Fallen version added called the Master Archivist).

+ Town Hall changed from +25% gildar production to -25% city maintenance and moved from city level 4 to 3.

+ Fixed Empire city bonuses set equal to the kingdom cities of the same level.


+ Renamed "Quests" to "Lore Recovery". Ancient Lore renamed to "Greater Lore"

+ Moved Shard Harvesting/Shard Domination to later in the tech tree.

+ Empire tech Refined Weaponry requires Dread Weapons now (instead of Offense).

+ Empire tech Refined Armor requires Master Armor now (instead of General Armor).

+ Removed the Empire Indoctronation tech.

+ Removed the Enchantment, Combat and Summoning spellbooks from the Empire Advanced spellbooks tech.

+ Added the Book of Summoning tech to the Empire tech tree.

+ Removed the Refined Essence Use tech from the Empire tech tree.

+ Removed the Essence Transference tech from the Empire tech tree.

+ Added the Master Spellbooks tech to the Empire tech tree.

+ Arcane Experiments Empire tech now requires Shard Harvesting.

+ Arcane Armor Empire tech now requires Arcane Experiments.

+ Arcane Weapons Empire tech now requires Arcane Armor (with the huge advantage of moving the Sword of Wrath to a late game tech instead of being a 2nd tier tech).

+ Removed the Life spellbook tech (all kingdom players already start with the Life spellbook).

+ Added the ability to spawn crystals to the Empire tech Keepers of Avarice.

+ Modified crystal spawns from techs so they are within 12 of the player’s capital instead of 20.

+ Modified mine spawns from techs so they are within 12 of the player’s capital instead of 20.

+ Modified food spawns from techs so they are within 12 of the player’s capital instead of 20.

+ Added an additional food spawn to the food spawns from techs (bees and an orchard instead of just bees).

+ Archery is now in the equipment line and required for ranged weapons (previously it was possible to learn ranged weapons and have access to bows but be unable to build archery ranges so you couldnt build archers).

+ Logistics and City Defense tech order reversed (previously you got the command post to build groups early but couldn't build it because it required a rank 3 city).

+ Adjusted %'s techs show up when researching (it’s all 100% now, open to balance).


+ Added a 1 available specialist cost to all the default and base unit types for the core factions and race types, so that training a unit will tie up one in the population, and the amount that is tied up scales with the grouping type (so a party of 4 ties up 4 population, etc.).

+ New Ability Bonuses for Great Defender and Immobilized (when immobilized a unit can’t move).

+ New "Guardian Ward" unittype added.

+ Balanced the Sentinel starting units.

+ Balanced children. Children's stats will be based more on the parents and children won't get free defense, attack, etc.

+ Kingdom Peasants now have a 5 constitution (like empire peasants).

+ Kingdom catapults are no longer available for Empire.

+ Removed spell immunity from Darklings.


+ All spells now use global mana.

+ Sovereigns produce +2 Global Mana per turn.

+ Added ability to specify a minimum stat score that a spellcaster needs to cast a spell to a spell def. Sovereigns ignore the min stat and can always cast spells they have access to.

+ Spells with durations will now be canceled on end-of-battle (note that tactical enchantment spells w/o duration will still be permanent).

+ Air Spells will be properly affected by an Air Shard and the Caster’s Intelligence.

+ Imbue Champion now immediately available, takes 1 mana per turn.

+ New Paintings hooked up for appropriate Spells.

+ Spells cast on / removed from a city will now update their HUDs to properly reflect stat changes.

+ Added an IsResistable tag to spells, will be used for magic resistance.

+ Players start with more generalized spellbooks (terraforming, enchantment, combat, mobility). Elemental and advanced spellbooks are unlocked through the tech tree.

+ Terraforming spellbook:

Raise Land- water into land and land into hill Lower Land- mountain into hill, hill into land Revive Land- tile becomes grassland Desecrate Land- tile becomes forsaken Erosion- erode Cliffside into beach Create Mountain- raise land into a mountain Destroy Land- lower land to water

+ Enchantment spellbook:

Nature's Bounty- settlement gets +1 food Alchemy- settlement gets +1 gildar Invisible Workers- settlement gets +1 materials Inspiration- settlement gives +1 tech Call to Arms- automatically completes training the unit in target settlements queue Enchanted Hammers- reduces the build time of improvements in the target city by 25% Greater Alchemy- settlement gets +3 gildar Guardian Ward- provides a powerful city defender that can’t leave the city.

+ Mobility spellbook:

Blink- teleport unit to an empty tile in tactical combat. Return- teleport to the capital city. Teleport- teleport to any friendly tile Mobility- target unit gets +1 movement Haste- target unit gets combat speed +1 Greater Mobility- target unit gets +2 movement Escape- entire army escapes from tactical combat Greater Haste- +1 combat speed of the army in tactical combat Call of the Titans- all the players units that aren’t in cities are teleported to the selected tile

+ Combat spellbook:

Arcane Weapon- target unit gets +5 to attack Arcane Arrow- deals ½ the casters Int in damage to target Guardian Aura- targets dodge rating is doubled Spell Blast- targets units within 1 radius receive 1/3 the casters Int in damage Berzerk- target units defense is moved to attack for battle Spell Immunity- target unit is immune to spells Touch of Entropy- target unit takes 30 damage Blood Rage- unit gains HP and strength for all damage dealt

+ Earth spellbook:

Pull of the Earth- combat speed is halved for 3 turns Stone Skin- target unit gets +10 defense Tremor- immobilizes an army in your ZoC for a turn. Rock Slide- target tile blocks, unit in tile knocked back and loses 1 turn Summon Earth Elemental- summons an earth elemental Earthquake- destroys random improvements and resets the training and build queues of nearby cities

+ Air spellbook:

Evade- target unit gets +1 to dodge Eyes of the Eagle- fog of war revealed for a 6 radius around the caster Bottled Gale- target unit is knocked back 2 tiles Storm- random enemy hit by a lightning bolt for 5-8 damage Greater Evasion- target unit get +2 to dodge Tornado- randomly disperses an army across several tiles and immobilizes them for a turn

+ Fire spellbook:

Burning Hands- target unit takes 8 damage (range 1) Pillar of Flame- Strategic spell that damages an enemy army in your ZoC. Flame Dart- target unit takes 5 damage Fire Ball- target unit takes 8 damage + 4 per fire shard Fire Storm- area with radius 1 takes 10 damage + 5 per fire shard Inferno- strategic spell that fills a tile with fire, damaging any that pass through it. Curgen's Inferno- causes a volcano to explode and destroy target city

+ Water spellbook:

Grip of Winter- target has a 25% chance of losing its next turn Blizzard- damage to units within 2 tiles Summon Ice Elemental- Summons an Ice elemental. Slow- reduces the movement of an enemy army in your ZoC to 1 per turn. Greater Grip of Winter- freezes all enemy units, giving them a 50% chance of losing their next turn

+ Life spellbook:

Summon Familiar- summons a familiar Heal- heals target unit by 6hp Regeneration- target unit hals +2 hp per turn (in and out of combat) and +3 con Fertility- target settlement gets +1 prestige Glyph of Life- target units hp increased by 20 Death Ward- imbued hero will be saved if they fall in battle (as a sovereign is)

+ Summon spellbook:

Summon Imp- summons an imp Nature's Ally- summons natures ally Demonic Ally- summons a lesser demon. Summoners Boon- Strengths all your summons. Pariden's Return- summons Pariden to fight for one battle

+ Death spellbook:

Summon Spy- Summons a spy Blindness- target unit gets -50% to accuracy Wither- reduces the strength and constitution of target unit Contagion- all enemies take damage per turn Sacrifice- target city you control loses 100 citizens and provides 50 mana (or .5 mana per citizen if population is less than 100).

+ Mastery spellbook:

Spell of Making- wins the game.

+ Removed the range requirement from some strategic spells (easier for human and AI players).

+ Casting a spell now uses all the units remaining action points (so units can only cast 1 spell per turn).

+ Learning Spell Ranks takes more time.

+ Learning Spells takes less time.

+ Imbue Champion now costs 25 mana to cast.

+ When you access the spellbook from the kingdom report window (either through the tabs on the side, the shortcut in the actions area when nothing is selected, or from the little icon by the spell research status bar in the main tray wnd), it now sets the local player's sovereign as the caster, so that the spells can be cast without needing to expressly select a spellcaster on the main map


+ In tactical battles you can now click on units outside of your attack range in order to set an attack destination unit.

+ Cities now use modifier instances (from Spells) for factoring in DefendingUnitBonuses

+ Quick battles now prevent popups until after the battle is over so that you can see what is happening

+ When a sovereign gets killed in non-hostile territory, instead of spending essence to retreat, they now spend half of their mana and are then immobilized in the city they retreat to for 5 turns.

+ Increased the speed of tactical animations, particuarly with archers and mounted units.

+ Hovering over enemy units in tactical will give you your hit odds and damage ranges.

+ Adjusted weapon damage on weapons with combat speed bonuses to make them more in line with other weapons of their tier (with multipliers).


+ Trade equipment screen now only allows champions, not units. It was confusing that the screen allowed you to give equipment to trained units, but they could do nothing with it, since only champions can equip stuff. The downside is you cannot give your trained units potions and other consumable stuff via this screen anymore.

+ Trade equipment screen now supports drag-and-dropping of entries to trade

+ Trade equipment screen now supports double-clicking of entries, which behaves the same as selecting the entry and hitting the trade button.

+ Can now just high light entries on the trade equipment screen to refresh the context area and see what an item provides, previously you had to select something for that area to update.

+ Asking for the player's population (and the population display in the UI) now shows just the population of the player's cities, and no longer counts units on the map. This way the population can represent the "resource" that player has to manipulate and spend on training units and building improvements, and keeps us from having to have recruited units use available specialists, which when traded or killed would just decrement the specialists and total population simultaneously (e.g. 10/10 would to go 9/9)

+ Main Game Window changes:

- Kingdom and Turn button now have labels.

- Equip button is back, with a label instead of just a shield icon. It's for when you have a unit selected, otherwise it’s hidden.

- Turn counter has been moved from upper right area, to the new upper left area.

- On the vitals tab when a unit is selected, the 4th displayed stat is now CurHP/MaxHP instead of combat speed.

- Implemented Faction Power Wnd, which is a little dockable window that displays the Power Rating of each player in a game. It is always shown at the start of a game. You can toggle it on/off via a button in the upper right of the main game window. List is sorted by power rating, in descending order. Only shows players that the local player has met. When they meet a new faction, the list is refilled and re-sorted by faction power, so it's always up to date.

+ Added displays of income tax to the kingdom report window and the lorebook info for cities.

+ Moved the hotkey strings from the entry text of the unit actions into the tooltip for an action, when that action can be performed.

+ Shortened the display name of some of the unit actions, so that they don't clip in the unit actions entries.

+ Made the status bars in the city context (showing training and building progress) transparent, so that the button that takes up the whole back of them now can be clicked through the status bars still.

+ Added a unit action type to open the spellbook for casting a spell.

+ "Disable Particle Effects" option now works in tactical battles.

+ AI is moving dialog now only shows in MP.

+ Added a new Build List. Added short text info about why an improvement can't be built to the improvement entries themselves. Added any placement limits on improvements (e.g. one per city, or world wonder) to the notes section for the highlighted improvement's stats. Cleaned up some behavior, like disabling and highlighting, adding more info for demolition, and what stats to show when opening the thing the first time, and got rid of some hardcoded badness for adding notes for specific improvement types.

+ Vitals tab for caravans and wild improvements now hides the level icon next to the status bar that is used for unit vitals.

+ Made it so that when either a construction project or unit completes training, it checks if the city is idle (ie. not training anything else and not building anything else). If so, and it's the local player, they are warned with a popup that the city is idle. The camera now only scrolls to that location, if you select BUILD or TRAIN. So if you hit close to dismiss the dialog, the camera will not have moved from whatever it was you were doing elsewhere.

+ If you load a custom map, either in SP or MP, on the world setup window, it will change the world name to match the display name of the map you selected. You can still change it if you'd like though.

+ The train unit screen now shows the faction's available specialist count at the top instead of the total population of the city the popup was opened from.

+ Disabled "pedestrian LOD override" in tile editor (Makes it easier for our artists and modders to place pedestrians in tile designs).

+ Cleaned up the info cards for caravans, fixing bugs in resizing that kept lots of information from showing up, adding a line saying what city the caravan belongs to, and adding resizing code to ensure that the trade route's resource bonus shows up correctly at the bottom of the info card.

+ Added home and trade city info to the vitals tab for caravans, since this is something people have said they wanted to know.

+ Info cards pop up for improvements in demolish mode now, so the user knows what they are mousing over.

+ Hooked up "M" as the hotkey for the cast spell unit action, added strings to let the user know about that in the new actions context.

+ Tactical screen now supports the "Disable Outlines" option.

+ Reset Quality and Quantity when you bring the training window back up.

+ Clicking on any global resource entry is a shortcut to bring up the city list.

+ Changed all the unit stat displays to show stats as integers, always rounded up to the nearest integer, and to use the same breakdown tooltip to see where the numbers are coming from.

+ In some screens, added descriptions for the stats as the tooltip when mousing over the name or icon of a stat, such as on the level up window, lorebook window, and unit design window (when the user might want to know what their changes are doing to the units)

+ Created a new tooltip breakdown that shows the contributions each member of an army is making to an accumulated stat value, like for the army vitals context when an army is selected on the main screen, to replace the confusing breakdown of only battle bonuses used before

+ All functions and UI now grab the full stat value for a unit, instead of just the value without any geographic bonuses from the terrain they were on or whatever. Also made all stat functions return the full value by default, instead of the partial value (which was the default before).

+ Enabled tooltips in the lorebook stat entries, so that breakdowns and stat descriptions can be shown.

+ Fixed bug where some trade info for cities weren't initializing their caravan IDs, so that if the trade info was cleared (from one of the cities getting destroyed), it picked an essentially random unit to disband for the caravan of the trade route being destroyed along with the city (aka: Kwilas memorial sovereign caravan assassination bug).

+ New tooltips for the resources in the global resource area of main game window.

+ If per turn amount of a global resource is negative, the number text will be red

+ Terrain Window no longer shows up by default.

+ Added a mana maintenance window (so you can see where all your mana is going and dispel any enchantments easily if you don't want to pay the maintenance cost anymore).

+ Clicking on a player’s entry in the Faction Power window opens diplomacy with that player.

+ UI now shows units that can't be built because buildings are required and lists the needed building (so you can see that you need an archery range to build those archers).

+ When you hover over the build button for a resource you don’t have the right tech for, it will now tell you exactly what tech you need.


+ Fixed bug where the AI was designing units with equipment that their model type did not support, caused the larger fallen races, like trogs and quendar, too use female armor that was too small for them (aka: the cross dressing quendar bug).

+ Fixed quest "Alzor's Armor" to actually give you armor of that name, rather than some similarly (but not exactly) named armor.

+ Fixed bug that caused fallen to not have access to the Soldiers cloak.

+ Changed "potion of lesser essence" to "Potion of Intelligence" and it now increases drinker's intelligence by 1.

+ Fixed some minor issues from the new tech trees and finish first balance pass of weapons and armor.

+ Bows reduced from:

Crude Bow: Attack 6, Accuracy -2, Range 8 Cedar Shortbow: Attack 15, Accuracy -2, Range 8 Cedar Longbow: Attack 23, Accuracy -2, Range 8

New stats:

Crude Bow: Attack 4, Accuracy -2, Range 6 Cedar Shortbow: Attack 12, Range 8 Cedar Longbow: Attack 15, Range 10

+ Added in some late game magical equipment that you can buy in the shops:

- Cloak of Thwarting : +5 dodge - Sword of Wrath : 60 attack +6 accuracy +1 combat speed -5 constitution - Arielle's Shield: 5 armor +15 hp - Shield of the Sovereign: 5 armor +5 magic resist - Yithril Bow: 18 attack +2 combat speed +10 accuracy

+ Balanced sovereign starting weapons and armor.

+ Removed Leather armor Shirt, Chain mail shirt and scale mail shirt.

+ Changed store prices of huge portions of armor items and weapons to more accurately reflect the cost to train with that item, this should make it more balanced price wise but probably will not be perfect.

+ Adjusted cost during sovereign creation of gear (boots and cloth armor).


+ Changed stat calculations for prestige bonus (from charisma), dodge, accuracy, attack, defense, and max HP.

Strength- Modifies damage Dexterity- Modifies dodge Constitution- Modifies hit points Intelligence- Modifies spell resistance, boosts some spells, required for Champions to cast some spells Charisma- Sovereigns Charisma modifies Champion recruit costs. Champions and the Sovereign give a prestige boost to the city they are in.

Attack (which is damage) = Weapon Attack + ((Strength - 10)/2) Defense (which is damage absorb) = Armor Defense Accuracy = 15 + (Level * 3) Dodge = Dexterity / 2 Hit Points = 10 + ( (Constitution / 5) * (2 * Level) ) Spell Resistance = Intelligence / 2 Prestige Boost in City = Charisma / 5

+ Added a Magic Resist stat to units.

+ Made essence a hidden and non-upgradeable stat, so that it should be gone from all the UI and act only as an under-the-hood mark of being a spellcaster

+ Marked some stats as non-upgradeable, and gave them 0 points per level up point. Core stats (strength, intelligence, dexterity, charisma, and constitution) should now all default to 10, be upgradeable, and get 1 point per level up point.

+ Units now get 3 points when they level up.

+ Removed wisdom from the list of core stats.

+ Removed Morale.

+ Changed Intimidating and Cowardly Sovereign talents/weaknesses to affect spell resistance of the sovereign’s army.

+ Changed Natural Leader to Tactician and Cruel to Reckless, and they now affect Dodge of the sovereign’s army.

+ Added a new Sovereign talent, Attunement, which increases the mana the sovereign provides by 2/turn.

+ Assigned the Attunement talent to Procipinee.

+ Royalty talent reduced from +100% to prestige to +10%.

+ Removed the Road Warriors ability from Umber (it didn't do anything).


+ Players always have a choice of a breakthrough whenever they reach a new tech level.

+ Quests now save/load their 'Subject Unit' (this fixes the Sarog's Egg quest, along with any others that use the subject unit when saving/loading).

+ In SP, popups now prevent units from moving until the popup is closed, and the WaitingForUserResponse flag gets unset immediately after kicking out of the loop, to prevent stuck turns

+ Trade routes set up by caravans now provide 10% bonuses to gildar production in the two cities they connect. Upgrading the roads now provides a 20%, 30%, and 40% bonus for the 4 road levels defined in RoadLevelDefs.xml. Made trade route length and wagons not affect the bonus anymore.

+ There is now the concept of a game year, which starts at 159 A.C.. There are 4 seasons in a game year. A turn is a season. Game year and season are now displayed in the upper left hand corner of the main game wnd, instead of turn num.

+ Creature balance, new stats for all creatures in CoreMonsterUnitTypes.xml.

+ New diplomatic conditions: - You killed my kid -5 to diplomacy - You're wiping others out -2 - Seriously, you're out of control -5 - Early game +1 - Not very strong +1 - Focusing on other enemies +1

+ Redesign of the CombatRating calculation to give a more accurate reflection of a unit or army's effective combat strength.

+ All factions given a starting tech:

Kingdom of Altar- Exploration Kingdom of Capitar- Trading Kingdom of Gilden- Civics Kingdom of Tarath- Training Kingdom of Pariden- Arcane Research Empire of Yithril- Tools of War Empire of Umber- Reunion Empire of Magnar- Mapping Empire of Resoln- Lore Mastery Empire of Kraxis- Proper Living

+ Number of monsters spawned now based on world difficulty level.

+ All players start the game with 5 materials.

+ Diplomacy dialog text changes based on who they are talking to

+ Close borders now has a -2 weight (was -1)

+ Different ideology now has a -5 weight (was -1) since AIs were getting a bit too buddy buddy with each other.

+ Minor race cities updated to not exude influence, which improves calculation time and lets you walk up to them.

+ Balanced goodie huts that were spawning weapons/armor that was now too good for their spawn rating.

+ You won't receive three popups for caravan attacks anymore (one saying your being attacked, another where you are forced to select auto-resolve combat and a third saying the caravan was destroyed). Instead you only receive one popup saying that the caravan was destroyed.

+ Adjusted the hp modifiers at high difficulties.

Challenging- AI Creatures *1.25, AI Sovereign *1.5 (was *1 and *1) Hard- AI Creatures *1.5, AI Sovereign *2 (was *1 and *1.5) Extreme- AI Creatures *2, AI Sovereign *3 (was *2 and *3) Ridiculous- AI Creatures *3, AI Sovereign *5 (was *5 and *10)

+ Caravans now produce +10%/+15%/+20%/+25% gildar instead of +10%/+20%/+30%/+40%.

+ Added the ability to resist the tangled web skill.

+ Removed the tangled web skill from one of the spiders that should not have had it.

+ Changed one of the spiders that spawns in a level 3 spider quest to be one without tangled web to avoid stun locks.

+ GetBattleRank() no longer recalcs strength and defense because those functions are done during CalcBattleRank which should speed up end of turn performance.


+ The AI is now multi-threaded (so it can spend its time contemplating your doom while you are doing other things).

+ Intelligent monsters tend to band together with other types of monsters.

+ Intelligent monsters will actively target weaker units (or cities) – beware.

+ Intelligent monsters will run away from tougher units.

+ Pioneers update their paths to avoid accidentally attacking other settlements.

+ AI more intelligently evaluates the value of an area of land.

+ AI somewhat better at choosing which unit to build in a city.

+ Monsters more intelligent regarding selecting victims.

+ Monsters are more aggressive.

+ More Monsters are spawned early on.

+ Pioneer behavior is more intelligent in selecting area.

+ AI more effective at defending cities.

+ AI more effective at reinforincing cities that are under threat.

+ AI equipment purchasing fixed

+ AI players don't treat monsters with the same level of concern as factions.

+ AI will back off on building improvements if they're losing money.

+ AI is smarter at choosing what improvement to build.

+ AI smarter about using pioneers (AI won't build parties of pioneers).

+ AI will become more aggressive as the game progresses.

+ AI more aggressive about acquiring goodie huts.

+ AI better at valuing trade offers.

+ AI intelligently casts strategic spells.

+ AI prioritization of what to build has been improved.

+ Difficulty levels balanced for updated AI.

+ Monster spawning now balanced for new world difficulty settings.

+ Monsters spawn more gradually at the start of a game.

+ Monsters are less likely to attack cities.

+ AI is more likely to build command posts (and therefor be able to build groups of units).


+ Fixed various crashes, memory errors, and hangs

+ Fixed exploit where you could still use the shortcut key (x) to raze a city, even if you don't yet have the tech that grants you the ability to Raze.

+ Fixed a bug where unit wouldn’t drop treasure after tactical battles unless auto resolve was used.

+ Fixed bug when teleporting units in an army: teleporting the leader would move the army, but teleporting using a sub unit would not but it would use its mana anyway, this has now been fixed so that if you use a sub unit to teleport, the whole army is teleported.

+ Fixed a bug where the AI spellcasters would cast spells that they hadn't learned yet, caused problem that we saw where the AI sovereigns would have stone giants, minions, basically many summons early in the game

+ Fixed bug where looking at spells you haven't learned yet in the spellbook wnd when your faction wasn't creating any spell points per turn would cause it to display a nonsense number for turns to learn, now just says "Will Not Learn"

+ Fixed an autoselection bug in tactical battles such that if a local unit is already selected a new unit is not chosen at the start of the local player's turn.

+ Spell effects should now spawn at an appropriate tile offset for units not at the center of their tiles.

+ Tactical window now caches unit IDs to avoid mysterious unit deaths after a battle.

+ Fixed a bug where absorbed damage was not detected properly.

+ Fixed a bug that caused double battle report text.

+ Fixed a bug where defending units had incorrect damage done in battle reports.

+ Fixed bug where the pass turn action in tactical was allowed only when stuff was animating, instead of the other way around, making it not do anything most of the time

+ Fixed bug where entries couldn't be dragged onto a listbox that doesn't already have at least one entry

+ Fixed bug where the AI would sometimes overwrite the description of unit types depending on what they were doing, which caused units of the same type owned by the player to lose their descriptions and show something that wasn't applicable to them

+ Fixed bug where turns to learn a new spell level wasn't being displayed in the spellbook window when selected

+ Fixed bug where after equipping a mount like a horse or warg, if you went to Edit Info Card screen the cloth poses would be incorrect

+ Fixed particle effects not working in tile editor

+ Fixed bugs in tile design shadow generation. Now when you save a tile design in the tile editor, its shadow will generate properly, and it will update in the editor window so it shows the new shadow

+ Fixed bug where icons on cloth map were being rendered over top of unit markers

+ Fixed "flickering" decals bug (If there is no texture or the texture is not loaded, the decal is not rendered).

+ Fixed bug where the actions entries and the item entries in the unit vitals tab had their pictures sized differently, causing them to look mismatched

+ Fixed beam effects not working

+ Fixed bug where decals would flicker and the wrong decals would show up for objects in tactical battle after multiple battles

+ Fixed bug where the valid demolish cursor did not show up when mousing over an improvement that could be demolished in demolish mode

+ Fixed bug where the train unit queue wasn't being shown in the context area when the train unit wnd was open, so that you couldn't see the state of the queue while adding to it

+ Fixed bug where the first time the city right context wnd was unhidden on starting/loading a game, clicking the train unit button or build button didn't do anything because the new data was getting cleared out by on start new game code

+ Fixed bug where the resource breakdown for a certain resource in a city would sometimes not match what was actually being produced because the city hub and improvements under construction were often being ignored in the breakdown; now all improvements in a city are looked at no matter what, the improvements themselves are smart enough to tell the lorebook what modifiers they apply or not based on if they have finished construction

+ Fixed bug where images in the conversation window did not scale properly

+ Fixed bug where Edit Info Card screen would display the unit type's name rather than the unit's name

+ Fixed bug where global resource area would not always resize correctly.

+ Fixed bug where destroyed units would still get counted in a player's resource production for the duration of the turn before the player actually removed them from their unit list

+ Fixed bug where caravans still had the Guard action available when they started trading, which could cancel their directive to travel along their trade route

+ Fixed bug where two caravans on the same road (but going in opposite directions) were applying their effects on the road separately instead of together, causing it to not take a shorter time for a road to grow levels by having two caravans on it versus one

+ Fixed problem where roads between cities, where one of the cities got destroyed, were not being deleted and removed from the world now that they were no longer needed

+ Fixed an issue where animals won't attack cities (looks like combat will start but then it ends without combat).

+ Fixed a crash when clicking on the game concepts or walkthru entries in the Hiergamenon.

+ You can no longer drink some quest items (like the magic flute).

+ When a city is conquered enchantments on the city are canceled.

+ Dead players no longer show up in the faction window.

+ Fixed bug where tech category was always reset to Civilization after loading a save game.

+ Fixed bug where ZOC was not accurate after loading a game because the city tiles didn’t recalculate their values after loading.

+ Fixed an issue with combat damage for spells, ranged damage and special attacks like crushing blow.

+ Fixed an issue with gold being given out from combat (too much was being given).

+ Fixed a bug where tactical battle maps would not render props after multiple battles.

+ Fixed mounted archer animations.

+ Fixed bug that allowed you to talk to yourself, NPC player, or creatures if you select the unit and hit the Talk button (for NPCs and creatures, this would crash if you then tried to trade with them).

+ Fixed a bug where NPCs that spawn as an army weren't creating their subunits as champions.

+ Fixed an issue that forced a player to pay all costs for improvement upgrades when a city upgraded (often running the player out of a resource and leaving empty holes in the city).

+ Fixed a crash when clicking train on a level 3 city (with low resources).

+ Wolves won't talk to you anymore (I might actually miss this bug).

+ Fixed Cloth map only mode (http://forums.elementalgame.com/400772).

+ Fixed defense boost of improvements that boost defense to their proper values.

+ Fixed a bug with quest data being lost during save/reload causing crashes or weird quest behavior.

+ Fixed an issue with the Great Mill materials cost.

+ Fixed an issue that caused stuck turns in tactical combat if an AI sovereign or champion had a bow.

+ Fixed a bug that could keep players from being able to load maps in the map editor.

+ Fixed a bug where tribute wasn't being deducted from the players treasury.

+ Death Worship faction bonus now correctly gives +10% to hit points

+ Fixed an issue that was keeping Wargs from spawning.

+ Fixed an issue that could cause combat text to not be displayed.

+ Fixed an issue that could wipe out your population if your city leveled up while relying on housing from a Refugee Camp.

+ Token of the Sand Golem now correctly summons Sand Golems (instead of normal golems).

+ Crazy stat creatures (like the 45 con wolf) from the campaign won’t spawn in the main game anymore.

+ Fixed the Azur Armor quest.

+ AI Difficulty levels properly saving out (but only if explicitly set by the player, otherwise they are derrived from the world difficulty).

+ Quest Trackers will now find units by ID instead of Index (fixes "non-sovereign heroes can't complete quests" random buginess).

+ Fixed a bug with the cloth icon for the university improvement.

+ Fixed a bug with the construction tile design of the Abbey of Izil.

+ Fixed the Empire Academy improvement to properly give tech research (instead of gold).

+ Fixed bug from http://forums.elementalgame.com/401682, where when asking to recruit a group of NPCs, they would ask only for the gold their leader requires for recruitment, but then deduct all the units' recruitment costs, sometimes causing players to go into the red.

+ The leader of an NPC group will now include the cost of all the subunits in the cost told the player, and subunit costs are included in checks to see if the player can actually recruit them

+ Fixed bug where the recruitment cost of NPC group leaders double-counted the cost of subunits by including them in their battle rank calculation; also manifested itself in the diplomacy wnd as NPCs being more valuable if they happened to be leading an army, even though they didn't bring the army along when traded

+ Fixed a "String Not Found" when displaying the season and year a sovereign or their spouse was born in the dynasty wnd, caused by the turn number -> date code not being able to handle turns before the first turn of a game (and sovereigns and NPCs are listed as being born some years before the start of the game)

+ Fixed bug where dynasty kids were showing their grown-up portraits in the dynasty wnd while they were still babies; dynasty members will now straight return baby pictures as the crest of any child, instead of try to keep the unit type from overwriting its portrait

+ Fixed bug where arranging a marriage with one of your daughters who was leading an army would cause her subunits to all be stacked separately on the same tile when she got traded over, instead of forming an army under a new leader

+ Fixed various display bugs, and possibly multiplayer bugs, when trading NPC units stationed in a city or part of an army by having the champions automatically get moved to the capital city of their new owner (or in an army with the sovereign if they have no city) like arranging marriages already does

+ Fixed bug where you could not click on the same faction in the faction power wnd twice in a row to talk to them, because the entry thought it was still selected and would not receive the message to start talking to that civ's leader

+ Fixed an issue which defaulted all spells/abilities to be resistable (they should default to not being resistable unless specified in the XML).

+ Fixed some tech requirements on fallen armor (different parts of the same suit unlocked on different techs).

+ Fixed the issue where gildar modifiers weren't getting applied to the tax rate (so merchants, markets, etc were useless in most cities).

+ Fixed an issue where faction ability bonuses were being reapplied with every reload.

+ Fixed an issue with Magnar's inefficient trait (it was giving a construction bonus instead of a penalty).

+ Fixed an issue with teleport that caused them to walk back to their previous destination.

+ Fixed bug where the creatures, NPC, and minor race AIs were being set to "Novice" instead of the world difficulty

+ Fixed bug where every major AI faction had its difficulty set to the world difficulty, and overriding it in the choose opponent screen didn't actually override it in the data.

+ Fixed an issue where units can be immune to all damage (show as resisting damage).

+ Traveling Boots are available for all unit models.

+ Fixed an issue that was keeping higher level creatures from spawning.

+ Fixed bug where the players graph that shows up in the bottom right context area (when nothing is selected), would be out-dated if a player died, showing values from the turn before they died and not being updated to show that they now have 0 population, etc..

+ Fixed bug with Kingdom Report showing dead players in 2 places. The first was in relations section of the kingdom report for a player, lists dead players. The second was that every player had a kingdom report page even if dead.

+ Fixed a problem in the Empire Domination techs that kept anyone from researching beyond Curgens Journal (because the Lost Bounty was incorrectly tagged as an Adventure tech).

+ Fixed Sentinel's combat speed.

+ Fixed a possible bug where unit armies would kill their subunits when the leader died.

+ Fixed a bug where the tag marking special abilities wasn't saved out properly.

+ Fixed bug caused by going into the options menu from cloth map mode.

+ Fixed a bug where escaped units would take place in auto resolve battles when tactical battles get auto resolved.

+ Fixed a mousewheel scrolling bug for some mice.

+ Fixed an issue that could wipe out your population if your city leveled up while relying on housing from a Refugee Camp.

+ Fixed an issue that could allow world wonders to be rebuilt if destroyed.

+ Fixed bug where outposts with no population themselves, but in a faction that had some population available for training, would still not allow the player to train a unit until the city had some population

+ Fixed bug where rationing wasn't actually reducing the production of resources in a city unless that city already had some multiplier on its production, and fixed the disparities between the lorebook breakdown of resource storage in cities under rationing that was caused by this

Sodele! Vor einigen Tagen hat sich Frogboy noch leicht gereizt gezeigt im Forum, weil ihm jemand implizit vorgerworfen hat, Elemental sei unfertig veröfentlicht worden. Na sowas! Er hatte wohl ein paar Nächte durchprogrammiert, denn offensichtlich sollte Patch 1.1 zügig raus und sein neuer Executive Trallala (http://forums.elementalgame.com/399705) Derek "Kael" Paxton sitzt ihm wohl auch ein wenig im Genick.

Ich habe mit 1.09w Beta, also unmittelbar vor dem finalen 1.1 Patch, eine Partie begonnen und kann sagen, langsam wird aus Elemental ein Spiel. Zunächst einmal wurde die GUI umgekrempelt und ist wesentlich übersichtlicher und zweckmäßiger, auch wenn die Steuerung an einigen Punkten noch immer ein wenig hakelig daherkommt.

Die Magie (Elemental: War of Magic) war in 1.09 ein schlechter, lieblos hingerotzter Scherz und wurde komplett über den Haufen geschmissen. Mana ist jetzt sowieso global, die Spellbooks wurden entrümpelt und man muss sich nicht mehr zu Beginn auf Magieschulen festlegen, sondern erforscht sie nach Bedarf. Im meiner Testpartie habe ich mich aber erst einmal geärgert. Ich hatte meine Hauptstadt von Bergen umschlossen gebaut und es gab drei Zugänge. Um die Ressourcen im Hinterland nicht in die Stadt integrieren zu müssen, sie aber trotzdem vor Monstern abzuschirmen, wollte ich zwei Zugänge einfach per "Raise Land" dicht machen. Tolle Idee, aber man darf Land leider nicht auf die maximale Höhe zaubern, der Pass blieb also passierbar und "Raise Land" ist gemessen am Zeitaufwand des Erlernens ein kompletter Gaga-Spruch.

Danach habe ich mir noch einen Feuerball-Zauber gegönnt und zusammen mit zwei "Fire Shards" unter meiner Kontrolle hat er Gegnern derbe Löcher ins Fell gebrannt. Während insgesamt eine klare Tendenz erkennbar ist, Magie abwechslungsreicher und interessanter zu gestalten, ist das Balancing Murks oder wie im ganzen Spiel einfach nicht zu ende gedacht. Angriffszauber sind noch immer über jeden Zeifel erhaben, der Rest dümpelt dahin und beispielsweise die Enchantment-Zauber skalieren nicht, so dass ihre festen "+1 Boni" höchstens am Anfang etwas wert sind, aber schnell belanglos erscheinen.

Balancing ist sowieso noch immer der wunde Punkt schlechthin. Rüstungen sind dermaßen übermächtig (oder eben Waffen zu schwach), dass man sehr leicht Einheiten bauen kann, die von Monstern oder K.I-Streitern überhaupt keinen Schaden mehr nehmen. Mir, dem häßlichen König von Gelden, hat irgendein bescheuerter Warlord den Krieg erklärt und ich habe mir fast ins Höschen gemacht, als ich sah mit welch beeindruckender Mannstärke er auf meine Kornkammer losgestürmt ist. Die Routinen zur Bewertung militärischer Stärke wurden offenbar auch direkt aus GalCiv2 (Freighter Hulls of Death anyone?!) übernommen, denn auch in der Statistik erschien der Gegner übermächtig und unbezwingbar. Ich konnte dann gerade mal vier - zugegeben schweineteure - Custom-Design-Einheiten mit ordentlich Rüstungsschutz zusammenziehen und habe gestaunt, wie die Jungs den Sturm der Angreifer quasi unbeschadet zerlergt haben. Sucks!

Das Schöne daran ist aber, langsam bekommt Elemental wenigstens eine K.I. Wenn das in dem Tempo weitergeht und wie angekündigt nach dem Release von 1.1 jetzt auch das Balancing vom Kopf auf die Füße gestellt wird, dann wird 1.2 vielleicht wirklich das, was 1.0 hätte sein sollen. 1.2 wird übrigens noch ein allgemeiner Patch und nicht das erste Add-On, das wird erst im (unmittelbaren?) Anschluß in Angriff genommen.

Naja, man sieht jetzt Licht und Potential und ich muss gestehen, trotz aller Widrigkeiten hatte ich einen kleinen "Nur-noch-eine-Runde-Flash". Daran konnte auch das komplett oberpeinliche Questsystem (<- Euphemismus des Jahres) und der noch immer ziemlich maue Städtebau nichts ändern, bei dem man einfach kaum vor relevante Exklusiventscheidungen gestellt wird. Die Attributpunkte für den Sovereign und Champions sind auch irgendwie ein Witz, wenn sowieso nur Gesundheit und Stärke wirklich zählen, könnte man die übrigen auch gleich entfernen. Okay, Imbued Champions brauchen INT, aber das Magiesystem ist was mich angeht derzeit so abtörnend, dass ich dankend verzichte.

Mein Spiel ist dann irgendwann gecrasht und den nächsten Anlauf nehme ich mit dem finalen 1.1-Patch. Jetzt bin ich jedenfalls vollends zuversichtlich, dass es kein Fehlkauf war. Ich denke, mit Patch 1.2 wird das Spiel schon richtig gut und dann kommen ja auch noch die Add-Ons. Andererseits muss ich sagen, wenn ich an GalCiv2 zurückdenke, Stardock neigt bei Add-Ons ein wenig zu Checklistenfeaturespam und vergeigt das organische Einfügen, hoffentlich wird das bei Elemental anders. Egal, Kaffeesatzleserei bis hierhin und außerdem hat sich Frogboy ja einen Produktmanager ins Team geholt.

2010-12-15, 11:08:27
Gut das es Leute die sich gerne quälen um uns dann mitteilen zu können wann etwas spielbar wird :D

2010-12-15, 13:03:24
So kann man das sagen ;) ich bin gerade dabei, mein Spiel auf Version 1.1 zu bringen. Über die Feiertage werde ich mal wieder ein Spielchen wagen.
Aber leider hat GOG im Moment auch so viele gute Angebote.....

edit: hopsala, 1.99GB als Download....aber wenigstens ist der Server flott

mfg b.

2010-12-16, 10:43:35
Ganz ohne Crash habe ich gestern noch eine stundenlange Partie gespielt. Man muss halt immer wieder beide Augen zudrücken, einige Dinge sind echt völlig Banane. Mal auf die Schnelle ein paar Ergänzungen:

blocking GUI - wann immer man eine Nachricht bekommt und etwas entscheiden soll (Treaty, Level-Up einer Stadt, ...) kriegt man ein Pop-Up in die Fresse und kann sich dann nicht mehr orientieren, um wen oder was es eigentlich geht.

wilde Kamera - macht mich irre, ist aber auch gute GalCiv2-Tradition. Wenn das Reich sich erst einmal über mehrere Bildschirme erstreckt ist es einfach grausam, wenn man im Westen gerade Einheiten positionieren will und die Kamera springt ans Ostende, weil da sonstwas noch Bewegunspunkte hat.

Auto-Turn - mit der Funktion kann man nicht spielen, weil man dadurch oft genug die Runde beendet, obwohl man noch in einer Stadt etwas bauen wollte und ohne die Funktion wird es auch zäh. Im Forum gibt es den Vorschlag, dass Idle-Cities den Auto-Turn verhindern sollten, das wäre ja wie Weihnachten.

Einheitensteuerung - am Anfang ist es ja noch akzeptabel, die paar Hanseln abwechselnd manuell zu steuern, aber sobald man einen koordinierten Großangriff angehen möchte, wird es schnell unhandlich und artet in Arbeit aus. Besonders nervig finde ich, dass die Zielpunkte nicht besonders verlässlich sind und auch keine Wegmarker ersichtlich sind, man muss im Zweifel also immer wieder Befehle wiederholen, damit der Volkssturm auch nachkommt.

Karawanen - wie in aller Welt soll ich ellenlange Karawanen schützen, wenn irgendwo ein Monster spawnt? Dafür ist die Restauration der Handelsrute wieder Micromanagement pur. Andererseits sind Karawanen genauso intransparent und stumpf wie die Freighters in GalCiv2 - verschenktes Potential.

Informationsdefizite - der ganze Statistikkram ist einfach viel zu unzugänglich und schlecht aufbereitet

intransparente Gebäudeupgrades - da hatte ich eine wirklich ausladende Stadt, vollgestopft mit Hütten. Dann habe ich geforscht und noch ein paar Häuser daneben gestellt. Anschließend kam irgendwann der Durchbruch zu Villen und im Hintergrund hörte ich Geräusche von Einstürzenden Neubauten. Wtf? Die Stadt war plötzlich nicht mehr halb so ausladend, einige Gebäude waren automatisch durch Villen ersetzt um die Wohnraumstärke zu halten und der Rest war einfach verschwunden. Skurril und Immersionstötend.

Diplomatie - hüllen wir besser einen Mantel des Schweigens darüber. Wer Diplomatie in GalCiv2 gut fand, wird vielleicht auch hier zum Jubelperser, alle anderen...

Souvereign - das Spiel soll ja RPG-Anteile haben. Der uninteressanteste Charakter ist aber der eigene, einige Miet-Champions haben wenigstens noch Special-Moves. Lustig auch der dämliche Item-Shop - Unverwundbarkeit für wenig Gold und dann als One-Man-Army voran?!

Auto-Resolve - don't do it! Man muss auch die einfachsten Kämpfe manuell - die nennen das taktisch - abarbeiten oder man bekommt Ergebnisse zum Staunen. Im Forum wird schon lang gefordert, dass Auto-Resolve wenigstens die selben Routinen abarbeiten sollte, die auch von der K.I. in taktischen Kämpfen benutzt werden. stattdessen gibt es ein separates Berechnungsschema, das auf der geschätzten Kampfkraft basiert und diese Abbildung komplexer Fähigkeiten und Werte auf eine einzelne Kennzahl geht komplett daneben. Zusammen mit Frogboys Sqrt-Fetisch beißt man in die Tischkante.

Performance - mein E6600 ist nun nicht mehr brandaktuell, dafür wurde die K.I. mittlerweile multi-threaded und trotzdem bricht die Kiste auf Mapgröße "small" teilweise derbe unter 30fps ein. Scheint mir auch eher ein Problem der Grafikengine und nicht der Hintergrundberechnungen zu sein und ich kann nur sagen: eine Grafikengine, die nicht viel zeigt und dabei die CPU in die Knie zwingt, während die Grafikkarte Däumchen dreht, saugt!

Jetzt bin ich wirklich gespannt. Im Stardock-Forum dominieren die Featuere-Bitches - nennen wir sie Kiddies - und schreien nach noch mehr Zaubersprüchen für mehr Abwechslung, noch mehr Gebäuden, noch mehr Overkill für den Souvereign... noch mehr... mehr... moaaaar...

Ich hoffe, es werden nicht noch mehr Checklistenfeatures dazugebastelt, sondern erst einmal weiter konsolidiert und geschliffen. Meine ganze Hoffnung liegt hier auf Derek Paxton, denn der kommt von außerhalb und bringt vielleicht neues Undertatement und klarere Zielvorgaben ins Stardock-Team.

Das Forum zu verfolgen lohnt noch immer, es werden dort einige recht fundierte Ansätze besprochen. Die sind in aller Regel halt wenig spektakulär, wir werden sehen. Besonders schockierend fand ich ja neulich die Forderung, die K.I. sollte sich mehr an anderen Sielen orientieren und eben kurz bevor ein Gegner in die Knie geht noch einmal ein paar fette Armeen aus dem Nichts spawnen, damit man länger Spaß haben kann. Cheating K.I. als Feature - gibt es ja auch so selten. :ulol:

Ich bin aber auch ein Lamer und eigentlich untauglich für solche Spiele. Ich weiß sehr wohl die Grundregeln, "Rushen" "Pace hochhalten" und "expandieren bis der Arzt kommt". Ich baue lieber endlos an meiner Infrastruktur und gebe den Isolationisten, Gegner halte ich mir defensiv vom Leib, statt zur Vorwärtsverteidigung überzugehen. Im Moment ist die K.I noch ziemlich mies, aber sie wird spürbar stärker und bald schon werde ich mit meiner Siedler-Strategie überrannt werden. Schade. =)

2011-01-22, 09:59:31
Elemental: War of Magic v1.1 Change Log (http://forums.elementalgame.com/402305)

Below is a change log between v1.09 and v1.1. v1.1 is expected to be released later today (EST).


+ Beacon of Hope kingdom improvement added (+1 prestige, 1 per faction).

+ Added ability to clear forests adjacent to your cities which costs 25 gildar and provides 2 materials.

+ Improvements now extend influence.

+ Tower of Dominion imperial improvement added (+1 prestige, 1 per faction).

+ Tower of Essence kingdom improvement added (+2 mana, city size 3, city has to have a shard).

+ Tower of Doom empire improvement added (+2 mana, city size 3, city has to have a shard).

+ City hubs now automatically produce some prestige per turn equal to 1 - (0.1 * number of non-capital cities), with a min prestige production of 0.2 per turn. This is to make population more critical (since it won't grow as quickly).


Beacon of Hope- +1 prestige Fortress- +1 prestige, 1 per city, city level 5 Pub- +1.5 prestige, 1 per city, city level 3 Inn- +1 prestige, 1 per city, city level 2 Theater- +2 prestige, 1 per city, city level 4 Palace- +2 prestige, 1 per faction, city level 4 Great Arena- +4 prestige, +25% prestige in all cities, 1 per game, city level 5


Tower of Dominion- +1 prestige Imperial Throne- +2 prestige, 1 per faction, city level 4 Statue of Kir-Tion- +25% prestige in all cities, 1 per game, city level 2 Monument- +0.5 prestige, unlimited, city level 2

+ City levels changed from 25/100/400/1250 to 15/50/250/750.

+ City ZoC's adjusted:

City level 1: 1-3 (was 1-3) City level 2: 3-5 (was 3-5) City level 3: 5-7 (was 5-8) City level 4: 7-9 (was 12-15) City level 5: 9-12 (was 15-18)

+ City Level Gildar bonuses reduced from +10% per level to +5% per level.

+ Changed the Kingdom Smelter improvement to be one per city.

+ Added a Smelter improvement for the Empire to give them a way to boost metal production.

+ Villa Improvement added (replaces apartments), +60 pop, -1 food.

+ Houses moved up to the Economics tech.

+ Slums food cost reduced from 4 to 2 (to make slums efficient, if not pleasant to live in).

+ Slums moved back from the Proper Living to Majesty tech.

+ Gold Mines now require Harvesting tech to use

+ Lost Libraries now require Lore Recovery to use

+ Ancient Temples now require Arcane research to use

+ Inns can now be built by level 2 cities without a prerequisite.

+ Increased Shard Shrines from 1 mana/turn to 2 mana/turn.

+ The Empire can now build crystal mines.

+ The Imperial Throne reduces maintenance costs in the city it is built in by 50%.

+ Added the Garden improvement (Kingdom only).

+ Added the Skath Pit improvement (empire only).

+ Empire War Council improvement correctly requires Armies instead of the Tools of War tech now.

+ Added a tech requirement to the Empire Arcane temples.

+ Hedge Walls/Wooden Walls city level requirement reduced from 3 to 0.

+ Forts and castles city level requirement reduced from 4 to 3.

+ Added the Library improvement. Studies upgrade to libraries when a city reaches level 3 and the player has civics. Libraries provide 2 knowledge per turn. (Fallen version added called the Master Archivist).

+ Town Hall changed from +25% gildar production to -25% city maintenance and moved from city level 4 to 3.

+ Fixed Empire city bonuses set equal to the kingdom cities of the same level.


+ Renamed "Quests" to "Lore Recovery". Ancient Lore renamed to "Greater Lore"

+ Moved Shard Harvesting/Shard Domination to later in the tech tree.

+ Empire tech Refined Weaponry requires Dread Weapons now (instead of Offense).

+ Empire tech Refined Armor requires Master Armor now (instead of General Armor).

+ Removed the Empire Indoctronation tech.

+ Removed the Enchantment, Combat and Summoning spellbooks from the Empire Advanced spellbooks tech.

+ Added the Book of Summoning tech to the Empire tech tree.

+ Removed the Refined Essence Use tech from the Empire tech tree.

+ Removed the Essence Transference tech from the Empire tech tree.

+ Added the Master Spellbooks tech to the Empire tech tree.

+ Arcane Experiments Empire tech now requires Shard Harvesting.

+ Arcane Armor Empire tech now requires Arcane Experiments.

+ Arcane Weapons Empire tech now requires Arcane Armor (with the huge advantage of moving the Sword of Wrath to a late game tech instead of being a 2nd tier tech).

+ Removed the Life spellbook tech (all kingdom players already start with the Life spellbook).

+ Added the ability to spawn crystals to the Empire tech Keepers of Avarice.

+ Modified crystal spawns from techs so they are within 12 of the player’s capital instead of 20.

+ Modified mine spawns from techs so they are within 12 of the player’s capital instead of 20.

+ Modified food spawns from techs so they are within 12 of the player’s capital instead of 20.

+ Added an additional food spawn to the food spawns from techs (bees and an orchard instead of just bees).

+ Archery is now in the equipment line and required for ranged weapons (previously it was possible to learn ranged weapons and have access to bows but be unable to build archery ranges so you couldnt build archers).

+ Logistics and City Defense tech order reversed (previously you got the command post to build groups early but couldn't build it because it required a rank 3 city).

+ Adjusted %'s techs show up when researching (it’s all 100% now, open to balance).


+ Added a 1 available specialist cost to all the default and base unit types for the core factions and race types, so that training a unit will tie up one in the population, and the amount that is tied up scales with the grouping type (so a party of 4 ties up 4 population, etc.).

+ New Ability Bonuses for Great Defender and Immobilized (when immobilized a unit can’t move).

+ New "Guardian Ward" unittype added.

+ Balanced the Sentinel starting units.

+ Balanced children. Children's stats will be based more on the parents and children won't get free defense, attack, etc.

+ Kingdom Peasants now have a 5 constitution (like empire peasants).

+ Kingdom catapults are no longer available for Empire.

+ Removed spell immunity from Darklings.


+ All spells now use global mana.

+ Sovereigns produce +2 Global Mana per turn.

+ Added ability to specify a minimum stat score that a spellcaster needs to cast a spell to a spell def. Sovereigns ignore the min stat and can always cast spells they have access to.

+ Spells with durations will now be canceled on end-of-battle (note that tactical enchantment spells w/o duration will still be permanent).

+ Air Spells will be properly affected by an Air Shard and the Caster’s Intelligence.

+ Imbue Champion now immediately available, takes 1 mana per turn.

+ New Paintings hooked up for appropriate Spells.

+ Spells cast on / removed from a city will now update their HUDs to properly reflect stat changes.

+ Added an IsResistable tag to spells, will be used for magic resistance.

+ Players start with more generalized spellbooks (terraforming, enchantment, combat, mobility). Elemental and advanced spellbooks are unlocked through the tech tree.

+ Terraforming spellbook:

Raise Land- water into land and land into hill Lower Land- mountain into hill, hill into land Revive Land- tile becomes grassland Desecrate Land- tile becomes forsaken Erosion- erode Cliffside into beach Create Mountain- raise land into a mountain Destroy Land- lower land to water

+ Enchantment spellbook:

Nature's Bounty- settlement gets +1 food Alchemy- settlement gets +1 gildar Invisible Workers- settlement gets +1 materials Inspiration- settlement gives +1 tech Call to Arms- automatically completes training the unit in target settlements queue Enchanted Hammers- reduces the build time of improvements in the target city by 25% Greater Alchemy- settlement gets +3 gildar Guardian Ward- provides a powerful city defender that can’t leave the city.

+ Mobility spellbook:

Blink- teleport unit to an empty tile in tactical combat. Return- teleport to the capital city. Teleport- teleport to any friendly tile Mobility- target unit gets +1 movement Haste- target unit gets combat speed +1 Greater Mobility- target unit gets +2 movement Escape- entire army escapes from tactical combat Greater Haste- +1 combat speed of the army in tactical combat Call of the Titans- all the players units that aren’t in cities are teleported to the selected tile

+ Combat spellbook:

Arcane Weapon- target unit gets +5 to attack Arcane Arrow- deals ½ the casters Int in damage to target Guardian Aura- targets dodge rating is doubled Spell Blast- targets units within 1 radius receive 1/3 the casters Int in damage Berzerk- target units defense is moved to attack for battle Spell Immunity- target unit is immune to spells Touch of Entropy- target unit takes 30 damage Blood Rage- unit gains HP and strength for all damage dealt

+ Earth spellbook:

Pull of the Earth- combat speed is halved for 3 turns Stone Skin- target unit gets +10 defense Tremor- immobilizes an army in your ZoC for a turn. Rock Slide- target tile blocks, unit in tile knocked back and loses 1 turn Summon Earth Elemental- summons an earth elemental Earthquake- destroys random improvements and resets the training and build queues of nearby cities

+ Air spellbook:

Evade- target unit gets +1 to dodge Eyes of the Eagle- fog of war revealed for a 6 radius around the caster Bottled Gale- target unit is knocked back 2 tiles Storm- random enemy hit by a lightning bolt for 5-8 damage Greater Evasion- target unit get +2 to dodge Tornado- randomly disperses an army across several tiles and immobilizes them for a turn

+ Fire spellbook:

Burning Hands- target unit takes 8 damage (range 1) Pillar of Flame- Strategic spell that damages an enemy army in your ZoC. Flame Dart- target unit takes 5 damage Fire Ball- target unit takes 8 damage + 4 per fire shard Fire Storm- area with radius 1 takes 10 damage + 5 per fire shard Inferno- strategic spell that fills a tile with fire, damaging any that pass through it. Curgen's Inferno- causes a volcano to explode and destroy target city

+ Water spellbook:

Grip of Winter- target has a 25% chance of losing its next turn Blizzard- damage to units within 2 tiles Summon Ice Elemental- Summons an Ice elemental. Slow- reduces the movement of an enemy army in your ZoC to 1 per turn. Greater Grip of Winter- freezes all enemy units, giving them a 50% chance of losing their next turn

+ Life spellbook:

Summon Familiar- summons a familiar Heal- heals target unit by 6hp Regeneration- target unit hals +2 hp per turn (in and out of combat) and +3 con Fertility- target settlement gets +1 prestige Glyph of Life- target units hp increased by 20 Death Ward- imbued hero will be saved if they fall in battle (as a sovereign is)

+ Summon spellbook:

Summon Imp- summons an imp Nature's Ally- summons natures ally Demonic Ally- summons a lesser demon. Summoners Boon- Strengths all your summons. Pariden's Return- summons Pariden to fight for one battle

+ Death spellbook:

Summon Spy- Summons a spy Blindness- target unit gets -50% to accuracy Wither- reduces the strength and constitution of target unit Contagion- all enemies take damage per turn Sacrifice- target city you control loses 100 citizens and provides 50 mana (or .5 mana per citizen if population is less than 100).

+ Mastery spellbook:

Spell of Making- wins the game.

+ Removed the range requirement from some strategic spells (easier for human and AI players).

+ Casting a spell now uses all the units remaining action points (so units can only cast 1 spell per turn).

+ Learning Spell Ranks takes more time.

+ Learning Spells takes less time.

+ Imbue Champion now costs 25 mana to cast.

+ When you access the spellbook from the kingdom report window (either through the tabs on the side, the shortcut in the actions area when nothing is selected, or from the little icon by the spell research status bar in the main tray wnd), it now sets the local player's sovereign as the caster, so that the spells can be cast without needing to expressly select a spellcaster on the main map


+ In tactical battles you can now click on units outside of your attack range in order to set an attack destination unit.

+ Cities now use modifier instances (from Spells) for factoring in DefendingUnitBonuses

+ Quick battles now prevent popups until after the battle is over so that you can see what is happening

+ When a sovereign gets killed in non-hostile territory, instead of spending essence to retreat, they now spend half of their mana and are then immobilized in the city they retreat to for 5 turns.

+ Increased the speed of tactical animations, particuarly with archers and mounted units.

+ Hovering over enemy units in tactical will give you your hit odds and damage ranges.

+ Adjusted weapon damage on weapons with combat speed bonuses to make them more in line with other weapons of their tier (with multipliers).


+ Trade equipment screen now only allows champions, not units. It was confusing that the screen allowed you to give equipment to trained units, but they could do nothing with it, since only champions can equip stuff. The downside is you cannot give your trained units potions and other consumable stuff via this screen anymore.

+ Trade equipment screen now supports drag-and-dropping of entries to trade

+ Trade equipment screen now supports double-clicking of entries, which behaves the same as selecting the entry and hitting the trade button.

+ Can now just high light entries on the trade equipment screen to refresh the context area and see what an item provides, previously you had to select something for that area to update.

+ Asking for the player's population (and the population display in the UI) now shows just the population of the player's cities, and no longer counts units on the map. This way the population can represent the "resource" that player has to manipulate and spend on training units and building improvements, and keeps us from having to have recruited units use available specialists, which when traded or killed would just decrement the specialists and total population simultaneously (e.g. 10/10 would to go 9/9)

+ Main Game Window changes:

- Kingdom and Turn button now have labels.

- Equip button is back, with a label instead of just a shield icon. It's for when you have a unit selected, otherwise it’s hidden.

- Turn counter has been moved from upper right area, to the new upper left area.

- On the vitals tab when a unit is selected, the 4th displayed stat is now CurHP/MaxHP instead of combat speed.

- Implemented Faction Power Wnd, which is a little dockable window that displays the Power Rating of each player in a game. It is always shown at the start of a game. You can toggle it on/off via a button in the upper right of the main game window. List is sorted by power rating, in descending order. Only shows players that the local player has met. When they meet a new faction, the list is refilled and re-sorted by faction power, so it's always up to date.

+ Added displays of income tax to the kingdom report window and the lorebook info for cities.

+ Moved the hotkey strings from the entry text of the unit actions into the tooltip for an action, when that action can be performed.

+ Shortened the display name of some of the unit actions, so that they don't clip in the unit actions entries.

+ Made the status bars in the city context (showing training and building progress) transparent, so that the button that takes up the whole back of them now can be clicked through the status bars still.

+ Added a unit action type to open the spellbook for casting a spell.

+ "Disable Particle Effects" option now works in tactical battles.

+ AI is moving dialog now only shows in MP.

+ Added a new Build List. Added short text info about why an improvement can't be built to the improvement entries themselves. Added any placement limits on improvements (e.g. one per city, or world wonder) to the notes section for the highlighted improvement's stats. Cleaned up some behavior, like disabling and highlighting, adding more info for demolition, and what stats to show when opening the thing the first time, and got rid of some hardcoded badness for adding notes for specific improvement types.

+ Vitals tab for caravans and wild improvements now hides the level icon next to the status bar that is used for unit vitals.

+ Made it so that when either a construction project or unit completes training, it checks if the city is idle (ie. not training anything else and not building anything else). If so, and it's the local player, they are warned with a popup that the city is idle. The camera now only scrolls to that location, if you select BUILD or TRAIN. So if you hit close to dismiss the dialog, the camera will not have moved from whatever it was you were doing elsewhere.

+ If you load a custom map, either in SP or MP, on the world setup window, it will change the world name to match the display name of the map you selected. You can still change it if you'd like though.

+ The train unit screen now shows the faction's available specialist count at the top instead of the total population of the city the popup was opened from.

+ Disabled "pedestrian LOD override" in tile editor (Makes it easier for our artists and modders to place pedestrians in tile designs).

+ Cleaned up the info cards for caravans, fixing bugs in resizing that kept lots of information from showing up, adding a line saying what city the caravan belongs to, and adding resizing code to ensure that the trade route's resource bonus shows up correctly at the bottom of the info card.

+ Added home and trade city info to the vitals tab for caravans, since this is something people have said they wanted to know.

+ Info cards pop up for improvements in demolish mode now, so the user knows what they are mousing over.

+ Hooked up "M" as the hotkey for the cast spell unit action, added strings to let the user know about that in the new actions context.

+ Tactical screen now supports the "Disable Outlines" option.

+ Reset Quality and Quantity when you bring the training window back up.

+ Clicking on any global resource entry is a shortcut to bring up the city list.

+ Changed all the unit stat displays to show stats as integers, always rounded up to the nearest integer, and to use the same breakdown tooltip to see where the numbers are coming from.

+ In some screens, added descriptions for the stats as the tooltip when mousing over the name or icon of a stat, such as on the level up window, lorebook window, and unit design window (when the user might want to know what their changes are doing to the units)

+ Created a new tooltip breakdown that shows the contributions each member of an army is making to an accumulated stat value, like for the army vitals context when an army is selected on the main screen, to replace the confusing breakdown of only battle bonuses used before

+ All functions and UI now grab the full stat value for a unit, instead of just the value without any geographic bonuses from the terrain they were on or whatever. Also made all stat functions return the full value by default, instead of the partial value (which was the default before).

+ Enabled tooltips in the lorebook stat entries, so that breakdowns and stat descriptions can be shown.

+ Fixed bug where some trade info for cities weren't initializing their caravan IDs, so that if the trade info was cleared (from one of the cities getting destroyed), it picked an essentially random unit to disband for the caravan of the trade route being destroyed along with the city (aka: Kwilas memorial sovereign caravan assassination bug).

+ New tooltips for the resources in the global resource area of main game window.

+ If per turn amount of a global resource is negative, the number text will be red

+ Terrain Window no longer shows up by default.

+ Added a mana maintenance window (so you can see where all your mana is going and dispel any enchantments easily if you don't want to pay the maintenance cost anymore).

+ Clicking on a player’s entry in the Faction Power window opens diplomacy with that player.

+ UI now shows units that can't be built because buildings are required and lists the needed building (so you can see that you need an archery range to build those archers).

+ When you hover over the build button for a resource you don’t have the right tech for, it will now tell you exactly what tech you need.


+ Fixed bug where the AI was designing units with equipment that their model type did not support, caused the larger fallen races, like trogs and quendar, too use female armor that was too small for them (aka: the cross dressing quendar bug).

+ Fixed quest "Alzor's Armor" to actually give you armor of that name, rather than some similarly (but not exactly) named armor.

+ Fixed bug that caused fallen to not have access to the Soldiers cloak.

+ Changed "potion of lesser essence" to "Potion of Intelligence" and it now increases drinker's intelligence by 1.

+ Fixed some minor issues from the new tech trees and finish first balance pass of weapons and armor.

+ Bows reduced from:

Crude Bow: Attack 6, Accuracy -2, Range 8 Cedar Shortbow: Attack 15, Accuracy -2, Range 8 Cedar Longbow: Attack 23, Accuracy -2, Range 8

New stats:

Crude Bow: Attack 4, Accuracy -2, Range 6 Cedar Shortbow: Attack 12, Range 8 Cedar Longbow: Attack 15, Range 10

+ Added in some late game magical equipment that you can buy in the shops:

- Cloak of Thwarting : +5 dodge - Sword of Wrath : 60 attack +6 accuracy +1 combat speed -5 constitution - Arielle's Shield: 5 armor +15 hp - Shield of the Sovereign: 5 armor +5 magic resist - Yithril Bow: 18 attack +2 combat speed +10 accuracy

+ Balanced sovereign starting weapons and armor.

+ Removed Leather armor Shirt, Chain mail shirt and scale mail shirt.

+ Changed store prices of huge portions of armor items and weapons to more accurately reflect the cost to train with that item, this should make it more balanced price wise but probably will not be perfect.

+ Adjusted cost during sovereign creation of gear (boots and cloth armor).


+ Changed stat calculations for prestige bonus (from charisma), dodge, accuracy, attack, defense, and max HP.

Strength- Modifies damage Dexterity- Modifies dodge Constitution- Modifies hit points Intelligence- Modifies spell resistance, boosts some spells, required for Champions to cast some spells Charisma- Sovereigns Charisma modifies Champion recruit costs. Champions and the Sovereign give a prestige boost to the city they are in.

Attack (which is damage) = Weapon Attack + ((Strength - 10)/2) Defense (which is damage absorb) = Armor Defense Accuracy = 15 + (Level * 3) Dodge = Dexterity / 2 Hit Points = 10 + ( (Constitution / 5) * (2 * Level) ) Spell Resistance = Intelligence / 2 Prestige Boost in City = Charisma / 5

+ Added a Magic Resist stat to units.

+ Made essence a hidden and non-upgradeable stat, so that it should be gone from all the UI and act only as an under-the-hood mark of being a spellcaster

+ Marked some stats as non-upgradeable, and gave them 0 points per level up point. Core stats (strength, intelligence, dexterity, charisma, and constitution) should now all default to 10, be upgradeable, and get 1 point per level up point.

+ Units now get 3 points when they level up.

+ Removed wisdom from the list of core stats.

+ Removed Morale.

+ Changed Intimidating and Cowardly Sovereign talents/weaknesses to affect spell resistance of the sovereign’s army.

+ Changed Natural Leader to Tactician and Cruel to Reckless, and they now affect Dodge of the sovereign’s army.

+ Added a new Sovereign talent, Attunement, which increases the mana the sovereign provides by 2/turn.

+ Assigned the Attunement talent to Procipinee.

+ Royalty talent reduced from +100% to prestige to +10%.

+ Removed the Road Warriors ability from Umber (it didn't do anything).


+ Players always have a choice of a breakthrough whenever they reach a new tech level.

+ Quests now save/load their 'Subject Unit' (this fixes the Sarog's Egg quest, along with any others that use the subject unit when saving/loading).

+ In SP, popups now prevent units from moving until the popup is closed, and the WaitingForUserResponse flag gets unset immediately after kicking out of the loop, to prevent stuck turns

+ Trade routes set up by caravans now provide 10% bonuses to gildar production in the two cities they connect. Upgrading the roads now provides a 20%, 30%, and 40% bonus for the 4 road levels defined in RoadLevelDefs.xml. Made trade route length and wagons not affect the bonus anymore.

+ There is now the concept of a game year, which starts at 159 A.C.. There are 4 seasons in a game year. A turn is a season. Game year and season are now displayed in the upper left hand corner of the main game wnd, instead of turn num.

+ Creature balance, new stats for all creatures in CoreMonsterUnitTypes.xml.

+ New diplomatic conditions: - You killed my kid -5 to diplomacy - You're wiping others out -2 - Seriously, you're out of control -5 - Early game +1 - Not very strong +1 - Focusing on other enemies +1

+ Redesign of the CombatRating calculation to give a more accurate reflection of a unit or army's effective combat strength.

+ All factions given a starting tech:

Kingdom of Altar- Exploration Kingdom of Capitar- Trading Kingdom of Gilden- Civics Kingdom of Tarath- Training Kingdom of Pariden- Arcane Research Empire of Yithril- Tools of War Empire of Umber- Reunion Empire of Magnar- Mapping Empire of Resoln- Lore Mastery Empire of Kraxis- Proper Living

+ Number of monsters spawned now based on world difficulty level.

+ All players start the game with 5 materials.

+ Diplomacy dialog text changes based on who they are talking to

+ Close borders now has a -2 weight (was -1)

+ Different ideology now has a -5 weight (was -1) since AIs were getting a bit too buddy buddy with each other.

+ Minor race cities updated to not exude influence, which improves calculation time and lets you walk up to them.

+ Balanced goodie huts that were spawning weapons/armor that was now too good for their spawn rating.

+ You won't receive three popups for caravan attacks anymore (one saying your being attacked, another where you are forced to select auto-resolve combat and a third saying the caravan was destroyed). Instead you only receive one popup saying that the caravan was destroyed.

+ Adjusted the hp modifiers at high difficulties.

Challenging- AI Creatures *1.25, AI Sovereign *1.5 (was *1 and *1) Hard- AI Creatures *1.5, AI Sovereign *2 (was *1 and *1.5) Extreme- AI Creatures *2, AI Sovereign *3 (was *2 and *3) Ridiculous- AI Creatures *3, AI Sovereign *5 (was *5 and *10)

+ Caravans now produce +10%/+15%/+20%/+25% gildar instead of +10%/+20%/+30%/+40%.

+ Added the ability to resist the tangled web skill.

+ Removed the tangled web skill from one of the spiders that should not have had it.

+ Changed one of the spiders that spawns in a level 3 spider quest to be one without tangled web to avoid stun locks.

+ GetBattleRank() no longer recalcs strength and defense because those functions are done during CalcBattleRank which should speed up end of turn performance.


+ The AI is now multi-threaded (so it can spend its time contemplating your doom while you are doing other things).

+ Intelligent monsters tend to band together with other types of monsters.

+ Intelligent monsters will actively target weaker units (or cities) – beware.

+ Intelligent monsters will run away from tougher units.

+ Pioneers update their paths to avoid accidentally attacking other settlements.

+ AI more intelligently evaluates the value of an area of land.

+ AI somewhat better at choosing which unit to build in a city.

+ Monsters more intelligent regarding selecting victims.

+ Monsters are more aggressive.

+ More Monsters are spawned early on.

+ Pioneer behavior is more intelligent in selecting area.

+ AI more effective at defending cities.

+ AI more effective at reinforincing cities that are under threat.

+ AI equipment purchasing fixed

+ AI players don't treat monsters with the same level of concern as factions.

+ AI will back off on building improvements if they're losing money.

+ AI is smarter at choosing what improvement to build.

+ AI smarter about using pioneers (AI won't build parties of pioneers).

+ AI will become more aggressive as the game progresses.

+ AI more aggressive about acquiring goodie huts.

+ AI better at valuing trade offers.

+ AI intelligently casts strategic spells.

+ AI prioritization of what to build has been improved.

+ Difficulty levels balanced for updated AI.

+ Monster spawning now balanced for new world difficulty settings.

+ Monsters spawn more gradually at the start of a game.

+ Monsters are less likely to attack cities.

+ AI is more likely to build command posts (and therefor be able to build groups of units).


+ Fixed various crashes, memory errors, and hangs

+ Fixed exploit where you could still use the shortcut key (x) to raze a city, even if you don't yet have the tech that grants you the ability to Raze.

+ Fixed a bug where unit wouldn’t drop treasure after tactical battles unless auto resolve was used.

+ Fixed bug when teleporting units in an army: teleporting the leader would move the army, but teleporting using a sub unit would not but it would use its mana anyway, this has now been fixed so that if you use a sub unit to teleport, the whole army is teleported.

+ Fixed a bug where the AI spellcasters would cast spells that they hadn't learned yet, caused problem that we saw where the AI sovereigns would have stone giants, minions, basically many summons early in the game

+ Fixed bug where looking at spells you haven't learned yet in the spellbook wnd when your faction wasn't creating any spell points per turn would cause it to display a nonsense number for turns to learn, now just says "Will Not Learn"

+ Fixed an autoselection bug in tactical battles such that if a local unit is already selected a new unit is not chosen at the start of the local player's turn.

+ Spell effects should now spawn at an appropriate tile offset for units not at the center of their tiles.

+ Tactical window now caches unit IDs to avoid mysterious unit deaths after a battle.

+ Fixed a bug where absorbed damage was not detected properly.

+ Fixed a bug that caused double battle report text.

+ Fixed a bug where defending units had incorrect damage done in battle reports.

+ Fixed bug where the pass turn action in tactical was allowed only when stuff was animating, instead of the other way around, making it not do anything most of the time

+ Fixed bug where entries couldn't be dragged onto a listbox that doesn't already have at least one entry

+ Fixed bug where the AI would sometimes overwrite the description of unit types depending on what they were doing, which caused units of the same type owned by the player to lose their descriptions and show something that wasn't applicable to them

+ Fixed bug where turns to learn a new spell level wasn't being displayed in the spellbook window when selected

+ Fixed bug where after equipping a mount like a horse or warg, if you went to Edit Info Card screen the cloth poses would be incorrect

+ Fixed particle effects not working in tile editor

+ Fixed bugs in tile design shadow generation. Now when you save a tile design in the tile editor, its shadow will generate properly, and it will update in the editor window so it shows the new shadow

+ Fixed bug where icons on cloth map were being rendered over top of unit markers

+ Fixed "flickering" decals bug (If there is no texture or the texture is not loaded, the decal is not rendered).

+ Fixed bug where the actions entries and the item entries in the unit vitals tab had their pictures sized differently, causing them to look mismatched

+ Fixed beam effects not working

+ Fixed bug where decals would flicker and the wrong decals would show up for objects in tactical battle after multiple battles

+ Fixed bug where the valid demolish cursor did not show up when mousing over an improvement that could be demolished in demolish mode

+ Fixed bug where the train unit queue wasn't being shown in the context area when the train unit wnd was open, so that you couldn't see the state of the queue while adding to it

+ Fixed bug where the first time the city right context wnd was unhidden on starting/loading a game, clicking the train unit button or build button didn't do anything because the new data was getting cleared out by on start new game code

+ Fixed bug where the resource breakdown for a certain resource in a city would sometimes not match what was actually being produced because the city hub and improvements under construction were often being ignored in the breakdown; now all improvements in a city are looked at no matter what, the improvements themselves are smart enough to tell the lorebook what modifiers they apply or not based on if they have finished construction

+ Fixed bug where images in the conversation window did not scale properly

+ Fixed bug where Edit Info Card screen would display the unit type's name rather than the unit's name

+ Fixed bug where global resource area would not always resize correctly.

+ Fixed bug where destroyed units would still get counted in a player's resource production for the duration of the turn before the player actually removed them from their unit list

+ Fixed bug where caravans still had the Guard action available when they started trading, which could cancel their directive to travel along their trade route

+ Fixed bug where two caravans on the same road (but going in opposite directions) were applying their effects on the road separately instead of together, causing it to not take a shorter time for a road to grow levels by having two caravans on it versus one

+ Fixed problem where roads between cities, where one of the cities got destroyed, were not being deleted and removed from the world now that they were no longer needed

+ Fixed an issue where animals won't attack cities (looks like combat will start but then it ends without combat).

+ Fixed a crash when clicking on the game concepts or walkthru entries in the Hiergamenon.

+ You can no longer drink some quest items (like the magic flute).

+ When a city is conquered enchantments on the city are canceled.

+ Dead players no longer show up in the faction window.

+ Fixed bug where tech category was always reset to Civilization after loading a save game.

+ Fixed bug where ZOC was not accurate after loading a game because the city tiles didn’t recalculate their values after loading.

+ Fixed an issue with combat damage for spells, ranged damage and special attacks like crushing blow.

+ Fixed an issue with gold being given out from combat (too much was being given).

+ Fixed a bug where tactical battle maps would not render props after multiple battles.

+ Fixed mounted archer animations.

+ Fixed bug that allowed you to talk to yourself, NPC player, or creatures if you select the unit and hit the Talk button (for NPCs and creatures, this would crash if you then tried to trade with them).

+ Fixed a bug where NPCs that spawn as an army weren't creating their subunits as champions.

+ Fixed an issue that forced a player to pay all costs for improvement upgrades when a city upgraded (often running the player out of a resource and leaving empty holes in the city).

+ Fixed a crash when clicking train on a level 3 city (with low resources).

+ Wolves won't talk to you anymore (I might actually miss this bug).

+ Fixed Cloth map only mode (http://forums.elementalgame.com/400772).

+ Fixed defense boost of improvements that boost defense to their proper values.

+ Fixed a bug with quest data being lost during save/reload causing crashes or weird quest behavior.

+ Fixed an issue with the Great Mill materials cost.

+ Fixed an issue that caused stuck turns in tactical combat if an AI sovereign or champion had a bow.

+ Fixed a bug that could keep players from being able to load maps in the map editor.

+ Fixed a bug where tribute wasn't being deducted from the players treasury.

+ Death Worship faction bonus now correctly gives +10% to hit points

+ Fixed an issue that was keeping Wargs from spawning.

+ Fixed an issue that could cause combat text to not be displayed.

+ Fixed an issue that could wipe out your population if your city leveled up while relying on housing from a Refugee Camp.

+ Token of the Sand Golem now correctly summons Sand Golems (instead of normal golems).

+ Crazy stat creatures (like the 45 con wolf) from the campaign won’t spawn in the main game anymore.

+ Fixed the Azur Armor quest.

+ AI Difficulty levels properly saving out (but only if explicitly set by the player, otherwise they are derrived from the world difficulty).

+ Quest Trackers will now find units by ID instead of Index (fixes "non-sovereign heroes can't complete quests" random buginess).

+ Fixed a bug with the cloth icon for the university improvement.

+ Fixed a bug with the construction tile design of the Abbey of Izil.

+ Fixed the Empire Academy improvement to properly give tech research (instead of gold).

+ Fixed bug from http://forums.elementalgame.com/401682, where when asking to recruit a group of NPCs, they would ask only for the gold their leader requires for recruitment, but then deduct all the units' recruitment costs, sometimes causing players to go into the red.

+ The leader of an NPC group will now include the cost of all the subunits in the cost told the player, and subunit costs are included in checks to see if the player can actually recruit them

+ Fixed bug where the recruitment cost of NPC group leaders double-counted the cost of subunits by including them in their battle rank calculation; also manifested itself in the diplomacy wnd as NPCs being more valuable if they happened to be leading an army, even though they didn't bring the army along when traded

+ Fixed a "String Not Found" when displaying the season and year a sovereign or their spouse was born in the dynasty wnd, caused by the turn number -> date code not being able to handle turns before the first turn of a game (and sovereigns and NPCs are listed as being born some years before the start of the game)

+ Fixed bug where dynasty kids were showing their grown-up portraits in the dynasty wnd while they were still babies; dynasty members will now straight return baby pictures as the crest of any child, instead of try to keep the unit type from overwriting its portrait

+ Fixed bug where arranging a marriage with one of your daughters who was leading an army would cause her subunits to all be stacked separately on the same tile when she got traded over, instead of forming an army under a new leader

+ Fixed various display bugs, and possibly multiplayer bugs, when trading NPC units stationed in a city or part of an army by having the champions automatically get moved to the capital city of their new owner (or in an army with the sovereign if they have no city) like arranging marriages already does

+ Fixed bug where you could not click on the same faction in the faction power wnd twice in a row to talk to them, because the entry thought it was still selected and would not receive the message to start talking to that civ's leader

+ Fixed an issue which defaulted all spells/abilities to be resistable (they should default to not being resistable unless specified in the XML).

+ Fixed some tech requirements on fallen armor (different parts of the same suit unlocked on different techs).

+ Fixed the issue where gildar modifiers weren't getting applied to the tax rate (so merchants, markets, etc were useless in most cities).

+ Fixed an issue where faction ability bonuses were being reapplied with every reload.

+ Fixed an issue with Magnar's inefficient trait (it was giving a construction bonus instead of a penalty).

+ Fixed an issue with teleport that caused them to walk back to their previous destination.

+ Fixed bug where the creatures, NPC, and minor race AIs were being set to "Novice" instead of the world difficulty

+ Fixed bug where every major AI faction had its difficulty set to the world difficulty, and overriding it in the choose opponent screen didn't actually override it in the data.

+ Fixed an issue where units can be immune to all damage (show as resisting damage).

+ Traveling Boots are available for all unit models.

+ Fixed an issue that was keeping higher level creatures from spawning.

+ Fixed bug where the players graph that shows up in the bottom right context area (when nothing is selected), would be out-dated if a player died, showing values from the turn before they died and not being updated to show that they now have 0 population, etc..

+ Fixed bug with Kingdom Report showing dead players in 2 places. The first was in relations section of the kingdom report for a player, lists dead players. The second was that every player had a kingdom report page even if dead.

+ Fixed a problem in the Empire Domination techs that kept anyone from researching beyond Curgens Journal (because the Lost Bounty was incorrectly tagged as an Adventure tech).

+ Fixed Sentinel's combat speed.

+ Fixed a possible bug where unit armies would kill their subunits when the leader died.

+ Fixed a bug where the tag marking special abilities wasn't saved out properly.

+ Fixed bug caused by going into the options menu from cloth map mode.

+ Fixed a bug where escaped units would take place in auto resolve battles when tactical battles get auto resolved.

+ Fixed a mousewheel scrolling bug for some mice.

+ Fixed an issue that could wipe out your population if your city leveled up while relying on housing from a Refugee Camp.

+ Fixed an issue that could allow world wonders to be rebuilt if destroyed.

+ Fixed bug where outposts with no population themselves, but in a faction that had some population available for training, would still not allow the player to train a unit until the city had some population

+ Fixed bug where rationing wasn't actually reducing the production of resources in a city unless that city already had some multiplier on its production, and fixed the disparities between the lorebook breakdown of resource storage in cities under rationing that was caused by this

1.11 Changelog (http://forums.elementalgame.com/403546)

1.11 is a stability patch based on the feedback given since 1.1's release. It resolves crashes and improves the AI.


1. AI is much better at casting strategic spells.

2. AI better at queuing units to be trained.

3. AI unit design improved.

4. Crash fixes in the battle engine.

5. Resolved an end of turn crash.

6. Fixed a multi-threaded crash in evaluate relations.

7. More resources at placed on the map (about 50% more than 1.1).

Die Liste der Änderungen ist groß, aber es bleibt im Wesentlichen beim Super-GAU. Im Grunde wird eine Hülle poliert, obwohl der Kern, nämlich die Spielmechaniken und das Balancing, weiterhin zum Himmel schreien. Patch 1.11 haucht dann der K.I. etwas mehr Leben ein und macht sie schlauer, aber wer interessiert sich schon ernsthaft für eine K.I., die ein kaputtes Spiel spielt.

Schade bleibt halt, dass man an allen Ecken und Enden großes Potential entdeckt und sich leicht vorstellen kann, wie die einzelnen Spielaspekte harmonisch ineinander greifen könnten. Sie tun es nicht, alles wirkt hölzern und aufgesetzt, nichts greift organisch ineinander. Auch wenn schon fleißig auf den (vermutlich) finalen Patch 1.2 hingearbeitet wird (http://forums.elementalgame.com/403879), Ich prophezeie, aus diesem Spiel wird keines mehr, das ein Feuer entfacht.


Fallen Enchantress, a new game (http://forums.elementalgame.com/403882)

Elemental ist tot, es lebe Elemental!

Die Engine ist mittlerweile stabilisiert und man hat sehr viele, zufridenstellend arbeitende Funktionshäppchen, die sich leider nicht zu einem guten Spiel zusammengefügt haben. Frogboy hat offenbar auch erkannt, dass sein Talent als Spieldesigner zumindest Grenzen kennt und "War of Magic" war wohl ein "Hallo? Wach! Erlebnis". Damit das Ruder umgerissen werden kann, wurden neue Leute bei Stardock angeheuert und besonders Derek Paxton genießtin der Civilization-Community wohl einen sehr guten Ruf, dazu kommt der Lead-Designer von Civilization 5 Jon Shafer.

Man kann nur vermuten, dass die Neuen auf den Scherbenhaufen geblickt und dann abgewunken haben, wahrscheinlich hätte sich da nichts zufriedenstellend flicken lassen. Also werden nun die Altlasten einfach über Bord geschmissen, man schnappt sich die Engine und was an Funktionen brauchbar erscheint und entwickelt ein weitgehend neues Spiel. Soweit die Träume, aber die Chancen stehen nicht schlecht.

Die Entwicklung von Fallen Enchantress weckt in mir doch noch einmal neue Hoffnung, ein Sychtel-Rundenstrategiespiel erster Güte in Aussicht zu haben. Wer Elemental im Paket mit den ersten beiden Add-Ons gekauft hat, wird es kostenlos erhalten, ansonsten wird man wohl für einen moderaten Preis direkt mit Fallen Enchantress einsteigen können.

Ich erlaube mir an dieser Stelle, den Threadtitel anzupassen. :)

2011-05-06, 08:33:24
Elemental: War of Magic 1.2 Changelog (http://forums.elementalgame.com/408299)

The following changes were made in Elemental: War of Magic patch 1.2. The focus of this patch was to improve the UI, memory use in large games and stomp out any remaining bugs.

New Features/UI changes:

Raze city no longer requires a tech and is available right off the bat for all of your cities.

Prestige penalty for multiple cities has been broken out in the Other category on the city screen (instead of being a part of the base prestige number).

In the city breakdown the amount of buildings is listed (so it will say Study x3 if you have 3 studies in that city).

Added a new game option to adjust Movie volume.

Removed the city idle dialog, replaced with a report item notification in the event list.

Pioneers/sovereigns cannot build/found cities in other people's territory

Since spells are capped at level 5, you are no longer given the choice to keep going up in spell level once you reach that max.

Custom sovereign starting appearance is randomized (so you don't start with the same model every time).

You are now able to select a tile under a unit without moving the unit.

Balanced resource placement (more variety, better distribution).

Added a blue highlight representing the range of a spell when in spellcasting mode on both the strategic and tactical map, so the user can see how far they are allowed to cast the spell

Added tooltips that hover underneath the spellcasting cursor that explain why a spell can't be cast on that tile (with no tooltip shown if it is a valid target)

The strategic map spellcasting mode now uses the same wand cursors (with support for an invalid cursor) that the tactical map mode uses

Removed the Refined Diplomacy techs.

Added gold as a tradeable resource for fallen and changed horses to wargs for them.

Added the champion ablity "Diplomatic" which gives +1 diplomatic capital per turn.

Hooked up a list at the top of the city HUD to show the enchantments that are currently on that city.

Added an info button where spellbooks are displayed (such as on the custom sovereign screen) that will show all the spells that spellbook gives.

When improvements are auto-upgraded they no longer make the upgrade noise (which can be deafening when a bunch do it at once).

Auto-upgrades won't spam the event list with the "new building" messages.

When casting a targeted spell on an army (such as imbue champion on a stack with more than one valid target) a dialog is presented to allow the player to pick the unit he wants.

Players can now earn achievements in single player mode if auto-login is enabled.

Min defense on armor has been removed. Previously armor never absorbed less than half the units defense value, now it has the possibility to absorb the full range (though weighted to the high end). So every attack can do damage.

Increased the casting cost for Return and Teleport.

When a pioneer founds a city, any remaining units in its army are now automatically stationed in the new city.

When a sovereign founds a kingdom/empire, the popup explaining what they are doing now includes a checkbox asking if the user wants to station their sovereign in the new city, where if they choose to not have it selected, the sovereign moves to an adjacent tile like before.

The events for "improvement built" and "unit finished training" start out temporarily expanded, for a short period of time.

Faction Power Wnd entries now have a tooltip telling you how each player feels towards you. (ex. At War, Neutral, etc..). Also, if you are at war with them, an AtWar icon will be displayed.

Unit info cards reworked to show more meaningful data, have the data fit better, etc.

Added an event list entry when there are enemy units in your lands. Clicking on the event will cycle through the enemy units in your lands.

Added a new tactical Air 1 spell, Wind Shield. Gives all allied units +5 dodge vs ranged attacks.

Removed the Blink spell.

You can now recruit Janusk directly from his opening dialog (instead of him talking to you and then sometimes running away).

Empire can now claim refugee camps.

In the default formula for calculating the hit point bonus from level and constitution (10 + level * .4 * constitution), made 10 data-driven, can be set with the <GlobalHitPointsBonus> tag in ElementalDefs.xml.

Changed the code that takes the A_Influence player ability into account for the max radius and influence power of improvements to not divide the ability value by 100 when adding a radius and power bonus, so that an ability of 1 now means a 1 tile increase in radius, instead of none (since it would be rounded down from .01 to 0).

Added 4 new maps.

When you select an army on the main map, it now only shows the spellcasting action if the leader can cast spells, and if selected, only the leader casts the chosen spell.

Improved ZOC performance – large map save game used to take 30s to update the ZOC at the end of a turn, now takes 4s. ZOC is no longer cleared every turn and re-calculated; now the objects update the ZOC nodes as necessary, but the graphics and environment do not update until the end of the turn. The ZOC Calculator now tracks which tiles have changed ownership so it only does the end of turn updates if something has actually changed.

The global resource pool in the main UI now reuses entries wherever possible, instead of recreating them for each refresh (performance improvement).


AI is more careful with their sovereign.

Fixed an issue that kept AI champions from being able to cast spells in tactical combat.

Fixed some bugs in tactical AI code that were causing it to think enemy units were friendly units.

Added code so that AI units will try to cast a heal spell on themself before resorting to trying to escape.

Added code so that the AI can determine the best spell to use based on AI xml weights in the spells themselves.

Added AIData and AIPriority tags to all spells, so we can tweak how much the AI cares about them.

Fixed an issue with the sovereign not going out to pickup goodie huts.

Bug fixes:

Fixed memory leaks.

Reduced memory consumption (especially in the late game) by releasing unneeded textures instead of retaining them indefinitely.

Fixed bug where conquered cities that had caravans that called that city home would end up with messed up caravan counts.

Fixed a bug where player ability penalties on resource production weren't actually being taken into account.

Fixed the effect of the "Call of the Titans" spell, which gathers all your unstationed units and transports them to a specified tile. It will now skip units without an attack (ie. pioneers, caravans, boats).

Fixed bug where particle glow effect would remain on the map after getting a goodie hut until you hit the turn button.

Fixed delay in tactical battles with mounted archer units.

Fixed bug where sometimes particles would remain on the map from a destroyed factions cities.

Disabling Janusk advice does not disable his creation in the game.

You are now able to select a tile under a unit without moving the unit.

Limited improvements (like the faction specific Beacon of Hope) won't be counted as being built until they are completed.

Fixed Titan's Breath (thanks to Heavenfall and Kenata).

Fixed an issue that was keeping the AI from casting spells in tactical battles.

Fixed a bug in spellcasting where non offensive, defensive, or terraforming spells were now checking that the spell target was valid when deciding if the spell could be cast.

Fixed the Fallen Ambassador (so it now correctly gives diplomatic capital).

Fixed a bug in the main city context wnd where it would use the AI's cached version of the battle rank for display, causing it to often not match the city HUD and other screens.

Fixed a bug where dispelling Guardian Ward (and any other spells that involved a city-target summon modifier) would not kill the summoned unit.

Fixed a bug where killing a unit summoned on a city would not cancel the enchantment that summoned that unit, keeping the spell from being cast on that city again.

Fixed lighting on shields in unit design screens (so they won't appear black anymore).

Fixed an issue that caused units to lose their custom portrait after a few turns.

Units now fade out when they get killed on the main map.

Units now fade out when they get killed in tactical battles.

Fixed a bug where improvements in FOW still played their particle effects.

Fixed a bug with lifesteal that caused the caster to lose hit points.

Fixed a bug with units getting stationed over end turn not showing up in a cities context, and ensuring the new city founding behavior shows the most updated city context when all the shuffling of units is done.

Fixed bug where, when founding a city, you could see the pioneer either die on top of the city while it was being built, or the pioneer's graphic would stick around for a turn if in cloth map mode when the city was built

Fixed Grip of Winter and Greater Grip of Winter to correctly apply a chance of taking effect (previously they always caused the victims to lose their next turn).

Fixed the Arrogant weakness so it correctly makes recruiting more expensive instead of less expensive.

Fixed the custom faction tech granting abilities so they work correctly regardless of the factions allegience.

Fixed an issue that can cause massive recruit costs when the player has to many recruit cost reductions.

Min radius now takes into account the player's influence ability so that their influence zone won't shrink when going up to the next level.

We will allocate more memory before saving (so that you don't OOM while saving and corrupt the save).

Fixed bug where action entries used for a combat ability would always trigger that combat ability when clicked, even if reassigned a different action when being reused, caused by some entry info not getting cleared out.

Fixed bug where dragon breath effect (and any other attached spell effect that isn't a projectile) would play throughout the entire battle once triggered, floating on the tile where it was triggered.

Fixed bug where casting a spell from an army with a spellcaster leader on the main map, with the army selected instead of a particular subunit, would cause every unit in that army to cast the spell.

Fixed bug where, if you finished researching all spells and reached the max spell level, it would start automatically researching non-existent spell levels beyond the max spell level.

Fixed bug where the dragon's breath sfx would occasionally not play until the target unit took damage, causing the attack itself to be silent and the attack sfx to linger long after the attack.

Fixed bug where killing a unit in a tactical battle that had tactical modifier effects from spells on it would cause it's stats to get recalculated using a function with auto-killing logic in it, so that the parent unit would immediately be set to be destroyed, causing bugs like the sovereign dying and immediately ending the game, because no retreat or battle-finishing logic was reached.

Fixed a series of population and prestige-related bugs that conspired to cause cities to have negative population and huge power ratings.

Fixed crash on closing a game that had a tactical battle in it.

Fixed bug where some unit clean-up stuff in the player was not getting called when a unit died, so that the player-wide abilities of dead champions would remain until something reforced an ability value calculation, players would hold onto a pointer to the dead sovereign spouse, and military might and power rating wouldn't be recalculated.

Fixed a crash when exiting a game with any shards owned by the local player.

Fixed a potential deadlock when a unit is removed from a player, caused by some UI refreshes taking place while the unit critical section was being held onto.

Fixed crash when killing an enemy sovereign.

Der Vollständigkeit halber auch das Changelog zu 1.2, aber wer bisher keinen Spass hatte, der kann den Patch beruhigt ignorieren. Im Grunde stabilisiert der Patch jetzt erst einmal die Engine weiter, es waren wohl doch noch jede Menge Stabilitätsprobleme und Memory Leaks enthalten. Außerdem komplettiert er verwaiste Teile des Spiels um das Notwendigste. Man könnte sagen, das Grundgerüst ist jetzt fertig und sie können anfangen, ein Spiel auf der Engine aufzusetzen. :ulol:

Patch 1.3 wurde bereits parallel entwickelt und soll dann demnächst "War of Magic" verbessern oder fertigstellen oder wie auch immer man das sehen will. Ich persönlöich wage zu bezweifeln, dass War of Magic eines Tages noch ein lohnenswertes Spiel wird, das ist einfach zu unausgegorenes Stückwerk und die Engineprobleme empfand ich noch als den geringsten Mangel.

Die gute Nachricht ist, jetzt gibt es eine stabilisierte Engine und "Fallen Enchantress" wird als eigenständiges Spiel auf Basis der Engine-Version 1.2 entwickelt, wobei die angeheuerten Entwickler vom Balancing bis zum Spielfluss und Features alles überdenken und neu gestalten dürfen. Ich würde sagen, "Fallen Enchantress" verdient bei Beginn der Beta einen eigenen Thread, denn mit "War of Magic" teilt es im Wesentlichen nur das Setting und die Engine.

P.S. Nichts ist so wandelbar, wie der Threadtitel eines totgeborenen Spiels. :D

2011-05-06, 10:18:07
Okay, dann kann man ja direkt auf den Nachfolger warten :D.

2011-05-11, 08:14:59
Sehe ich genau so. Allerdings hat Brad "Frogboy" Wardell im Elementalforum ziemlich gallig reagiert, als ihm nahegelgt wurde die Arbeiten an WoM einfach einzustellen und stattdessen gleich alle Ressourcen auf FE zu konzentrieren.

Er glaubt immer noch, aus dem Stückwerk ein rundes Spiel kreieren zu können. Ich werde mir das Changelog zu 1.3 zu Gemüte führen, aber ich gehe davon aus, dass Frogboy ein totes Pferd reiten will. Klar hätte ich auch gern - wie einige andere Käufer im Forum - ein WoM das Spaß macht. Leider hat jemand den Osterhasen überfahren.

Also arbeitet Frogboy mit einem kleinen Team weiter an Operation Waterloo und das Hauptentwicklungsteam strickt derweil an FE. Vielleicht auch ganz gut, dann können sich die anderen womöglich etwas freier verwirklichen, ohne das "Chefe" reinquatscht. Nachdenklich stimmt mich nur, dass FE schon im Herbst 2011 erscheinen soll.

Metascoreziel sind ja wieder 85%, das ist Ehrensache! ;D

2011-05-11, 12:01:16
Wie sieht das denn mit den kostenlosen Erweiterungen aus, die anfangs versprochen wurden. Fällt FE auch darunter? Wohl eher nicht.

mfg b.

2011-05-11, 12:18:40
Wer Elemental in 2010 gekauft hat wird FE kostenlos kriegen, wer das Spiel 2011 gekauft hat kriegt noch nen Rabatt auf FE.

2012-01-18, 19:34:30
Grad gabs ne Mail, wer Elemental vor Release gekauft hat wird ab morgen Zugang zur Fallen Enchantress Beta bekommen.