Archiv verlassen und diese Seite im Standarddesign anzeigen : Probs mit Router fli4l und ICQ!!!!!!!

2001-10-07, 17:22:42
Hallo ich habe folgendes prob. Ich kann per ICQ daten verschicken aber mir kann keiner was schicken.Der Chat funzzt sonst aber wunderbar.Online/Offline status sehe ich auch. Ich habe einen Siemens PCD 5H als DSL Router im einsatz darauf läuft fli4l 1.6.2 und habe die config mit fliwizNG.exe erstellt. Ich kann sonst alles machen ohne Probs. Wenn ich ohne Router ins Netz gehe klappt das mit ICQ. Wer kann mir helfen

P.S.: Ich benutze ICQ 2001 a unter win2000

2001-10-07, 17:27:23
dann liegt an der Firewall, ist immer so wenn man hinter nem router ist!

2001-10-07, 17:33:05
die Firewall ist doch garnicht mit Installiert denke ich?? sonst funzzt ja auch alles.

2001-10-07, 17:46:01
Das gleiche Prob habe ich mit dem Instant Messenger von AOL. Die Messengerfunktionen funktionieren, aber sobald ich Dateien versenden will oder aber telefonieren möchte, bekomme ich Fehlermeldungen. Allerdings benutze ich einen SMC Barricade...
Das liegt an der Firewall... Man kann es umgehen, indem man den TCP-Port freigibt, der vom entsprechenden Messenger Prog genutzt wird. Nur: Was bringt mir eine Firewall, wenn ich den von ICQ benutzten Port freigebe... schon mal im Netz nach Trojanern u.Ä. gesucht, die diese Ports nutzen?

2001-10-07, 17:50:45
Also ich habe keine Firewall configuriert es sind doch standartmäßig alle ports freigegeben oder nicht??

2001-10-07, 18:08:32
freigeben sind die schon aber die ports werden ja nicht automatisch zu deiner LAN Ip weitergeleitet... das musste manuel machen!

2001-10-07, 18:11:48
ja die frage ist wie ??? cu

2001-10-07, 18:12:09
Leider kenne ich den Siemens Router nicht. Aber das Problem sieht sehr nach Portfreigabe/Firewall aus...

Schau doch mal auf einschlägigeren Sites. z.B. unter:


2001-10-07, 18:15:26
Im ICQ Client musst du folgendes einstellen:

preferences:connections:general: Permanent Connection,ICQ will determine IP automatically.
preferences:connections:server: using firewall, not using proxy
preferences:connections:user: not using proxy, use the following ports ( 5010 - 5030 )

In der portfw.sh müssen die Ports 5010-5030 auf den Client weitergeleitet werden.


2001-10-07, 18:36:04
Das schrieb jemand aus einem anderen Forum??
Das ist vollkommen Normal! Der Router braucht Packet-Forwarding um die Filetransver Anfrage an den Clienten weiter zu leiten.
Denn kann man bei fli4U aber nachinstallieren.

und jetzt??

2001-10-07, 18:42:29
haste das gemacht was ich geschrieben hab ???

2001-10-07, 19:11:39
In der portfw.sh müssen die Ports 5010-5030 auf den Client weitergeleitet werden.

Ich weiß nicht wie ich das machen muß. Im ICQ habe ich es eingestellt.
mist cu

2001-10-07, 19:36:20
1. suche die Datei portfw.sh,
2. nach einem Rechtsklick auf diese Datei wähle "öffnen mit..."
3. aus der nunfolgenden Liste wähle den Editor oder Notepad (Achtung!! den Haken bei "diesen Dateityp immer mir diesem Programm öffnen" entfernen)
4. nach einem ok öffnet sich die Datei portfw.sh
5. runterscrollen bis zu:

# Define your PCs to forward ports to:
hiddenhost1= # ip of PC in LAN: change here!
hiddenhost2= # ip of PC in LAN: change here!
hiddenhost3= # ip of PC in LAN: change here!
hiddenhost4= # ip of PC in LAN: change here!

hier bitte die clients eintragen auf denen ICQ Läuft, also hiddenhost1= ( natürlich mit deiner IP ersetzen)

6. unter:

# example for Battlecom (using ipautofw):
#/usr/sbin/ipmasqadm autofw -A -v -r udp 2300 2400 -h $hiddenhost1
#/usr/sbin/ipmasqadm autofw -A -v -r tcp 2300 2400 -h $hiddenhost1
#/usr/sbin/ipmasqadm autofw -A -v -r tcp 47624 47624 -h $hiddenhost1
#/usr/sbin/ipmasqadm autofw -A -v -r udp 47624 47624 -h $hiddenhost1
#/usr/sbin/ipmasqadm autofw -A -v -r udp 28800 28900 -h $hiddenhost1

Deine Weiterleitungen eintragen z.b.:

/usr/sbin/ipmasqadm autofw -A -v -r tcp 80 80 -h $hiddenhost1

hierbei gilt:
/usr/sbin/ipmasqadm autofw -A -v -r = unverändert lassen
tcp = Protokoll also tcp oder udp
die erste Zahl ist der niedriegere (der erste) Port hier 80
die zweite Zahl ist der höhere (oder letzte) Port hier auch 80 (da nur ein Port "weitergereicht" werden soll)
-h $hiddenhost1 = auch unverändert lassen (es sei dann es ist ein anderer Client
z.B. hiddenhost2 - siehe oben)
8. Datei speichern und schließen.
9. in der config.txt den Eintrag opt_portfw='yes' prüfen (ggf. setzen)
10. neue Disk erstellen und damit booten.
11. bei der Einwahl ersacheinen auf der Console (Bildschim an Router)
die zeilen
Adding...... (und die entsprechenden, eingetragenen, Regeln )

2001-10-07, 22:09:38
Normalerweise geht das auf die "faule" Art...
Es gibt auch im ICQ, wie im FTP, den passiven Modus...
ICQ - Preferences - Connection - Server - Using Firewall - Not using Proxy sollte gehen, aber ich hatte das nur mit ICQ2000a noch in Betrieb und weiss dementsprechend nicht mehr, ob das noch geht.
Was dann definitiv nicht geht ist wenn 2 so faul konfigurierte ICQ zusammentreffen.

2001-10-08, 17:22:17
@Mibi ich habe das jetzt so eingegeben. Aber es geht trotzdem nicht. Ich habe im ICQ al´lles so eingestellt. Habe ich was falsch gemacht??
# Usage of portfw (NEW):
# add entry:
# ipmasqadm portfw -a -P PROTO -L LADDR LPORT -R HIDDENHOST RPORT [-p PREF]
# delete entry:
# ipmasqadm portfw -d -P PROTO -L LADDR LPORT [-R HIDDENHOST RPORT]
# clear table:
# ipmasqadm portfw -f
# list table:
# ipmasqadm portfw -l
# no names:
# ipmasqadm portfw <args> -n
# PROTO protocol, can be "tcp" or "udp"
# LADDR local interface receiving packets to be forwarded
# LPORT port being redirected
# HIDDENHOST ip address of your lan computer using the application
# RPORT the port being redirected to
# PREF preference level (load balancing, default=10)
# Usage of autofw (NEW):
# add entry:
# ipmasqadm autofw -A -r PROTO LOW HIGH [-h HIDDENHOST] [-c ctltype ctlport]
# clear table (flush):
# ipmasqadm autofw -F
# PROTO protocol, can be "tcp" or "udp"
# LOW lowest port of range
# HIGH highest port of range
# HIDDENHOST ip address of your lan computer using the application
# Here you will find hints to get your application run:
# http://www.tsmservices.com/masq/
# NEW:
# This script will be called now with two arguments:
# $1 state "up" or "down" default route is up
# $2 ip x.x.x.x ip address of your wan interface, eg. isdn
# Creation: 08.09.2000 fm
# Last Update: 05.11.2000 fm

state=$1 # "up" or "down"
ip=$2 # ip address of wan interface

# Define your PCs to forward ports to:
hiddenhost1= # ip of PC in LAN: change here!
hiddenhost2= # ip of PC in LAN: change here!
hiddenhost3= # ip of PC in LAN: change here!
hiddenhost4= # ip of PC in LAN: change here!

if [ "$state" = "down" ] # state is down ...
echo "shutting down port forwarding ..."
echo "initializing port forwarding ..."

/usr/sbin/ipmasqadm portfw -f # ipportfw: clear old tables
/usr/sbin/ipmasqadm autofw -F # ipautofw: flush old tables

if [ "$state" = "down" ] # state is down: exit here
exit 0

# example for ftp (internal ftp server, access from outside):
# Don't forget to correct the firewall ports in config.txt, see FW_N_PORTS
# and FW_PORT_x
# and to enable the ftp-Masquerading module in config.txt:
# MASQ_MODULE_1='ftp' # masquerading module: ftp
#/usr/sbin/ipmasqadm autofw -A -v -r tcp 21 21 -h $hiddenhost1

# example for Battlecom (using ipautofw):
#/usr/sbin/ipmasqadm autofw -A -v -r udp 2300 2400 -h $hiddenhost1
#/usr/sbin/ipmasqadm autofw -A -v -r tcp 2300 2400 -h $hiddenhost1
#/usr/sbin/ipmasqadm autofw -A -v -r tcp 47624 47624 -h $hiddenhost1
#/usr/sbin/ipmasqadm autofw -A -v -r udp 47624 47624 -h $hiddenhost1
#/usr/sbin/ipmasqadm autofw -A -v -r udp 28800 28900 -h $hiddenhost1
#/usr/sbin/ipmasqasm autofw -A -v -r tcp 5010 5030 -h (für ICQ)???$hiddenhost1
# example for Napster:
# forward napster connections to 4 different intern PCs:
# http://www.linuxdoc.org/HOWTO/mini/IPMasquerading+Napster-4.html
#nap1=6702 # napster port of PC 1
#nap2=6703 # napster port of PC 2
#nap3=6704 # napster port of PC 3
#nap4=6705 # napster port of PC 4
#/usr/sbin/ipmasqadm portfw -a -P tcp -L $ip $nap1 -R $hiddenhost1 $nap1
#/usr/sbin/ipmasqadm portfw -a -P tcp -L $ip $nap2 -R $hiddenhost2 $nap2
#/usr/sbin/ipmasqadm portfw -a -P tcp -L $ip $nap3 -R $hiddenhost3 $nap3
#/usr/sbin/ipmasqadm portfw -a -P tcp -L $ip $nap4 -R $hiddenhost4 $nap4

echo 'done'
exit 0 # END


2001-10-08, 17:28:50
# icq
/usr/sbin/ipmasqadm autofw -A -v -r tcp 5010 5014 -h $hiddenhost2
/usr/sbin/ipmasqadm autofw -A -v -r tcp 5015 5019 -h $hiddenhost3
/usr/sbin/ipmasqadm autofw -A -v -r tcp 5020 5024 -h $hiddenhost4

lösch das von dir nochmal raus und füg das da oben komplett ein dann sollte es auf jedenfall funzen, hast du bei hiddenhost1= deine richtige LAN Ip eigeben ???

2001-10-08, 17:29:15
@ Mibi hier meine Config. Vieleicht siehst Du ja den Fehler.
# config.txt - fli4l configuration parameters V1.6.2
# You can edit/change this file with fliwiz V1.6 or any text editor.
# P L E A S E R E A D T H E D O C U M E N T A T I O N ,
# S E E R E A D M E . T X T
# B I T T E U N B E D I N G T D I E D O K U M E N T A T I O N
# L E S E N , S I E H E R E A D M E . T X T
# Creation: 13.04.2000 fm
# Last Update: 15.07.2001 fm
# Copyright (c) 2000-2001 Frank Meyer <frank@fli4l.de>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# General settings:
HOSTNAME='Hellraiser' #name of fli4l router
PASSWORD='' #password for telnetd, ftpd, sshd, and samba
MOUNT_BOOT='rw' #mount boot device (floppy): ro, rw, no
# Ethernet card drivers:
# uncomment your ethernet card
ETH_DRV_N='1' #number of ethernet drivers to load, usually 1
#ETH_DRV_1='3c505' # ISA: 3COM Etherlink Plus (3c505)
#ETH_DRV_1='3c507' # ISA: 3COM Etherlink 16 (3c507)
#ETH_DRV_1='3c509' # ISA: 3COM EtherLinkIII (3c509)
#ETH_DRV_1='3c515' # ISA: 3COM EtherLink XL ISA (3c515)
#ETH_DRV_1='3c59x' # PCI: 3COM Vortex/Boomerang 3c59x,3c900,3c905
#ETH_DRV_1='82596' # Apricot Xen-II on board Ethernet
#ETH_DRV_1='8390 3c503' # ISA: 3COM EtherLinkII (3c503)
#ETH_DRV_1='8390 cs89x0' # ISA: CRYSTAL LAN CS8900/CS8920
#ETH_DRV_1='8390 e2100' # ISA: Cabletron E21xx ISA
#ETH_DRV_1='8390 hp' # ISA: HP PCLAN (27245, 27xxx) ISA
#ETH_DRV_1='8390 hp-plus' # ISA: HP PCLAN+ (27247B and 27252A) ISA
ETH_DRV_1='3c59x' #ISA: NE2000 ISA clone
#ETH_DRV_1='8390 ne2k-pci' # PCI: NE2000 PCI clone (Realtek 8019/8029)
#ETH_DRV_1='8390 smc-ultra' # ISA: SMC ULTRA
#ETH_DRV_1='8390 wd' # ISA: SMC WD80*3
#ETH_DRV_1='at1700' # ISA: AT1700 (Fujitsu 86965) ISA
#ETH_DRV_1='de4x5' # PCI/EISA: Digital DE425, DE434, DE435, DE450, DE500
#ETH_DRV_1='depca' # ISA: DEPCA, DE10x, DE200, DE201, DE202, DE422
#ETH_DRV_1='dgrs' # PCI: Digi International RightSwitch PCI/EISA
#ETH_DRV_1='dmfe' # PCI: DM9102 compatible PCI cards from Davicom
#ETH_DRV_1='eepro' # ISA: Intel EtherExpress Pro/10
#ETH_DRV_1='pci-scan eepro100' # PCI: Intel EtherExpressPro PCI 10+/100B/100+ (NEW)
#ETH_DRV_1='eexpress' # ISA: EtherExpress16 ISA
#ETH_DRV_1='epic100' # PCI: SMC EPIC/100 (EtherPower II) PCI
#ETH_DRV_1='eth16i' # ISA/EISA: ICL EtherTeam 16i/32
#ETH_DRV_1='ewrk3' # ISA: EtherWORKS 3 ISA (DE203, DE204, DE205)
#ETH_DRV_1='lance' # ISA: AMD LANCE and PCnet (AT1500, NE2100) ISA
#ETH_DRV_1='old_tulip' # PCI: Old DECchip Tulip (dc21x4x) PCI
#ETH_DRV_1='pcnet32' # PCI: AMD PCI PCnet32
#ETH_DRV_1='rtl8139' # PCI: RealTek 8129/8139 (not 8019/8029!) PCI
#ETH_DRV_1='sis900' # PCI: SiS 900/7016
#ETH_DRV_1='tlan' # PCI: TI ThunderLAN (Compaq Netelligent ...)
#ETH_DRV_1='tulip' # PCI: DECchip Tulip (dc21x4x) PCI
#ETH_DRV_1='pci-scan natsemi' # PCI: Nat Semi (NEW)
#ETH_DRV_1='pci-scan starfire' # PCI: Starfire (NEW)
#ETH_DRV_1='pci-scan via-rhine' # PCI: VIA Rhine PCI (3043 or Rhine-2 VT86c100A) (NEW)
#ETH_DRV_1='pci-scan winbond-840' # PCI: Winbond 840 (NEW)
#ETH_DRV_1='lanstreamer' # Token Ring: IBM Auto LANStreamer PCI Adapter
#ETH_DRV_1='olympic' # Token Ring: IBM cards (Pit/Pit-Phy/Olympic)
#ETH_DRV_1='ibmtr' # Token Ring: IBM 16/4
#ETH_DRV_1='8390 pcnet_cs' # PCMCIA: NS8390-based cards (NE2000, DLINK etc)
#ETH_DRV_1='3c574_cs' # PCMCIA: 3Com 574
#ETH_DRV_1='3c575_cs' # PCMCIA: 3Com 575 (NEW)
#ETH_DRV_1='3c589_cs' # PCMCIA: 3Com 589
#ETH_DRV_1='airo' # PCMCIA: Airo 4500 & 4800 series cards (NEW)
#ETH_DRV_1='airo_cs' # PCMCIA: Airo 4500 & 4800 series cards (NEW)
#ETH_DRV_1='eepro100_cb' # PCMCIA: EtherExpress Pro 100 (NEW)
#ETH_DRV_1='epic_cb' # PCMCIA: SMC 83c170 EPIC/100 (NEW)
#ETH_DRV_1='ibmtr_cs' # PCMCIA: IBM Token Ring (NEW)
#ETH_DRV_1='netwave_cs' # PCMCIA: Netwave AirSurfer Wireless LAN
#ETH_DRV_1='nmclan_cs' # PCMCIA: New Media Ethernet LAN
#ETH_DRV_1='pcnet_cs' # PCMCIA: NS8390 Based cards (NEW)
#ETH_DRV_1='ray_cs' # PCMCIA: Raylink wireless cards (NEW)
#ETH_DRV_1='smc91c92_cs' # PCMCIA: SMC91c92-based cards
#ETH_DRV_1='tulip_cb' # PCMCIA: DEC 21040-family cards (NEW)
#ETH_DRV_1='wavelan_cs' # PCMCIA: WaveLAN
#ETH_DRV_1='wavelan2_cs' # PCMCIA: WaveLAN2
#ETH_DRV_1='wvlan_cs' # PCMCIA: Lucent WaveLAN/IEEE 802.11 (NEW)
#ETH_DRV_1='xirc2ps_cs' # PCMCIA: Xircom: CE2, CEM28, CEM33, or CE3
# Ether networks used with IP protocol:
IP_ETH_N='1' #number of ip ethernet networks, usually 1
IP_ETH_1_NAME='' #optional: other device name than ethX
IP_ETH_1_IPADDR='' #IP address of your nth ethernet card
IP_ETH_1_NETWORK='' #network of your LAN
IP_ETH_1_NETMASK='' #netmask of your LAN
# Additional routes, optional
IP_DEFAULT_GATEWAY='' #normally not used, read documentation!
IP_ROUTE_N='0' #number of additional routes
IP_ROUTE_1=''# network netmask gateway
# Masquerading:
MASQ_NETWORK='' #networks to masquerade (e.g. our LAN)
MASQ_MODULE_N='1' #load n masq modules (default: only ftp)
MASQ_MODULE_1='ftp' #ftp
MASQ_MODULE_2='h323' #h323 (netmeeting)
MASQ_MODULE_3='icq' #icq (use with caution!)
MASQ_MODULE_4='irc' #irc
MASQ_MODULE_5='raudio' #raudio
MASQ_MODULE_6='vdolive' #vdolive
MASQ_MODULE_7='quake' #quake
MASQ_MODULE_8='cuseeme' #cuseeme
MASQ_MODULE_9='pptp' #pptp
MASQ_MODULE_10='ipsec' #ipsec
MASQ_MODULE_11='dplay' #dplay (direct play)
MASQ_MODULE_12='msn-0.02' #msn zone (use version 0.01 or 0.02)
MASQ_MODULE_13='udp_dloose' #pseudo mod: some internet games need it
# Routing without masquerading
ROUTE_NETWORK='' #optional: route from/to network, no masq
# Routing: internal hosts to deny forwarding
FORWARD_DENY_HOST_N='0' #number of denied hosts
FORWARD_DENY_HOST_1='' #optional: 1st denied host
FORWARD_DENY_HOST_2='' #optional: 2nd denied host
# Routing: ports to reject/deny forwarding (from inside and outside!)
FORWARD_DENY_PORT_N='1' #no. of ports to reject/deny forwarding
FORWARD_DENY_PORT_1='137:139 REJECT' #deny/reject forwarding of netbios
# Firewall: ports to reject/deny from outside (all served ports)
# here we leave two ports untouched:
# 53 dns
# 113 auth
FIREWALL_DENY_PORT_N='6' #no. of ports to reject/deny
FIREWALL_DENY_PORT_1='0:52 REJECT' #privileged ports: reject or deny
FIREWALL_DENY_PORT_2='54:112 REJECT' #privileged ports: reject or deny
FIREWALL_DENY_PORT_3='114:1023 REJECT' #privileged ports: reject or deny
FIREWALL_DENY_PORT_4='5000:5001 REJECT' #imond/telmond ports: reject or deny
FIREWALL_DENY_PORT_5='8000 REJECT' #proxy access: reject or deny
FIREWALL_DENY_PORT_6='20012 REJECT' #vbox server access: reject or deny
FIREWALL_DENY_ICMP='no' #deny icmp (ping): yes or no
FIREWALL_LOG='yes' #log access to rejected/denied ports
# Domain configuration:
START_DNS='yes' #start dns server: yes or no
DNS_FORWARDERS='' #DNS servers of your provider, e.g. MSN
DNS_VERBOSE='no' #log queries in /usr/local/ens/ens.log
DOMAIN_NAME='domain.de' #your domain name
HOSTS_N='3' #number of hosts in your domain
HOST_1=' fli4l' #1st host: ip and name
HOST_2=' client2' #2nd host: ip and name
# Special DNS configuration
DNS_N='0' #number of special dns servers, normally 0
#DNS_1='firma.de' # 1st special dns server for firma.de
#DNS_2='lan.firma.de' # 2nd special dns server for lan.firma.de
# imond configuration:
START_IMOND='yes' #start imond: yes or no
IMOND_PORT='5000' #TCP-Port, see also FIREWALL_DENY_PORT_x!
IMOND_PASS='' #imond-password, may be empty
IMOND_ADMIN_PASS='' #imond-admin-password, may be empty
IMOND_LED='' #tty for led: com1 - com4 or empty
IMOND_BEEP='no' #beep if connection going up/down
IMOND_LOG='no' #log /var/log/imond.log: yes or no
IMOND_LOGDIR='/var/log' #log-directory, e.g. /var/log
IMOND_ENABLE='yes' #accept "enable/disable" commands
IMOND_DIAL='yes' #accept "dial/hangup" commands
IMOND_ROUTE='yes' #accept "route" command
IMOND_REBOOT='yes' #accept "reboot" command
# Generic circuit configuration:
IP_DYN_ADDR='yes' #use dyn. ip addresses (most providers do)
DIALMODE='auto' #standard dialmode: auto, manual, or off
# Optional package: ISDN
OPT_ISDN='no' #use ISDN: yes or no
ISDN_TYPE='3' #type, e.g. Teles 16.3 ISA
ISDN_IO='0xd80' #io, e.g. 0xd80 for Teles 16.3 ISA
ISDN_IO0='' #io0
ISDN_IO1='' #io1
ISDN_MEM='' #mem
ISDN_IRQ='12' #irq, e.g. 12 for Teles 16.3 ISA
ISDN_DEBUG_LEVEL='31' #debug level (hisax driver)
ISDN_VERBOSE_LEVEL='2' #verbose level
# ISDN Circuits:
ISDN_CIRCUITS_N='1' #number of ISDN circuits, DSL: see below!
# Circuit 1: Internet-By-Call-Provider Planet-Interkom
# times/charges when LCR
# Circuit 2: Internet-By-Call-Provider MSN
# times/charges when LCR
# Circuit 3: bidirectional connection to another router with raw tcpip
# not activated yet, only example for non-default-circuit
ISDN_CIRC_3_NAME='Firma' #circuit name, e.g. Firma
ISDN_CIRC_3_TYPE='raw' #circuit uses raw tcp/ip
ISDN_CIRC_3_BUNDLING='no' #channel bundling: yes or no
ISDN_CIRC_3_LOCAL='' #local ip address of this circuit
ISDN_CIRC_3_REMOTE='' #remote ip address of this circuit
ISDN_CIRC_3_NETMASK='' #netmask of this circuit
ISDN_CIRC_3_MTU='1024' #maximum transmission unit
ISDN_CIRC_3_MRU='1524' #maximum receive unit
ISDN_CIRC_3_COMPRESSION='no' #compress headers if ppp: yes or no
ISDN_CIRC_3_IPX_NETWORK='' #optional: ipx network
ISDN_CIRC_3_IPX_NODE='' #optional: ipx nodes local:remote
ISDN_CIRC_3_REMOTENAME='' #optional: remote hostname for dialin
ISDN_CIRC_3_USER='' #user-id not used if raw connection
ISDN_CIRC_3_PASS='' #password not used if raw connection
ISDN_CIRC_3_ROUTE='' #remote net to reach over this circuit
ISDN_CIRC_3_DIALOUT='0221xxxxxx' #dialout no. of remote router
ISDN_CIRC_3_DIALIN='221xxxxxx' #dialin no. with area code, but no leading 0
ISDN_CIRC_3_CALLBACK='off' #callback mode: in, out, or off
ISDN_CIRC_3_CBDELAY='3' #callback delay, only used for callbacks
ISDN_CIRC_3_EAZ='81330' #Your MSN (without area code)
ISDN_CIRC_3_DEBUG='no' #ever no if raw-ip connection
ISDN_CIRC_3_AUTH='' #not needed if raw-ip connection
ISDN_CIRC_3_HUP_TIMEOUT='45' #Hangup after XX seconds idle time
ISDN_CIRC_3_CHARGEINT='90' #Value of charge interval (in seconds)
ISDN_CIRC_3_TIMES='Mo-Fr:09-18:0.08:N Mo-Fr:18-09:0.03:N Sa-Su:00-24:0.03:N'
# times/charges when LCR
# Optional package: PPPoE
OPT_PPPOE='yes' #use ppp over ethernet: yes or no
PPPOE_NAME='DSL' #circuit name, dont write spaces
PPPOE_ETH='eth1' #eth card connected to ADSL modem, e.g. 2nd
PPPOE_USER='xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'# username
PPPOE_PASS='xxxxxxxxxxxxxx' #password
PPPOE_DEBUG='no' #enable pppd debugging, yes or no
PPPOE_HUP_TIMEOUT='600' #idle time after which to hangup
PPPOE_SYNCHRONOUS='no' #synchronous ppp: yes or no
PPPOE_CHARGEINT='60' #value of charge interval (in seconds)
PPPOE_TIMES='Mo-Su:00-24:0.0:Y' #times/charges when LCR
# Optional package: PPTP - DSL in Austria
OPT_PPTP='no' #use PPP over ethernet: yes or no
PPTP_ETH='eth1' #ethernet card connected to ADSL modem
PPTP_USER='anonymer' #username
PPTP_PASS='surfer' #password
PPTP_HUP_TIMEOUT='600' #idle time after which to hangup
PPTP_MODEM_TYPE='bcaa' #2 different types in Austria: bbaa / bcaa
# Optional package: HTTP-Server for Monitoring
OPT_HTTPD='no' #install mini web server: yes or no
HTTPD_PORT='80' #http port, see also FIREWALL_DENY_PORT_x !
HTTPD_USER_N='1' #Numbers of users for the HTTPD-server
HTTPD_USER_1='admin' #Name of the 1st user
HTTPD_PASS_1='fli4l' #Password of the 1st user
HTTPD_RIGHTS_1='all' #Rights of the 1st user
# optional package: PPPoE-Status
OPT_POESTATUS='no' #show pppoe status on console #3
# optional package: syslogd
OPT_SYSLOGD='no' #start syslogd: yes or no
SYSLOGD_DEST='/dev/console' #destination of syslog messages
# optional package: klogd
OPT_KLOGD='no' #start klogd: yes or no
# telmond configuration:
OPT_TELMOND='yes' #start telmond: yes or no
TELMOND_LOG='no' #log /var/log/telmond.log: yes or no
TELMOND_LOGDIR='/var/log' #log-directory, e.g. /var/log
TELMOND_MSN_N='0' #number of msn->ip mapping entries
TELMOND_MSN_1='123' #e.g. map MSN 123 to client
TELMOND_CMD_N='0' #no. of commands to be executed if call-in
TELMOND_CMD_1='123 * sleep 5; imonc dial'# e.g. dial out via default circuit
# Optional package: tools
OPT_TOOLS='no' #install additional tools: yes or no
# Optional package: wget
OPT_WGET='no' #install wget, see howto on www.fli4l.de
# Optional package: PNP
OPT_PNP='no' #install isapnp tools: yes or no
# Optional package: SERIAL
OPT_SERIAL='no' #install stty and setserial: yes or no
# Optional package: RESCUE
OPT_RESCUE='no' #install e2fsck
# Optional package: TELNETD
OPT_TELNETD='no' #install telnetd: yes or no
# Optional package: SSHD (secure shell)
OPT_SSHD='no' #install sshd: yes or no
# Optional package: FTPD
OPT_FTPD='no' #install ftpd: yes or no
FTPD_PORT='21' #ftp port, see also FIREWALL_DENY_PORT_x !
# Optional package: LCD
OPT_LCD='no' #install lcd driver and tools: yes or no
LCD_COLS='20' #no. of lcd columns (16,20,32,40) dflt: 20
LCD_LINES='4' #no. of lcd lines (1,2,4) dflt: 4
LCD_ADDRESS='0x0378' #IO address of used lpt port, or comX
LCD_START_ISDN_RATE='yes' #isdn/dsl rating display on lcd: yes or no
LCD_TYPE_N='10' #no. of data types to show, see docum.
LCD_TYPE_1='39 0 1 IP:' #Text
LCD_TYPE_2='25 4 1' #dsl ip address
LCD_TYPE_3='39 0 2 IN:' #Text
LCD_TYPE_4='18 3 2' #dsl input rate
LCD_TYPE_5='39 11 2 OUT:' #Text
LCD_TYPE_6='19 15 2' #dsl output rate
LCD_TYPE_7='39 0 3 >' #Text
LCD_TYPE_8='34 1 3' #dsl quantity in
LCD_TYPE_9='39 11 3 <' #Text
LCD_TYPE_10='37 12 3' #dsl quantity out
LCD_TYPE_ONLINE_N='3' #no. of data types to show if online
LCD_TYPE_ONLINE_1='8 0 0' #dsl status
LCD_TYPE_ONLINE_2='39 7 0 :' #Text
LCD_TYPE_ONLINE_3='31 9 0' #dsl online time
LCD_TYPE_OFFLINE_N='2' #no. of data types to show if offline
LCD_TYPE_OFFLINE_1='0 0 0' #local date
LCD_TYPE_OFFLINE_2='2 12 0' #local time
LCD_VAR_TEXT_1='Text1' #Default-Text 1 -> /etc/lcd_text1.txt
LCD_VAR_TEXT_2='Text2' #Default-Text 2 -> /etc/lcd_text2.txt
LCD_VAR_TEXT_3='Text3' #Default-Text 3 -> /etc/lcd_text3.txt
LCD_VAR_TEXT_4='Text4' #Default-Text 4 -> /etc/lcd_text4.txt
# Optional package: PPP
OPT_PPP='no' #install serial ppp package
PPP_DEV='com1' #COM port - empty, com1 or com2
PPP_SPEED='38400' #COM port speed
PPP_IPADDR='' #IP address of fli4l router (COMx)
PPP_PEER='' #IP address of peer (pointopoint)
PPP_NETWORK='' #network
# Optional package: IPX network protocol
OPT_IPX='no' #use ipx: yes or no
IPX_INTERNAL_NET='0x0ABCDEF0' #internal network
IPX_NODE='1' #node
IPX_INTERFACE='eth0' #ethernet interface used for IPX
IPX_FRAME='802.2' #frame type: 802.2,802.3,ether_ii,AUTO
IPX_NETWORK='0x0ABCDEF1' #network
# Optional package: IMODEM
OPT_IMODEM='no' #install isdn modem emulator: yes or no
IMODEM_MSN='81330' #isdn modem emulator: your msn
IMODEM_SERIAL='com1' #isdn modem emulator: COM port
IMODEM_SPEED='115200' #isdn modem emulator: COM speed
# Optional package: LPD
# !!! Attention !!! Printer-Queue-Names changed, please read the manual !
# !!! Attention !!! LPD_PORT_x changed, please read the manual !
OPT_LPD='no' #install lpd: yes or no
LPD_PORT_N='1' #how many ports for printing are used
LPD_PORT_1='0x378' #io-adress for printer on 1st port: 0x3bc,0x378 or 0x278
LPD_RAM='4096' #use 4 MB RAM (4096 KB) for printer queues
# Optional package: SAMBA
# (if you want to print over samba, also OPT_LPD must be set to 'yes')
OPT_SAMBA='no' #install samba: yes or no
SAMBA_WORKGROUP='workgroup' #workgroup name of windows-clients
SAMBA_ADMINIP='' #ip addr of smb-client (mount fli4l rootfs)
SAMBA_LPNET_1='' #allowed networks for LPD_PORT_1, if empty all internal nets
SAMBA_TIMESERVER='no' #smb-timeserver for win-clients: yes or no
# Optional package: NMBD
OPT_NMBD='no' #install nmbd as SMB Nameserver
NMBD_MASTERBROWSER='no' #act as a masterbrowser: yes or no
NMBD_WINSSERVER='no' #act as an WINS-Server: yes or no
NMBD_WINSCLIENT='no' #act as an WINS-Client: yes or no
NMBD_EXTWINSIP='' #IP address of the external WINS-Server
NMBD_WINSPROXY='no' #act as an WINS-Proxy : yes or no
# Optional package: PORTFW
# If you set OPT_PORTFW='yes', you have to edit opt/usr/local/bin/portfw.sh
OPT_PORTFW='yes' #install port forwarding tools/modules
# optional package: y2k correction
OPT_Y2K='no' #y2k correction: yes or no
Y2K_DAYS='' #correct hardware Y2K-Bug: add x days
# Optional package: TIME
OPT_TIME='no' #install time zone informations: yes or no
TIME_ZONE='MET' #timezone: MET or GMT
TIME_SERVICE='yes' #enable "time" service (port 37): yes or no
TIME_SERVER='ptbtime1.ptb.de' #name of time server, may be empty
TIME_ACCESS_AT_BOOT_TIME='yes' #access time server at boot time: yes or no
TIME_CIRCUITS='1 2 3' #circuit indices when to activate time sync
# Optional package: DHCP
OPT_DHCP='no' #install DHCP server: yes or no
DHCP_LS_TIME_DYN='3600' #default time for dynamic leases: 1 hour
DHCP_MAX_LS_TIME_DYN='7200' #max time for dynamic leases: 2 hours
DHCP_LS_TIME_FIX='86400' #default time for fix leases: 1 day
DHCP_MAX_LS_TIME_FIX='604800' #max time for fix leases: 1 week
DHCP_RANGE_1=''#range of nth ethnet, see ETH_N !
# Optional: mount additional devices
OPT_MOUNT='no' #mount disks or cdroms: yes or no
MOUNT_N='1' #number of mounts
MOUNT_1_DEV='/dev/hda1' #example: 1st partition of first hard disk
MOUNT_1_POINT='/hd' #mount point, here: /hd
MOUNT_1_FS='vfat' #filesystem type: fat, vfat, or ext2
MOUNT_1_OPTION='ro' #additional options, see documentation!
# Optional package: CDROM (only for ide, scsi see below)
OPT_CDROM='no' #install IDE CDROM drivers: yes or no
# Optional package: SCSI drivers
OPT_SCSI='no' #install SCSI drivers: yes or no
SCSI_DRV_N='1' #number of SCSI drivers, 2 means: with cdrom
SCSI_DRV_1='aha1542' #Adaptec AHA154x Controller
#SCSI_DRV_1='sym53c8xx' # All Adapter with Symbios Logic (LSI) Chips 53c8xx
#SCSI_DRV_1='wd7000' # Western Digital 7000 SCSI host adapter
#SCSI_DRV_1='ultrastor' # UltraStor 14F, 24F and 34F SCSI-2 host adapter
#SCSI_DRV_1='u14-34f' # UltraStor 14F and 34F SCSI-2 host adapters
#SCSI_DRV_1='tmscsim' # tmscsim
#SCSI_DRV_1='t128' # Trantor T128/T128F/T228 SCSI host adapters
#SCSI_DRV_1='sym53c416' # sym53c416 SCSI host adapter
#SCSI_DRV_1='sim710' # sim710
#SCSI_DRV_1='seagate' # 8-bit SCSI controllers
#SCSI_DRV_1='qlogicisp' # all QLogic PCI SCSI host adapters
#SCSI_DRV_1='qlogicfc' # QLogic ISP2100 SCSI-FCP host adapter
#SCSI_DRV_1='qlogicfas' # adapters based on the FASXX chip
#SCSI_DRV_1='psi240i' # PSI240i EIDE interface card
#SCSI_DRV_1='pci2220i' # PCI2220i EIDE interface card
#SCSI_DRV_1='pci2000' # PCI2000I EIDE interface card
#SCSI_DRV_1='pas16' # pas16 chip based cards
#SCSI_DRV_1='ncr53c8xx' # NCR53C8XX family of PCI-SCSI controllers
#SCSI_DRV_1='ncr53c406a' # NCR53c406a SCSI host adapter
#SCSI_DRV_1='megaraid' # AMI MegaRAID 418, 428, 438, 466, 762, 490 and 467 SCSI host adapters
#SCSI_DRV_1='ips' # IBM ServeRAID hardware RAID controllers
#SCSI_DRV_1='initio' # Initio 91XXU(W) SCSI host adapter
#SCSI_DRV_1='in2000' # ISA bus SCSI host adapter
#SCSI_DRV_1='gdth' # gdth family
#SCSI_DRV_1='g_ncr5380' # generic NCR family of SCSI controllers
#SCSI_DRV_1='fdomain' # Future Domain's 16-bit SCSI host adapters, incl. AHA2920A
#SCSI_DRV_1='eata' # support for the EATA-DMA protocol compliant SCSI Host Adapters
#SCSI_DRV_1='dtc' # DTC 3180/3280 SCSI Host Adapters
#SCSI_DRV_1='buslogic' # BusLogic MultiMaster and FlashPoint SCSI Host Adapters
#SCSI_DRV_1='atp870u' # adapters with atp870u
#SCSI_DRV_1='am53c974' # AM53/79C974 SCSI host adapters
#SCSI_DRV_1='aic7xxx' # various aic7xxx based Adaptec SCSI controllers *not* AHA2920
#SCSI_DRV_1='aha1740' # driver for AHA-1740
#SCSI_DRV_1='aha152x' # driver for AHA-1510, AHA-1520, AHA-1522, and AHA-2825
#SCSI_DRV_1='advansys' # all adapters manufactered by advansys
#SCSI_DRV_1='a100u2w' # Initio INI-A100U2W SCSI host adapter
#SCSI_DRV_1='53c78xx' # 53c7 and 8xx NCR family of SCSI controllers
SCSI_DRV_1_OPTION='' #enter driver option here, optional!
SCSI_DRV_2='cdrom' #SCSI CDROM driver
SCSI_DRV_2_OPTION='' #enter cdrom driver option here, not used yet
# Optional package: PCMCIA support:
OPT_PCMCIA='no' #pcmcia cards used: yes or no
PCMCIA_PCIC='i82365' #pcmcia socket driver: i82365 or tcic
PCMCIA_PCIC_OPTS='' #option for socket driver, usually empty
PCMCIA_CORE_OPTS='' #option for pcmcia core driver, usually empty
PCMCIA_CARDMGR_OPTS='' #option for pcmcia card manager, usually empty
# Optional package: PROXY (junkbuster)
OPT_PROXY='no' #proxy junkbuster: yes or no
PROXY_ACCESS='' #proxy: permit access from lans x.x.x.x/nn ...
PROXY_PORT='8000' #proxy: listen port, s. FIREWALL_DENY_PORT_x !
PROXY_FORWARD='' #proxy: optional forward-host:forward-port
# Optional package: VBOX
OPT_VBOX='no' #install answering machine: yes or no
VBOX_FREESPACE='0' #if space < freespace a call isnt accepted
VBOX_DEBUGLEVEL='FEWIDJ' #FEWIDJ means "log everything", -> see docs
VBOX_VBOXD_ALLOW_1='*' #optional: vboxd requests are allowed from...
VBOX_VBOXD_ALLOW_2='' #"*" means every host
VBOX_USERS_N='1' #number of users
VBOX_COMMON_SPACE='yes' #common spoolspace for all users?: yes or no
VBOX_BEEP_USERS='vboxuser' #users to be "beeped": blank separated list
VBOX_BEEP_HOURS='*' #when to use the beep signal: timerange
VBOX_BEEP_PAUSE='10' #pause between beeps in seconds
# user specific configuration:
VBOX_USERNAME_1='vboxuser' #username
VBOX_PASSWD_1='vbox' #password
VBOX_MSN_1='555111' #ph. number to be monitored (without area code)
VBOX_SPACE_1='6000' #diskspace to be used for spooldir(s) in kb
# the following configuration simulates an old-fashioned analog answering
# mashine: every call is answered at any time, always after 4 rings,
# the standard message is played and a 60 second message will be recorded.
# (boring... ;-)
# Please read the documentation to create a more complex setup
VBOX_CALLERID_1_1='VBOX_CALLERID_1_1 = * - --- Unknown ---'
VBOX_RINGS_1_1='VBOX_RINGS_1_1 = * * 4'
VBOX_SSECTION_1_1='VBOX_SSECTION_1_1 = * * standard.msg 60'
# end of config.txt
# Diese config.txt wurde mit fliwizNG 2.0pre2 erstellt
# Diese config.txt wurde mit fliwizNG 2.0pre2 erstellt
# Diese config.txt wurde mit fliwizNG 2.0pre2 erstellt
HOST_3=' client3'
ISDN_CIRC_1_RC_2_NAME='msn' #circuit MSN
ISDN_CIRC_1_RC_2_TYPE='ppp' #circuit uses sync ppp (ipppd)
ISDN_CIRC_1_RC_2_BUNDLING='no' #channel bundling: yes or no
ISDN_CIRC_1_RC_2_LOCAL='' #local ip address of your ISDN card - dummy
ISDN_CIRC_1_RC_2_REMOTE='' #remote ip address (ISDN) - dummy
ISDN_CIRC_1_RC_2_NETMASK=''#netmask (ISDN) - dummy
ISDN_CIRC_1_RC_2_MTU='1024' #maximum transmission unit
ISDN_CIRC_1_RC_2_MRU='1524' #maximum receive unit
ISDN_CIRC_1_RC_2_COMPRESSION='no' #compress headers if ppp: yes or no
ISDN_CIRC_1_RC_2_IPX_NETWORK='' #optional: ipx network
ISDN_CIRC_1_RC_2_IPX_NODE='' #optional: ipx nodes local:remote
ISDN_CIRC_1_RC_2_REMOTENAME='' #optional: remote hostname for dialin
ISDN_CIRC_1_RC_2_USER='msn' #User-ID to login into providers gateway
ISDN_CIRC_1_RC_2_PASS='msn' #Password for login
ISDN_CIRC_1_RC_2_ROUTE='' #this is the default route
ISDN_CIRC_1_RC_2_DIALOUT='0192658' #dialout: ISDN number of provider
ISDN_CIRC_1_RC_2_DIALIN='' #dialin: no dialin
ISDN_CIRC_1_RC_2_CALLBACK='off' #callback mode: in, out, or off
ISDN_CIRC_1_RC_2_CBDELAY='3' #callback delay, only used for callbacks
ISDN_CIRC_1_RC_2_EAZ='81330' #Your MSN (without area code)
ISDN_CIRC_1_RC_2_DEBUG='yes' #enable ipppd debugging, yes or no
ISDN_CIRC_1_RC_2_AUTH='' #require the peer to authenticate itself
ISDN_CIRC_1_RC_2_HUP_TIMEOUT='45' #Hangup after 45 seconds idle time
ISDN_CIRC_1_RC_2_CHARGEINT='1' #Value of charge interval (in seconds)
# Diese config.txt wurde mit fliwizNG 2.0pre2 erstellt

2001-10-08, 17:34:17
Originally posted by mibi

# icq
/usr/sbin/ipmasqadm autofw -A -v -r tcp 5010 5014 -h $hiddenhost2
/usr/sbin/ipmasqadm autofw -A -v -r tcp 5015 5019 -h $hiddenhost3
/usr/sbin/ipmasqadm autofw -A -v -r tcp 5020 5024 -h $hiddenhost4

lösch das von dir nochmal raus und füg das da oben komplett ein dann sollte es auf jedenfall funzen, hast du bei hiddenhost1= deine richtige LAN Ip eigeben ???

hast du das Port-Forwarding OPT Paket installiert?

2001-10-08, 17:48:14
lösch das von dir nochmal raus und füg das da oben komplett ein dann sollte es auf jedenfall funzen, hast du bei hiddenhost1= deine richtige LAN Ip eigeben

( ist die IP von meinem Rechner wo ich ICQ drauf laufen habe)


hast du das Port-Forwarding OPT Paket installiert?
Ich habe nichts Installiert wo soll das denn Istalliert werden??und wo bekomme ich das??

2001-10-08, 17:53:49
Hi mit IMONC.EXE kann ich ja Aktuelle Online zeit usw. einsehen Downloadraten. unter Admin portfw.sh steht folgendes ist das ok??
#! /bin/sh
# /usr/local/bin/portfw.sh - ip port forwarding
# Called by /etc/ppp/ip-up or ip-down everytime a new connection will
# be established or will be shutdown
# Either ipportfw or ipautofw can be used
# Usage of portfw (NEW):
# add entry:
# ipmasqadm portfw -a -P PROTO -L LADDR LPORT -R HIDDENHOST RPORT [-p PREF]
# delete entry:
# ipmasqadm portfw -d -P PROTO -L LADDR LPORT [-R HIDDENHOST RPORT]
# clear table:
# ipmasqadm portfw -f
# list table:
# ipmasqadm portfw -l
# no names:
# ipmasqadm portfw <args> -n
# PROTO protocol, can be "tcp" or "udp"
# LADDR local interface receiving packets to be forwarded
# LPORT port being redirected
# HIDDENHOST ip address of your lan computer using the application
# RPORT the port being redirected to
# PREF preference level (load balancing, default=10)
# Usage of autofw (NEW):
# add entry:
# ipmasqadm autofw -A -r PROTO LOW HIGH [-h HIDDENHOST] [-c ctltype ctlport]
# clear table (flush):
# ipmasqadm autofw -F
# PROTO protocol, can be "tcp" or "udp"
# LOW lowest port of range
# HIGH highest port of range
# HIDDENHOST ip address of your lan computer using the application
# Here you will find hints to get your application run:
# http://www.tsmservices.com/masq/
# NEW:
# This script will be called now with two arguments:
# $1 state "up" or "down" default route is up
# $2 ip x.x.x.x ip address of your wan interface, eg. isdn
# Creation: 08.09.2000 fm
# Last Update: 05.11.2000 fm

state=$1 # "up" or "down"
ip=$2 # ip address of wan interface

# Define your PCs to forward ports to:
hiddenhost1= # ip of PC in LAN: change here! mein rechner mit ICQ
hiddenhost2= # ip of PC in LAN: change here!
hiddenhost3= # ip of PC in LAN: change here!
hiddenhost4= # ip of PC in LAN: change here!

if [ "$state" = "down" ] # state is down ...
echo "shutting down port forwarding ..."
echo "initializing port forwarding ..."

/usr/sbin/ipmasqadm portfw -f # ipportfw: clear old tables
/usr/sbin/ipmasqadm autofw -F # ipautofw: flush old tables

if [ "$state" = "down" ] # state is down: exit here
exit 0

# example for ftp (internal ftp server, access from outside):
# Don't forget to correct the firewall ports in config.txt, see FW_N_PORTS
# and FW_PORT_x
# and to enable the ftp-Masquerading module in config.txt:
# MASQ_MODULE_1='ftp' # masquerading module: ftp
#/usr/sbin/ipmasqadm autofw -A -v -r tcp 21 21 -h $hiddenhost1

# example for Battlecom (using ipautofw):
#/usr/sbin/ipmasqadm autofw -A -v -r udp 2300 2400 -h $hiddenhost1
#/usr/sbin/ipmasqadm autofw -A -v -r tcp 2300 2400 -h $hiddenhost1
#/usr/sbin/ipmasqadm autofw -A -v -r tcp 47624 47624 -h $hiddenhost1
#/usr/sbin/ipmasqadm autofw -A -v -r udp 47624 47624 -h $hiddenhost1
#/usr/sbin/ipmasqadm autofw -A -v -r udp 28800 28900 -h $hiddenhost1
#/usr/sbin/ipmasqadm autofw -A -v -r tcp 5010 5014 -h $hiddenhost2
#/usr/sbin/ipmasqadm autofw -A -v -r tcp 5015 5019 -h $hiddenhost3
#/usr/sbin/ipmasqadm autofw -A -v -r tcp 5020 5024 -h $hiddenhost4

# example for Napster:
# forward napster connections to 4 different intern PCs:
# http://www.linuxdoc.org/HOWTO/mini/IPMasquerading+Napster-4.html
#nap1=6702 # napster port of PC 1
#nap2=6703 # napster port of PC 2
#nap3=6704 # napster port of PC 3
#nap4=6705 # napster port of PC 4
#/usr/sbin/ipmasqadm portfw -a -P tcp -L $ip $nap1 -R $hiddenhost1 $nap1
#/usr/sbin/ipmasqadm portfw -a -P tcp -L $ip $nap2 -R $hiddenhost2 $nap2
#/usr/sbin/ipmasqadm portfw -a -P tcp -L $ip $nap3 -R $hiddenhost3 $nap3
#/usr/sbin/ipmasqadm portfw -a -P tcp -L $ip $nap4 -R $hiddenhost4 $nap4

echo 'done'
exit 0 # END

2001-10-08, 17:56:47
#/usr/sbin/ipmasqadm autofw -A -v -r tcp 5010 5014 -h $hiddenhost2

änder das mal in:
#/usr/sbin/ipmasqadm autofw -A -v -r tcp 5010 5014 -h $hiddenhost1

2001-10-08, 18:21:09
Ich habe es jetzt genau so prob und es geht immer noch nicht. Liegt es vieleicht am ICQ 2001a??
Aber was meist Du mit Forwarding Packet installiert??

2001-10-08, 18:48:12
ich denke mal das man noch ein Forwarding Packet installieren muss, ich probiers nachher mal bei mir selber aus und sag's dir dann....

2001-10-08, 20:42:21