Archiv verlassen und diese Seite im Standarddesign anzeigen : GPU Pro 6 - Call for Authors

2014-01-07, 19:00:32
Ich bin gebeten worden das folgenden weiter zu geben.

After the tremendous success of the ShaderX book series, GPU Pro, GPU Pro 2, GPU Pro 3, GPU Pro 4 and GPU Pro 5 coming out at GDC in March 2014, we are looking for authors for GPU Pro 6.

The upcoming book will cover advanced rendering techniques that run on the DirectX, Mantle or OpenGL run-times, or any other run-time with any language available. It will include topics on: Geometry Manipulation; Rendering Techniques; Handheld Devices Programming; Effects in Image Space; Shadows; 3D Engine Design; Graphics Related Tools; Environmental Effects and a dedicated section on General Purpose GPU Programming that will cover CUDA, DirectCompute and OpenCL examples. Proposals are due by March 23rd, 2014. Please send them to wolf at shaderx.com.