Archiv verlassen und diese Seite im Standarddesign anzeigen : Philip K. Dick und die Verwirrung seiner Veröffentlichung (englisch)

2015-03-12, 17:37:12

ich versuche irgendwie, mir sämtliche Werke zu kaufen (Fiktion).

Die Short Stories gibt es gebündelt in "The Collected Works", darunter sind auch teilweise Novellen, die es auch teilweise einzeln gibt, dh. Theoretisch müsste man mehrere Listen untereinander vergleichen, um einen Kaufwunsch zu erzeugen

oder gibts eine Komplett-Fassung in englisch?

die dt. Version ist klar:


ein paar Bücher habe ich schon (Blade Runner, VALIS, eine Geschichtensammlung)... aber irgendwie hätte ich gerne das komplette Programm

Danke für Hilfe :redface:

2015-03-12, 19:57:59
aaah, in händischer Kleinarbeit habe ich nun folgendes :freak:

Diese Geschichten befinden sich in der Collected Works Fassung (D und E)

A Game of Unchance
A Little Something for Us Tempunauts
A Present for Pat
A Surface Raid
A Terran Odyssey
A World of Talent
Adjustment Team
Beyond Lies the Wub
Beyond the Door
Breakfast at Twilight
Cadbury, the Beaver Who Lacked

Captive Market
Chains of Air, Web of Aether
Exhibit Piece
Explorers We
Fair Game
Faith of Our Fathers
Foster, You’re Dead

Holy Quarrel
Human Is

I Hope I Shall Arrive Soon
If There Were No Benny Cemoli
James P. Crow
Jon’s World
Martians Come in Clouds
Mr. Spaceship
Not By Its Cover
Novelty Act
Of Withered Apples
Oh, to Be a Blobel!
Orpheus with Clay Feet
Out in the Garden
Pay for the Printer
Piper in the Woods
Planet for Transients
Precious Artifact
Prize Ship
Project: Earth
Prominent Author
Psi-Man Heal My Child!
Rautavaara's Case
Recall Mechanism
Retreat Syndrome
Return Match
Sales Pitch
Second Variety
Service Call
Shell Game
Small Town
Some Kinds of Life
Strange Eden
Strange Memories of Death
Survey Team
The Alien Mind
The Builder
The Chromium Fence
The Commuter
The Cookie Lady
The Cosmic Poachers
The Crawlers
The Crystal Crypt
The Day Mr. Computer Fell out of its Tree
The Days of Perky Pat
The Defenders
The Electric Ant
The Exit Door Leads In
The Eye of the Sibyl
The Eyes Have It
The Father-Thing
The Golden Man
The Great C
The Gun
The Hanging Stranger
The Hood Maker
The Impossible Planet
The Indefatigable Frog
The Infinites
The King of the Elves
The Last of the Masters
The Little Black Box
The Little Movement
The Minority Report
The Mold of Yancy
The Pre-persons
The Preserving Machine
The Short Happy Life of the Brown Oxford
The Skull
The Story to End All Stories for Harlan Ellison’s Anthology ''Dangerous Visions''
The Trouble with Bubbles
The Turning Wheel
The Unreconstructed M

The Variable Man
The War with the Fnools
The World She Wanted

To Serve the Master
Tony and the Beetles
Upon the Dull Earth

War Game
War Veteran
We Can Remember It for You Wholesale
What the Dead Men Say
What'll We Do with Ragland Park?
Your Appointment Will Be Yesterday

Diese Romane muss man einzeln erwerben... falls verfügbar

A Maze of Death
A Scanner Darkly
Cantata 140
Clans of the Alphane Moon
Counter-Clock World
Deus Irae
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?
Dr. Bloodmoney, or How We Got Along After the Bomb
Flow My Tears, the Policeman Said
Galactic Pot-Healer
Goodbye, Vincent
Humpty Dumpty in Oakland
Martian Time-Slip
Nick and the Glimmung
Now Wait for Last Year
Our Friends from Frolix 8
Radio Free Albemuth
The Crack in Space
The Divine Invasion
The Game-Players of Titan
The Ganymede Takeover
The Man in the High Castle
The Owl in Daylight
The Penultimate Truth
The Simulacra
The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch
The Transmigration of Timothy Archer
The Zap Gun
Time Pawn
Vulcan's Hammer
We Can Build You

2015-03-13, 18:21:35
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? ist doch afaik BladeRunner, oder?

2015-03-13, 18:26:05
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? ist doch afaik BladeRunner, oder?

Yap. Blade Runner basiert dadrauf.

2015-03-13, 18:28:59
und VALIS habe ich nicht durchgehalten, das ist wirklich... äh... verquer