Archiv verlassen und diese Seite im Standarddesign anzeigen : GTA 5: Integrierter Benchmark

2015-04-17, 21:52:20

Ich bin sehr verwundert: Drölfmillionen Leute spielen GTA 5 PC, aber niemand eröffnet einen Benchthread? Bei einem Spiel, das einen recht aufwendigen, integrierten Benchmark bietet? Hä? Ah, dafür gibt's wohl zwei Gründe. Erstens ist der Benchmark recht unauffällig übers Grafikmenü erreichbar, fast versteckt. Ich zeig euch das mal. Dezent:


(Oder einfach im Grafikmenü die Tabulator-Taste drücken)

Zweitens: Der Benchmark ist kaputt, bis man die zweite "Franklin"-Mission beendet hat, also die 2. Mission nach dem verschneiten Prolog. Hat man das nicht, macht der Bench komische Sachen. Jetzt, da ihr's wisst: Los! Wir benchen drei Pflicht-Einstellungen. Gern dürft ihr das mit eurem Wildwuchs ;) ergänzen. Im Pflichtenheft steht:

– 1.280 × 720, kein AA/AF (CPU-Test)
– 1.920 × 1.080 mit FXAA/16:1 AF (GPU-Test für jedermann)
– 1.920 × 1.080 mit 4x MSAA+FXAA/16:1 AF (viel GPU-Last)
– 2.560 × 1.440 mit 4x MSAA+FXAA/16:1 AF (enorme GPU-Last)

2160p ist natürlich auch gern gesehen, sofern möglich. Und TXAA, DSR/VSR & Co.

Wichtig: Bitte bencht mit maximalen Details. Maximale Details bedeutet nicht "Alles max., aber das, das und das habe ich deaktiviert"! Maximale Details bedeutet: Alles auf die Maximalstellung. Auch alle Optionen im erweiterten Grafikmenü. Wir sind schließlich keine Pussys. Das entspricht dem, was die PCGH gebencht hat (http://www.pcgameshardware.de/GTA-5-Grand-Theft-Auto-5-PC-219948/Tests/GTA-5-PC-Test-Benchmark-1156215/) (die PCGH hat aber nicht den integrierten Test genommen). Von der Maximum-Regel ausgenommen ist die Intensität der Bewegungsunschärfe. Letztere belassen wir auf dem Standard, da das zu nix führt außer Matsch. Bei den Schatten gilt PCSS als Maximum, sie sind am teuersten – daher testen wir hier so; das habt ihr mit den ersten Postings so entschieden. ;)

Die Testergebnisse werden nach erfolgreichem Durchlauf im folgenden Verzeichnis abgeladen: C:\Users\Benutzername\Documents\Rockstar Games\GTA V\Benchmarks. Pastiert den Inhalt der Textdateien hier rein. =)

Pass 0, also Szene 1, ist "defekt", der Benchmark zeigt hier stets unterschiedliche Dinge und lässt dabei auch gern Details weg – einfach nicht beachten und ggf. vor dem Posten löschen.


2015-04-17, 22:15:13
Ganz schön viel Text. Der Benchmark läuft übrigens nicht immer gleich ab. Die 1. Szene ändert sich.
Reflektionen auch auf 4xMSAA

1.920 × 1.080 mit 4x MSAA+FXAA/16:1 AF

Titan X@Stock

Frames Per Second (Higher is better) Min, Max, Avg
Pass 1, 17.941881, 125.997505, 40.293274
Pass 2, 30.479864, 132.685425, 70.797409
Pass 3, 45.444160, 168.073792, 84.536354
Pass 4, 21.197104, 166.687195, 65.341980

Time in milliseconds(ms). (Lower is better). Min, Max, Avg
Pass 1, 7.936665, 55.735516, 24.818037
Pass 2, 7.536623, 32.808544, 14.124810
Pass 3, 5.949768, 22.005028, 11.829230
Pass 4, 5.999261, 47.176258, 15.304097

Frames under 16ms (for 60fps):
Pass 1: 8/362 frames (2.21%)
Pass 2: 404/622 frames (64.95%)
Pass 3: 727/773 frames (94.05%)
Pass 4: 4082/7071 frames (57.73%)

Frames under 33ms (for 30fps):
Pass 1: 317/362 frames (87.57%)
Pass 2: 622/622 frames (100.00%)
Pass 3: 773/773 frames (100.00%)
Pass 4: 7008/7071 frames (99.11%)

Percentiles in ms for pass 0
50%, 9.00
75%, 10.00
80%, 11.00
85%, 11.00
90%, 11.00
91%, 11.00
92%, 12.00
93%, 12.00
94%, 12.00
95%, 12.00
96%, 12.00
97%, 13.00
98%, 13.00
99%, 13.00

Percentiles in ms for pass 1
50%, 25.00
75%, 29.00
80%, 30.00
85%, 31.00
90%, 34.00
91%, 34.00
92%, 34.00
93%, 35.00
94%, 36.00
95%, 37.00
96%, 39.00
97%, 39.00
98%, 40.00
99%, 41.00

Percentiles in ms for pass 2
50%, 13.00
75%, 18.00
80%, 19.00
85%, 20.00
90%, 21.00
91%, 21.00
92%, 22.00
93%, 22.00
94%, 22.00
95%, 23.00
96%, 23.00
97%, 24.00
98%, 25.00
99%, 28.00

Percentiles in ms for pass 3
50%, 11.00
75%, 13.00
80%, 13.00
85%, 14.00
90%, 15.00
91%, 15.00
92%, 15.00
93%, 15.00
94%, 15.00
95%, 16.00
96%, 16.00
97%, 17.00
98%, 18.00
99%, 19.00

Percentiles in ms for pass 4
50%, 15.00
75%, 18.00
80%, 19.00
85%, 21.00
90%, 22.00
91%, 23.00
92%, 23.00
93%, 24.00
94%, 25.00
95%, 25.00
96%, 26.00
97%, 28.00
98%, 29.00
99%, 32.00

=== SYSTEM ===
Windows 8.1 Pro 64-bit (6.2, Build 9200)
DX Feature Level: 11.0
Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-5960X CPU @ 3.00GHz (16 CPUs), ~3.0GHz
65536MB RAM
NVIDIA GeForce GTX TITAN X, 12635MB, Driver Version 350.12
Graphics Card Vendor Id 0x10de with Device ID 0x17c2

=== SETTINGS ===
Display: 1920x1080 (FullScreen) @ 59Hz VSync OFF
Tessellation: 3
LodScale: 1.000000
PedLodBias: 0.200000
VehicleLodBias: 0.000000
ShadowQuality: 3
ReflectionQuality: 2
ReflectionMSAA: 4
AnisotropicFiltering: 16
MSAAFragments: 0
MSAAQuality: 0
TextureQuality: 2
ParticleQuality: 2
WaterQuality: 2
GrassQuality: 3
ShaderQuality: 2
Shadow_SoftShadows: 5
UltraShadows_Enabled: true
Shadow_ParticleShadows: true
Shadow_Distance: 2.000000
Shadow_LongShadows: true
Shadow_SplitZStart: 0.930000
Shadow_SplitZEnd: 0.890000
Shadow_aircraftExpWeight: 0.990000
Shadow_DisableScreenSizeCheck: false
Reflection_MipBlur: true
FXAA_Enabled: true
TXAA_Enabled: false
Lighting_FogVolumes: true
Shader_SSA: true
DX_Version: 2
CityDensity: 1.000000
PedVarietyMultiplier: 1.000000
VehicleVarietyMultiplier: 1.000000
PostFX: 3
DoF: true
HdStreamingInFlight: true
MaxLodScale: 1.000000
MotionBlurStrength: 1.000000

1.920 × 1.080 mit 4x MSAA+FXAA/16:1 AF

Titan X@1405/2000

Frames Per Second (Higher is better) Min, Max, Avg
Pass 1, 21.034672, 123.589455, 46.040710
Pass 2, 28.041733, 142.107498, 77.880112
Pass 3, 45.789970, 161.843338, 95.215981
Pass 4, 21.723759, 157.858063, 73.308304

Time in milliseconds(ms). (Lower is better). Min, Max, Avg
Pass 1, 8.091305, 47.540558, 21.719908
Pass 2, 7.036926, 35.661133, 12.840249
Pass 3, 6.178815, 21.838844, 10.502439
Pass 4, 6.334805, 46.032551, 13.641020

Frames under 16ms (for 60fps):
Pass 1: 29/412 frames (7.04%)
Pass 2: 487/683 frames (71.30%)
Pass 3: 872/878 frames (99.32%)
Pass 4: 5585/7942 frames (70.32%)

Frames under 33ms (for 30fps):
Pass 1: 384/412 frames (93.20%)
Pass 2: 681/683 frames (99.71%)
Pass 3: 878/878 frames (100.00%)
Pass 4: 7924/7942 frames (99.77%)

Percentiles in ms for pass 0
50%, 9.00
75%, 10.00
80%, 11.00
85%, 11.00
90%, 12.00
91%, 12.00
92%, 12.00
93%, 12.00
94%, 13.00
95%, 13.00
96%, 13.00
97%, 13.00
98%, 14.00
99%, 15.00

Percentiles in ms for pass 1
50%, 22.00
75%, 25.00
80%, 26.00
85%, 27.00
90%, 29.00
91%, 30.00
92%, 31.00
93%, 32.00
94%, 33.00
95%, 34.00
96%, 35.00
97%, 37.00
98%, 39.00
99%, 41.00

Percentiles in ms for pass 2
50%, 12.00
75%, 16.00
80%, 17.00
85%, 18.00
90%, 19.00
91%, 19.00
92%, 20.00
93%, 20.00
94%, 20.00
95%, 20.00
96%, 21.00
97%, 23.00
98%, 24.00
99%, 28.00

Percentiles in ms for pass 3
50%, 10.00
75%, 11.00
80%, 11.00
85%, 12.00
90%, 13.00
91%, 13.00
92%, 13.00
93%, 13.00
94%, 13.00
95%, 14.00
96%, 14.00
97%, 14.00
98%, 14.00
99%, 15.00

Percentiles in ms for pass 4
50%, 13.00
75%, 16.00
80%, 17.00
85%, 18.00
90%, 20.00
91%, 20.00
92%, 21.00
93%, 21.00
94%, 22.00
95%, 22.00
96%, 23.00
97%, 24.00
98%, 26.00
99%, 28.00

=== SYSTEM ===
Windows 8.1 Pro 64-bit (6.2, Build 9200)
DX Feature Level: 11.0
Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-5960X CPU @ 3.00GHz (16 CPUs), ~3.0GHz
65536MB RAM
NVIDIA GeForce GTX TITAN X, 12635MB, Driver Version 350.12
Graphics Card Vendor Id 0x10de with Device ID 0x17c2

=== SETTINGS ===
Display: 1920x1080 (FullScreen) @ 59Hz VSync OFF
Tessellation: 3
LodScale: 1.000000
PedLodBias: 0.200000
VehicleLodBias: 0.000000
ShadowQuality: 3
ReflectionQuality: 2
ReflectionMSAA: 4
AnisotropicFiltering: 16
MSAAFragments: 0
MSAAQuality: 0
TextureQuality: 2
ParticleQuality: 2
WaterQuality: 2
GrassQuality: 3
ShaderQuality: 2
Shadow_SoftShadows: 5
UltraShadows_Enabled: true
Shadow_ParticleShadows: true
Shadow_Distance: 2.000000
Shadow_LongShadows: true
Shadow_SplitZStart: 0.930000
Shadow_SplitZEnd: 0.890000
Shadow_aircraftExpWeight: 0.990000
Shadow_DisableScreenSizeCheck: false
Reflection_MipBlur: true
FXAA_Enabled: true
TXAA_Enabled: false
Lighting_FogVolumes: true
Shader_SSA: true
DX_Version: 2
CityDensity: 1.000000
PedVarietyMultiplier: 1.000000
VehicleVarietyMultiplier: 1.000000
PostFX: 3
DoF: true
HdStreamingInFlight: true
MaxLodScale: 1.000000
MotionBlurStrength: 1.000000

2.560 × 1.440 mit 4x MSAA+FXAA/16:1 AF

Titan X@1405/2000

Frames Per Second (Higher is better) Min, Max, Avg
Pass 1, 17.317295, 130.376404, 38.561020
Pass 2, 23.943968, 136.563095, 56.878231
Pass 3, 36.637585, 164.045471, 67.879616
Pass 4, 14.998351, 135.102051, 55.055222

Time in milliseconds(ms). (Lower is better). Min, Max, Avg
Pass 0, 6.802089, 27.823101, 13.115980
Pass 1, 7.670100, 57.745739, 25.932924
Pass 2, 7.322623, 41.764172, 17.581419
Pass 3, 6.095871, 27.294376, 14.731963
Pass 4, 7.401812, 66.673996, 18.163582

Frames under 16ms (for 60fps):
Pass 0: 591/699 frames (84.55%)
Pass 1: 14/335 frames (4.18%)
Pass 2: 161/501 frames (32.14%)
Pass 3: 416/621 frames (66.99%)
Pass 4: 1513/6017 frames (25.15%)

Frames under 33ms (for 30fps):
Pass 0: 699/699 frames (100.00%)
Pass 1: 263/335 frames (78.51%)
Pass 2: 493/501 frames (98.40%)
Pass 3: 621/621 frames (100.00%)
Pass 4: 5879/6017 frames (97.71%)

Percentiles in ms for pass 0
50%, 13.00
75%, 14.00
80%, 15.00
85%, 16.00
90%, 16.00
91%, 17.00
92%, 17.00
93%, 17.00
94%, 17.00
95%, 17.00
96%, 18.00
97%, 19.00
98%, 19.00
99%, 20.00

Percentiles in ms for pass 1
50%, 27.00
75%, 32.00
80%, 33.00
85%, 36.00
90%, 39.00
91%, 40.00
92%, 41.00
93%, 42.00
94%, 43.00
95%, 44.00
96%, 45.00
97%, 45.00
98%, 49.00
99%, 50.00

Percentiles in ms for pass 2
50%, 17.00
75%, 22.00
80%, 23.00
85%, 24.00
90%, 25.00
91%, 25.00
92%, 26.00
93%, 26.00
94%, 26.00
95%, 27.00
96%, 28.00
97%, 30.00
98%, 32.00
99%, 34.00

Percentiles in ms for pass 3
50%, 14.00
75%, 16.00
80%, 17.00
85%, 18.00
90%, 19.00
91%, 19.00
92%, 19.00
93%, 19.00
94%, 20.00
95%, 20.00
96%, 20.00
97%, 21.00
98%, 21.00
99%, 23.00

Percentiles in ms for pass 4
50%, 17.00
75%, 21.00
80%, 22.00
85%, 24.00
90%, 26.00
91%, 26.00
92%, 27.00
93%, 27.00
94%, 28.00
95%, 29.00
96%, 30.00
97%, 31.00
98%, 33.00
99%, 38.00

=== SYSTEM ===
Windows 8.1 Pro 64-bit (6.2, Build 9200)
DX Feature Level: 11.0
Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-5960X CPU @ 3.00GHz (16 CPUs), ~3.0GHz
65536MB RAM
NVIDIA GeForce GTX TITAN X, 12635MB, Driver Version 350.12
Graphics Card Vendor Id 0x10de with Device ID 0x17c2

=== SETTINGS ===
Display: 2560x1440 (FullScreen) @ 60Hz VSync OFF
Tessellation: 3
LodScale: 1.000000
PedLodBias: 0.200000
VehicleLodBias: 0.000000
ShadowQuality: 3
ReflectionQuality: 2
ReflectionMSAA: 4
AnisotropicFiltering: 16
MSAAFragments: 0
MSAAQuality: 0
TextureQuality: 2
ParticleQuality: 2
WaterQuality: 2
GrassQuality: 3
ShaderQuality: 2
Shadow_SoftShadows: 5
UltraShadows_Enabled: true
Shadow_ParticleShadows: true
Shadow_Distance: 2.000000
Shadow_LongShadows: true
Shadow_SplitZStart: 0.930000
Shadow_SplitZEnd: 0.890000
Shadow_aircraftExpWeight: 0.990000
Shadow_DisableScreenSizeCheck: false
Reflection_MipBlur: true
FXAA_Enabled: true
TXAA_Enabled: false
Lighting_FogVolumes: true
Shader_SSA: true
DX_Version: 2
CityDensity: 1.000000
PedVarietyMultiplier: 1.000000
VehicleVarietyMultiplier: 1.000000
PostFX: 3
DoF: true
HdStreamingInFlight: true
MaxLodScale: 1.000000
MotionBlurStrength: 1.000000

3.840 × 2.160 mit 4x MSAA+FXAA/16:1 AF

Titan X@1405/2000

Frames Per Second (Higher is better) Min, Max, Avg
Pass 1, 15.050210, 52.989601, 24.236750
Pass 2, 7.072972, 72.727676, 32.042168
Pass 3, 17.619646, 159.213577, 37.437229
Pass 4, 12.342080, 102.756439, 31.777891

Time in milliseconds(ms). (Lower is better). Min, Max, Avg
Pass 0, 9.364134, 47.343590, 25.562250
Pass 1, 18.871628, 66.444252, 41.259659
Pass 2, 13.749924, 141.383270, 31.208876
Pass 3, 6.280871, 56.754829, 26.711378
Pass 4, 9.731750, 81.023621, 31.468420

Frames under 16ms (for 60fps):
Pass 0: 8/356 frames (2.25%)
Pass 1: 0/215 frames (0.00%)
Pass 2: 2/277 frames (0.72%)
Pass 3: 7/337 frames (2.08%)
Pass 4: 5/3489 frames (0.14%)

Frames under 33ms (for 30fps):
Pass 0: 313/356 frames (87.92%)
Pass 1: 35/215 frames (16.28%)
Pass 2: 146/277 frames (52.71%)
Pass 3: 277/337 frames (82.20%)
Pass 4: 2036/3489 frames (58.35%)

Percentiles in ms for pass 0
50%, 26.00
75%, 29.00
80%, 30.00
85%, 31.00
90%, 33.00
91%, 34.00
92%, 34.00
93%, 34.00
94%, 34.00
95%, 35.00
96%, 35.00
97%, 36.00
98%, 37.00
99%, 38.00

Percentiles in ms for pass 1
50%, 44.00
75%, 50.00
80%, 54.00
85%, 56.00
90%, 60.00
91%, 60.00
92%, 60.00
93%, 60.00
94%, 61.00
95%, 62.00
96%, 62.00
97%, 63.00
98%, 64.00
99%, 65.00

Percentiles in ms for pass 2
50%, 32.00
75%, 40.00
80%, 41.00
85%, 43.00
90%, 50.00
91%, 50.00
92%, 51.00
93%, 51.00
94%, 52.00
95%, 52.00
96%, 52.00
97%, 54.00
98%, 55.00
99%, 57.00

Percentiles in ms for pass 3
50%, 27.00
75%, 30.00
80%, 31.00
85%, 33.00
90%, 34.00
91%, 35.00
92%, 35.00
93%, 36.00
94%, 36.00
95%, 37.00
96%, 38.00
97%, 39.00
98%, 41.00
99%, 44.00

Percentiles in ms for pass 4
50%, 31.00
75%, 37.00
80%, 39.00
85%, 41.00
90%, 45.00
91%, 46.00
92%, 47.00
93%, 48.00
94%, 49.00
95%, 50.00
96%, 52.00
97%, 54.00
98%, 56.00
99%, 59.00

=== SYSTEM ===
Windows 8.1 Pro 64-bit (6.2, Build 9200)
DX Feature Level: 11.0
Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-5960X CPU @ 3.00GHz (16 CPUs), ~3.0GHz
65536MB RAM
NVIDIA GeForce GTX TITAN X, 12635MB, Driver Version 350.12
Graphics Card Vendor Id 0x10de with Device ID 0x17c2

=== SETTINGS ===
Display: 3840x2160 (FullScreen) @ 60Hz VSync OFF
Tessellation: 3
LodScale: 1.000000
PedLodBias: 0.200000
VehicleLodBias: 0.000000
ShadowQuality: 3
ReflectionQuality: 2
ReflectionMSAA: 4
AnisotropicFiltering: 16
MSAAFragments: 0
MSAAQuality: 0
TextureQuality: 2
ParticleQuality: 2
WaterQuality: 2
GrassQuality: 3
ShaderQuality: 2
Shadow_SoftShadows: 5
UltraShadows_Enabled: true
Shadow_ParticleShadows: true
Shadow_Distance: 2.000000
Shadow_LongShadows: true
Shadow_SplitZStart: 0.930000
Shadow_SplitZEnd: 0.890000
Shadow_aircraftExpWeight: 0.990000
Shadow_DisableScreenSizeCheck: false
Reflection_MipBlur: true
FXAA_Enabled: true
TXAA_Enabled: false
Lighting_FogVolumes: true
Shader_SSA: true
DX_Version: 2
CityDensity: 1.000000
PedVarietyMultiplier: 1.000000
VehicleVarietyMultiplier: 1.000000
PostFX: 3
DoF: true
HdStreamingInFlight: true
MaxLodScale: 1.000000
MotionBlurStrength: 0.000000

MEINE Game-Settings (Pussy@UHD)

Frames Per Second (Higher is better) Min, Max, Avg
Pass 1, 26.923824, 90.174797, 51.841000
Pass 2, 32.686111, 159.438858, 70.417976
Pass 3, 42.022591, 164.183426, 80.815025
Pass 4, 17.111570, 140.290619, 66.392075

Time in milliseconds(ms). (Lower is better). Min, Max, Avg
Pass 0, 5.403986, 21.128181, 10.966853
Pass 1, 11.089573, 37.141827, 19.289751
Pass 2, 6.271997, 30.594034, 14.200919
Pass 3, 6.090749, 23.796724, 12.373937
Pass 4, 7.128060, 58.439991, 15.062038

Frames under 16ms (for 60fps):
Pass 0: 821/835 frames (98.32%)
Pass 1: 70/470 frames (14.89%)
Pass 2: 410/628 frames (65.29%)
Pass 3: 681/742 frames (91.78%)
Pass 4: 4610/7383 frames (62.44%)

Frames under 33ms (for 30fps):
Pass 0: 835/835 frames (100.00%)
Pass 1: 462/470 frames (98.30%)
Pass 2: 628/628 frames (100.00%)
Pass 3: 742/742 frames (100.00%)
Pass 4: 7354/7383 frames (99.61%)

Percentiles in ms for pass 0
50%, 11.00
75%, 12.00
80%, 12.00
85%, 13.00
90%, 13.00
91%, 13.00
92%, 14.00
93%, 14.00
94%, 14.00
95%, 14.00
96%, 15.00
97%, 15.00
98%, 15.00
99%, 16.00

Percentiles in ms for pass 1
50%, 19.00
75%, 21.00
80%, 22.00
85%, 23.00
90%, 25.00
91%, 26.00
92%, 26.00
93%, 27.00
94%, 27.00
95%, 28.00
96%, 29.00
97%, 30.00
98%, 31.00
99%, 33.00

Percentiles in ms for pass 2
50%, 14.00
75%, 17.00
80%, 18.00
85%, 18.00
90%, 20.00
91%, 20.00
92%, 20.00
93%, 20.00
94%, 21.00
95%, 21.00
96%, 22.00
97%, 22.00
98%, 24.00
99%, 27.00

Percentiles in ms for pass 3
50%, 12.00
75%, 14.00
80%, 14.00
85%, 15.00
90%, 15.00
91%, 15.00
92%, 16.00
93%, 16.00
94%, 16.00
95%, 16.00
96%, 17.00
97%, 17.00
98%, 18.00
99%, 19.00

Percentiles in ms for pass 4
50%, 15.00
75%, 17.00
80%, 17.00
85%, 18.00
90%, 20.00
91%, 20.00
92%, 21.00
93%, 21.00
94%, 22.00
95%, 22.00
96%, 23.00
97%, 24.00
98%, 25.00
99%, 29.00

=== SYSTEM ===
Windows 8.1 Pro 64-bit (6.2, Build 9200)
DX Feature Level: 11.0
Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-5960X CPU @ 3.00GHz (16 CPUs), ~3.0GHz
65536MB RAM
NVIDIA GeForce GTX TITAN X, 12635MB, Driver Version 350.12
Graphics Card Vendor Id 0x10de with Device ID 0x17c2

=== SETTINGS ===
Display: 3840x2160 (FullScreen) @ 60Hz VSync OFF
Tessellation: 3
LodScale: 1.000000
PedLodBias: 0.200000
VehicleLodBias: 0.000000
ShadowQuality: 3
ReflectionQuality: 2
ReflectionMSAA: 0
AnisotropicFiltering: 16
MSAAFragments: 0
MSAAQuality: 0
TextureQuality: 2
ParticleQuality: 2
WaterQuality: 2
GrassQuality: 2
ShaderQuality: 2
Shadow_SoftShadows: 5
UltraShadows_Enabled: false
Shadow_ParticleShadows: true
Shadow_Distance: 2.000000
Shadow_LongShadows: true
Shadow_SplitZStart: 0.930000
Shadow_SplitZEnd: 0.890000
Shadow_aircraftExpWeight: 0.990000
Shadow_DisableScreenSizeCheck: false
Reflection_MipBlur: true
FXAA_Enabled: true
TXAA_Enabled: false
Lighting_FogVolumes: true
Shader_SSA: true
DX_Version: 2
CityDensity: 1.000000
PedVarietyMultiplier: 1.000000
VehicleVarietyMultiplier: 1.000000
PostFX: 0
DoF: false
HdStreamingInFlight: true
MaxLodScale: 1.000000
MotionBlurStrength: 0.000000

Pussy@8K (VRAM-Bedarf etwa 9GB)

Frames Per Second (Higher is better) Min, Max, Avg
Pass 1, 8.857500, 132.853668, 19.534187
Pass 2, 12.793067, 83.789185, 23.419987
Pass 3, 14.708750, 105.673393, 24.998877
Pass 4, 10.238155, 103.933907, 22.355597

Time in milliseconds(ms). (Lower is better). Min, Max, Avg
Pass 0, 24.301554, 67.243317, 38.760056
Pass 1, 7.527079, 112.898674, 51.192303
Pass 2, 11.934714, 78.167336, 42.698574
Pass 3, 9.463120, 67.986740, 40.001797
Pass 4, 9.621499, 97.673843, 44.731529

Frames under 16ms (for 60fps):
Pass 0: 0/237 frames (0.00%)
Pass 1: 2/173 frames (1.16%)
Pass 2: 2/209 frames (0.96%)
Pass 3: 2/227 frames (0.88%)
Pass 4: 2/2515 frames (0.08%)

Frames under 33ms (for 30fps):
Pass 0: 35/237 frames (14.77%)
Pass 1: 5/173 frames (2.89%)
Pass 2: 23/209 frames (11.00%)
Pass 3: 19/227 frames (8.37%)
Pass 4: 126/2515 frames (5.01%)

Percentiles in ms for pass 0
50%, 39.00
75%, 43.00
80%, 44.00
85%, 45.00
90%, 49.00
91%, 49.00
92%, 49.00
93%, 50.00
94%, 51.00
95%, 51.00
96%, 52.00
97%, 53.00
98%, 54.00
99%, 56.00

Percentiles in ms for pass 1
50%, 57.00
75%, 61.00
80%, 62.00
85%, 64.00
90%, 67.00
91%, 68.00
92%, 68.00
93%, 68.00
94%, 69.00
95%, 69.00
96%, 70.00
97%, 71.00
98%, 72.00
99%, 73.00

Percentiles in ms for pass 2
50%, 44.00
75%, 52.00
80%, 54.00
85%, 56.00
90%, 59.00
91%, 59.00
92%, 61.00
93%, 63.00
94%, 64.00
95%, 65.00
96%, 66.00
97%, 67.00
98%, 68.00
99%, 71.00

Percentiles in ms for pass 3
50%, 41.00
75%, 46.00
80%, 47.00
85%, 49.00
90%, 51.00
91%, 51.00
92%, 52.00
93%, 52.00
94%, 52.00
95%, 53.00
96%, 53.00
97%, 55.00
98%, 56.00
99%, 58.00

Percentiles in ms for pass 4
50%, 45.00
75%, 52.00
80%, 54.00
85%, 57.00
90%, 60.00
91%, 61.00
92%, 61.00
93%, 63.00
94%, 64.00
95%, 65.00
96%, 67.00
97%, 70.00
98%, 74.00
99%, 78.00

=== SYSTEM ===
Windows 8.1 Pro 64-bit (6.2, Build 9200)
DX Feature Level: 11.0
Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-5960X CPU @ 3.00GHz (16 CPUs), ~3.0GHz
65536MB RAM
NVIDIA GeForce GTX TITAN X, 12635MB, Driver Version 350.12
Graphics Card Vendor Id 0x10de with Device ID 0x17c2

=== SETTINGS ===
Display: 7680x4320 (FullScreen) @ 60Hz VSync OFF
Tessellation: 3
LodScale: 1.000000
PedLodBias: 0.200000
VehicleLodBias: 0.000000
ShadowQuality: 3
ReflectionQuality: 2
ReflectionMSAA: 0
AnisotropicFiltering: 16
MSAAFragments: 0
MSAAQuality: 0
TextureQuality: 2
ParticleQuality: 2
WaterQuality: 2
GrassQuality: 2
ShaderQuality: 2
Shadow_SoftShadows: 5
UltraShadows_Enabled: false
Shadow_ParticleShadows: true
Shadow_Distance: 2.000000
Shadow_LongShadows: true
Shadow_SplitZStart: 0.930000
Shadow_SplitZEnd: 0.890000
Shadow_aircraftExpWeight: 0.990000
Shadow_DisableScreenSizeCheck: false
Reflection_MipBlur: true
FXAA_Enabled: true
TXAA_Enabled: false
Lighting_FogVolumes: true
Shader_SSA: true
DX_Version: 2
CityDensity: 1.000000
PedVarietyMultiplier: 1.000000
VehicleVarietyMultiplier: 1.000000
PostFX: 0
DoF: false
HdStreamingInFlight: true
MaxLodScale: 1.000000
MotionBlurStrength: 0.000000

2015-04-17, 22:29:22
Xeon 1230v3
290 @ 290X 4GB
2x8GB DDR3-2400

Reflektionen 4xMSAA
Schatten Nvidia

720P no AA/AF

Pass 0: 59.7
Pass 1: 39.5
Pass 2: 59.4
Pass 3: 73.0
Pass 4: 52.6

1080P FXAA/16xAF

Pass 0: 56.3
Pass 1: 34.6
Pass 2: 60.4
Pass 3: 64.8
Pass 4: 48.7

1080P 4xMSAA/16xAF

Pass 0: 42.2
Pass 1: 25.8
Pass 2: 42.2
Pass 3: 48.4
Pass 4: 37.6

1080P 4xMSAA+FXAA/16xAF

Pass 0: 41.8
Pass 1: 25.2
Pass 2: 41.0
Pass 3: 47.5
Pass 4: 36.9

2160P 4xMSAA/16xAF

Pass 0: 16.3
Pass 1: 11.6
Pass 2: 16.4
Pass 3: 15.9
Pass 4: 15.3

2015-04-17, 22:30:44
Okay, dann testen wir eben mit Nvidia-Schatten – das habt ihr gerade mehrheitlich entschieden, nicht ich. ;)

Ganz schön viel Text. Der Benchmark läuft übrigens nicht immer gleich ab. Die 1. Szene ändert sich.

Jo, die erste Szene ist wertlos. Aber auch später, beim Autofahren, gibt's immer leichte Änderungen, die KI wird anscheinend immer neu berechnet (was gut ist).


2015-04-17, 23:03:45
Ich streiche Pass 0 wegen Nichtreproduzierbarkeit. Das Folgende ist mit PCSS-Schatten!

1.280 × 720, kein AA/AF:
Pass 1, 20.322649, 51.206768, 41.878582
Pass 2, 42.311283, 129.631439, 72.162903
Pass 3, 51.101864, 117.615685, 84.723854
Pass 4, 26.642193, 129.557541, 60.466225

Time in milliseconds(ms). (Lower is better). Min, Max, Avg
Pass 0, 6.427423, 19.092581, 9.725134
Pass 1, 19.528669, 49.206184, 23.878555
Pass 2, 7.714178, 23.634357, 13.857535
Pass 3, 8.502268, 19.568758, 11.803051
Pass 4, 7.718578, 37.534447, 16.538158

Frames under 16ms (for 60fps):
Pass 0: 935/943 frames (99.15%)
Pass 1: 0/389 frames (0.00%)
Pass 2: 431/646 frames (66.72%)
Pass 3: 730/780 frames (93.59%)
Pass 4: 2505/6776 frames (36.97%)

Frames under 33ms (for 30fps):
Pass 0: 943/943 frames (100.00%)
Pass 1: 379/389 frames (97.43%)
Pass 2: 646/646 frames (100.00%)
Pass 3: 780/780 frames (100.00%)
Pass 4: 6775/6776 frames (99.99%)

Percentiles in ms for pass 0
50%, 9.00
75%, 10.00
80%, 11.00
85%, 11.00
90%, 12.00
91%, 12.00
92%, 12.00
93%, 12.00
94%, 12.00
95%, 13.00
96%, 13.00
97%, 14.00
98%, 15.00
99%, 15.00

Percentiles in ms for pass 1
50%, 23.00
75%, 25.00
80%, 26.00
85%, 27.00
90%, 29.00
91%, 29.00
92%, 30.00
93%, 30.00
94%, 31.00
95%, 31.00
96%, 32.00
97%, 32.00
98%, 33.00
99%, 35.00

Percentiles in ms for pass 2
50%, 13.00
75%, 18.00
80%, 18.00
85%, 19.00
90%, 19.00
91%, 19.00
92%, 19.00
93%, 19.00
94%, 19.00
95%, 19.00
96%, 19.00
97%, 20.00
98%, 20.00
99%, 20.00

Percentiles in ms for pass 3
50%, 11.00
75%, 13.00
80%, 13.00
85%, 15.00
90%, 15.00
91%, 15.00
92%, 15.00
93%, 15.00
94%, 16.00
95%, 16.00
96%, 16.00
97%, 16.00
98%, 16.00
99%, 17.00

Percentiles in ms for pass 4
50%, 17.00
75%, 19.00
80%, 19.00
85%, 20.00
90%, 21.00
91%, 21.00
92%, 21.00
93%, 21.00
94%, 21.00
95%, 22.00
96%, 22.00
97%, 22.00
98%, 23.00
99%, 23.00

=== SYSTEM ===
Windows 8.1 Pro 64-bit (6.2, Build 9200)
DX Feature Level: 11.0
AMD FX(tm)-8350 Eight-Core Processor (8 CPUs), ~5.0GHz
16384MB RAM
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 780 Ti , 3127MB, Driver Version 350.12
Graphics Card Vendor Id 0x10de with Device ID 0x100a

=== SETTINGS ===
Display: 1280x720 (FullScreen) @ 59Hz VSync OFF
Tessellation: 3
LodScale: 1.000000
PedLodBias: 0.200000
VehicleLodBias: 0.000000
ShadowQuality: 3
ReflectionQuality: 3
ReflectionMSAA: 0
AnisotropicFiltering: 0
MSAAFragments: 0
MSAAQuality: 0
TextureQuality: 2
ParticleQuality: 2
WaterQuality: 2
GrassQuality: 3
ShaderQuality: 2
Shadow_SoftShadows: 5
UltraShadows_Enabled: true
Shadow_ParticleShadows: true
Shadow_Distance: 2.000000
Shadow_LongShadows: true
Shadow_SplitZStart: 0.930000
Shadow_SplitZEnd: 0.890000
Shadow_aircraftExpWeight: 0.990000
Shadow_DisableScreenSizeCheck: false
Reflection_MipBlur: true
FXAA_Enabled: false
TXAA_Enabled: false
Lighting_FogVolumes: true
Shader_SSA: true
DX_Version: 2
CityDensity: 1.000000
PedVarietyMultiplier: 1.000000
VehicleVarietyMultiplier: 1.000000
PostFX: 3
DoF: true
HdStreamingInFlight: true
MaxLodScale: 1.000000
MotionBlurStrength: 0.000000

1.920 × 1.080 mit FXAA/16:1 AF:
Pass 1, 25.106224, 51.038113, 36.106651
Pass 2, 26.212347, 129.713638, 65.599030
Pass 3, 30.312458, 98.032791, 72.183388
Pass 4, 28.478306, 128.879990, 55.501556

Time in milliseconds(ms). (Lower is better). Min, Max, Avg
Pass 0, 7.018979, 26.358936, 11.627571
Pass 1, 19.593201, 39.830761, 27.695728
Pass 2, 7.709290, 38.149960, 15.244128
Pass 3, 10.200668, 32.989735, 13.853603
Pass 4, 7.759156, 35.114449, 18.017513

Frames under 16ms (for 60fps):
Pass 0: 739/779 frames (94.87%)
Pass 1: 0/336 frames (0.00%)
Pass 2: 372/579 frames (64.25%)
Pass 3: 544/670 frames (81.19%)
Pass 4: 1471/6162 frames (23.87%)

Frames under 33ms (for 30fps):
Pass 0: 779/779 frames (100.00%)
Pass 1: 298/336 frames (88.69%)
Pass 2: 578/579 frames (99.83%)
Pass 3: 670/670 frames (100.00%)
Pass 4: 6156/6162 frames (99.90%)

Percentiles in ms for pass 0
50%, 12.00
75%, 13.00
80%, 14.00
85%, 14.00
90%, 15.00
91%, 15.00
92%, 15.00
93%, 15.00
94%, 15.00
95%, 16.00
96%, 16.00
97%, 16.00
98%, 18.00
99%, 19.00

Percentiles in ms for pass 1
50%, 27.00
75%, 30.00
80%, 31.00
85%, 32.00
90%, 33.00
91%, 34.00
92%, 34.00
93%, 36.00
94%, 36.00
95%, 36.00
96%, 36.00
97%, 37.00
98%, 38.00
99%, 38.00

Percentiles in ms for pass 2
50%, 14.00
75%, 20.00
80%, 21.00
85%, 22.00
90%, 22.00
91%, 23.00
92%, 23.00
93%, 23.00
94%, 23.00
95%, 24.00
96%, 24.00
97%, 25.00
98%, 26.00
99%, 27.00

Percentiles in ms for pass 3
50%, 13.00
75%, 15.00
80%, 15.00
85%, 16.00
90%, 17.00
91%, 17.00
92%, 17.00
93%, 17.00
94%, 17.00
95%, 18.00
96%, 18.00
97%, 18.00
98%, 19.00
99%, 20.00

Percentiles in ms for pass 4
50%, 18.00
75%, 21.00
80%, 22.00
85%, 22.00
90%, 23.00
91%, 24.00
92%, 24.00
93%, 24.00
94%, 25.00
95%, 25.00
96%, 25.00
97%, 26.00
98%, 26.00
99%, 28.00

=== SYSTEM ===
Windows 8.1 Pro 64-bit (6.2, Build 9200)
DX Feature Level: 11.0
AMD FX(tm)-8350 Eight-Core Processor (8 CPUs), ~5.0GHz
16384MB RAM
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 780 Ti , 3127MB, Driver Version 350.12
Graphics Card Vendor Id 0x10de with Device ID 0x100a

=== SETTINGS ===
Display: 1920x1080 (FullScreen) @ 59Hz VSync OFF
Tessellation: 3
LodScale: 1.000000
PedLodBias: 0.200000
VehicleLodBias: 0.000000
ShadowQuality: 3
ReflectionQuality: 3
ReflectionMSAA: 0
AnisotropicFiltering: 16
MSAAFragments: 0
MSAAQuality: 0
TextureQuality: 2
ParticleQuality: 2
WaterQuality: 2
GrassQuality: 3
ShaderQuality: 2
Shadow_SoftShadows: 5
UltraShadows_Enabled: true
Shadow_ParticleShadows: true
Shadow_Distance: 2.000000
Shadow_LongShadows: true
Shadow_SplitZStart: 0.930000
Shadow_SplitZEnd: 0.890000
Shadow_aircraftExpWeight: 0.990000
Shadow_DisableScreenSizeCheck: false
Reflection_MipBlur: true
FXAA_Enabled: true
TXAA_Enabled: false
Lighting_FogVolumes: true
Shader_SSA: true
DX_Version: 2
CityDensity: 1.000000
PedVarietyMultiplier: 1.000000
VehicleVarietyMultiplier: 1.000000
PostFX: 3
DoF: true
HdStreamingInFlight: true
MaxLodScale: 1.000000
MotionBlurStrength: 0.000000

1.920 × 1.080 mit 4x MSAA+FXAA/16:1 AF:
Pass 1, 15.725554, 48.574078, 29.640532
Pass 2, 31.003004, 85.997658, 50.251766
Pass 3, 35.712242, 78.106552, 56.087585
Pass 4, 9.465270, 126.622154, 45.531467

Time in milliseconds(ms). (Lower is better). Min, Max, Avg
Pass 0, 7.209156, 28.543781, 12.388454
Pass 1, 20.587112, 63.590767, 33.737587
Pass 2, 11.628223, 32.254940, 19.899797
Pass 3, 12.803023, 28.001602, 17.829258
Pass 4, 7.897512, 105.649391, 21.962833

Frames under 16ms (for 60fps):
Pass 0: 692/746 frames (92.76%)
Pass 1: 0/276 frames (0.00%)
Pass 2: 37/453 frames (8.17%)
Pass 3: 91/521 frames (17.47%)
Pass 4: 217/5071 frames (4.28%)

Frames under 33ms (for 30fps):
Pass 0: 746/746 frames (100.00%)
Pass 1: 119/276 frames (43.12%)
Pass 2: 453/453 frames (100.00%)
Pass 3: 521/521 frames (100.00%)
Pass 4: 4972/5071 frames (98.05%)

Percentiles in ms for pass 0
50%, 12.00
75%, 13.00
80%, 13.00
85%, 14.00
90%, 14.00
91%, 15.00
92%, 15.00
93%, 16.00
94%, 16.00
95%, 17.00
96%, 18.00
97%, 19.00
98%, 19.00
99%, 20.00

Percentiles in ms for pass 1
50%, 33.00
75%, 36.00
80%, 37.00
85%, 38.00
90%, 40.00
91%, 41.00
92%, 41.00
93%, 42.00
94%, 42.00
95%, 43.00
96%, 43.00
97%, 44.00
98%, 44.00
99%, 48.00

Percentiles in ms for pass 2
50%, 18.00
75%, 26.00
80%, 26.00
85%, 27.00
90%, 28.00
91%, 28.00
92%, 28.00
93%, 28.00
94%, 28.00
95%, 29.00
96%, 29.00
97%, 29.00
98%, 29.00
99%, 30.00

Percentiles in ms for pass 3
50%, 17.00
75%, 19.00
80%, 20.00
85%, 21.00
90%, 22.00
91%, 22.00
92%, 22.00
93%, 22.00
94%, 23.00
95%, 23.00
96%, 24.00
97%, 24.00
98%, 25.00
99%, 25.00

Percentiles in ms for pass 4
50%, 22.00
75%, 26.00
80%, 27.00
85%, 28.00
90%, 29.00
91%, 29.00
92%, 30.00
93%, 30.00
94%, 30.00
95%, 31.00
96%, 31.00
97%, 32.00
98%, 32.00
99%, 34.00

=== SYSTEM ===
Windows 8.1 Pro 64-bit (6.2, Build 9200)
DX Feature Level: 11.0
AMD FX(tm)-8350 Eight-Core Processor (8 CPUs), ~5.0GHz
16384MB RAM
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 780 Ti , 3127MB, Driver Version 350.12
Graphics Card Vendor Id 0x10de with Device ID 0x100a

=== SETTINGS ===
Display: 1920x1080 (FullScreen) @ 59Hz VSync OFF
Tessellation: 3
LodScale: 1.000000
PedLodBias: 0.200000
VehicleLodBias: 0.000000
ShadowQuality: 3
ReflectionQuality: 3
ReflectionMSAA: 4
AnisotropicFiltering: 16
MSAAFragments: 0
MSAAQuality: 0
TextureQuality: 2
ParticleQuality: 2
WaterQuality: 2
GrassQuality: 3
ShaderQuality: 2
Shadow_SoftShadows: 5
UltraShadows_Enabled: true
Shadow_ParticleShadows: true
Shadow_Distance: 2.000000
Shadow_LongShadows: true
Shadow_SplitZStart: 0.930000
Shadow_SplitZEnd: 0.890000
Shadow_aircraftExpWeight: 0.990000
Shadow_DisableScreenSizeCheck: false
Reflection_MipBlur: true
FXAA_Enabled: true
TXAA_Enabled: false
Lighting_FogVolumes: true
Shader_SSA: true
DX_Version: 2
CityDensity: 1.000000
PedVarietyMultiplier: 1.000000
VehicleVarietyMultiplier: 1.000000
PostFX: 3
DoF: true
HdStreamingInFlight: true
MaxLodScale: 1.000000
MotionBlurStrength: 0.000000

2.560 × 1.440 mit 4x MSAA+FXAA/16:1 AF:
Pass 1, 8.625732, 50.681492, 23.454170
Pass 2, 5.839484, 50.717937, 35.596264
Pass 3, 5.445628, 65.721634, 31.912167
Pass 4, 4.429739, 127.689262, 34.436184

Time in milliseconds(ms). (Lower is better). Min, Max, Avg
Pass 0, 16.571869, 97.721573, 23.245348
Pass 1, 19.731070, 115.932182, 42.636341
Pass 2, 19.716890, 171.248016, 28.092836
Pass 3, 15.215690, 183.633545, 31.336010
Pass 4, 7.831512, 225.746918, 29.039223

Frames under 16ms (for 60fps):
Pass 0: 0/388 frames (0.00%)
Pass 1: 0/218 frames (0.00%)
Pass 2: 0/320 frames (0.00%)
Pass 3: 1/272 frames (0.37%)
Pass 4: 5/3846 frames (0.13%)

Frames under 33ms (for 30fps):
Pass 0: 354/388 frames (91.24%)
Pass 1: 4/218 frames (1.83%)
Pass 2: 214/320 frames (66.88%)
Pass 3: 194/272 frames (71.32%)
Pass 4: 2749/3846 frames (71.48%)

Percentiles in ms for pass 0
50%, 22.00
75%, 25.00
80%, 27.00
85%, 28.00
90%, 31.00
91%, 32.00
92%, 33.00
93%, 33.00
94%, 35.00
95%, 36.00
96%, 39.00
97%, 43.00
98%, 46.00
99%, 50.00

Percentiles in ms for pass 1
50%, 42.00
75%, 45.00
80%, 47.00
85%, 50.00
90%, 52.00
91%, 52.00
92%, 52.00
93%, 52.00
94%, 54.00
95%, 58.00
96%, 58.00
97%, 61.00
98%, 65.00
99%, 95.00

Percentiles in ms for pass 2
50%, 25.00
75%, 36.00
80%, 38.00
85%, 39.00
90%, 40.00
91%, 40.00
92%, 40.00
93%, 40.00
94%, 40.00
95%, 41.00
96%, 41.00
97%, 41.00
98%, 45.00
99%, 46.00

Percentiles in ms for pass 3
50%, 27.00
75%, 34.00
80%, 162.00
85%, 164.00
90%, 166.00
91%, 167.00
92%, 168.00
93%, 168.00
94%, 169.00
95%, 169.00
96%, 170.00
97%, 171.00
98%, 173.00
99%, 174.00

Percentiles in ms for pass 4
50%, 29.00
75%, 33.00
80%, 35.00
85%, 36.00
90%, 38.00
91%, 39.00
92%, 39.00
93%, 39.00
94%, 40.00
95%, 41.00
96%, 41.00
97%, 42.00
98%, 44.00
99%, 46.00

=== SYSTEM ===
Windows 8.1 Pro 64-bit (6.2, Build 9200)
DX Feature Level: 11.0
AMD FX(tm)-8350 Eight-Core Processor (8 CPUs), ~5.0GHz
16384MB RAM
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 780 Ti , 3127MB, Driver Version 350.12
Graphics Card Vendor Id 0x10de with Device ID 0x100a

=== SETTINGS ===
Display: 2560x1440 (FullScreen) @ 59Hz VSync OFF
Tessellation: 3
LodScale: 1.000000
PedLodBias: 0.200000
VehicleLodBias: 0.000000
ShadowQuality: 3
ReflectionQuality: 3
ReflectionMSAA: 4
AnisotropicFiltering: 16
MSAAFragments: 0
MSAAQuality: 0
TextureQuality: 2
ParticleQuality: 2
WaterQuality: 2
GrassQuality: 3
ShaderQuality: 2
Shadow_SoftShadows: 5
UltraShadows_Enabled: true
Shadow_ParticleShadows: true
Shadow_Distance: 2.000000
Shadow_LongShadows: true
Shadow_SplitZStart: 0.930000
Shadow_SplitZEnd: 0.890000
Shadow_aircraftExpWeight: 0.990000
Shadow_DisableScreenSizeCheck: false
Reflection_MipBlur: true
FXAA_Enabled: true
TXAA_Enabled: false
Lighting_FogVolumes: true
Shader_SSA: true
DX_Version: 2
CityDensity: 1.000000
PedVarietyMultiplier: 1.000000
VehicleVarietyMultiplier: 1.000000
PostFX: 3
DoF: true
HdStreamingInFlight: true
MaxLodScale: 1.000000
MotionBlurStrength: 0.000000

FX-8350 @ 239×21 = 5.015 MHz, 990FX, NB @ 2.627 MHz, 2 × 8 GiB DDR3 @ 1.114 MHz bei 9-10-11-11-30-1T, GeForce GTX 780 Ti/3G @ 1.200/3.703 MHz, GeForce 350.12 WHQL @ Q; Windows 8.1 x64

Ab 1080p mit 4x MSAA gibt's Speicherruckler. In 1440p mit MSAA werden sie ganz ekelhaft.


2015-04-17, 23:08:45
Hehe, eigentlich müsste ich nach jedem Durchlauf auch einen Reset machen, bzw. erst den 2. Durchlauf werten. Da kommt alles in der langen Flugi-Szene aus meinem RAM, die HDD-LED flackert nicht mehr. Das werden die 8GB-Systeme nicht leisten können^^

2015-04-18, 04:01:29
die KI wird anscheinend immer neu berechnet (was gut ist).
Nö Du, für ein Benchmark ist das total Scheiße, die Vergleichbarkeit untereinander ist doch dann nicht gegeben. Das ist kein Benchmark, es ist ein Schätzmark.

Bis denne ...

2015-04-18, 06:45:16
Dem Benchmark fehlen schlichtweg eigene Presets um effektiv nutzbar zu sein. Viel zu viel Aufwand imho.

2015-04-18, 08:11:37
Ja, ich nutze den auch lieber nur so. :)
Für das eigene System ist der Benchmark aber imho trotzdem spannend, weil er alles kurz durchtestet.

@ HisN
Dein System ist der Hammer. :up:
Muss mal gesagt sein. :D

2015-04-18, 09:08:19
wat? hammer? wo? :| ich seh da nur durchschnittsware.

2015-04-18, 09:44:41
Durchschnitt? Na wenn du meinst. ;D
Gaming PC's sind eher ausgestorben. Und Titan X & 8 Kerner hat eh fast keiner.

2015-04-18, 11:34:13
290X@1100/1400, Catalyst 15.3 (werd nochmal nachbenchen, hab wegen systemwiederherstellung nicht drauf geachtet)
– 1.920 × 1.080 mit 4x MSAA+FXAA/16:1 AF, alles manuell maximiert

Frames Per Second (Higher is better) Min, Max, Avg
Pass 0, 45.033447, 186.023239, 103.216232
Pass 1, 23.336802, 43.812687, 31.920946
Pass 2, 26.521498, 127.569069, 51.020054
Pass 3, 34.452969, 127.564323, 56.776459
Pass 4, 21.675989, 122.798256, 42.668335

Time in milliseconds(ms). (Lower is better). Min, Max, Avg
Pass 0, 5.375672, 22.205717, 9.688398
Pass 1, 22.824438, 42.850773, 31.327393
Pass 2, 7.838891, 37.705261, 19.600136
Pass 3, 7.839182, 29.025076, 17.612934
Pass 4, 8.143438, 46.133995, 23.436584

– 2.560 × 1.440 mit 4x MSAA+FXAA/16:1 AF

Frames Per Second (Higher is better) Min, Max, Avg
Pass 0, 28.631149, 197.957855, 73.237923
Pass 1, 16.799816, 45.165760, 24.733349
Pass 2, 20.234907, 134.612274, 36.492420
Pass 3, 24.784628, 125.970535, 41.957573
Pass 4, 15.726308, 120.731003, 33.095943

Time in milliseconds(ms). (Lower is better). Min, Max, Avg
Pass 0, 5.051580, 34.926994, 13.654128
Pass 1, 22.140665, 59.524460, 40.431240
Pass 2, 7.428743, 49.419548, 27.402950
Pass 3, 7.938365, 40.347591, 23.833599
Pass 4, 8.282877, 63.587715, 30.215183

Dasselbe mit Cat 15.4

1.920 × 1.080 mit 4x MSAA+FXAA/16:1 AF

Frames Per Second (Higher is better) Min, Max, Avg
Pass 0, 80.060516, 146.955505, 111.009453
Pass 1, 21.032930, 47.093513, 32.163010
Pass 2, 28.453112, 127.114777, 51.408779
Pass 3, 32.044563, 126.053734, 57.639999
Pass 4, 22.130178, 133.646439, 43.209003

Time in milliseconds(ms). (Lower is better). Min, Max, Avg
Pass 0, 6.804781, 12.490551, 9.008242
Pass 1, 21.234346, 47.544491, 31.091618
Pass 2, 7.866906, 35.145542, 19.451931
Pass 3, 7.933125, 31.206541, 17.349064
Pass 4, 7.482429, 45.187164, 23.143324

– 2.560 × 1.440 mit 4x MSAA+FXAA/16:1 AF

Frames Per Second (Higher is better) Min, Max, Avg
Pass 0, 39.497540, 188.136276, 72.866264
Pass 1, 17.542133, 45.617672, 24.658653
Pass 2, 20.713930, 133.298248, 36.399357
Pass 3, 24.156034, 127.081787, 41.331345
Pass 4, 15.757005, 134.279877, 33.653793

Time in milliseconds(ms). (Lower is better). Min, Max, Avg
Pass 0, 5.315296, 25.318033, 13.723772
Pass 1, 21.921329, 57.005608, 40.553715
Pass 2, 7.501974, 48.276691, 27.473013
Pass 3, 7.868948, 41.397522, 24.194712
Pass 4, 7.447132, 63.463837, 29.714333

Bei Pass 0 stimmte irgendwas nicht, da läd er die Welt nicht korrekt. Zu Beginn seh ich ausserdem trotzdem noch kurz mein Savegame Spielestand, obwohl ich schon weit im Spiel bin.

2015-04-18, 21:52:29
Nö Du, für ein Benchmark ist das total Scheiße, die Vergleichbarkeit untereinander ist doch dann nicht gegeben. Das ist kein Benchmark, es ist ein Schätzmark.

Bis denne ...

Es ist aber realitätsnäher als vorberechneter Kram. So war's gemeint. :) Dieser Test macht's aber leider falsch.

Dem Benchmark fehlen schlichtweg eigene Presets um effektiv nutzbar zu sein. Viel zu viel Aufwand imho.

Da musste ich schmunzeln. :D Jetzt stell dir das mal mit 20 nacheinander auf-/umgebauten Grafikkarten- und Infrastruktur-Kombinationen vor. Das ist aufwendig. Deswegen brauchen seriöse Benchmarks auch viel Zeit. Man braucht nämlich u. a. eine Testszene, die nicht - wie der integrierte Bench - ständig verschiedene Werte ausspuckt.


2015-04-18, 22:19:32
Ein Missions-Savegame/Spielstand erleichtert einem da doch das Leben deutlich.
Dauert halt etwas, bis man so etwas gefunden und benchmark-bereit hat.

2015-04-19, 12:42:56
Edit2: Mein System: i7 3930k @4400 MHz, ASUS P9X79 Pro, 16 GB DDR3-2133, 128 GB OS SSD, 512 GB GAME SSD, ASUS GeForce GTX 660 Ti @1254 MHz

1280 x 720 kein AA/AF

Frames Per Second (Higher is better)
Durchgang|Min FPS|Max FPS|Avg FPS
Pass 0|40.859356|99.897995|73.916435
Pass 1|8.599441|123.718422|36.486893
Pass 2|4.797997|112.788643|72.634048
Pass 3|2.140599|134.349655|77.475655
Pass 4|8.394308|131.623901|58.493366

Für eine alte Sandy Bitch nicht übel :freak::biggrin: Ich geh jetzt mal die 660 Ti quälen.

1920 x 1080 4xAA/16xAF

Frames Per Second (Higher is better)
Durchgang|Min FPS|Max FPS|Avg FPS
Pass 0|3.213799|33.527172|22.516222
Pass 1|3.712845|126.357323|13.003702
Pass 2|1.515441|57.944881|24.812283
Pass 3|4.216187|124.413956|22.616438
Pass 4|2.020240|96.739883|23.747221

Defitiniv Speichermangel. Von der Geschwindigkeit passabel.

2015-04-19, 12:44:46
Bitte pack doch noch die System-Informationen in dein Posting, die etwas präziser sind als "alte Sandy Bitch", ja? :D

Ich schmeiße derweil meinen Hauptrechner an.


2015-04-19, 12:56:08
Ich habe hier meine Settings für 3200p@30FPS gefunden mit GTX970 (1450Mhz). Das ist praktisch das beste Kompromiss das man zwischen Performance/BQ erzielen kann für UltraHD. Bei dieser Auflösung werden viele Sachen irrelevant z.B. DoF oder Schatten. Und man bleibt bei realistischen ~4Gb Ramverbrauch. Ich denke das könnte der Standard sein für 4k aufwärts. Die 30 FPS@GTX970 sind mit Gamepad und Autoaim problemlos spielbar.

Vsync =Off

Texturqualität = Sehr Hoch
Shaderqualität = Sehr Hoch
Schattenqualität = Hoch
Reflexionsqualität = Sehr Hoch
Reflexion MSAA = Off
Wasserqualität = Sehr Hoch
Partikelqualität = Sehr Hoch
Grasqualität = Normal
Weiche Schatten = Scharf
Nachbearbeitung = Normal
Umgebungsverdeckung = Hoch
Tesselation = Sehr Hoch

Lange Schatten = On
Hochauflösende Schatten = Off
Streaming mit vielen Details beim Flug =Off
Erweiterte Darstellungsdistanz = 100%

3840x2160 Avg. = 50FPS
Frames Per Second (Higher is better) Min, Max, Avg
Pass 0, 21.032585, 72.790771, 49.531265
Pass 1, 23.480312, 65.347092, 50.648628
Pass 2, 22.084879, 74.387291, 49.751888
Pass 3, 21.361532, 84.724449, 52.221298
Pass 4, 20.465927, 92.206360, 50.387379

Time in milliseconds(ms). (Lower is better). Min, Max, Avg
Pass 0, 13.738006, 47.545273, 20.189268
Pass 1, 15.302900, 42.588871, 19.743872
Pass 2, 13.443156, 45.279850, 20.099739
Pass 3, 11.802968, 46.813122, 19.149275
Pass 4, 10.845239, 48.861702, 19.846239

Frames under 16ms (for 60fps):
Pass 0: 19/456 frames (4.17%)
Pass 1: 7/474 frames (1.48%)
Pass 2: 7/464 frames (1.51%)
Pass 3: 56/477 frames (11.74%)
Pass 4: 870/5568 frames (15.63%)

Frames under 33ms (for 30fps):
Pass 0: 446/456 frames (97.81%)
Pass 1: 473/474 frames (99.79%)
Pass 2: 460/464 frames (99.14%)
Pass 3: 468/477 frames (98.11%)
Pass 4: 5429/5568 frames (97.50%)

Percentiles in ms for pass 0
50%, 20.00
75%, 22.00
80%, 22.00
85%, 23.00
90%, 24.00
91%, 25.00
92%, 25.00
93%, 26.00
94%, 26.00
95%, 28.00
96%, 29.00
97%, 31.00
98%, 32.00
99%, 35.00

Percentiles in ms for pass 1
50%, 19.00
75%, 20.00
80%, 21.00
85%, 21.00
90%, 22.00
91%, 23.00
92%, 23.00
93%, 23.00
94%, 23.00
95%, 24.00
96%, 25.00
97%, 25.00
98%, 26.00
99%, 28.00

Percentiles in ms for pass 2
50%, 19.00
75%, 21.00
80%, 22.00
85%, 22.00
90%, 23.00
91%, 23.00
92%, 23.00
93%, 23.00
94%, 23.00
95%, 24.00
96%, 24.00
97%, 25.00
98%, 26.00
99%, 29.00

Percentiles in ms for pass 3
50%, 19.00
75%, 21.00
80%, 22.00
85%, 23.00
90%, 24.00
91%, 25.00
92%, 25.00
93%, 26.00
94%, 26.00
95%, 27.00
96%, 28.00
97%, 29.00
98%, 31.00
99%, 35.00

Percentiles in ms for pass 4
50%, 20.00
75%, 23.00
80%, 24.00
85%, 25.00
90%, 27.00
91%, 27.00
92%, 27.00
93%, 28.00
94%, 29.00
95%, 29.00
96%, 30.00
97%, 32.00
98%, 34.00
99%, 37.00

=== SYSTEM ===
Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit (6.1, Build 7601)
DX Feature Level: 11.0
Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3570K CPU @ 3.40GHz (4 CPUs), ~4.0GHz
12288MB RAM
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970, 4204MB, Driver Version 350.12
Graphics Card Vendor Id 0x10de with Device ID 0x13c2

=== SETTINGS ===
Display: 3840x2160 (FullScreen) @ 60Hz VSync OFF
Tessellation: 3
LodScale: 1.000000
PedLodBias: 0.200000
VehicleLodBias: 0.000000
ShadowQuality: 2
ReflectionQuality: 2
ReflectionMSAA: 0
AnisotropicFiltering: 16
MSAAFragments: 0
MSAAQuality: 0
TextureQuality: 2
ParticleQuality: 2
WaterQuality: 2
GrassQuality: 0
ShaderQuality: 2
Shadow_SoftShadows: 0
UltraShadows_Enabled: false
Shadow_ParticleShadows: true
Shadow_Distance: 1.000000
Shadow_LongShadows: true
Shadow_SplitZStart: 0.930000
Shadow_SplitZEnd: 0.890000
Shadow_aircraftExpWeight: 0.990000
Shadow_DisableScreenSizeCheck: false
Reflection_MipBlur: true
FXAA_Enabled: true
TXAA_Enabled: false
Lighting_FogVolumes: true
Shader_SSA: true
DX_Version: 2
CityDensity: 1.000000
PedVarietyMultiplier: 1.000000
VehicleVarietyMultiplier: 1.000000
PostFX: 0
DoF: false
HdStreamingInFlight: false
MaxLodScale: 1.000000
MotionBlurStrength: 0.000000

5120x3200 Avg. = 30 FPS
Frames Per Second (Higher is better) Min, Max, Avg
Pass 0, 13.990381, 44.639172, 30.928404
Pass 1, 14.892205, 51.680225, 29.881342
Pass 2, 21.666521, 54.832897, 29.557755
Pass 3, 23.473341, 63.101753, 32.787659
Pass 4, 4.807908, 69.893303, 34.222588

Time in milliseconds(ms). (Lower is better). Min, Max, Avg
Pass 0, 22.401850, 71.477684, 32.332737
Pass 1, 19.349760, 67.149223, 33.465698
Pass 2, 18.237226, 46.154156, 33.832069
Pass 3, 15.847421, 42.601521, 30.499281
Pass 4, 14.307523, 207.990662, 29.220467

Frames under 16ms (for 60fps):
Pass 0: 0/290 frames (0.00%)
Pass 1: 0/281 frames (0.00%)
Pass 2: 0/279 frames (0.00%)
Pass 3: 1/307 frames (0.33%)
Pass 4: 2/3904 frames (0.05%)

Frames under 33ms (for 30fps):
Pass 0: 160/290 frames (55.17%)
Pass 1: 102/281 frames (36.30%)
Pass 2: 85/279 frames (30.47%)
Pass 3: 245/307 frames (79.80%)
Pass 4: 3160/3904 frames (80.94%)

Percentiles in ms for pass 0
50%, 32.00
75%, 34.00
80%, 34.00
85%, 35.00
90%, 36.00
91%, 36.00
92%, 36.00
93%, 37.00
94%, 37.00
95%, 37.00
96%, 37.00
97%, 39.00
98%, 40.00
99%, 40.00

Percentiles in ms for pass 1
50%, 33.00
75%, 34.00
80%, 35.00
85%, 35.00
90%, 35.00
91%, 36.00
92%, 36.00
93%, 36.00
94%, 36.00
95%, 36.00
96%, 36.00
97%, 37.00
98%, 37.00
99%, 37.00

Percentiles in ms for pass 2
50%, 33.00
75%, 35.00
80%, 35.00
85%, 36.00
90%, 36.00
91%, 36.00
92%, 36.00
93%, 36.00
94%, 37.00
95%, 37.00
96%, 37.00
97%, 37.00
98%, 38.00
99%, 39.00

Percentiles in ms for pass 3
50%, 30.00
75%, 32.00
80%, 32.00
85%, 33.00
90%, 35.00
91%, 35.00
92%, 35.00
93%, 35.00
94%, 36.00
95%, 37.00
96%, 37.00
97%, 37.00
98%, 38.00
99%, 39.00

Percentiles in ms for pass 4
50%, 28.00
75%, 31.00
80%, 32.00
85%, 35.00
90%, 38.00
91%, 38.00
92%, 39.00
93%, 39.00
94%, 40.00
95%, 40.00
96%, 40.00
97%, 41.00
98%, 42.00
99%, 43.00

=== SYSTEM ===
Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit (6.1, Build 7601)
DX Feature Level: 11.0
Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3570K CPU @ 3.40GHz (4 CPUs), ~4.0GHz
12288MB RAM
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970, 4204MB, Driver Version 350.12
Graphics Card Vendor Id 0x10de with Device ID 0x13c2

=== SETTINGS ===
Display: 5120x3200 (FullScreen) @ 59Hz VSync OFF
Tessellation: 3
LodScale: 1.000000
PedLodBias: 0.200000
VehicleLodBias: 0.000000
ShadowQuality: 2
ReflectionQuality: 2
ReflectionMSAA: 0
AnisotropicFiltering: 16
MSAAFragments: 0
MSAAQuality: 0
TextureQuality: 2
ParticleQuality: 2
WaterQuality: 2
GrassQuality: 0
ShaderQuality: 2
Shadow_SoftShadows: 0
UltraShadows_Enabled: false
Shadow_ParticleShadows: true
Shadow_Distance: 1.000000
Shadow_LongShadows: true
Shadow_SplitZStart: 0.930000
Shadow_SplitZEnd: 0.890000
Shadow_aircraftExpWeight: 0.990000
Shadow_DisableScreenSizeCheck: false
Reflection_MipBlur: true
FXAA_Enabled: true
TXAA_Enabled: false
Lighting_FogVolumes: true
Shader_SSA: true
DX_Version: 2
CityDensity: 1.000000
PedVarietyMultiplier: 1.000000
VehicleVarietyMultiplier: 1.000000
PostFX: 0
DoF: false
HdStreamingInFlight: false
MaxLodScale: 1.000000
MotionBlurStrength: 0.000000

2015-04-19, 12:58:13
Teste bitte trotzdem noch zusätzlich die Pflichteinstellungen, damit wir vergleichen können. :)


2015-04-19, 13:36:58
GTX970 1450Mhz

Sieht schrecklich aus und performt auch so. Für 4k und ~35 FPS muss man einfach Weiche Schatten auf Scharf stellen und Gras auf Normal. Rest kann man auf Sehr Hoch lassen. Ich hab aber 1440p Monitor da ist 2880p Pflicht. Das packt GTX970 weder vom Vram noch Performacemäßig bei max. Details.
Frames Per Second (Higher is better) Min, Max, Avg
Pass 0, 15.889812, 89.335991, 37.072758
Pass 1, 13.655397, 43.180325, 25.939407
Pass 2, 12.794102, 130.954483, 37.589722
Pass 3, 15.307223, 82.824493, 41.857956
Pass 4, 15.711911, 61.422009, 33.463879

Time in milliseconds(ms). (Lower is better). Min, Max, Avg
Pass 0, 11.193697, 62.933407, 26.973984
Pass 1, 23.158695, 73.231117, 38.551380
Pass 2, 7.636241, 78.161018, 26.603018
Pass 3, 12.073723, 65.328636, 23.890322
Pass 4, 16.280809, 63.645981, 29.882967

Frames under 16ms (for 60fps):
Pass 0: 5/331 frames (1.51%)
Pass 1: 0/241 frames (0.00%)
Pass 2: 3/341 frames (0.88%)
Pass 3: 12/379 frames (3.17%)
Pass 4: 0/3757 frames (0.00%)

Frames under 33ms (for 30fps):
Pass 0: 259/331 frames (78.25%)
Pass 1: 22/241 frames (9.13%)
Pass 2: 257/341 frames (75.37%)
Pass 3: 356/379 frames (93.93%)
Pass 4: 2502/3757 frames (66.60%)

Percentiles in ms for pass 0
50%, 27.00
75%, 32.00
80%, 33.00
85%, 34.00
90%, 36.00
91%, 37.00
92%, 37.00
93%, 37.00
94%, 39.00
95%, 39.00
96%, 43.00
97%, 44.00
98%, 46.00
99%, 52.00

Percentiles in ms for pass 1
50%, 39.00
75%, 42.00
80%, 43.00
85%, 44.00
90%, 46.00
91%, 46.00
92%, 47.00
93%, 48.00
94%, 49.00
95%, 49.00
96%, 50.00
97%, 50.00
98%, 51.00
99%, 52.00

Percentiles in ms for pass 2
50%, 25.00
75%, 32.00
80%, 33.00
85%, 34.00
90%, 35.00
91%, 35.00
92%, 35.00
93%, 35.00
94%, 36.00
95%, 36.00
96%, 36.00
97%, 37.00
98%, 38.00
99%, 39.00

Percentiles in ms for pass 3
50%, 24.00
75%, 26.00
80%, 27.00
85%, 28.00
90%, 30.00
91%, 30.00
92%, 31.00
93%, 31.00
94%, 32.00
95%, 34.00
96%, 35.00
97%, 37.00
98%, 40.00
99%, 48.00

Percentiles in ms for pass 4
50%, 30.00
75%, 34.00
80%, 35.00
85%, 37.00
90%, 38.00
91%, 38.00
92%, 39.00
93%, 39.00
94%, 40.00
95%, 40.00
96%, 41.00
97%, 42.00
98%, 44.00
99%, 48.00

=== SYSTEM ===
Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit (6.1, Build 7601)
DX Feature Level: 11.0
Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3570K CPU @ 3.40GHz (4 CPUs), ~4.0GHz
12288MB RAM
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970, 4204MB, Driver Version 350.12
Graphics Card Vendor Id 0x10de with Device ID 0x13c2

=== SETTINGS ===
Display: 2560x1440 (FullScreen) @ 59Hz VSync OFF
Tessellation: 3
LodScale: 1.000000
PedLodBias: 0.200000
VehicleLodBias: 0.000000
ShadowQuality: 3
ReflectionQuality: 2
ReflectionMSAA: 8
AnisotropicFiltering: 16
MSAAFragments: 0
MSAAQuality: 0
TextureQuality: 2
ParticleQuality: 2
WaterQuality: 2
GrassQuality: 3
ShaderQuality: 2
Shadow_SoftShadows: 5
UltraShadows_Enabled: true
Shadow_ParticleShadows: true
Shadow_Distance: 2.000000
Shadow_LongShadows: true
Shadow_SplitZStart: 0.930000
Shadow_SplitZEnd: 0.890000
Shadow_aircraftExpWeight: 0.990000
Shadow_DisableScreenSizeCheck: false
Reflection_MipBlur: true
FXAA_Enabled: true
TXAA_Enabled: false
Lighting_FogVolumes: true
Shader_SSA: true
DX_Version: 2
CityDensity: 1.000000
PedVarietyMultiplier: 1.000000
VehicleVarietyMultiplier: 1.000000
PostFX: 3
DoF: true
HdStreamingInFlight: true
MaxLodScale: 1.000000
MotionBlurStrength: 0.000000

2015-04-19, 13:50:51
Mach mal CPU Test. Würde mich jetzt auch interessieren.

@Raff: Habsch nachjeholt :cool:

2015-04-19, 14:02:54
5820k@4.0GHz # TitanX@1264/4001 350.12 WHQL (HQ) # Win7 x64 SP1

1080p 4xMSAA+FXAA/16xAF

Frames Per Second (Higher is better) Min, Max, Avg
Pass 0, 46.658901, 99.738632, 79.468742
Pass 1, 25.839191, 127.715065, 41.535236
Pass 2, 46.144768, 132.916321, 75.327919
Pass 3, 50.467182, 136.212143, 91.170731
Pass 4, 20.985514, 142.553055, 69.862083

Time in milliseconds(ms). (Lower is better). Min, Max, Avg
Pass 0, 10.026205, 21.432138, 12.583564
Pass 1, 7.829930, 38.700901, 24.075943
Pass 2, 7.523530, 21.670929, 13.275290
Pass 3, 7.341489, 19.814857, 10.968432
Pass 4, 7.014932, 47.651920, 14.313916

Frames under 16ms (for 60fps):
Pass 0: 708/739 frames (95.81%)
Pass 1: 2/385 frames (0.52%)
Pass 2: 458/674 frames (67.95%)
Pass 3: 829/843 frames (98.34%)
Pass 4: 4804/7639 frames (62.89%)

Frames under 33ms (for 30fps):
Pass 0: 739/739 frames (100.00%)
Pass 1: 363/385 frames (94.29%)
Pass 2: 674/674 frames (100.00%)
Pass 3: 843/843 frames (100.00%)
Pass 4: 7635/7639 frames (99.95%)

Percentiles in ms for pass 0
50%, 12.00
75%, 13.00
80%, 14.00
85%, 14.00
90%, 15.00
91%, 15.00
92%, 15.00
93%, 15.00
94%, 15.00
95%, 15.00
96%, 16.00
97%, 16.00
98%, 16.00
99%, 19.00

Percentiles in ms for pass 1
50%, 23.00
75%, 26.00
80%, 26.00
85%, 27.00
90%, 28.00
91%, 29.00
92%, 30.00
93%, 32.00
94%, 32.00
95%, 33.00
96%, 33.00
97%, 34.00
98%, 35.00
99%, 36.00

Percentiles in ms for pass 2
50%, 12.00
75%, 18.00
80%, 18.00
85%, 19.00
90%, 19.00
91%, 19.00
92%, 19.00
93%, 19.00
94%, 20.00
95%, 20.00
96%, 20.00
97%, 20.00
98%, 20.00
99%, 20.00

Percentiles in ms for pass 3
50%, 10.00
75%, 12.00
80%, 12.00
85%, 13.00
90%, 13.00
91%, 14.00
92%, 14.00
93%, 14.00
94%, 14.00
95%, 14.00
96%, 14.00
97%, 15.00
98%, 15.00
99%, 16.00

Percentiles in ms for pass 4
50%, 14.00
75%, 17.00
80%, 18.00
85%, 19.00
90%, 20.00
91%, 21.00
92%, 21.00
93%, 21.00
94%, 21.00
95%, 22.00
96%, 22.00
97%, 23.00
98%, 23.00
99%, 24.00

=== SYSTEM ===
Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit (6.1, Build 7601)
DX Feature Level: 11.0
Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-5820K CPU @ 3.30GHz (12 CPUs), ~3.3GHz
16384MB RAM
NVIDIA GeForce GTX TITAN X, 12769MB, Driver Version 350.12
Graphics Card Vendor Id 0x10de with Device ID 0x17c2

=== SETTINGS ===
Display: 1920x1080 (FullScreen) @ 144Hz VSync OFF
Tessellation: 3
LodScale: 1.000000
PedLodBias: 0.200000
VehicleLodBias: 0.000000
ShadowQuality: 3
ReflectionQuality: 2
ReflectionMSAA: 4
AnisotropicFiltering: 16
MSAAFragments: 0
MSAAQuality: 0
TextureQuality: 2
ParticleQuality: 2
WaterQuality: 2
GrassQuality: 3
ShaderQuality: 2
Shadow_SoftShadows: 5
UltraShadows_Enabled: true
Shadow_ParticleShadows: true
Shadow_Distance: 2.000000
Shadow_LongShadows: true
Shadow_SplitZStart: 0.930000
Shadow_SplitZEnd: 0.890000
Shadow_aircraftExpWeight: 0.990000
Shadow_DisableScreenSizeCheck: false
Reflection_MipBlur: true
FXAA_Enabled: true
TXAA_Enabled: false
Lighting_FogVolumes: true
Shader_SSA: true
DX_Version: 2
CityDensity: 1.000000
PedVarietyMultiplier: 1.000000
VehicleVarietyMultiplier: 1.000000
PostFX: 3
DoF: true
HdStreamingInFlight: true
MaxLodScale: 1.000000
MotionBlurStrength: 0.000000

1440p 4xMSAA+FXAA/16xAF

Frames Per Second (Higher is better) Min, Max, Avg
Pass 0, 38.453423, 93.362381, 58.130852
Pass 1, 19.839844, 130.522171, 33.640190
Pass 2, 36.987270, 123.229645, 53.581310
Pass 3, 42.919609, 142.182190, 63.539959
Pass 4, 14.582740, 92.856941, 51.839813

Time in milliseconds(ms). (Lower is better). Min, Max, Avg
Pass 0, 10.710952, 26.005487, 17.202570
Pass 1, 7.661534, 50.403622, 29.726349
Pass 2, 8.114930, 27.036329, 18.663223
Pass 3, 7.033230, 23.299374, 15.738128
Pass 4, 10.769254, 68.574219, 19.290194

Frames under 16ms (for 60fps):
Pass 0: 145/539 frames (26.90%)
Pass 1: 1/311 frames (0.32%)
Pass 2: 67/488 frames (13.73%)
Pass 3: 364/593 frames (61.38%)
Pass 4: 880/5779 frames (15.23%)

Frames under 33ms (for 30fps):
Pass 0: 539/539 frames (100.00%)
Pass 1: 251/311 frames (80.71%)
Pass 2: 488/488 frames (100.00%)
Pass 3: 593/593 frames (100.00%)
Pass 4: 5762/5779 frames (99.71%)

Percentiles in ms for pass 0
50%, 16.00
75%, 19.00
80%, 20.00
85%, 21.00
90%, 21.00
91%, 21.00
92%, 21.00
93%, 22.00
94%, 22.00
95%, 22.00
96%, 22.00
97%, 22.00
98%, 23.00
99%, 24.00

Percentiles in ms for pass 1
50%, 29.00
75%, 32.00
80%, 32.00
85%, 33.00
90%, 36.00
91%, 37.00
92%, 37.00
93%, 39.00
94%, 39.00
95%, 39.00
96%, 40.00
97%, 41.00
98%, 43.00
99%, 45.00

Percentiles in ms for pass 2
50%, 17.00
75%, 23.00
80%, 24.00
85%, 24.00
90%, 25.00
91%, 25.00
92%, 25.00
93%, 25.00
94%, 25.00
95%, 25.00
96%, 26.00
97%, 26.00
98%, 26.00
99%, 26.00

Percentiles in ms for pass 3
50%, 15.00
75%, 16.00
80%, 17.00
85%, 18.00
90%, 18.00
91%, 19.00
92%, 19.00
93%, 19.00
94%, 19.00
95%, 20.00
96%, 20.00
97%, 21.00
98%, 21.00
99%, 22.00

Percentiles in ms for pass 4
50%, 19.00
75%, 23.00
80%, 24.00
85%, 25.00
90%, 27.00
91%, 27.00
92%, 28.00
93%, 28.00
94%, 28.00
95%, 29.00
96%, 29.00
97%, 29.00
98%, 30.00
99%, 31.00

=== SYSTEM ===
Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit (6.1, Build 7601)
DX Feature Level: 11.0
Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-5820K CPU @ 3.30GHz (12 CPUs), ~3.3GHz
16384MB RAM
NVIDIA GeForce GTX TITAN X, 12769MB, Driver Version 350.12
Graphics Card Vendor Id 0x10de with Device ID 0x17c2

=== SETTINGS ===
Display: 2560x1440 (FullScreen) @ 144Hz VSync OFF
Tessellation: 3
LodScale: 1.000000
PedLodBias: 0.200000
VehicleLodBias: 0.000000
ShadowQuality: 3
ReflectionQuality: 2
ReflectionMSAA: 4
AnisotropicFiltering: 16
MSAAFragments: 0
MSAAQuality: 0
TextureQuality: 2
ParticleQuality: 2
WaterQuality: 2
GrassQuality: 3
ShaderQuality: 2
Shadow_SoftShadows: 5
UltraShadows_Enabled: true
Shadow_ParticleShadows: true
Shadow_Distance: 2.000000
Shadow_LongShadows: true
Shadow_SplitZStart: 0.930000
Shadow_SplitZEnd: 0.890000
Shadow_aircraftExpWeight: 0.990000
Shadow_DisableScreenSizeCheck: false
Reflection_MipBlur: true
FXAA_Enabled: true
TXAA_Enabled: false
Lighting_FogVolumes: true
Shader_SSA: true
DX_Version: 2
CityDensity: 1.000000
PedVarietyMultiplier: 1.000000
VehicleVarietyMultiplier: 1.000000
PostFX: 3
DoF: true
HdStreamingInFlight: true
MaxLodScale: 1.000000
MotionBlurStrength: 0.00000

2160p 4xMSAA+FXAA/16xAF

Frames Per Second (Higher is better) Min, Max, Avg
Pass 0, 22.365219, 34.811077, 30.459827
Pass 1, 13.727156, 127.351898, 21.986977
Pass 2, 22.441957, 125.787010, 29.850513
Pass 3, 24.936396, 139.942291, 33.707291
Pass 4, 16.417694, 100.212891, 28.969807

Time in milliseconds(ms). (Lower is better). Min, Max, Avg
Pass 0, 28.726488, 44.712284, 32.830128
Pass 1, 7.852258, 72.848305, 45.481468
Pass 2, 7.949946, 44.559391, 33.500259
Pass 3, 7.145802, 40.102028, 29.667171
Pass 4, 9.978756, 60.909893, 34.518696

Frames under 16ms (for 60fps):
Pass 0: 0/285 frames (0.00%)
Pass 1: 1/201 frames (0.50%)
Pass 2: 2/273 frames (0.73%)
Pass 3: 2/314 frames (0.64%)
Pass 4: 2/3279 frames (0.06%)

Frames under 33ms (for 30fps):
Pass 0: 206/285 frames (72.28%)
Pass 1: 3/201 frames (1.49%)
Pass 2: 159/273 frames (58.24%)
Pass 3: 266/314 frames (84.71%)
Pass 4: 1374/3279 frames (41.90%)

Percentiles in ms for pass 0
50%, 31.00
75%, 33.00
80%, 37.00
85%, 38.00
90%, 39.00
91%, 39.00
92%, 39.00
93%, 40.00
94%, 40.00
95%, 41.00
96%, 42.00
97%, 42.00
98%, 42.00
99%, 43.00

Percentiles in ms for pass 1
50%, 46.00
75%, 49.00
80%, 50.00
85%, 50.00
90%, 53.00
91%, 54.00
92%, 56.00
93%, 56.00
94%, 57.00
95%, 57.00
96%, 57.00
97%, 59.00
98%, 59.00
99%, 62.00

Percentiles in ms for pass 2
50%, 31.00
75%, 40.00
80%, 41.00
85%, 41.00
90%, 42.00
91%, 42.00
92%, 42.00
93%, 42.00
94%, 42.00
95%, 42.00
96%, 43.00
97%, 43.00
98%, 43.00
99%, 44.00

Percentiles in ms for pass 3
50%, 29.00
75%, 31.00
80%, 32.00
85%, 32.00
90%, 34.00
91%, 35.00
92%, 35.00
93%, 35.00
94%, 36.00
95%, 36.00
96%, 37.00
97%, 37.00
98%, 37.00
99%, 38.00

Percentiles in ms for pass 4
50%, 34.00
75%, 39.00
80%, 41.00
85%, 42.00
90%, 45.00
91%, 46.00
92%, 47.00
93%, 47.00
94%, 48.00
95%, 48.00
96%, 48.00
97%, 49.00
98%, 49.00
99%, 50.00

=== SYSTEM ===
Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit (6.1, Build 7601)
DX Feature Level: 11.0
Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-5820K CPU @ 3.30GHz (12 CPUs), ~3.3GHz
16384MB RAM
NVIDIA GeForce GTX TITAN X, 12769MB, Driver Version 350.12
Graphics Card Vendor Id 0x10de with Device ID 0x17c2

=== SETTINGS ===
Display: 3840x2160 (FullScreen) @ 144Hz VSync OFF
Tessellation: 3
LodScale: 1.000000
PedLodBias: 0.200000
VehicleLodBias: 0.000000
ShadowQuality: 3
ReflectionQuality: 2
ReflectionMSAA: 4
AnisotropicFiltering: 16
MSAAFragments: 0
MSAAQuality: 0
TextureQuality: 2
ParticleQuality: 2
WaterQuality: 2
GrassQuality: 3
ShaderQuality: 2
Shadow_SoftShadows: 5
UltraShadows_Enabled: true
Shadow_ParticleShadows: true
Shadow_Distance: 2.000000
Shadow_LongShadows: true
Shadow_SplitZStart: 0.930000
Shadow_SplitZEnd: 0.890000
Shadow_aircraftExpWeight: 0.990000
Shadow_DisableScreenSizeCheck: false
Reflection_MipBlur: true
FXAA_Enabled: true
TXAA_Enabled: false
Lighting_FogVolumes: true
Shader_SSA: true
DX_Version: 2
CityDensity: 1.000000
PedVarietyMultiplier: 1.000000
VehicleVarietyMultiplier: 1.000000
PostFX: 3
DoF: true
HdStreamingInFlight: true
MaxLodScale: 1.000000
MotionBlurStrength: 0.000000

2015-04-19, 15:03:42
Beim CPU Test sind die FPS nicht viel anders als mit 1440p. Man ist viel zu oft bei 30 min. FPS und drunter.

Deswegen bleibt auch nichts anderes übrig als die GPU mit UltraHD auf die selben FPS zu prügeln.

720p IvyBidge 4Ghz/GTX970 1450Mhz
Frames Per Second (Higher is better) Min, Max, Avg
Pass 0, 33.351593, 67.559586, 52.394943
Pass 1, 16.564072, 72.835480, 39.172684
Pass 2, 34.722988, 101.162361, 60.783489
Pass 3, 36.016392, 85.305634, 60.856289
Pass 4, 18.041758, 86.566666, 44.344326

Time in milliseconds(ms). (Lower is better). Min, Max, Avg
Pass 0, 14.801748, 29.983576, 19.085812
Pass 1, 13.729572, 60.371628, 25.527992
Pass 2, 9.885099, 28.799364, 16.451836
Pass 3, 11.722555, 27.765135, 16.432156
Pass 4, 11.551790, 55.426971, 22.550800

Frames under 16ms (for 60fps):
Pass 0: 22/488 frames (4.51%)
Pass 1: 2/353 frames (0.57%)
Pass 2: 233/553 frames (42.13%)
Pass 3: 261/565 frames (46.19%)
Pass 4: 259/4891 frames (5.30%)

Frames under 33ms (for 30fps):
Pass 0: 488/488 frames (100.00%)
Pass 1: 313/353 frames (88.67%)
Pass 2: 553/553 frames (100.00%)
Pass 3: 565/565 frames (100.00%)
Pass 4: 4623/4891 frames (94.52%)

Percentiles in ms for pass 0
50%, 18.00
75%, 20.00
80%, 21.00
85%, 21.00
90%, 22.00
91%, 23.00
92%, 23.00
93%, 23.00
94%, 24.00
95%, 24.00
96%, 25.00
97%, 25.00
98%, 26.00
99%, 27.00

Percentiles in ms for pass 1
50%, 25.00
75%, 29.00
80%, 30.00
85%, 32.00
90%, 33.00
91%, 33.00
92%, 34.00
93%, 35.00
94%, 35.00
95%, 37.00
96%, 39.00
97%, 41.00
98%, 45.00
99%, 52.00

Percentiles in ms for pass 2
50%, 16.00
75%, 19.00
80%, 20.00
85%, 21.00
90%, 21.00
91%, 21.00
92%, 21.00
93%, 22.00
94%, 22.00
95%, 22.00
96%, 22.00
97%, 22.00
98%, 23.00
99%, 24.00

Percentiles in ms for pass 3
50%, 16.00
75%, 18.00
80%, 18.00
85%, 19.00
90%, 20.00
91%, 20.00
92%, 20.00
93%, 20.00
94%, 21.00
95%, 21.00
96%, 21.00
97%, 22.00
98%, 22.00
99%, 24.00

Percentiles in ms for pass 4
50%, 23.00
75%, 26.00
80%, 27.00
85%, 29.00
90%, 30.00
91%, 31.00
92%, 31.00
93%, 32.00
94%, 32.00
95%, 33.00
96%, 34.00
97%, 35.00
98%, 36.00
99%, 40.00

=== SYSTEM ===
Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit (6.1, Build 7601)
DX Feature Level: 11.0
Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3570K CPU @ 3.40GHz (4 CPUs), ~4.0GHz
12288MB RAM
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970, 4204MB, Driver Version 350.12
Graphics Card Vendor Id 0x10de with Device ID 0x13c2

=== SETTINGS ===
Display: 1280x768 (FullScreen) @ 59Hz VSync OFF
Tessellation: 3
LodScale: 1.000000
PedLodBias: 0.200000
VehicleLodBias: 0.000000
ShadowQuality: 3
ReflectionQuality: 3
ReflectionMSAA: 0
AnisotropicFiltering: 16
MSAAFragments: 0
MSAAQuality: 0
TextureQuality: 2
ParticleQuality: 2
WaterQuality: 2
GrassQuality: 3
ShaderQuality: 2
Shadow_SoftShadows: 5
UltraShadows_Enabled: true
Shadow_ParticleShadows: true
Shadow_Distance: 2.000000
Shadow_LongShadows: true
Shadow_SplitZStart: 0.930000
Shadow_SplitZEnd: 0.890000
Shadow_aircraftExpWeight: 0.990000
Shadow_DisableScreenSizeCheck: false
Reflection_MipBlur: true
FXAA_Enabled: true
TXAA_Enabled: false
Lighting_FogVolumes: true
Shader_SSA: true
DX_Version: 2
CityDensity: 1.000000
PedVarietyMultiplier: 1.000000
VehicleVarietyMultiplier: 1.000000
PostFX: 3
DoF: true
HdStreamingInFlight: true
MaxLodScale: 1.000000
MotionBlurStrength: 0.000000

2015-04-19, 16:02:15
Mein alternder Titan ist zwar auf Viagra und Klosterfrau Melissengeist zugleich, hat mit meinen Wunscheinstellungen aber trotzdem stark zu kämpfen. AMD, bitte kommt mal zu Potte, sonst muss ich schon wieder überteuerten Unsinn kaufen. :freak: Derzeit bin ich bei 3.200 × 2.000 mit allem am Anschlag hängen geblieben, 2400p oder 2000p mit 4x TXAA wäre aber schön gewesen.

Immerhin: Speicherruckeln kennt die 6-GiB-Kiste nach wie vor nicht – nie – und die GTX 780 Ti @ 1.200/3.703 MHz (http://www.forum-3dcenter.org/vbulletin/showpost.php?p=10594080&postcount=5) bekommt ab 2.560 × 1.440 mit 4x MSAA ziemlich den Hintern versohlt. :naughty:

1.280 × 720, kein AA/AF:
Pass 1, 30.551527, 56.452538, 43.358189
Pass 2, 42.999100, 109.044762, 67.768417
Pass 3, 50.358971, 111.852432, 83.864143
Pass 4, 22.384640, 109.313293, 59.114731

Time in milliseconds(ms). (Lower is better). Min, Max, Avg
Pass 0, 15.277281, 22.547281, 17.185652
Pass 1, 17.713995, 32.731586, 23.063694
Pass 2, 9.170546, 23.256300, 14.756136
Pass 3, 8.940351, 19.857435, 11.924047
Pass 4, 9.148018, 44.673492, 16.916258

Frames under 16ms (for 60fps):
Pass 0: 30/549 frames (5.46%)
Pass 1: 0/405 frames (0.00%)
Pass 2: 390/609 frames (64.04%)
Pass 3: 667/770 frames (86.62%)
Pass 4: 2165/6624 frames (32.68%)

Frames under 33ms (for 30fps):
Pass 0: 549/549 frames (100.00%)
Pass 1: 405/405 frames (100.00%)
Pass 2: 609/609 frames (100.00%)
Pass 3: 770/770 frames (100.00%)
Pass 4: 6621/6624 frames (99.95%)

Percentiles in ms for pass 0
50%, 17.00
75%, 17.00
80%, 17.00
85%, 17.00
90%, 18.00
91%, 18.00
92%, 18.00
93%, 18.00
94%, 18.00
95%, 18.00
96%, 19.00
97%, 19.00
98%, 19.00
99%, 20.00

Percentiles in ms for pass 1
50%, 22.00
75%, 24.00
80%, 24.00
85%, 26.00
90%, 27.00
91%, 27.00
92%, 27.00
93%, 28.00
94%, 29.00
95%, 29.00
96%, 29.00
97%, 30.00
98%, 31.00
99%, 32.00

Percentiles in ms for pass 2
50%, 14.00
75%, 19.00
80%, 19.00
85%, 20.00
90%, 20.00
91%, 20.00
92%, 20.00
93%, 20.00
94%, 20.00
95%, 20.00
96%, 20.00
97%, 20.00
98%, 21.00
99%, 21.00

Percentiles in ms for pass 3
50%, 11.00
75%, 13.00
80%, 14.00
85%, 15.00
90%, 16.00
91%, 16.00
92%, 16.00
93%, 16.00
94%, 16.00
95%, 16.00
96%, 17.00
97%, 17.00
98%, 17.00
99%, 18.00

Percentiles in ms for pass 4
50%, 17.00
75%, 19.00
80%, 20.00
85%, 20.00
90%, 21.00
91%, 21.00
92%, 21.00
93%, 21.00
94%, 22.00
95%, 22.00
96%, 22.00
97%, 22.00
98%, 23.00
99%, 24.00

=== SYSTEM ===
Windows 8.1 Pro 64-bit (6.2, Build 9200)
DX Feature Level: 11.0
Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-5820K CPU @ 3.30GHz (12 CPUs), ~25.5GHz
16384MB RAM
NVIDIA GeForce GTX TITAN, 6338MB, Driver Version 350.12
Graphics Card Vendor Id 0x10de with Device ID 0x1005

=== SETTINGS ===
Display: 1280x720 (FullScreen) @ 59Hz VSync OFF
Tessellation: 3
LodScale: 1.000000
PedLodBias: 0.200000
VehicleLodBias: 0.000000
ShadowQuality: 3
ReflectionQuality: 3
ReflectionMSAA: 0
AnisotropicFiltering: 0
MSAAFragments: 0
MSAAQuality: 0
TextureQuality: 2
ParticleQuality: 2
WaterQuality: 2
GrassQuality: 3
ShaderQuality: 2
Shadow_SoftShadows: 5
UltraShadows_Enabled: true
Shadow_ParticleShadows: true
Shadow_Distance: 2.000000
Shadow_LongShadows: true
Shadow_SplitZStart: 0.930000
Shadow_SplitZEnd: 0.890000
Shadow_aircraftExpWeight: 0.990000
Shadow_DisableScreenSizeCheck: false
Reflection_MipBlur: true
FXAA_Enabled: false
TXAA_Enabled: false
Lighting_FogVolumes: true
Shader_SSA: true
DX_Version: 2
CityDensity: 1.000000
PedVarietyMultiplier: 1.000000
VehicleVarietyMultiplier: 1.000000
PostFX: 3
DoF: true
HdStreamingInFlight: true
MaxLodScale: 1.000000
MotionBlurStrength: 0.000000

1.920 × 1.080 mit FXAA/16:1 AF:
Pass 1, 24.515032, 49.523369, 37.955784
Pass 2, 40.139469, 130.535370, 67.221344
Pass 3, 41.968697, 104.736298, 73.924248
Pass 4, 13.290742, 112.305214, 56.779865

Time in milliseconds(ms). (Lower is better). Min, Max, Avg
Pass 0, 15.101973, 20.810574, 17.098383
Pass 1, 20.192488, 40.791298, 26.346445
Pass 2, 7.660759, 24.913136, 14.876227
Pass 3, 9.547789, 23.827282, 13.527361
Pass 4, 8.904306, 75.240341, 17.611877

Frames under 16ms (for 60fps):
Pass 0: 41/553 frames (7.41%)
Pass 1: 0/353 frames (0.00%)
Pass 2: 396/604 frames (65.56%)
Pass 3: 545/685 frames (79.56%)
Pass 4: 1671/6289 frames (26.57%)

Frames under 33ms (for 30fps):
Pass 0: 553/553 frames (100.00%)
Pass 1: 325/353 frames (92.07%)
Pass 2: 604/604 frames (100.00%)
Pass 3: 685/685 frames (100.00%)
Pass 4: 6283/6289 frames (99.90%)

Percentiles in ms for pass 0
50%, 17.00
75%, 17.00
80%, 17.00
85%, 17.00
90%, 18.00
91%, 18.00
92%, 18.00
93%, 18.00
94%, 18.00
95%, 18.00
96%, 18.00
97%, 19.00
98%, 19.00
99%, 19.00

Percentiles in ms for pass 1
50%, 25.00
75%, 28.00
80%, 29.00
85%, 30.00
90%, 32.00
91%, 32.00
92%, 32.00
93%, 33.00
94%, 33.00
95%, 34.00
96%, 35.00
97%, 36.00
98%, 37.00
99%, 39.00

Percentiles in ms for pass 2
50%, 14.00
75%, 19.00
80%, 19.00
85%, 20.00
90%, 20.00
91%, 21.00
92%, 21.00
93%, 21.00
94%, 21.00
95%, 21.00
96%, 21.00
97%, 22.00
98%, 22.00
99%, 22.00

Percentiles in ms for pass 3
50%, 13.00
75%, 14.00
80%, 16.00
85%, 16.00
90%, 16.00
91%, 16.00
92%, 17.00
93%, 17.00
94%, 17.00
95%, 17.00
96%, 17.00
97%, 17.00
98%, 18.00
99%, 18.00

Percentiles in ms for pass 4
50%, 18.00
75%, 21.00
80%, 21.00
85%, 22.00
90%, 23.00
91%, 23.00
92%, 23.00
93%, 23.00
94%, 24.00
95%, 24.00
96%, 24.00
97%, 25.00
98%, 26.00
99%, 27.00

=== SYSTEM ===
Windows 8.1 Pro 64-bit (6.2, Build 9200)
DX Feature Level: 11.0
Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-5820K CPU @ 3.30GHz (12 CPUs), ~25.5GHz
16384MB RAM
NVIDIA GeForce GTX TITAN, 6338MB, Driver Version 350.12
Graphics Card Vendor Id 0x10de with Device ID 0x1005

=== SETTINGS ===
Display: 1920x1080 (FullScreen) @ 59Hz VSync OFF
Tessellation: 3
LodScale: 1.000000
PedLodBias: 0.200000
VehicleLodBias: 0.000000
ShadowQuality: 3
ReflectionQuality: 3
ReflectionMSAA: 0
AnisotropicFiltering: 16
MSAAFragments: 0
MSAAQuality: 0
TextureQuality: 2
ParticleQuality: 2
WaterQuality: 2
GrassQuality: 3
ShaderQuality: 2
Shadow_SoftShadows: 5
UltraShadows_Enabled: true
Shadow_ParticleShadows: true
Shadow_Distance: 2.000000
Shadow_LongShadows: true
Shadow_SplitZStart: 0.930000
Shadow_SplitZEnd: 0.890000
Shadow_aircraftExpWeight: 0.990000
Shadow_DisableScreenSizeCheck: false
Reflection_MipBlur: true
FXAA_Enabled: true
TXAA_Enabled: false
Lighting_FogVolumes: true
Shader_SSA: true
DX_Version: 2
CityDensity: 1.000000
PedVarietyMultiplier: 1.000000
VehicleVarietyMultiplier: 1.000000
PostFX: 3
DoF: true
HdStreamingInFlight: true
MaxLodScale: 1.000000
MotionBlurStrength: 0.000000

1.920 × 1.080 mit 4x MSAA+FXAA/16:1 AF:
Pass 1, 13.783425, 44.505669, 31.021471
Pass 2, 27.301735, 96.858009, 52.539227
Pass 3, 34.007092, 87.716133, 57.908783
Pass 4, 9.014588, 97.620979, 47.439476

Time in milliseconds(ms). (Lower is better). Min, Max, Avg
Pass 0, 15.503381, 29.220083, 18.384306
Pass 1, 22.469048, 72.550903, 32.235737
Pass 2, 10.324391, 36.627708, 19.033398
Pass 3, 11.400412, 29.405632, 17.268538
Pass 4, 10.243700, 110.931297, 21.079491

Frames under 16ms (for 60fps):
Pass 0: 12/508 frames (2.36%)
Pass 1: 0/290 frames (0.00%)
Pass 2: 77/473 frames (16.28%)
Pass 3: 145/536 frames (27.05%)
Pass 4: 358/5279 frames (6.78%)

Frames under 33ms (for 30fps):
Pass 0: 508/508 frames (100.00%)
Pass 1: 173/290 frames (59.66%)
Pass 2: 469/473 frames (99.15%)
Pass 3: 536/536 frames (100.00%)
Pass 4: 5223/5279 frames (98.94%)

Percentiles in ms for pass 0
50%, 17.00
75%, 19.00
80%, 20.00
85%, 21.00
90%, 22.00
91%, 22.00
92%, 22.00
93%, 22.00
94%, 23.00
95%, 23.00
96%, 24.00
97%, 24.00
98%, 25.00
99%, 26.00

Percentiles in ms for pass 1
50%, 31.00
75%, 34.00
80%, 35.00
85%, 36.00
90%, 37.00
91%, 38.00
92%, 38.00
93%, 39.00
94%, 39.00
95%, 39.00
96%, 39.00
97%, 40.00
98%, 40.00
99%, 43.00

Percentiles in ms for pass 2
50%, 17.00
75%, 25.00
80%, 25.00
85%, 26.00
90%, 26.00
91%, 26.00
92%, 27.00
93%, 27.00
94%, 27.00
95%, 27.00
96%, 27.00
97%, 28.00
98%, 29.00
99%, 31.00

Percentiles in ms for pass 3
50%, 17.00
75%, 19.00
80%, 19.00
85%, 20.00
90%, 21.00
91%, 21.00
92%, 22.00
93%, 22.00
94%, 22.00
95%, 22.00
96%, 23.00
97%, 23.00
98%, 24.00
99%, 25.00

Percentiles in ms for pass 4
50%, 21.00
75%, 25.00
80%, 26.00
85%, 27.00
90%, 28.00
91%, 28.00
92%, 28.00
93%, 29.00
94%, 29.00
95%, 29.00
96%, 30.00
97%, 30.00
98%, 31.00
99%, 33.00

=== SYSTEM ===
Windows 8.1 Pro 64-bit (6.2, Build 9200)
DX Feature Level: 11.0
Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-5820K CPU @ 3.30GHz (12 CPUs), ~25.5GHz
16384MB RAM
NVIDIA GeForce GTX TITAN, 6338MB, Driver Version 350.12
Graphics Card Vendor Id 0x10de with Device ID 0x1005

=== SETTINGS ===
Display: 1920x1080 (FullScreen) @ 59Hz VSync OFF
Tessellation: 3
LodScale: 1.000000
PedLodBias: 0.200000
VehicleLodBias: 0.000000
ShadowQuality: 3
ReflectionQuality: 3
ReflectionMSAA: 4
AnisotropicFiltering: 16
MSAAFragments: 0
MSAAQuality: 0
TextureQuality: 2
ParticleQuality: 2
WaterQuality: 2
GrassQuality: 3
ShaderQuality: 2
Shadow_SoftShadows: 5
UltraShadows_Enabled: true
Shadow_ParticleShadows: true
Shadow_Distance: 2.000000
Shadow_LongShadows: true
Shadow_SplitZStart: 0.930000
Shadow_SplitZEnd: 0.890000
Shadow_aircraftExpWeight: 0.990000
Shadow_DisableScreenSizeCheck: false
Reflection_MipBlur: true
FXAA_Enabled: true
TXAA_Enabled: false
Lighting_FogVolumes: true
Shader_SSA: true
DX_Version: 2
CityDensity: 1.000000
PedVarietyMultiplier: 1.000000
VehicleVarietyMultiplier: 1.000000
PostFX: 3
DoF: true
HdStreamingInFlight: true
MaxLodScale: 1.000000
MotionBlurStrength: 0.000000

2.560 × 1.440 mit 4x MSAA+FXAA/16:1 AF:
Pass 1, 16.460243, 40.319729, 25.541332
Pass 2, 27.580832, 82.224167, 39.331573
Pass 3, 26.566410, 75.772812, 42.772652
Pass 4, 12.516405, 63.255260, 36.368443

Time in milliseconds(ms). (Lower is better). Min, Max, Avg
Pass 0, 15.987549, 38.298107, 23.960247
Pass 1, 24.801754, 60.752445, 39.152225
Pass 2, 12.161875, 36.257065, 25.424866
Pass 3, 13.197346, 37.641518, 23.379425
Pass 4, 15.808962, 79.895142, 27.496367

Frames under 16ms (for 60fps):
Pass 0: 1/387 frames (0.26%)
Pass 1: 0/239 frames (0.00%)
Pass 2: 1/361 frames (0.28%)
Pass 3: 3/399 frames (0.75%)
Pass 4: 1/4084 frames (0.02%)

Frames under 33ms (for 30fps):
Pass 0: 381/387 frames (98.45%)
Pass 1: 4/239 frames (1.67%)
Pass 2: 313/361 frames (86.70%)
Pass 3: 395/399 frames (99.00%)
Pass 4: 3212/4084 frames (78.65%)

Percentiles in ms for pass 0
50%, 23.00
75%, 26.00
80%, 27.00
85%, 28.00
90%, 29.00
91%, 29.00
92%, 30.00
93%, 30.00
94%, 30.00
95%, 30.00
96%, 31.00
97%, 31.00
98%, 32.00
99%, 34.00

Percentiles in ms for pass 1
50%, 38.00
75%, 41.00
80%, 42.00
85%, 44.00
90%, 46.00
91%, 46.00
92%, 46.00
93%, 47.00
94%, 47.00
95%, 47.00
96%, 48.00
97%, 48.00
98%, 49.00
99%, 50.00

Percentiles in ms for pass 2
50%, 23.00
75%, 31.00
80%, 32.00
85%, 32.00
90%, 33.00
91%, 33.00
92%, 33.00
93%, 34.00
94%, 34.00
95%, 34.00
96%, 34.00
97%, 34.00
98%, 34.00
99%, 35.00

Percentiles in ms for pass 3
50%, 23.00
75%, 25.00
80%, 25.00
85%, 26.00
90%, 27.00
91%, 27.00
92%, 28.00
93%, 29.00
94%, 29.00
95%, 30.00
96%, 30.00
97%, 30.00
98%, 31.00
99%, 32.00

Percentiles in ms for pass 4
50%, 28.00
75%, 32.00
80%, 33.00
85%, 34.00
90%, 36.00
91%, 36.00
92%, 36.00
93%, 37.00
94%, 37.00
95%, 37.00
96%, 38.00
97%, 38.00
98%, 39.00
99%, 40.00

=== SYSTEM ===
Windows 8.1 Pro 64-bit (6.2, Build 9200)
DX Feature Level: 11.0
Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-5820K CPU @ 3.30GHz (12 CPUs), ~25.5GHz
16384MB RAM
NVIDIA GeForce GTX TITAN, 6338MB, Driver Version 350.12
Graphics Card Vendor Id 0x10de with Device ID 0x1005

=== SETTINGS ===
Display: 2560x1440 (FullScreen) @ 59Hz VSync OFF
Tessellation: 3
LodScale: 1.000000
PedLodBias: 0.200000
VehicleLodBias: 0.000000
ShadowQuality: 3
ReflectionQuality: 3
ReflectionMSAA: 4
AnisotropicFiltering: 16
MSAAFragments: 0
MSAAQuality: 0
TextureQuality: 2
ParticleQuality: 2
WaterQuality: 2
GrassQuality: 3
ShaderQuality: 2
Shadow_SoftShadows: 5
UltraShadows_Enabled: true
Shadow_ParticleShadows: true
Shadow_Distance: 2.000000
Shadow_LongShadows: true
Shadow_SplitZStart: 0.930000
Shadow_SplitZEnd: 0.890000
Shadow_aircraftExpWeight: 0.990000
Shadow_DisableScreenSizeCheck: false
Reflection_MipBlur: true
FXAA_Enabled: true
TXAA_Enabled: false
Lighting_FogVolumes: true
Shader_SSA: true
DX_Version: 2
CityDensity: 1.000000
PedVarietyMultiplier: 1.000000
VehicleVarietyMultiplier: 1.000000
PostFX: 3
DoF: true
HdStreamingInFlight: true
MaxLodScale: 1.000000
MotionBlurStrength: 0.000000

3.840 × 2.160* mit 4x MSAA+FXAA/16:1 AF:
Pass 1, 10.959531, 36.247292, 15.389479
Pass 2, 15.186047, 78.052368, 20.277483
Pass 3, 12.547089, 63.278214, 21.156172
Pass 4, 10.690639, 49.728077, 19.750278

Time in milliseconds(ms). (Lower is better). Min, Max, Avg
Pass 0, 27.338003, 960.605774, 49.765373
Pass 1, 27.588268, 91.244781, 64.979462
Pass 2, 12.811911, 65.849922, 49.315784
Pass 3, 15.803227, 79.699760, 47.267532
Pass 4, 20.109364, 93.539772, 50.632198

Frames under 16ms (for 60fps):
Pass 0: 0/189 frames (0.00%)
Pass 1: 0/149 frames (0.00%)
Pass 2: 1/187 frames (0.53%)
Pass 3: 1/196 frames (0.51%)
Pass 4: 0/2258 frames (0.00%)

Frames under 33ms (for 30fps):
Pass 0: 1/189 frames (0.53%)
Pass 1: 2/149 frames (1.34%)
Pass 2: 2/187 frames (1.07%)
Pass 3: 2/196 frames (1.02%)
Pass 4: 6/2258 frames (0.27%)

Percentiles in ms for pass 0
50%, 47.00
75%, 53.00
80%, 55.00
85%, 57.00
90%, 59.00
91%, 59.00
92%, 59.00
93%, 59.00
94%, 60.00
95%, 60.00
96%, 61.00
97%, 67.00
98%, 73.00
99%, 80.00

Percentiles in ms for pass 1
50%, 65.00
75%, 69.00
80%, 70.00
85%, 71.00
90%, 73.00
91%, 73.00
92%, 74.00
93%, 74.00
94%, 74.00
95%, 75.00
96%, 76.00
97%, 76.00
98%, 83.00
99%, 86.00

Percentiles in ms for pass 2
50%, 48.00
75%, 57.00
80%, 58.00
85%, 58.00
90%, 59.00
91%, 60.00
92%, 60.00
93%, 60.00
94%, 60.00
95%, 60.00
96%, 61.00
97%, 62.00
98%, 62.00
99%, 64.00

Percentiles in ms for pass 3
50%, 47.00
75%, 50.00
80%, 51.00
85%, 52.00
90%, 56.00
91%, 56.00
92%, 57.00
93%, 57.00
94%, 58.00
95%, 58.00
96%, 59.00
97%, 60.00
98%, 61.00
99%, 65.00

Percentiles in ms for pass 4
50%, 50.00
75%, 57.00
80%, 58.00
85%, 60.00
90%, 64.00
91%, 64.00
92%, 65.00
93%, 65.00
94%, 66.00
95%, 66.00
96%, 67.00
97%, 67.00
98%, 68.00
99%, 70.00

=== SYSTEM ===
Windows 8.1 Pro 64-bit (6.2, Build 9200)
DX Feature Level: 11.0
Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-5820K CPU @ 3.30GHz (12 CPUs), ~25.5GHz
16384MB RAM
NVIDIA GeForce GTX TITAN, 6338MB, Driver Version 350.12
Graphics Card Vendor Id 0x10de with Device ID 0x1005

=== SETTINGS ===
Display: 3840x2160 (FullScreen) @ 60Hz VSync OFF
Tessellation: 3
LodScale: 1.000000
PedLodBias: 0.200000
VehicleLodBias: 0.000000
ShadowQuality: 3
ReflectionQuality: 3
ReflectionMSAA: 4
AnisotropicFiltering: 16
MSAAFragments: 0
MSAAQuality: 0
TextureQuality: 2
ParticleQuality: 2
WaterQuality: 2
GrassQuality: 3
ShaderQuality: 2
Shadow_SoftShadows: 5
UltraShadows_Enabled: true
Shadow_ParticleShadows: true
Shadow_Distance: 2.000000
Shadow_LongShadows: true
Shadow_SplitZStart: 0.930000
Shadow_SplitZEnd: 0.890000
Shadow_aircraftExpWeight: 0.990000
Shadow_DisableScreenSizeCheck: false
Reflection_MipBlur: true
FXAA_Enabled: true
TXAA_Enabled: false
Lighting_FogVolumes: true
Shader_SSA: true
DX_Version: 2
CityDensity: 1.000000
PedVarietyMultiplier: 1.000000
VehicleVarietyMultiplier: 1.000000
PostFX: 3
DoF: true
HdStreamingInFlight: true
MaxLodScale: 1.000000
MotionBlurStrength: 0.000000

5.120 × 3.200*, FXAA/16:1 AF:
Pass 1, 12.970853, 45.479778, 15.434784
Pass 2, 14.899122, 78.963707, 19.751860
Pass 3, 12.876719, 67.233971, 20.659447
Pass 4, 10.969330, 53.474972, 18.828243

Time in milliseconds(ms). (Lower is better). Min, Max, Avg
Pass 0, 19.871796, 102.652992, 49.072559
Pass 1, 21.987795, 77.095932, 64.788727
Pass 2, 12.664045, 67.118050, 50.628143
Pass 3, 14.873434, 77.659538, 48.404007
Pass 4, 18.700336, 91.163269, 53.111698

Frames under 16ms (for 60fps):
Pass 0: 0/189 frames (0.00%)
Pass 1: 0/148 frames (0.00%)
Pass 2: 1/181 frames (0.55%)
Pass 3: 1/191 frames (0.52%)
Pass 4: 0/2171 frames (0.00%)

Frames under 33ms (for 30fps):
Pass 0: 2/189 frames (1.06%)
Pass 1: 2/148 frames (1.35%)
Pass 2: 2/181 frames (1.10%)
Pass 3: 2/191 frames (1.05%)
Pass 4: 3/2171 frames (0.14%)

Percentiles in ms for pass 0
50%, 49.00
75%, 55.00
80%, 57.00
85%, 58.00
90%, 59.00
91%, 60.00
92%, 60.00
93%, 60.00
94%, 61.00
95%, 62.00
96%, 64.00
97%, 66.00
98%, 68.00
99%, 76.00

Percentiles in ms for pass 1
50%, 65.00
75%, 68.00
80%, 69.00
85%, 70.00
90%, 72.00
91%, 72.00
92%, 73.00
93%, 73.00
94%, 74.00
95%, 74.00
96%, 74.00
97%, 75.00
98%, 75.00
99%, 76.00

Percentiles in ms for pass 2
50%, 49.00
75%, 58.00
80%, 59.00
85%, 59.00
90%, 60.00
91%, 60.00
92%, 60.00
93%, 60.00
94%, 61.00
95%, 61.00
96%, 61.00
97%, 64.00
98%, 65.00
99%, 65.00

Percentiles in ms for pass 3
50%, 49.00
75%, 54.00
80%, 54.00
85%, 56.00
90%, 57.00
91%, 58.00
92%, 58.00
93%, 59.00
94%, 60.00
95%, 62.00
96%, 62.00
97%, 67.00
98%, 69.00
99%, 71.00

Percentiles in ms for pass 4
50%, 52.00
75%, 57.00
80%, 59.00
85%, 62.00
90%, 66.00
91%, 67.00
92%, 67.00
93%, 68.00
94%, 68.00
95%, 69.00
96%, 69.00
97%, 70.00
98%, 71.00
99%, 72.00

=== SYSTEM ===
Windows 8.1 Pro 64-bit (6.2, Build 9200)
DX Feature Level: 11.0
Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-5820K CPU @ 3.30GHz (12 CPUs), ~25.5GHz
16384MB RAM
NVIDIA GeForce GTX TITAN, 6338MB, Driver Version 350.12
Graphics Card Vendor Id 0x10de with Device ID 0x1005

=== SETTINGS ===
Display: 5120x3200 (FullScreen) @ 60Hz VSync OFF
Tessellation: 3
LodScale: 1.000000
PedLodBias: 0.200000
VehicleLodBias: 0.000000
ShadowQuality: 3
ReflectionQuality: 3
ReflectionMSAA: 0
AnisotropicFiltering: 16
MSAAFragments: 0
MSAAQuality: 0
TextureQuality: 2
ParticleQuality: 2
WaterQuality: 2
GrassQuality: 3
ShaderQuality: 2
Shadow_SoftShadows: 5
UltraShadows_Enabled: true
Shadow_ParticleShadows: true
Shadow_Distance: 2.000000
Shadow_LongShadows: true
Shadow_SplitZStart: 0.930000
Shadow_SplitZEnd: 0.890000
Shadow_aircraftExpWeight: 0.990000
Shadow_DisableScreenSizeCheck: false
Reflection_MipBlur: true
FXAA_Enabled: true
TXAA_Enabled: false
Lighting_FogVolumes: true
Shader_SSA: true
DX_Version: 2
CityDensity: 1.000000
PedVarietyMultiplier: 1.000000
VehicleVarietyMultiplier: 1.000000
PostFX: 3
DoF: true
HdStreamingInFlight: true
MaxLodScale: 1.000000
MotionBlurStrength: 0.000000

*Custom Resolution, also Downsampling

Core i7-5820K @ 2,5 GHz (0,78 Volt), 4 × 4 GiByte DDR4 @ 1.100 MHz bei 15-15-15-20-1T (1,2 Volt), GeForce GTX Titan/6G @ 1.254/3.703 MHz, GeForce 350.12 WHQL @ Q, aufgeräumtes Windows 8.1 x64


2015-04-19, 23:01:07
Ich brauch ne neue CPU :ugly:

Core i7-3770K stock, 16 GB DDR3-1334, R9 290X @ 1.040/2.600, Win8.1 x64, Cat 15.4 Beta HQ

1.280 × 720, kein AA/AF
Pass 1, 23.226810, 47.838703, 36.786747
Pass 2, 25.254602, 125.445274, 45.900711
Pass 3, 37.189796, 96.440422, 64.307907
Pass 4, 23.005411, 122.511497, 43.540325

1.920 × 1.080 mit FXAA/16:1 AF
Pass 1, 19.579330, 46.930199, 33.242500
Pass 2, 24.695883, 126.614319, 44.844593
Pass 3, 29.287947, 81.194016, 54.372169
Pass 4, 20.778627, 124.551865, 40.644428

1.920 × 1.080 mit 4x MSAA+FXAA/16:1 AF
Pass 1, 15.961685, 41.535488, 26.529036
Pass 2, 24.658920, 127.271126, 40.631432
Pass 3, 21.113098, 90.015305, 45.957413
Pass 4, 18.937937, 116.314674, 35.803093

2.560 × 1.440 mit 4x MSAA+FXAA/16:1 AF
Pass 1, 12.484276, 38.194454, 20.831932
Pass 2, 19.172274, 70.719383, 30.041866
Pass 3, 20.327301, 89.783058, 33.895569
Pass 4, 12.172741, 113.940193, 27.384396

2015-04-19, 23:56:27
Am Stock? -> Du brauchst nur Overclocking. ;)


2015-04-20, 00:11:47
GTX 980 SLi 1450/4000
16Gig Ram

2.560 × 1.440 mit 4x MSAA+FXAA/16:1 AF

Frames Per Second (Higher is better) Min, Max, Avg
Pass 0, 2.626012, 282.459991, 172.396317
Pass 1, 22.498995, 180.589020, 83.069534
Pass 2, 52.383461, 139.876526, 87.091957
Pass 3, 30.562271, 152.759842, 97.057739
Pass 4, 3.364176, 306.074829, 127.936081

Time in milliseconds(ms). (Lower is better). Min, Max, Avg
Pass 0, 3.540324, 380.805511, 5.800588
Pass 1, 5.537435, 44.446430, 12.038108
Pass 2, 7.149162, 19.089994, 11.482117
Pass 3, 6.546223, 32.720081, 10.303145
Pass 4, 3.267175, 297.249634, 7.816403

Frames under 16ms (for 60fps):
Pass 0: 935/998 frames (93.69%)
Pass 1: 722/757 frames (95.38%)
Pass 2: 786/808 frames (97.28%)
Pass 3: 891/899 frames (99.11%)
Pass 4: 15806/15957 frames (99.05%)

Frames under 33ms (for 30fps):
Pass 0: 939/998 frames (94.09%)
Pass 1: 755/757 frames (99.74%)
Pass 2: 808/808 frames (100.00%)
Pass 3: 899/899 frames (100.00%)
Pass 4: 15949/15957 frames (99.95%)

Percentiles in ms for pass 0
50%, 6.00
75%, 7.00
80%, 7.00
85%, 7.00
90%, 8.00
91%, 9.00
92%, 10.00
93%, 10.00
94%, 24.00
95%, 134.00
96%, 144.00
97%, 154.00
98%, 168.00
99%, 182.00

Percentiles in ms for pass 1
50%, 12.00
75%, 13.00
80%, 13.00
85%, 14.00
90%, 14.00
91%, 14.00
92%, 15.00
93%, 15.00
94%, 15.00
95%, 15.00
96%, 16.00
97%, 16.00
98%, 17.00
99%, 19.00

Percentiles in ms for pass 2
50%, 11.00
75%, 12.00
80%, 12.00
85%, 13.00
90%, 13.00
91%, 13.00
92%, 14.00
93%, 14.00
94%, 14.00
95%, 14.00
96%, 15.00
97%, 15.00
98%, 16.00
99%, 17.00

Percentiles in ms for pass 3
50%, 10.00
75%, 11.00
80%, 11.00
85%, 11.00
90%, 12.00
91%, 12.00
92%, 12.00
93%, 12.00
94%, 13.00
95%, 13.00
96%, 13.00
97%, 13.00
98%, 14.00
99%, 15.00

Percentiles in ms for pass 4
50%, 8.00
75%, 8.00
80%, 9.00
85%, 10.00
90%, 12.00
91%, 12.00
92%, 12.00
93%, 13.00
94%, 13.00
95%, 13.00
96%, 14.00
97%, 14.00
98%, 15.00
99%, 15.00

=== SYSTEM ===
Windows 8.1 Pro 64-bit (6.2, Build 9200)
DX Feature Level: 11.0
Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4930K CPU @ 3.40GHz (12 CPUs), ~3.4GHz
16384MB RAM
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 980, 4119MB, Driver Version 350.12
Graphics Card Vendor Id 0x10de with Device ID 0x13c0

=== SETTINGS ===
Display: 2560x1600 (FullScreen) @ 59Hz VSync OFF
Tessellation: 2
LodScale: 1.000000
PedLodBias: 0.200000
VehicleLodBias: 0.000000
ShadowQuality: 3
ReflectionQuality: 2
ReflectionMSAA: 8
AnisotropicFiltering: 16
MSAAFragments: 0
MSAAQuality: 0
TextureQuality: 2
ParticleQuality: 2
WaterQuality: 2
GrassQuality: 2
ShaderQuality: 2
Shadow_SoftShadows: 3
UltraShadows_Enabled: false
Shadow_ParticleShadows: true
Shadow_Distance: 1.000000
Shadow_LongShadows: false
Shadow_SplitZStart: 0.930000
Shadow_SplitZEnd: 0.890000
Shadow_aircraftExpWeight: 0.990000
Shadow_DisableScreenSizeCheck: false
Reflection_MipBlur: true
FXAA_Enabled: true
TXAA_Enabled: false
Lighting_FogVolumes: true
Shader_SSA: true
DX_Version: 2
CityDensity: 1.000000
PedVarietyMultiplier: 1.000000
VehicleVarietyMultiplier: 1.000000
PostFX: 2
DoF: true
HdStreamingInFlight: false
MaxLodScale: 0.000000
MotionBlurStrength: 0.000000


Frames Per Second (Higher is better) Min, Max, Avg
Pass 0, 2.481632, 298.401093, 169.976639
Pass 1, 25.654305, 146.942047, 80.626732
Pass 2, 46.619133, 132.434723, 79.278732
Pass 3, 50.287575, 133.515289, 88.669777
Pass 4, 3.111597, 304.066345, 103.991760

Time in milliseconds(ms). (Lower is better). Min, Max, Avg
Pass 0, 3.351194, 402.960541, 5.883162
Pass 1, 6.805404, 38.979813, 12.402834
Pass 2, 7.550890, 21.450420, 12.613724
Pass 3, 7.489779, 19.885628, 11.277800
Pass 4, 3.288756, 321.378357, 9.616146

Frames under 16ms (for 60fps):
Pass 0: 967/1024 frames (94.43%)
Pass 1: 691/741 frames (93.25%)
Pass 2: 720/741 frames (97.17%)
Pass 3: 825/829 frames (99.52%)
Pass 4: 15272/15442 frames (98.90%)

Frames under 33ms (for 30fps):
Pass 0: 972/1024 frames (94.92%)
Pass 1: 740/741 frames (99.87%)
Pass 2: 741/741 frames (100.00%)
Pass 3: 829/829 frames (100.00%)
Pass 4: 15434/15442 frames (99.95%)

Percentiles in ms for pass 0
50%, 6.00
75%, 7.00
80%, 7.00
85%, 7.00
90%, 9.00
91%, 10.00
92%, 10.00
93%, 10.00
94%, 12.00
95%, 29.00
96%, 133.00
97%, 150.00
98%, 154.00
99%, 163.00

Percentiles in ms for pass 1
50%, 12.00
75%, 13.00
80%, 13.00
85%, 14.00
90%, 15.00
91%, 15.00
92%, 15.00
93%, 15.00
94%, 16.00
95%, 16.00
96%, 17.00
97%, 17.00
98%, 18.00
99%, 20.00

Percentiles in ms for pass 2
50%, 12.00
75%, 13.00
80%, 13.00
85%, 13.00
90%, 14.00
91%, 14.00
92%, 14.00
93%, 14.00
94%, 14.00
95%, 15.00
96%, 15.00
97%, 15.00
98%, 16.00
99%, 17.00

Percentiles in ms for pass 3
50%, 11.00
75%, 12.00
80%, 12.00
85%, 12.00
90%, 12.00
91%, 13.00
92%, 13.00
93%, 13.00
94%, 13.00
95%, 13.00
96%, 13.00
97%, 13.00
98%, 14.00
99%, 15.00

Percentiles in ms for pass 4
50%, 10.00
75%, 12.00
80%, 12.00
85%, 12.00
90%, 13.00
91%, 13.00
92%, 13.00
93%, 13.00
94%, 13.00
95%, 14.00
96%, 14.00
97%, 14.00
98%, 15.00
99%, 16.00

=== SYSTEM ===
Windows 8.1 Pro 64-bit (6.2, Build 9200)
DX Feature Level: 11.0
Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4930K CPU @ 3.40GHz (12 CPUs), ~3.4GHz
16384MB RAM
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 980, 4119MB, Driver Version 350.12
Graphics Card Vendor Id 0x10de with Device ID 0x13c0

=== SETTINGS ===
Display: 3840x2160 (FullScreen) @ 59Hz VSync OFF
Tessellation: 2
LodScale: 1.000000
PedLodBias: 0.200000
VehicleLodBias: 0.000000
ShadowQuality: 2
ReflectionQuality: 2
ReflectionMSAA: 8
AnisotropicFiltering: 16
MSAAFragments: 0
MSAAQuality: 0
TextureQuality: 2
ParticleQuality: 2
WaterQuality: 1
GrassQuality: 1
ShaderQuality: 2
Shadow_SoftShadows: 2
UltraShadows_Enabled: false
Shadow_ParticleShadows: true
Shadow_Distance: 1.000000
Shadow_LongShadows: false
Shadow_SplitZStart: 0.930000
Shadow_SplitZEnd: 0.890000
Shadow_aircraftExpWeight: 0.990000
Shadow_DisableScreenSizeCheck: false
Reflection_MipBlur: true
FXAA_Enabled: true
TXAA_Enabled: false
Lighting_FogVolumes: true
Shader_SSA: true
DX_Version: 2
CityDensity: 1.000000
PedVarietyMultiplier: 1.000000
VehicleVarietyMultiplier: 1.000000
PostFX: 2
DoF: true
HdStreamingInFlight: false
MaxLodScale: 0.000000
MotionBlurStrength: 0.000000

2015-04-20, 09:47:33
Am Stock? -> Du brauchst nur Overclocking.Nächstes Jahr einen Skylake-EP :biggrin:

2015-04-21, 18:55:15
Core i7-3770K stock, 16 GB DDR3-1334, R9 290X @ 1.040/2.600, Win8.1 x64, Cat 15.4 Beta HQ

1.920 × 1.080 mit 4x MSAA+FXAA/16:1 AF
Pass 1, 15.961685, 41.535488, 26.529036
Pass 2, 24.658920, 127.271126, 40.631432
Pass 3, 21.113098, 90.015305, 45.957413
Pass 4, 18.937937, 116.314674, 35.803093Mit der neuen v335.1, die aaangeblich mehr fps mit MSAA liefern soll:

1.920 × 1.080 mit 4x MSAA+FXAA/16:1 AF
Pass 1, 13.662834, 35.227829, 26.465124
Pass 2, 24.835812, 71.880569, 40.878868
Pass 3, 28.616995, 85.193977, 46.955982
Pass 4, 17.343739, 78.218071, 36.085724

Und wie sie sehen, sehen sie nichts :cool:

2015-04-21, 19:42:31
2500k@4,8Ghz | GTX 980@1450Mhz/4000Mhz
Win 8.1, Geforce-Treiber 350.12, HQ-AF, Rest wie im Startpost, GTA V 335.1

1080p 4xMSAA
Pass 1, 18.834948, 65.149742, 34.509781
Pass 2, 36.513264, 101.790817, 55.762791
Pass 3, 43.560555, 126.598717, 64.146706
Pass 4, 24.462368, 124.222221, 52.817478

1440p 1xAA
Pass 1, 19.427530, 64.829956, 36.077366
Pass 2, 38.638672, 100.411186, 60.456024
Pass 3, 47.740833, 101.913139, 67.012108
Pass 4, 30.043695, 93.168465, 53.939175

1440p 4xMSAA
Pass 1, 14.577524, 60.127190, 27.385981
Pass 2, 27.272396, 80.753159, 39.853855
Pass 3, 32.013760, 126.093475, 45.219212
Pass 4, 17.194870, 90.168076, 38.793648

720p 1xAA
Pass 1, 29.636177, 67.989388, 51.522419
Pass 2, 55.790752, 134.874741, 83.013451
Pass 3, 42.427357, 114.788857, 93.466812
Pass 4, 36.397385, 138.247910, 68.972542

Was dieses MSAA für ein Crap ist, 1080p 4x läuft langsamer als WQHD 1x...

2015-04-21, 19:44:39
CPU Limit die fps sehen so aus wie die 720p Werte von y33H@ mit seinem i7.

2015-04-21, 19:48:01
Warum machen 80% keinen CPU-Test? :|

2015-04-21, 19:52:46
Ick mach ja schon...
Edit: Ich habs getan.

2015-04-22, 09:22:46
CPU Limit die fps sehen so aus wie die 720p Werte von y33H@ mit seinem i7.

Ja, mit dem kleinen, vernachlässigbaren Unterschied, dass aufkrawalls i5 im Schnitt mind. 20% schneller ist. :freak:

2015-04-22, 09:26:15
Mit der neuen v335.1, die aaangeblich mehr fps mit MSAA liefern soll:

1.920 × 1.080 mit 4x MSAA+FXAA/16:1 AF
Pass 1, 13.662834, 35.227829, 26.465124
Pass 2, 24.835812, 71.880569, 40.878868
Pass 3, 28.616995, 85.193977, 46.955982
Pass 4, 17.343739, 78.218071, 36.085724

Und wie sie sehen, sehen sie nichts :cool:

Nuja, immerhin ist's überall minimal schneller. :D Relevant? Nö.


2015-04-22, 09:54:54
Mit der neuen v335.1, die aaangeblich mehr fps mit MSAA liefern soll:

1.920 × 1.080 mit 4x MSAA+FXAA/16:1 AF
Pass 1, 13.662834, 35.227829, 26.465124
Pass 2, 24.835812, 71.880569, 40.878868
Pass 3, 28.616995, 85.193977, 46.955982
Pass 4, 17.343739, 78.218071, 36.085724

Und wie sie sehen, sehen sie nichts :cool:

Warum jagst du deine CPU nicht mal etwas hoch? Der 3770k schreit doch förmlich danach. Ein bissl schämen darfst du dich jetzt schon. k-SKU und geht am Stock... pfff

2015-04-22, 12:31:27
Seit dem Update lädt sich der Benchmark tot (wollte den CPU Test laufen lassen).

Minutenlang steht immer nur da, wird geladen, wird geladen usw. usw.

2015-04-22, 12:36:07
Lastet der Prozess denn die CPU noch aus? Setz mal die Einstellungen auf Standard (ggf. den Ordner in Dokumente mal wegsichern und löschen).

2015-04-22, 14:28:48
290X@1170/1500 – 1.920 × 1.080 mit 4x MSAA+FXAA/16:1 AF, alles am Anschlag(AMD Schatten etc.)

Frames Per Second (Higher is better) Min, Max, Avg
Pass 0, 14.593092, 69.113586, 48.266293
Pass 1, 14.620789, 53.265907, 31.767736
Pass 2, 28.777506, 140.625763, 48.855045
Pass 3, 29.535978, 119.231819, 53.330158
Pass 4, 19.282017, 112.871948, 42.152664

2015-04-22, 20:39:38
Warum testet hier keiner 1440p ohne das mistige MSAA? Wen interessieren unspielbare fps?

2015-04-22, 21:10:34
Warum testet hier keiner 1440p ohne das mistige MSAA? Wen interessieren unspielbare fps?

Unspielbar ist das doch nur auf Unterschichten-Grafikkarten, die weniger als eine vierstellige Eurosumme kosten. :ulol:

Ernsthaft, du findest das MSAA schlecht? Ich nicht. Es ist nur teuer. 1440p mit FXAA aliast hart.


2015-04-22, 21:21:28
Dann kann ich gleich Downsampling nutzen, was besser aussieht.

2015-04-22, 21:31:47
Viel Geometrie braucht eine hohe EER. Die kriegst du mit DSR nicht, schon gar nicht spielbar. Also ich bleibe bei TXAA, auch wenn's matschig wird.


2015-04-22, 21:35:25
Das Spiel hat ja eher simple Geometrie, und ansonsten aliasen hier eher AO oder Bloom.

2015-04-23, 10:34:26
Erweiterte Frametime Benchmark Results 4K :)

Frame Time(ms)
0 33.441
1 33.627
2 33.111
3 33.330
4 33.439
5 33.222
6 33.373
7 33.246
8 33.909
9 33.067
10 33.052
11 33.225
12 33.470
13 33.272
14 33.470
15 33.142
16 33.398
17 33.381
18 33.251
19 33.445
20 33.271
21 33.399
22 33.345
23 33.260
24 33.516
25 33.285
26 33.321
27 33.331
28 33.247
29 33.542
30 35.536
31 30.858
32 33.390
33 33.332
34 36.795
35 32.965
36 30.290
37 33.410
38 35.793
39 30.898
40 33.234
41 33.306
42 33.304
43 33.325
44 33.364
45 33.514
46 33.200
47 33.326
48 33.422
49 33.251
50 33.410
51 33.252
52 33.486
53 33.182
54 35.646
55 31.048
56 33.403
57 33.263
58 33.387
59 33.290
60 33.338
61 33.408
62 33.434
63 35.908
64 30.655
65 33.451
66 33.197
67 33.493
68 36.252
69 30.271
70 33.312
71 33.437
72 33.273
73 33.300
74 33.423
75 33.457
76 33.366
77 33.128
78 33.354
79 33.420
80 33.555
81 33.291
82 33.264
83 33.201
84 33.373
85 33.310
86 33.525
87 33.168
88 33.375
89 33.326
90 33.509
91 33.000
92 33.589
93 33.206
94 33.541
95 33.186
96 33.360
97 33.319
98 33.306
99 33.337
100 33.323
101 33.435
102 33.359
103 33.185
104 33.518
105 33.214
106 33.797
107 32.787
108 33.461
109 33.337
110 33.276
111 33.373
112 33.328
113 33.245
114 33.369
115 33.472
116 33.158
117 33.330
118 33.305
119 33.357
120 33.364
121 33.383
122 33.391
123 33.339
124 33.261
125 33.517
126 33.271
127 33.238
128 33.377
129 33.487
130 33.287
131 33.222
132 33.431
133 33.345
134 33.222
135 33.526
136 33.473
137 33.479
138 33.019
139 33.444
140 33.314
141 33.466
142 33.244
143 32.653
144 33.514
145 33.221
146 33.414
147 33.347
148 33.276
149 33.368
150 33.537
151 33.044
152 33.322
153 33.399
154 33.389
155 33.225
156 33.318
157 33.503
158 33.418
159 33.059
160 33.348
161 33.447
162 33.316
163 33.347
164 33.295
165 33.632
166 33.160
167 33.336
168 33.407
169 33.284
170 33.361
171 33.723
172 33.168
173 33.232
174 33.618
175 33.154
176 33.361
177 33.272
178 33.366
179 33.344
180 33.393
181 33.289
182 33.651
183 33.035
184 33.337
185 33.313
186 33.365
187 33.302
188 33.444
189 33.315
190 33.272
191 33.409
192 33.371
193 33.329
194 33.254
195 33.326
196 33.375
197 33.344
198 33.293
199 33.313
200 33.384
201 33.296
202 33.357
203 33.203
204 33.362
205 33.202
206 33.601
207 33.168
208 33.297
209 33.211
210 33.572
211 33.148
212 33.370
213 33.220
214 33.629
215 33.038
216 33.408
217 33.278
218 33.478
219 33.180
220 33.318
221 33.303
222 33.374
223 33.273
224 33.399
225 33.335
226 33.264
227 33.384
228 33.240
229 33.361
230 33.349
231 33.365
232 33.344
233 33.376
234 33.328
235 33.259
236 33.495
237 33.122
238 33.376
239 33.338
240 33.264
241 33.334
242 33.343
243 33.593
244 33.067
245 33.305
246 33.344
247 33.385
248 33.300
249 33.548
250 33.122
251 33.406
252 33.307
253 33.262
254 33.467
255 33.308
256 33.373
257 33.338
258 33.297
259 33.303
260 33.358
261 33.344
262 33.333
263 33.340
264 33.430
265 33.221
266 33.317
267 33.391
268 33.449
269 33.188
270 33.411
271 33.337
272 33.340
273 33.252
274 33.351
275 33.422
276 33.303
277 33.281
278 33.437
279 33.315
280 33.264
281 33.576
282 33.305
283 33.000
284 33.367
285 33.440
286 33.461
287 33.283
288 33.439
289 33.265
290 33.327
291 33.311
292 33.338
293 33.329
294 33.474
295 33.246
296 33.305
297 33.148
298 33.778
299 33.045
300 33.545
301 33.134
302 33.613
303 33.227
304 33.361
305 33.169
306 33.304
307 33.366
308 33.408
309 33.213
310 33.541
311 33.186
312 33.399
313 33.216
314 33.328
315 33.433
316 33.296
317 33.325
318 33.392
319 33.212
320 33.356
321 33.285
322 33.332
323 33.309
324 33.328
325 33.682
326 33.068
327 33.268
328 33.411
329 33.570
330 33.158
331 33.346
332 33.403
333 33.299
334 33.324
335 33.346
336 33.288
337 33.364
338 33.288
339 33.365
340 33.288
341 33.324
342 33.291
343 33.466
344 33.220
345 33.387
346 33.415
347 33.397
348 33.445
349 33.129
350 33.350
351 33.304
352 33.294
353 33.315
354 33.419
355 33.246
356 33.312
357 33.328
358 33.305
359 33.300
360 33.362
361 33.315
362 33.323
363 33.342
364 33.389
365 33.271
366 33.363
367 33.394
368 33.519
369 32.976
370 33.486
371 33.521
372 33.093
373 33.371
374 33.374
375 33.399
376 33.184
377 33.459
378 33.495
379 33.380
380 33.005
381 33.426
382 33.280
383 33.237
384 33.363
385 33.549
386 33.273
387 33.251
388 33.313
389 33.375
390 33.346
391 33.334
392 33.369
393 33.307
394 33.356
395 33.282
396 33.837
397 32.815
398 34.908
399 31.874
400 33.337
401 33.465
402 33.134
403 33.554
404 33.512
405 33.115
406 33.153
407 33.356
408 33.528
409 33.119
410 33.485
411 34.475
412 32.008
413 33.464
414 33.316
415 33.493
416 33.041
417 33.438
418 33.471
419 33.106
420 34.260
421 32.672
422 33.126
423 33.410
424 33.170
425 33.269
426 33.304
427 33.503
428 33.176
429 33.234
430 33.720
431 33.124
432 33.380
433 33.120
434 33.509
435 33.099
436 33.357
437 33.395
438 33.312
439 33.557
440 33.105
441 33.280
442 33.464
443 34.371
444 32.204
445 33.386
446 33.474
447 33.309
448 33.213
449 33.392
450 33.293
451 33.327
452 33.287
453 33.279
454 33.321
455 33.365
456 33.348
457 33.319
458 33.311
459 33.327
460 33.487
461 33.197
462 33.333
463 33.366
464 33.245
465 33.358
466 33.289
467 33.431
468 33.190
469 33.503
470 33.093
471 33.490
472 33.232
473 33.270
474 33.326
475 33.270
476 33.299
477 33.478
478 33.323
479 33.221
480 33.320
481 33.347
482 33.890
483 33.015
484 33.222
485 33.341
486 33.454
487 33.045
488 33.338
489 33.321
490 33.531
491 33.190
492 33.405
493 33.182
494 33.655
495 33.336
496 33.348
497 33.120
498 33.348
499 33.431
500 33.237
501 33.539
502 33.294
503 33.396
504 33.386
505 33.295
506 33.212
507 33.357
508 33.336
509 33.399
510 33.635
511 33.032
512 33.477
513 33.472
514 33.308
515 33.420
516 32.984
517 33.409
518 33.315
519 33.280
520 33.351
521 33.330
522 33.348
523 33.611
524 33.283
525 33.081
526 33.712
527 32.927
528 33.279
529 33.323
530 33.363
531 33.664
532 33.137
533 33.042
534 33.551
535 33.145
536 33.335
537 33.395
538 33.315
539 33.234
540 33.244
541 33.391
542 33.348
543 33.314
544 33.435
545 33.240
546 33.654
547 33.071
548 33.335
549 33.465
550 33.252
551 33.475
552 33.209
553 33.503
554 33.523
555 33.075
556 33.269
557 33.373
558 33.395
559 33.446
560 33.283
561 33.280
562 33.472
563 33.133
564 33.598
565 33.132
566 33.632
567 33.067
568 33.404
569 33.299
570 33.280
571 33.308
572 33.527
573 33.170
574 33.523
575 33.457
576 33.033
577 33.361
578 33.429
579 33.105
580 33.338
581 33.642
582 33.200
583 33.124
584 33.485
585 33.190
586 33.330
587 33.263
588 33.371
589 33.464
590 33.159
591 33.395
592 33.273
593 33.300
594 33.411
595 33.125
596 33.539
597 33.073
598 33.355
599 33.317
600 33.400
601 33.263
602 33.552
603 33.314
604 33.221
605 33.683
606 32.991
607 33.340
608 33.344
609 33.377
610 33.342
611 33.330
612 33.244
613 33.445
614 33.235
615 33.327
616 33.506
617 33.244
618 33.386
619 33.279
620 33.398
621 33.550
622 33.060
623 33.372
624 33.409
625 33.442
626 33.211
627 33.308
628 33.365
629 33.355
630 33.466
631 33.146
632 33.389
633 33.282
634 33.405
635 33.181
636 33.402
637 33.293
638 33.594
639 33.141
640 33.315
641 33.442
642 33.252
643 33.587
644 33.300
645 33.133
646 33.626
647 33.239
648 33.144
649 33.497
650 33.354
651 33.032
652 33.394
653 33.259
654 33.460
655 33.263
656 33.318
657 33.366
658 33.264
659 33.422
660 33.273
661 33.448
662 33.284
663 33.507
664 33.320
665 33.175
666 33.345
667 33.297
668 33.335
669 33.366
670 33.327
671 33.468
672 33.208
673 33.545
674 33.177
675 33.364
676 33.374
677 33.427
678 33.125
679 33.373
680 33.473
681 33.236
682 33.486
683 33.130
684 33.680
685 33.050
686 33.255
687 33.429
688 33.294
689 33.367
690 33.480
691 33.165
692 33.427
693 33.175
694 33.506
695 33.228
696 33.330
697 33.340
698 33.354
699 33.323
700 33.486
701 33.181
702 33.488
703 33.245
704 33.408
705 33.629
706 32.989
707 33.261
708 33.425
709 33.326
710 33.210
711 33.387
712 33.350
713 33.274
714 33.298
715 33.451
716 33.294
717 33.423
718 33.219
719 33.348
720 33.419
721 33.257
722 33.678
723 33.099
724 33.204
725 33.600
726 33.281
727 33.253
728 33.351
729 33.154
730 33.551
731 33.346
732 33.139
733 33.371
734 33.273
735 33.408
736 33.317
737 33.433
738 33.424
739 33.090
740 33.399
741 33.374
742 33.280
743 33.319
744 33.343
745 33.377
746 33.274
747 33.612
748 33.030
749 33.429
750 33.263
751 33.491
752 33.242
753 33.524
754 33.285
755 33.458
756 33.179
757 33.357
758 33.299
759 33.331
760 33.315
761 33.322
762 33.326
763 33.339
764 33.348
765 33.313
766 33.348
767 33.510
768 33.203
769 33.242
770 33.416
771 33.304
772 33.392
773 33.272
774 33.358
775 33.641
776 33.109
777 33.685
778 33.193
779 33.010
780 33.329
781 33.393
782 33.411
783 33.483
784 33.321
785 33.603
786 33.124
787 33.076
788 33.355
789 33.635
790 33.059
791 33.306
792 33.485
793 33.496
794 33.182
795 33.110
796 33.390
797 33.375
798 33.265
799 33.354
800 33.615
801 33.038
802 33.655
803 33.073
804 33.468
805 33.252
806 33.304
807 33.412
808 33.304
809 33.662
810 32.993
811 33.323
812 33.422
813 33.548
814 33.029
815 33.402
816 33.540
817 33.077
818 33.363
819 33.478
820 33.202
821 33.436
822 33.227
823 33.315
824 33.333
825 33.262
826 33.309
827 33.444
828 33.282
829 33.626
830 33.104
831 33.245
832 33.524
833 33.824
834 32.705
835 33.367
836 33.733
837 32.971
838 33.271
839 33.688
840 33.197
841 33.245
842 33.618
843 33.073
844 33.318
845 33.347
846 33.422
847 33.604
848 32.973
849 33.318
850 33.316
851 33.789
852 37.158
853 29.379
854 33.136
855 33.236
856 33.309
857 33.297
858 33.817
859 32.958
860 33.370
861 33.389
862 33.361
863 33.247
864 33.671
865 32.983
866 33.301
867 33.666
868 33.021
869 33.350
870 33.233
871 33.363
872 33.609
873 33.066
874 35.364
875 31.284
876 33.778
877 32.730
878 33.410
879 33.261
880 33.295
881 33.326
882 33.579
883 33.207
884 33.353
885 33.495
886 33.113
887 33.234
888 33.231
889 33.706
890 32.895
891 33.348
892 33.349
893 33.637
894 33.363
895 32.969
896 33.301
897 33.647
898 32.936
899 33.350
900 33.337
901 33.343
902 33.407
903 33.253
904 33.374
905 33.441
906 33.278
907 33.279
908 33.395
909 33.300
910 33.272
911 33.400
912 33.375
913 33.299
914 33.346
915 33.346
916 33.630
917 33.254
918 33.111
919 33.268
920 33.542
921 33.116
922 33.522
923 33.145
924 33.425
925 33.763
926 32.848
927 33.261
928 33.428
929 33.535
930 33.197
931 33.254
932 33.352
933 33.351
934 33.677
935 33.022
936 33.620
937 33.034
938 33.313
939 33.317
940 33.388
941 33.390
942 33.336
943 33.355
944 33.228
945 33.253
946 33.342
947 33.746
948 32.934
949 33.363
950 33.406
951 33.198
952 33.339
953 33.427
954 33.439
955 33.281
956 33.247
957 33.537
958 33.140
959 33.695
960 32.949
961 33.367
962 33.343
963 33.377
964 33.222
965 33.416
966 33.269
967 33.298
968 33.548
969 33.057
970 33.346
971 33.360
972 33.243
973 33.335
974 33.329
975 33.738
976 32.915
977 33.405
978 33.270
979 33.415
980 33.306
981 33.424
982 33.354
983 33.231
984 33.348
985 33.319
986 33.289
987 33.345
988 33.271
989 33.364
990 33.441
991 33.339
992 33.372
993 33.280
994 33.650
995 33.423
996 33.025
997 33.221
998 33.625
999 33.083
1000 33.390
1001 33.162
1002 33.446
1003 33.408
1004 33.320
1005 33.314
1006 33.655
1007 33.099
1008 33.610
1009 33.043
1010 33.492
1011 33.225
1012 33.284
1013 33.520
1014 33.632
1015 32.800
1016 33.579
1017 33.074
1018 33.510
1019 33.112
1020 33.365
1021 33.333
1022 33.732
1023 33.127
1024 33.092
1025 33.640
1026 32.976
1027 33.602
1028 33.158
1029 33.419
1030 33.441
1031 33.116
1032 33.646
1033 33.018
1034 33.345
1035 33.280
1036 33.275
1037 33.380
1038 33.268
1039 33.362
1040 33.447
1041 33.181
1042 33.261
1043 33.500
1044 33.214
1045 33.397
1046 33.431
1047 33.403
1048 33.102
1049 33.369
1050 33.264
1051 33.377
1052 33.323
1053 33.361
1054 33.290
1055 33.358
1056 33.286
1057 33.466
1058 33.454
1059 33.044
1060 33.361
1061 33.376
1062 33.265
1063 33.329
1064 33.460
1065 33.359
1066 33.356
1067 33.695
1068 32.997
1069 33.475
1070 33.194
1071 33.289
1072 33.710
1073 32.927
1074 33.582
1075 33.303
1076 33.369
1077 33.066
1078 33.341
1079 33.243
1080 33.383
1081 33.422
1082 33.316
1083 33.173
1084 33.418
1085 33.389
1086 33.276
1087 33.648
1088 33.088
1089 33.275
1090 33.428
1091 33.321
1092 33.491
1093 33.201
1094 33.351
1095 33.399
1096 33.440
1097 33.235
1098 33.365
1099 33.345
1100 33.682
1101 33.001
1102 33.280
1103 33.387
1104 33.313
1105 33.411
1106 33.495
1107 33.112
1108 33.233
1109 33.341
1110 33.461
1111 33.249
1112 33.327
1113 33.741
1114 33.038
1115 33.214
1116 33.345
1117 33.808
1118 32.897
1119 33.373
1120 33.258
1121 33.464
1122 33.250
1123 33.358
1124 33.351
1125 33.634
1126 33.087
1127 33.342
1128 33.620
1129 33.071
1130 33.215
1131 33.723
1132 33.085
1133 33.635
1134 33.071
1135 33.339
1136 33.542
1137 33.100
1138 33.270
1139 33.497
1140 33.185
1141 33.377
1142 33.422
1143 33.500
1144 33.080
1145 33.624
1146 33.243
1147 33.237
1148 33.263
1149 33.279
1150 33.339
1151 33.620
1152 33.032
1153 33.424
1154 33.262
1155 33.381
1156 33.378
1157 33.374
1158 33.295
1159 33.241
1160 33.329
1161 33.667
1162 33.109
1163 33.252
1164 33.581
1165 33.202
1166 33.288
1167 33.273
1168 33.358
1169 33.300
1170 33.241
1171 33.467
1172 33.368
1173 33.563
1174 33.030
1175 33.678
1176 33.208
1177 33.088
1178 33.495
1179 33.237
1180 33.431
1181 33.196
1182 33.411
1183 33.240
1184 33.315
1185 33.383
1186 33.304
1187 33.843
1188 33.195
1189 33.024
1190 33.523
1191 33.350
1192 33.540
1193 32.971
1194 33.223
1195 33.664
1196 33.345
1197 37.318
1198 29.175
1199 33.250
1200 33.422
1201 33.274
1202 33.542
1203 33.120
1204 33.344
1205 33.496
1206 33.288
1207 33.330
1208 33.577
1209 33.314
1210 33.230
1211 33.465
1212 32.917
1213 33.427
1214 33.174
1215 33.623
1216 33.080
1217 33.618
1218 33.215
1219 33.114
1220 33.326
1221 33.343
1222 33.291
1223 33.311
1224 33.392
1225 33.393
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1227 33.330
1228 33.376
1229 33.248
1230 33.449
1231 33.308
1232 33.285
1233 33.243
1234 33.334
1235 33.468
1236 33.377
1237 33.399
1238 33.326
1239 33.018
1240 33.667
1241 33.159
1242 33.131
1243 33.709
1244 33.369
1245 32.913
1246 33.522
1247 33.211
1248 33.225
1249 33.423
1250 33.270
1251 33.387
1252 33.682
1253 33.287
1254 33.067
1255 33.254
1256 33.418
1257 33.521
1258 33.278
1259 33.168
1260 33.415
1261 33.309
1262 33.508
1263 33.340
1264 33.219
1265 33.264
1266 33.321
1267 33.565
1268 33.089
1269 33.355
1270 33.441
1271 33.175
1272 33.320
1273 33.382
1274 33.299
1275 33.358
1276 33.262
1277 33.386
1278 33.350
1279 33.286
1280 33.699
1281 33.036
1282 33.268
1283 33.326
1284 33.427
1285 33.282
1286 33.291
1287 33.186
1288 33.522
1289 33.215
1290 33.389
1291 33.561
1292 33.101
1293 33.614
1294 33.474
1295 33.306
1296 33.179
1297 33.145
1298 33.352
1299 33.282
1300 33.730
1301 33.314
1302 33.148
1303 33.373
1304 33.115
1305 33.688
1306 33.320
1307 34.082
1308 32.544
1309 33.444
1310 33.008
1311 33.710
1312 33.009
1313 33.703
1314 33.016
1315 33.244
1316 34.345
1317 32.533
1318 33.160
1319 33.283
1320 33.281
1321 33.560
1322 33.139
1323 33.816
1324 33.019
1325 33.236
1326 33.568
1327 33.439
1328 33.075
1329 33.607
1330 33.108
1331 33.387
1332 33.129
1333 33.437
1334 33.473
1335 33.375
1336 33.432
1337 33.015
1338 33.824
1339 32.821
1340 33.438
1341 33.323
1342 33.770
1343 32.884
1344 33.323
1345 33.356
1346 33.407
1347 33.283
1348 33.911
1349 32.752
1350 33.281
1351 34.106
1352 32.668
1353 33.192
1354 33.413
1355 33.415
1356 33.261
1357 33.382
1358 33.271
1359 33.405
1360 33.276
1361 33.358
1362 33.308
1363 33.498
1364 33.289
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1366 33.296
1367 33.422
1368 33.317
1369 33.621
1370 33.118
1371 33.243
1372 33.438
1373 33.629
1374 33.067
1375 33.371
1376 33.443
1377 33.557
1378 33.171
1379 33.736
1380 33.657
1381 37.667
1382 28.236
1383 33.835
1384 32.895
1385 33.511
1386 33.146
1387 33.333
1388 33.488
1389 33.138
1390 33.441
1391 33.401
1392 33.348
1393 33.154
1394 34.118
1395 32.626
1396 33.383
1397 33.480
1398 33.178
1399 33.278
1400 33.303
1401 33.345
1402 33.268
1403 33.338
1404 33.340
1405 33.399
1406 33.474
1407 33.127
1408 33.572
1409 33.333
1410 33.103
1411 33.386
1412 33.238
1413 33.794
1414 32.931
1415 33.307
1416 33.474
1417 33.198
1418 33.433
1419 33.301
1420 33.252
1421 33.571
1422 33.122
1423 33.619
1424 32.937
1425 33.377
1426 33.601
1427 33.179
1428 33.556
1429 33.013
1430 33.540
1431 33.280
1432 33.333
1433 33.477
1434 33.212
1435 33.331
1436 33.406
1437 33.425
1438 33.138
1439 33.334
1440 33.580
1441 33.104
1442 33.627
1443 33.208
1444 33.227
1445 33.517
1446 33.393
1447 33.004
1448 33.656
1449 33.222
1450 33.111
1451 33.617
1452 33.287
1453 33.332
1454 33.359
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1456 33.231
1457 33.438
1458 33.136
1459 33.472
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1461 33.175
1462 33.524
1463 33.516
1464 33.042
1465 33.489
1466 33.411
1467 33.022
1468 33.464
1469 33.340
1470 33.730
1471 32.776
1472 33.404
1473 33.368
1474 33.668
1475 32.923
1476 33.322
1477 33.404
1478 33.207
1479 33.300
1480 33.469
1481 33.196
1482 33.416
1483 33.387
1484 33.408
1485 33.138
1486 33.903
1487 33.014
1488 33.040
1489 33.353
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1491 33.523
1492 33.116
1493 33.349
1494 33.440
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1496 33.262
1497 33.451
1498 33.266
1499 33.366
1500 33.415
1501 33.272
1502 33.252
1503 33.293
1504 33.672
1505 33.338
1506 32.967
1507 33.359
1508 33.336
1509 34.016
1510 32.793
1511 33.357
1512 33.369
1513 33.290
1514 33.315
1515 33.400
1516 33.344
1517 33.274
1518 33.746
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1520 33.095
1521 33.484
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1524 33.852
1525 33.033
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1527 33.277
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1529 33.474
1530 33.382
1531 33.292
1532 33.702
1533 32.988
1534 33.304
1535 33.328
1536 33.418
1537 33.665
1538 33.054
1539 33.170
1540 33.423
1541 33.298
1542 33.287
1543 33.340
1544 33.376
1545 33.289
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1547 33.389
1548 33.332
1549 33.324
1550 33.302
1551 33.260
1552 33.525
1553 33.588
1554 33.170
1555 33.032
1556 33.399
1557 33.265
1558 33.585
1559 33.262
1560 33.382
1561 32.968
1562 33.645
1563 33.129
1564 33.317
1565 33.590
1566 33.119
1567 33.386
1568 33.413
1569 33.331
1570 33.299
1571 34.217
1572 32.962
1573 32.903
1574 33.568
1575 33.236
1576 33.395
1577 33.359
1578 33.562
1579 33.263
1580 33.018
1581 33.465
1582 33.315
1583 33.345
1584 33.316
1585 33.164
1586 33.311
1587 33.525
1588 33.374
1589 33.454
1590 33.434
1591 32.947
1592 33.778
1593 33.141
1594 33.096
1595 33.376
1596 33.330
1597 33.271
1598 33.439
1599 33.278
1600 33.351
1601 33.277
1602 33.448
1603 33.190
1604 33.296
1605 33.436
1606 33.028
1607 33.525
1608 33.334
1609 33.263
1610 33.553
1611 33.358
1612 33.315
1613 33.617
1614 32.813
1615 33.367
1616 33.273
1617 33.321
1618 33.434
1619 33.359
1620 33.271
1621 33.330
1622 33.212
1623 33.356
1624 33.384
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1627 33.219
1628 33.318
1629 33.329
1630 33.528
1631 33.106
1632 33.300
1633 33.788
1634 33.803
1635 33.137
1636 33.049
1637 33.576
1638 33.308
1639 33.005
1640 33.380
1641 33.543
1642 33.080
1643 33.580
1644 33.197
1645 33.545
1646 33.304
1647 33.006
1648 33.297
1649 33.613
1650 33.388
1651 32.936
1652 33.385
1653 33.297
1654 33.370
1655 33.278
1656 33.346
1657 33.469
1658 33.491
1659 35.730
1660 30.717
1661 33.198
1662 33.236
1663 33.464
1664 33.155
1665 33.706
1666 32.946
1667 33.395
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1670 33.633
1671 33.036
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1673 33.404
1674 33.252
1675 33.320
1676 33.644
1677 33.219
1678 33.410
1679 33.017
1680 33.322
1681 33.666
1682 33.339
1683 32.924
1684 33.313
1685 33.468
1686 33.428
1687 33.443
1688 33.010
1689 33.406
1690 33.651
1691 33.008
1692 33.586
1693 33.068
1694 33.240
1695 33.368
1696 33.296
1697 33.360
1698 33.282
1699 33.389
1700 33.428
1701 33.291
1702 33.224
1703 33.958
1704 32.938
1705 33.105
1706 33.573
1707 33.066
1708 33.290
1709 33.335
1710 33.441
1711 33.307
1712 33.213
1713 33.381
1714 33.429
1715 33.155
1716 33.357
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1719 33.337
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1721 33.369
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1724 33.400
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1727 33.331
1728 33.389
1729 33.194
1730 33.530
1731 33.425
1732 32.974
1733 33.784
1734 32.913
1735 33.539
1736 33.083
1737 33.305
1738 33.352
1739 33.402
1740 33.256
1741 33.306
1742 33.375
1743 33.424
1744 33.220
1745 33.367
1746 33.244
1747 33.349
1748 33.612
1749 33.376
1750 33.120
1751 33.557
1752 33.105
1753 33.302
1754 33.263
1755 34.501
1756 32.371
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1759 33.401
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1766 33.489
1767 33.240
1768 33.343
1769 33.339
1770 33.287
1771 33.799
1772 32.974
1773 33.604
1774 32.983
1775 33.454
1776 33.249
1777 33.387
1778 33.564
1779 33.111
1780 33.384
1781 33.496
1782 33.419
1783 33.387
1784 32.887
1785 33.416
1786 33.300
1787 33.306
1788 33.331
1789 33.573
1790 33.282
1791 33.219
1792 33.296
1793 33.568
1794 33.929
1795 32.839
1796 33.532
1797 33.096
1798 33.293
1799 33.174
1800 33.621
1801 33.059
1802 33.791
1803 33.152
1804 33.129
1805 33.437
1806 33.220
1807 33.653
1808 33.040
1809 33.258
1810 33.362
1811 33.381
1812 33.586
1813 33.074
1814 33.416
1815 33.330
1816 33.387
1817 33.540
1818 33.127
1819 33.175
1820 33.398
1821 33.385
1822 33.328
1823 33.329
1824 33.361
1825 33.318
1826 33.278
1827 33.312
1828 33.508
1829 33.236
1830 33.708
1831 32.925
1832 33.359
1833 33.368
1834 33.356
1835 33.312
1836 33.603
1837 33.046
1838 33.339
1839 33.358
1840 33.399
1841 33.389
1842 33.349
1843 33.219
1844 33.318
1845 33.234
1846 33.729
1847 33.050
1848 33.324
1849 33.318
1850 33.373
1851 33.317
1852 33.381
1853 33.483
1854 33.225
1855 33.313
1856 33.605
1857 33.536
1858 33.065
1859 33.159
1860 33.725
1861 32.940
1862 33.390
1863 33.383
1864 33.370
1865 33.292
1866 33.363
1867 33.258
1868 33.330
1869 33.300
1870 34.259
1871 32.576
1872 33.806
1873 32.823
1874 33.701
1875 33.030
1876 33.317
1877 33.245
1878 34.195
1879 32.676
1880 33.183
1881 33.664
1882 32.946
1883 33.366
1884 33.876
1885 32.711
1886 33.474
1887 33.392
1888 33.313
1889 33.248
1890 33.347
1891 33.596
1892 33.052
1893 33.662
1894 32.999
1895 33.348
1896 33.489
1897 33.129
1898 33.380
1899 33.552
1900 33.404
1901 33.372
1902 33.143
1903 33.176
1904 33.686
1905 33.220
1906 33.169
1907 33.298
1908 33.362
1909 33.854
1910 32.794
1911 33.278
1912 33.379
1913 33.312
1914 33.532
1915 33.990
1916 32.506
1917 33.394
1918 33.249
1919 33.357
1920 33.281
1921 33.400
1922 33.330
1923 33.300
1924 33.297
1925 34.257
1926 32.467
1927 33.650
1928 32.908
1929 33.468
1930 33.567
1931 33.056
1932 33.295
1933 33.644
1934 33.024
1935 33.513
1936 33.205
1937 33.343
1938 33.331
1939 33.314
1940 33.401
1941 33.247
1942 33.667
1943 33.721
1944 32.612
1945 33.320
1946 33.354
1947 33.319
1948 33.361
1949 33.374
1950 33.379
1951 33.322
1952 33.265
1953 33.424
1954 33.331
1955 33.199
1956 33.356
1957 33.299
1958 33.932
1959 32.825
1960 33.422
1961 33.181
1962 33.315
1963 33.305
1964 33.763
1965 33.390
1966 32.906
1967 33.301
1968 33.281
1969 33.403
1970 33.278
1971 33.244
1972 34.139
1973 32.557
1974 33.633
1975 33.009
1976 33.320
1977 33.424
1978 33.204
1979 33.378
1980 33.280
1981 33.358
1982 33.392
1983 33.545
1984 32.986
1985 33.738
1986 32.924
1987 33.342
1988 33.392
1989 33.201
1990 33.819
1991 33.131
1992 33.000
1993 33.271
1994 33.581
1995 33.049
1996 33.357
1997 33.304
1998 33.404
1999 33.255
2000 33.343
2001 33.850
2002 32.744
2003 33.338
2004 33.569
2005 33.038
2006 33.267
2007 33.546
2008 33.011
2009 33.610
2010 33.103
2011 33.351
2012 33.356
2013 33.301
2014 33.383
2015 33.194
2016 33.388
2017 33.307
2018 33.382
2019 33.439
2020 33.249
2021 33.606
2022 33.050
2023 33.211
2024 33.452
2025 33.212
2026 33.350
2027 33.352
2028 33.340
2029 33.319
2030 33.389
2031 33.365
2032 33.254
2033 33.396
2034 33.397
2035 33.198
2036 33.353
2037 33.346
2038 33.257
2039 33.633
2040 33.098
2041 33.343
2042 33.342
2043 33.312
2044 33.368
2045 33.308
2046 33.419
2047 33.218
2048 33.397
2049 33.249
2050 33.365
2051 33.361
2052 33.322
2053 33.269
2054 33.404
2055 33.269
2056 33.400
2057 33.265
2058 33.379
2059 33.295
2060 33.369
2061 33.275
2062 33.367
2063 33.320
2064 33.378
2065 33.328
2066 33.283
2067 33.299
2068 33.523
2069 34.056
2070 32.587
2071 33.236
2072 33.603
2073 33.062
2074 33.309
2075 33.390
2076 33.254
2077 33.725
2078 33.009
2079 33.287
2080 33.382
2081 33.363
2082 33.237
2083 33.452
2084 33.297
2085 33.270
2086 33.376
2087 33.333
2088 33.350
2089 33.306
2090 33.365
2091 33.330
2092 33.348
2093 33.769
2094 32.862
2095 33.671
2096 33.146
2097 33.209
2098 33.265
2099 33.396
2100 33.365
2101 33.682
2102 33.622
2103 33.002
2104 33.318
2105 33.375
2106 33.382
2107 33.290
2108 33.328
2109 33.397
2110 33.449
2111 33.122
2112 33.850
2113 32.870
2114 33.313
2115 33.327
2116 33.453
2117 33.228
2118 33.312
2119 33.433
2120 33.291
2121 33.374
2122 33.319
2123 33.339
2124 33.345
2125 33.319
2126 33.300
2127 33.390
2128 33.254
2129 33.371
2130 33.646
2131 33.089
2132 33.223
2133 33.314
2134 33.897
2135 32.871
2136 33.812
2137 32.870
2138 33.423
2139 33.636
2140 33.355
2141 32.973
2142 33.272
2143 33.394
2144 33.302
2145 33.338
2146 33.325
2147 33.252
2148 33.819
2149 33.359
2150 32.802
2151 33.399
2152 33.338
2153 33.802
2154 32.846
2155 33.846
2156 33.060
2157 33.543
2158 32.939
2159 33.311
2160 33.329
2161 33.289
2162 33.870
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2167 33.244
2168 33.398
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2170 33.310
2171 33.470
2172 33.212
2173 33.424
2174 33.384
2175 34.099
2176 32.500
2177 33.283
2178 33.324
2179 33.724
2180 33.024
2181 33.299
2182 33.318
2183 33.373
2184 33.414
2185 33.197
2186 33.401
2187 33.907
2188 32.925
2189 33.688
2190 32.827
2191 33.306
2192 33.806
2193 32.775
2194 33.440
2195 33.298
2196 33.620
2197 33.012
2198 33.296
2199 33.326
2200 33.316
2201 33.520
2202 33.331
2203 33.158
2204 33.367
2205 33.464
2206 33.461
2207 33.060
2208 33.363
2209 33.373
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2211 32.955
2212 33.237
2213 33.322
2214 33.463
2215 33.263
2216 33.279
2217 33.384
2218 33.228
2219 33.368
2220 33.835
2221 32.849
2222 33.264
2223 33.390
2224 33.684
2225 33.014
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2227 33.285
2228 33.829
2229 33.336
2230 32.858
2231 33.818
2232 32.817
2233 33.458
2234 33.278
2235 33.346
2236 33.366
2237 33.238
2238 34.060
2239 32.662
2240 33.411
2241 33.771
2242 32.967
2243 33.168
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2247 33.289
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2249 33.813
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2251 32.973
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2254 33.457
2255 32.925
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2267 33.263
2268 33.374
2269 33.776
2270 33.339
2271 32.846
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2273 33.404
2274 33.379
2275 33.687
2276 33.009
2277 33.189
2278 33.343
2279 33.365
2280 33.791
2281 32.952
2282 33.307
2283 33.369
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2285 33.504
2286 32.559
2287 33.375
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2289 33.345
2290 33.375
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2292 33.723
2293 33.646
2294 32.574
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2297 34.027
2298 33.101
2299 32.868
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2301 33.426
2302 33.244
2303 33.238
2304 33.278
2305 34.020
2306 32.769
2307 33.764
2308 32.958
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2318 33.500
2319 33.174
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2321 33.329
2322 33.849
2323 32.747
2324 33.856
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2329 33.388
2330 33.772
2331 32.872
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2334 33.171
2335 34.057
2336 32.560
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2343 33.283
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2351 33.337
2352 33.729
2353 33.009
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2355 33.306
2356 33.871
2357 32.801
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2384 33.205
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2399 33.284
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2401 33.466
2402 33.133
2403 33.386
2404 33.455
2405 33.214
2406 33.332
2407 33.373
2408 33.350
2409 34.173
2410 38.528
2411 27.784
2412 32.770
2413 33.380
2414 34.063
2415 32.608
2416 33.744
2417 32.883
2418 33.337
2419 34.134
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2439 33.806
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2441 33.858
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2443 33.204
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2447 33.306
2448 33.757
2449 32.857
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2451 33.333
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2453 33.767
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2473 34.198
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2496 33.803
2497 33.472
2498 32.757
2499 33.847
2500 32.834
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2502 33.435
2503 33.206
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2528 33.014
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2532 33.013
2533 33.627
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2537 33.278
2538 33.331
2539 33.859
2540 32.873
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2543 33.281
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2582 33.366
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2584 33.317
2585 33.977
2586 32.784
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2601 33.530
2602 33.574
2603 33.198
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2636 33.167
2637 34.103
2638 32.864
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2699 33.366
2700 33.841
2701 32.782
2702 33.537
2703 33.196
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2708 33.376
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2719 32.685
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2721 33.008
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2736 33.017
2737 33.777
2738 32.835
2739 33.716
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2742 33.602
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2749 33.489
2750 33.007
2751 33.055
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2753 33.395
2754 33.588
2755 33.272
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2757 33.363
2758 33.716
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2761 32.679
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2763 33.752
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2781 32.700
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2783 33.101
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2786 33.211
2787 33.580
2788 33.842
2789 33.169
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2800 32.908
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2812 34.297
2813 32.374
2814 33.504
2815 33.253
2816 33.813
2817 32.686
2818 33.422
2819 33.326
2820 33.478
2821 36.226
2822 30.439
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2836 33.794
2837 32.693
2838 34.112
2839 32.946
2840 33.074
2841 33.213
2842 33.524
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2846 34.193
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2849 33.571
2850 33.171
2851 32.690
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2856 33.423
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2858 33.135
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2860 33.923
2861 32.769
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2864 32.780
2865 33.422
2866 35.028
2867 31.478
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2869 35.301
2870 30.724
2871 33.364
2872 33.384
2873 33.451
2874 34.066
2875 32.758
2876 33.274
2877 36.648
2878 30.372
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2882 33.269
2883 33.899
2884 32.967
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2887 32.830
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2899 33.468
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2901 33.301
2902 33.390
2903 33.248
2904 33.439
2905 33.362
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2911 32.830
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2922 32.767
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2948 33.281
2949 33.449
2950 34.120
2951 32.537
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2955 33.969
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2962 33.652
2963 32.972
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2977 32.728
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2983 33.779
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2988 33.966
2989 32.687
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2991 33.254
2992 33.276
2993 33.185
2994 32.996
2995 33.292
2996 33.248
2997 33.254
2998 33.578
2999 33.173
3000 33.830
3001 32.921
3002 33.698
3003 32.859
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3007 33.377
3008 33.416
3009 33.209
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3011 33.788
3012 33.334
3013 32.870
3014 33.233
3015 33.989
3016 32.548
3017 33.388
3018 33.400
3019 33.331
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3022 33.469
3023 33.162
3024 33.376
3025 33.773
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3028 33.347
3029 34.043
3030 32.664
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3032 33.293
3033 33.373
3034 33.436
3035 33.798
3036 34.195
3037 31.916
3038 33.411
3039 33.712
3040 33.396
3041 32.724
3042 33.473
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3044 33.339
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3047 33.555
3048 33.759
3049 32.960
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3051 33.236
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3101 32.795
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3103 33.247
3104 33.596
3105 33.766
3106 32.736
3107 32.940
3108 33.431
3109 33.348
3110 33.283
3111 33.360
3112 35.127
3113 32.113
3114 32.794
3115 33.349
3116 33.230
3117 33.235
3118 33.519
3119 33.477
3120 33.056
3121 33.461
3122 33.217
3123 33.818
3124 33.387
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3126 32.768
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3129 33.366
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3131 33.301
3132 33.368
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3134 33.327
3135 33.332
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3139 33.233
3140 33.359
3141 33.944
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3149 33.187
3150 33.488
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3152 33.353
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3162 33.213
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3165 32.642
3166 33.883
3167 32.771
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3169 32.863
3170 32.909
3171 33.151
3172 33.525
3173 33.272
3174 33.357
3175 33.775
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3178 33.441
3179 33.763
3180 32.909
3181 33.662
3182 33.399
3183 32.932
3184 33.948
3185 33.374
3186 32.623
3187 33.144
3188 33.851
3189 32.909
3190 33.474
3191 33.234
3192 34.034
3193 32.589
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3197 33.388
3198 32.871
3199 33.293
3200 33.399
3201 33.292
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3204 34.151
3205 32.942
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3209 33.787
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3211 33.263
3212 34.123
3213 32.579
3214 33.406
3215 33.257
3216 33.325
3217 33.393
3218 36.301
3219 30.344
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3234 33.510
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3244 33.213
3245 33.038
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3247 33.782
3248 33.396
3249 33.152
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3252 33.457
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3255 32.896
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3258 33.393
3259 33.384
3260 33.798
3261 33.217
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3263 32.648
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3277 33.214
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3285 33.357
3286 33.329
3287 33.419
3288 33.345
3289 33.837
3290 32.721
3291 33.090
3292 33.989
3293 32.924
3294 33.981
3295 32.668
3296 34.035
3297 32.583
3298 33.215
3299 33.717
3300 34.101
3301 32.835
3302 33.184
3303 33.459
3304 33.082
3305 32.842
3306 33.467
3307 33.851
3308 32.826
3309 33.272
3310 33.501
3311 33.440
3312 33.044
3313 33.404
3314 33.310
3315 33.379
3316 33.163
3317 33.394
3318 33.266
3319 33.417
3320 33.302
3321 33.377
3322 33.391
3323 33.144
3324 33.732
3325 33.020
3326 33.370
3327 33.325
3328 33.329
3329 33.437
3330 33.224
3331 33.383
3332 33.306
3333 33.886
3334 34.033
3335 32.744
3336 32.866
3337 34.799
3338 34.054
3339 33.097
3340 32.528
3341 34.303
3342 32.877
3343 33.435
3344 33.241
3345 33.718
3346 33.458
3347 32.863
3348 33.067
3349 33.393
3350 33.472
3351 33.198
3352 33.783
3353 33.147
3354 33.338
3355 33.095
3356 36.248
3357 30.450
3358 33.260
3359 33.866
3360 33.911
3361 34.445
3362 34.749
3363 31.098
3364 43.512
3365 29.623
3366 33.569
3367 33.409
3368 44.409
3369 42.965
3370 27.858
3371 29.261
3372 33.807
3373 34.550
3374 32.918
3375 36.891
3376 32.622
3377 32.183
3378 33.219
3379 33.985
3380 32.725
3381 33.361
3382 37.122
3383 29.482
3384 33.306
3385 33.322
3386 33.271
3387 33.641
3388 33.167
3389 33.497
3390 33.216
3391 33.442
3392 34.768
3393 31.729
3394 33.367
3395 33.412
3396 34.137
3397 32.405
3398 33.394
3399 39.744
3400 30.337
3401 32.033
3402 33.162
3403 32.950
3404 33.199
3405 34.179
3406 32.503
3407 33.295
3408 33.420
3409 33.247
3410 33.199
3411 33.411
3412 33.310
3413 33.226
3414 33.530
3415 33.314
3416 34.050
3417 33.516
3418 32.142
3419 33.478
3420 33.292
3421 33.266
3422 33.480
3423 34.534
3424 32.228
3425 33.297
3426 33.323
3427 33.276
3428 33.258
3429 33.462
3430 33.231
3431 33.249
3432 33.298
3433 33.555
3434 33.167
3435 33.476
3436 33.194
3437 33.464
3438 33.357
3439 33.277
3440 33.560
3441 33.172
3442 33.670
3443 32.823
3444 34.014
3445 32.684
3446 33.284
3447 33.901
3448 32.784
3449 33.723
3450 32.941
3451 33.750
3452 32.920
3453 33.270
3454 33.402
3455 33.849
3456 32.857
3457 33.259
3458 33.355
3459 33.361
3460 33.323
3461 33.353
3462 33.350
3463 33.212
3464 33.350
3465 33.434
3466 33.284
3467 33.275
3468 33.353
3469 33.315
3470 33.365
3471 33.997
3472 32.585
3473 33.286
3474 33.613
3475 33.319
3476 33.334
3477 33.252
3478 33.301
3479 33.288
3480 33.312
3481 33.380
3482 33.257
3483 33.438
3484 33.277
3485 33.314
3486 33.273
3487 33.733
3488 32.917
3489 33.503
3490 33.287
3491 33.323
3492 33.249
3493 33.449
3494 33.311
3495 33.301
3496 33.363

System siehe CryEngine Benchmark


unbewegte (Plain ungeschönte Bilder) des jetzigen Render Ergebnisses (Warning overbanding)


2015-04-23, 10:37:04
Man cruncher du bist doch nicht seit gestern hier. Pack das in einen Spoiler!

2015-04-23, 11:52:29
Lastet der Prozess denn die CPU noch aus? Setz mal die Einstellungen auf Standard (ggf. den Ordner in Dokumente mal wegsichern und löschen).

Bringt alles nix, läuft nicht.

Logfile zeigt -> "Unable to clear in-file and out-file!"

[2015-04-23 11:42:40.437] [DISPLAY] Using DPI 144
[2015-04-23 11:42:40.474] [DISPLAY] File version 10000:14f0002 (for I:\GTA V\GTA5.exe)
[2015-04-23 11:42:40.494] [DISPLAY] File version 10001:50008 (for C:\Program Files\Rockstar Games\Social Club\socialclub.dll)
[2015-04-23 11:42:40.501] [DISPLAY] File version 10000:14b0001 (for I:\GTA V\GTAVLauncher.exe)
[2015-04-23 11:42:40.503] [DISPLAY] Version:|1.0.335.2||1.0.331.1|FFP
[2015-04-23 11:42:40.967] [DISPLAY] OS version: Major: 6, Minor: 2, Build: 9200, Platform: 2
[2015-04-23 11:42:41.574] [DISPLAY] File version 10000:14f0002 (for I:\GTA V\GTA5.exe)
[2015-04-23 11:42:41.808] [DISPLAY] Opened options file.
[2015-04-23 11:42:41.947] [DISPLAY] File version 10001:50008 (for C:\Program Files\Rockstar Games\Social Club\socialclub.dll)
[2015-04-23 11:42:41.969] [DISPLAY] Social Club initializing...
[2015-04-23 11:42:42.261] [DISPLAY] Attempting to create device...
[2015-04-23 11:42:42.262] [DISPLAY] Attempting to initialise DX9 COM object...
[2015-04-23 11:42:42.267] [DISPLAY] Window size: 1035 x 744
[2015-04-23 11:42:42.323] [DISPLAY] Successfully created DX Device!
[2015-04-23 11:42:46.352] [DISPLAY] File version 10000:14f0002 (for I:\GTA V\GTA5.exe)
[2015-04-23 11:42:48.381] [DISPLAY] In-place download is up-to-date.
[2015-04-23 11:42:48.413] [DISPLAY] Launching game...
[2015-04-23 11:42:48.414] [DISPLAY] (path: I:\GTA V\GTA5.exe cmdline: "I:\GTA V\GTA5.exe")
[2015-04-23 11:42:52.170] [WARNING] Device lost.
[2015-04-23 11:42:52.170] [WARNING] Resetting device...
[2015-04-23 11:42:52.488] [WARNING] Reset failed with D3DERR_DEVICELOST.
[2015-04-23 11:43:45.864] [WARNING] Resetting device...
[2015-04-23 11:43:46.186] [WARNING] Reset failed with D3DERR_DEVICELOST.
[2015-04-23 11:45:40.538] [WARNING] Resetting device...
[2015-04-23 11:45:40.679] [DISPLAY] Reset succeeded.
[2015-04-23 11:45:52.545] [WARNING] Device lost.
[2015-04-23 11:45:53.647] [DISPLAY] Reset succeeded.
[2015-04-23 11:46:18.357] [ ERROR ] GameComm: ReadFile failed.
[2015-04-23 11:46:18.719] [DISPLAY] Game exited with code 1
[2015-04-23 11:46:18.719] [ ERROR ] Unable to stat out-file!
[2015-04-23 11:46:18.720] [ ERROR ] ************************************************************************
[2015-04-23 11:46:18.720] [ ERROR ] * Setting error condition
[2015-04-23 11:46:18.720] [ ERROR ] * Category: 1 (ERROR_CATEGORY_LAUNCHER)
[2015-04-23 11:46:18.720] [ ERROR ] * Code: 1 (LAUNCHER_ERR_INVALID_OUTFILE)
[2015-04-23 11:46:18.720] [ ERROR ] * Extra:
[2015-04-23 11:46:18.720] [ ERROR ] * Localised: Fehler beim Starten. Code: 7
[2015-04-23 11:46:18.720] [ ERROR ] ************************************************************************
[2015-04-23 11:46:18.721] [ ERROR ] Unable to read out-file!
[2015-04-23 11:46:18.721] [ ERROR ] ************************************************************************
[2015-04-23 11:46:18.721] [ ERROR ] * Setting error condition
[2015-04-23 11:46:18.722] [ ERROR ] * Category: 5 (ERROR_CATEGORY_EXIT_CODE)
[2015-04-23 11:46:18.722] [ ERROR ] * Code: 5 (1)
[2015-04-23 11:46:18.722] [ ERROR ] * Extra:
[2015-04-23 11:46:18.722] [ ERROR ] * Localised: Grand Theft Auto V wurde unerwartet beendet. <- (habe ich verursacht mit dem Taskmanager wenn er ewig lädt).

CPU Last liegt bei ~1-1,5%. Auch das normale Spiel läuft nicht mehr faktisch muß ich neu anfangen.

Problem besteht erst seit dem Update auf v335.1.

2015-04-23, 12:40:12
Dann wende dich zunächst an den Support. Sowas is ärgerlich. Ich drück dir die Daumen ;)

2015-04-23, 12:57:59
Mit 2xMSAA ist es garnicht viel schlechter von der Latenz bei 4K DSR, hier müsste ja jetzt nach Nvidias PR MFAA helfen und es wieder in die Performante Richtung bringen mal nacher schauen ob sie die Performance so weit steigern konnten mit 350.12 das es vielleicht schon aussreichend ist ;)

2015-04-26, 09:43:59
Core i7-4790K @ 4.6GHZ, 8GB DDR3-2133, GTX 970 @ 1.440/3.800, Win8.1 x64, Treiber 350.12

1.280 × 720, kein AA/AF
Pass 1, 38.363567, 80.699249, 59.054104
Pass 2, 63.767132, 160.737671, 105.824020
Pass 3, 67.943001, 161.635574, 119.648727
Pass 4, 31.068783, 163.147781, 84.545258

1.920 × 1.080 mit FXAA/16:1 AF
Pass 1, 26.576183, 71.938248, 46.843712
Pass 2, 41.032436, 144.467133, 88.303223
Pass 3, 46.596687, 143.316956, 95.215729
Pass 4, 25.210701, 135.737259, 70.085503

1.920 × 1.080 mit 4x MSAA+FXAA/16:1 AF
Pass 1, 19.337187, 128.698181, 36.679691
Pass 2, 34.158653, 127.326408, 58.663990
Pass 3, 41.215572, 126.293152, 63.028873
Pass 4, 14.969963, 109.976265, 53.343594

Spielen tue ich in 2880*1620 DSR, FXAA & Schatten leicht reduziert. Das Spiel befindet sich auf einer SSD.

2015-05-01, 11:03:38
i7-4770K@4.0Ghz,670 FTW 4GB,8Gb 2400er Ram,Win7 64bit

alles Max, ausser Schatten am weichsten und Grass auf High

Pass 0, 24.346252, 68.295532, 40.341476
Pass 1, 21.411760, 72.851387, 30.443409
Pass 2, 25.356300, 125.120544, 37.313591
Pass 3, 24.569443, 137.478561, 40.959232
Pass 4, 23.118959, 70.342476, 37.518925

Pass 0, 15.026791, 74.221703, 36.926472
Pass 1, 19.419474, 52.116383, 28.371754
Pass 2, 26.319305, 114.168159, 36.728878
Pass 3, 14.241044, 142.435379, 39.070927
Pass 4, 18.682232, 82.612106, 37.700386

2015-05-03, 20:52:51
TitanX@1400/2000 ist ungefähr genauso schnell wie Titan(Classic) SLI@Stock 1000/1500.:)

4770k @ 3.7GHz (HT on) | 2x8GB @ 2400 11-12-11-32 | GTX Titan SLI@Stock 1006/1502Mhz | Driver 350.12 | Win 8.1

Pass 0|3.970418|87.682266|67.723206
Pass 1|15.326963|66.091141|44.288216
Pass 2|44.914139|117.514809|76.147156
Pass 3|50.410542|130.205307|91.500183
Pass 4|19.597370|161.521057|67.863457

Pass 0|6.082608|89.393517|68.390282
Pass 1|15.270181|63.613102|46.192051
Pass 2|45.895660|119.004555|76.760338
Pass 3|15.338108|145.993500|82.767174
Pass 4|28.349134|157.413635|66.974792

Pass 0|21.086599|86.381119|62.006756
Pass 1|15.214767|62.897655|42.466011
Pass 2|37.201313|121.410522|72.554565
Pass 3|39.601063|128.077438|82.370369
Pass 4|22.014057|150.295929|62.812378

Pass 0|4.323466|133.736908|54.451096
Pass 1|11.712810|59.546867|35.602421
Pass 2|31.379225|95.907089|55.460941
Pass 3|20.135759|99.774521|61.027058
Pass 4|16.407190|118.690399|50.427139

Pass 0|2.327225|46.332535|29.984539
Pass 1|7.882211|58.705917|22.971703
Pass 2|13.507710|89.071945|31.013008
Pass 3|4.742753|94.349953|32.886524
Pass 4|10.986502|66.082191|29.890045

Pass 0|1.421960|42.299801|19.037146
Pass 1|2.259020|62.837509|15.908559
Pass 2|2.540421|106.315430|19.411476
Pass 3|8.892845|71.141090|20.007149
Pass 4|1.022013|86.696716|19.483171

4770k @ 3.7GHz (HT on) | 2x8GB @ 2400 11-12-11-32 | GTX Titan X@1400/2003Mhz | Driver 350.12 | Win 8.1

Pass 0|6.372866|91.053856|70.774261
Pass 1|33.916424|76.830910|53.791794
Pass 2|48.388836|126.935547|81.009712
Pass 3|50.585922|131.955124|96.757324
Pass 4|34.709511|160.988358|70.541878

Pass 0|6.803219|90.422554|70.561394
Pass 1|33.794994|69.342247|49.119061
Pass 2|21.901318|124.743652|76.022041
Pass 3|53.056190|130.289703|94.733963
Pass 4|27.453104|169.316574|68.347946

Pass 0|5.709093|87.285812|68.024254
Pass 1|25.121141|56.906948|42.695011
Pass 2|13.194697|100.401901|70.784714
Pass 3|54.647167|110.807724|84.667519
Pass 4|26.251329|140.518066|62.603645

Pass 0|7.571210|80.276703|54.845558
Pass 1|20.229578|44.869904|33.939323
Pass 2|36.354309|72.881538|53.265705
Pass 3|40.653141|131.533524|62.777050
Pass 4|14.564502|128.918243|50.681358

Pass 0|3.865548|33.485012|29.510664
Pass 1|17.400003|37.698345|21.523108
Pass 2|21.939285|77.840805|29.050535
Pass 3|13.237431|87.885239|32.456364
Pass 4|18.376284|58.542980|29.091267

Pass 0|3.080901|21.887009|18.236404
Pass 1|11.848873|34.835129|14.649434
Pass 2|11.738562|83.907814|18.751619
Pass 3|16.614370|83.667435|20.983961
Pass 4|9.380550|72.335365|18.679335

2015-05-07, 14:33:19

Frames Per Second (Higher is better) Min, Max, Avg
Pass 0, 13.818057, 101.240868, 85.365646
Pass 1, 44.799702, 103.287590, 71.287018
Pass 2, 58.364376, 150.998093, 97.691200
Pass 3, 64.036140, 157.120209, 111.150215
Pass 4, 38.443291, 193.041504, 84.274734

Time in milliseconds(ms). (Lower is better). Min, Max, Avg
Pass 0, 9.877434, 72.369072, 11.714314
Pass 1, 9.681705, 22.321577, 14.027800
Pass 2, 6.622600, 17.133739, 10.236337
Pass 3, 6.364553, 15.616181, 8.996834
Pass 4, 5.180233, 26.012341, 11.865952

Frames Per Second (Higher is better) Min, Max, Avg
Pass 0, 13.818057, 101.240868, 85.365646
Pass 1, 44.799702, 103.287590, 71.287018
Pass 2, 58.364376, 150.998093, 97.691200
Pass 3, 64.036140, 157.120209, 111.150215
Pass 4, 38.443291, 193.041504, 84.274734

Time in milliseconds(ms). (Lower is better). Min, Max, Avg
Pass 0, 9.877434, 72.369072, 11.714314
Pass 1, 9.681705, 22.321577, 14.027800
Pass 2, 6.622600, 17.133739, 10.236337
Pass 3, 6.364553, 15.616181, 8.996834
Pass 4, 5.180233, 26.012341, 11.865952

Frames under 16ms (for 60fps):
Pass 0: 792/798 frames (99.25%)
Pass 1: 593/667 frames (88.91%)
Pass 2: 878/883 frames (99.43%)
Pass 3: 1024/1024 frames (100.00%)
Pass 4: 8700/9353 frames (93.02%)

Frames under 33ms (for 30fps):
Pass 0: 797/798 frames (99.87%)
Pass 1: 667/667 frames (100.00%)
Pass 2: 883/883 frames (100.00%)
Pass 3: 1024/1024 frames (100.00%)
Pass 4: 9353/9353 frames (100.00%)

Percentiles in ms for pass 0
50%, 11.00
75%, 12.00
80%, 12.00
85%, 12.00
90%, 13.00
91%, 13.00
92%, 13.00
93%, 13.00
94%, 13.00
95%, 13.00
96%, 14.00
97%, 14.00
98%, 14.00
99%, 15.00

Percentiles in ms for pass 1
50%, 13.00
75%, 14.00
80%, 15.00
85%, 15.00
90%, 16.00
91%, 16.00
92%, 16.00
93%, 16.00
94%, 17.00
95%, 17.00
96%, 17.00
97%, 18.00
98%, 19.00
99%, 20.00

Percentiles in ms for pass 2
50%, 10.00
75%, 13.00
80%, 13.00
85%, 13.00
90%, 13.00
91%, 13.00
92%, 13.00
93%, 13.00
94%, 13.00
95%, 14.00
96%, 14.00
97%, 14.00
98%, 14.00
99%, 14.00

Percentiles in ms for pass 3
50%, 8.00
75%, 10.00
80%, 10.00
85%, 11.00
90%, 11.00
91%, 11.00
92%, 11.00
93%, 11.00
94%, 11.00
95%, 12.00
96%, 12.00
97%, 12.00
98%, 12.00
99%, 12.00

Percentiles in ms for pass 4
50%, 12.00
75%, 14.00
80%, 14.00
85%, 15.00
90%, 15.00
91%, 15.00
92%, 15.00
93%, 15.00
94%, 16.00
95%, 16.00
96%, 16.00
97%, 16.00
98%, 17.00
99%, 18.00

=== SYSTEM ===
64-bit (6.2, Build 9200)
DX Feature Level: 11.0
Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3770K CPU @ 3.50GHz (8 CPUs), ~3.5GHz
16384MB RAM
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970, 4170MB, Driver Version 350.12
Graphics Card Vendor Id 0x10de with Device ID 0x13c2

=== SETTINGS ===
Display: 1280x720 (FullScreen) @ 59Hz VSync OFF
Tessellation: 3
LodScale: 1.000000
PedLodBias: 0.200000
VehicleLodBias: 0.000000
ShadowQuality: 3
ReflectionQuality: 3
ReflectionMSAA: 0
AnisotropicFiltering: 0
MSAAFragments: 0
MSAAQuality: 0
TextureQuality: 2
ParticleQuality: 2
WaterQuality: 2
GrassQuality: 2
ShaderQuality: 2
Shadow_SoftShadows: 5
UltraShadows_Enabled: true
Shadow_ParticleShadows: true
Shadow_Distance: 2.000000
Shadow_LongShadows: true
Shadow_SplitZStart: 0.930000
Shadow_SplitZEnd: 0.890000
Shadow_aircraftExpWeight: 0.990000
Shadow_DisableScreenSizeCheck: false
Reflection_MipBlur: true
FXAA_Enabled: false
TXAA_Enabled: false
Lighting_FogVolumes: true
Shader_SSA: true
DX_Version: 2
CityDensity: 1.000000
PedVarietyMultiplier: 1.000000
VehicleVarietyMultiplier: 1.000000
PostFX: 3
DoF: true
HdStreamingInFlight: true
MaxLodScale: 1.000000
MotionBlurStrength: 0.000000

1920x1080, FXAA

Frames Per Second (Higher is better) Min, Max, Avg
Pass 0, 12.183925, 100.137497, 80.860497
Pass 1, 34.335468, 80.628258, 60.964687
Pass 2, 40.091881, 133.369476, 88.165718
Pass 3, 44.532372, 122.821266, 90.704102
Pass 4, 30.178289, 133.489273, 72.727463

Time in milliseconds(ms). (Lower is better). Min, Max, Avg
Pass 0, 9.986269, 82.075363, 12.366979
Pass 1, 12.402599, 29.124403, 16.402939
Pass 2, 7.497968, 24.942705, 11.342277
Pass 3, 8.141912, 22.455574, 11.024859
Pass 4, 7.491239, 33.136406, 13.749964

Frames Per Second (Higher is better) Min, Max, Avg
Pass 0, 12.183925, 100.137497, 80.860497
Pass 1, 34.335468, 80.628258, 60.964687
Pass 2, 40.091881, 133.369476, 88.165718
Pass 3, 44.532372, 122.821266, 90.704102
Pass 4, 30.178289, 133.489273, 72.727463

Time in milliseconds(ms). (Lower is better). Min, Max, Avg
Pass 0, 9.986269, 82.075363, 12.366979
Pass 1, 12.402599, 29.124403, 16.402939
Pass 2, 7.497968, 24.942705, 11.342277
Pass 3, 8.141912, 22.455574, 11.024859
Pass 4, 7.491239, 33.136406, 13.749964

Frames under 16ms (for 60fps):
Pass 0: 700/747 frames (93.71%)
Pass 1: 238/570 frames (41.75%)
Pass 2: 706/794 frames (88.92%)
Pass 3: 800/827 frames (96.74%)
Pass 4: 6612/8227 frames (80.37%)

Frames under 33ms (for 30fps):
Pass 0: 746/747 frames (99.87%)
Pass 1: 570/570 frames (100.00%)
Pass 2: 794/794 frames (100.00%)
Pass 3: 827/827 frames (100.00%)
Pass 4: 8226/8227 frames (99.99%)

Percentiles in ms for pass 0
50%, 12.00
75%, 13.00
80%, 13.00
85%, 13.00
90%, 14.00
91%, 15.00
92%, 15.00
93%, 15.00
94%, 16.00
95%, 16.00
96%, 17.00
97%, 18.00
98%, 18.00
99%, 19.00

Percentiles in ms for pass 1
50%, 16.00
75%, 17.00
80%, 17.00
85%, 18.00
90%, 18.00
91%, 18.00
92%, 19.00
93%, 19.00
94%, 19.00
95%, 20.00
96%, 20.00
97%, 21.00
98%, 22.00
99%, 24.00

Percentiles in ms for pass 2
50%, 10.00
75%, 14.00
80%, 15.00
85%, 15.00
90%, 16.00
91%, 16.00
92%, 16.00
93%, 16.00
94%, 16.00
95%, 16.00
96%, 17.00
97%, 17.00
98%, 18.00
99%, 20.00

Percentiles in ms for pass 3
50%, 11.00
75%, 12.00
80%, 13.00
85%, 13.00
90%, 14.00
91%, 14.00
92%, 14.00
93%, 15.00
94%, 15.00
95%, 15.00
96%, 15.00
97%, 16.00
98%, 17.00
99%, 18.00

Percentiles in ms for pass 4
50%, 14.00
75%, 15.00
80%, 15.00
85%, 16.00
90%, 17.00
91%, 17.00
92%, 17.00
93%, 17.00
94%, 17.00
95%, 18.00
96%, 18.00
97%, 18.00
98%, 19.00
99%, 20.00

=== SYSTEM ===
64-bit (6.2, Build 9200)
DX Feature Level: 11.0
Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3770K CPU @ 3.50GHz (8 CPUs), ~3.5GHz
16384MB RAM
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970, 4170MB, Driver Version 350.12
Graphics Card Vendor Id 0x10de with Device ID 0x13c2

=== SETTINGS ===
Display: 1920x1080 (FullScreen) @ 59Hz VSync OFF
Tessellation: 3
LodScale: 1.000000
PedLodBias: 0.200000
VehicleLodBias: 0.000000
ShadowQuality: 3
ReflectionQuality: 3
ReflectionMSAA: 0
AnisotropicFiltering: 16
MSAAFragments: 0
MSAAQuality: 0
TextureQuality: 2
ParticleQuality: 2
WaterQuality: 2
GrassQuality: 2
ShaderQuality: 2
Shadow_SoftShadows: 5
UltraShadows_Enabled: true
Shadow_ParticleShadows: true
Shadow_Distance: 2.000000
Shadow_LongShadows: true
Shadow_SplitZStart: 0.930000
Shadow_SplitZEnd: 0.890000
Shadow_aircraftExpWeight: 0.990000
Shadow_DisableScreenSizeCheck: false
Reflection_MipBlur: true
FXAA_Enabled: true
TXAA_Enabled: false
Lighting_FogVolumes: true
Shader_SSA: true
DX_Version: 2
CityDensity: 1.000000
PedVarietyMultiplier: 1.000000
VehicleVarietyMultiplier: 1.000000
PostFX: 3
DoF: true
HdStreamingInFlight: true
MaxLodScale: 1.000000
MotionBlurStrength: 0.000000

1920x1080, 4MSAA+FXAA

Frames Per Second (Higher is better) Min, Max, Avg
Pass 0, 32.330620, 89.354622, 59.507355
Pass 1, 23.980867, 83.041618, 46.962940
Pass 2, 37.452530, 253.937073, 60.240837
Pass 3, 41.438755, 121.766754, 63.138950
Pass 4, 27.458611, 94.024895, 55.062374

Time in milliseconds(ms). (Lower is better). Min, Max, Avg
Pass 0, 11.191363, 30.930431, 16.804646
Pass 1, 12.042154, 41.699909, 21.293386
Pass 2, 3.937984, 26.700466, 16.600035
Pass 3, 8.212422, 24.132000, 15.838084
Pass 4, 10.635481, 36.418449, 18.161222

Frames Per Second (Higher is better) Min, Max, Avg
Pass 0, 32.330620, 89.354622, 59.507355
Pass 1, 23.980867, 83.041618, 46.962940
Pass 2, 37.452530, 253.937073, 60.240837
Pass 3, 41.438755, 121.766754, 63.138950
Pass 4, 27.458611, 94.024895, 55.062374

Time in milliseconds(ms). (Lower is better). Min, Max, Avg
Pass 0, 11.191363, 30.930431, 16.804646
Pass 1, 12.042154, 41.699909, 21.293386
Pass 2, 3.937984, 26.700466, 16.600035
Pass 3, 8.212422, 24.132000, 15.838084
Pass 4, 10.635481, 36.418449, 18.161222

Frames under 16ms (for 60fps):
Pass 0: 245/547 frames (44.79%)
Pass 1: 7/439 frames (1.59%)
Pass 2: 247/550 frames (44.91%)
Pass 3: 350/585 frames (59.83%)
Pass 4: 1186/6249 frames (18.98%)

Frames under 33ms (for 30fps):
Pass 0: 547/547 frames (100.00%)
Pass 1: 435/439 frames (99.09%)
Pass 2: 550/550 frames (100.00%)
Pass 3: 585/585 frames (100.00%)
Pass 4: 6247/6249 frames (99.97%)

Percentiles in ms for pass 0
50%, 16.00
75%, 19.00
80%, 20.00
85%, 20.00
90%, 21.00
91%, 21.00
92%, 21.00
93%, 21.00
94%, 21.00
95%, 22.00
96%, 22.00
97%, 22.00
98%, 23.00
99%, 26.00

Percentiles in ms for pass 1
50%, 21.00
75%, 22.00
80%, 23.00
85%, 23.00
90%, 24.00
91%, 24.00
92%, 24.00
93%, 24.00
94%, 25.00
95%, 25.00
96%, 25.00
97%, 26.00
98%, 28.00
99%, 29.00

Percentiles in ms for pass 2
50%, 16.00
75%, 20.00
80%, 20.00
85%, 21.00
90%, 21.00
91%, 21.00
92%, 21.00
93%, 21.00
94%, 21.00
95%, 22.00
96%, 22.00
97%, 23.00
98%, 23.00
99%, 24.00

Percentiles in ms for pass 3
50%, 15.00
75%, 17.00
80%, 18.00
85%, 19.00
90%, 19.00
91%, 20.00
92%, 20.00
93%, 20.00
94%, 20.00
95%, 20.00
96%, 20.00
97%, 21.00
98%, 21.00
99%, 22.00

Percentiles in ms for pass 4
50%, 18.00
75%, 20.00
80%, 20.00
85%, 21.00
90%, 22.00
91%, 23.00
92%, 23.00
93%, 23.00
94%, 23.00
95%, 24.00
96%, 24.00
97%, 25.00
98%, 25.00
99%, 26.00

=== SYSTEM ===
64-bit (6.2, Build 9200)
DX Feature Level: 11.0
Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3770K CPU @ 3.50GHz (8 CPUs), ~3.5GHz
16384MB RAM
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970, 4170MB, Driver Version 350.12
Graphics Card Vendor Id 0x10de with Device ID 0x13c2

=== SETTINGS ===
Display: 1920x1080 (FullScreen) @ 59Hz VSync OFF
Tessellation: 3
LodScale: 1.000000
PedLodBias: 0.200000
VehicleLodBias: 0.000000
ShadowQuality: 3
ReflectionQuality: 3
ReflectionMSAA: 4
AnisotropicFiltering: 16
MSAAFragments: 0
MSAAQuality: 0
TextureQuality: 2
ParticleQuality: 2
WaterQuality: 2
GrassQuality: 2
ShaderQuality: 2
Shadow_SoftShadows: 5
UltraShadows_Enabled: true
Shadow_ParticleShadows: true
Shadow_Distance: 2.000000
Shadow_LongShadows: true
Shadow_SplitZStart: 0.930000
Shadow_SplitZEnd: 0.890000
Shadow_aircraftExpWeight: 0.990000
Shadow_DisableScreenSizeCheck: false
Reflection_MipBlur: true
FXAA_Enabled: true
TXAA_Enabled: false
Lighting_FogVolumes: true
Shader_SSA: true
DX_Version: 2
CityDensity: 1.000000
PedVarietyMultiplier: 1.000000
VehicleVarietyMultiplier: 1.000000
PostFX: 3
DoF: true
HdStreamingInFlight: true
MaxLodScale: 1.000000
MotionBlurStrength: 0.000000

2560x1440, 4MSAA+FXAA

Frames Per Second (Higher is better) Min, Max, Avg
Pass 0, 21.196068, 65.836990, 40.995392
Pass 1, 17.865694, 70.817215, 34.599659
Pass 2, 28.214298, 256.067810, 42.430786
Pass 3, 29.798376, 132.418762, 43.242981
Pass 4, 13.062028, 95.632271, 39.820248

Time in milliseconds(ms). (Lower is better). Min, Max, Avg
Pass 0, 15.189030, 47.178562, 24.392986
Pass 1, 14.120860, 55.973198, 28.902020
Pass 2, 3.905216, 35.443024, 23.567793
Pass 3, 7.551800, 33.558876, 23.125141
Pass 4, 10.456721, 76.557793, 25.112852

Frames Per Second (Higher is better) Min, Max, Avg
Pass 0, 21.196068, 65.836990, 40.995392
Pass 1, 17.865694, 70.817215, 34.599659
Pass 2, 28.214298, 256.067810, 42.430786
Pass 3, 29.798376, 132.418762, 43.242981
Pass 4, 13.062028, 95.632271, 39.820248

Time in milliseconds(ms). (Lower is better). Min, Max, Avg
Pass 0, 15.189030, 47.178562, 24.392986
Pass 1, 14.120860, 55.973198, 28.902020
Pass 2, 3.905216, 35.443024, 23.567793
Pass 3, 7.551800, 33.558876, 23.125141
Pass 4, 10.456721, 76.557793, 25.112852

Frames under 16ms (for 60fps):
Pass 0: 1/379 frames (0.26%)
Pass 1: 2/323 frames (0.62%)
Pass 2: 3/388 frames (0.77%)
Pass 3: 2/402 frames (0.50%)
Pass 4: 3/4538 frames (0.07%)

Frames under 33ms (for 30fps):
Pass 0: 367/379 frames (96.83%)
Pass 1: 293/323 frames (90.71%)
Pass 2: 383/388 frames (98.71%)
Pass 3: 399/402 frames (99.25%)
Pass 4: 4334/4538 frames (95.50%)

Percentiles in ms for pass 0
50%, 23.00
75%, 27.00
80%, 28.00
85%, 29.00
90%, 30.00
91%, 30.00
92%, 30.00
93%, 30.00
94%, 30.00
95%, 31.00
96%, 32.00
97%, 32.00
98%, 34.00
99%, 35.00

Percentiles in ms for pass 1
50%, 29.00
75%, 30.00
80%, 30.00
85%, 31.00
90%, 32.00
91%, 32.00
92%, 33.00
93%, 33.00
94%, 33.00
95%, 34.00
96%, 35.00
97%, 37.00
98%, 38.00
99%, 39.00

Percentiles in ms for pass 2
50%, 23.00
75%, 28.00
80%, 28.00
85%, 28.00
90%, 29.00
91%, 29.00
92%, 29.00
93%, 29.00
94%, 30.00
95%, 30.00
96%, 30.00
97%, 31.00
98%, 31.00
99%, 33.00

Percentiles in ms for pass 3
50%, 23.00
75%, 25.00
80%, 25.00
85%, 26.00
90%, 27.00
91%, 27.00
92%, 28.00
93%, 28.00
94%, 29.00
95%, 29.00
96%, 29.00
97%, 30.00
98%, 30.00
99%, 32.00

Percentiles in ms for pass 4
50%, 25.00
75%, 27.00
80%, 28.00
85%, 29.00
90%, 30.00
91%, 31.00
92%, 31.00
93%, 31.00
94%, 32.00
95%, 32.00
96%, 33.00
97%, 33.00
98%, 34.00
99%, 35.00

=== SYSTEM ===
64-bit (6.2, Build 9200)
DX Feature Level: 11.0
Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3770K CPU @ 3.50GHz (8 CPUs), ~3.5GHz
16384MB RAM
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970, 4170MB, Driver Version 350.12
Graphics Card Vendor Id 0x10de with Device ID 0x13c2

=== SETTINGS ===
Display: 2560x1440 (FullScreen) @ 59Hz VSync OFF
Tessellation: 3
LodScale: 1.000000
PedLodBias: 0.200000
VehicleLodBias: 0.000000
ShadowQuality: 3
ReflectionQuality: 3
ReflectionMSAA: 4
AnisotropicFiltering: 16
MSAAFragments: 0
MSAAQuality: 0
TextureQuality: 2
ParticleQuality: 2
WaterQuality: 2
GrassQuality: 2
ShaderQuality: 2
Shadow_SoftShadows: 5
UltraShadows_Enabled: true
Shadow_ParticleShadows: true
Shadow_Distance: 2.000000
Shadow_LongShadows: true
Shadow_SplitZStart: 0.930000
Shadow_SplitZEnd: 0.890000
Shadow_aircraftExpWeight: 0.990000
Shadow_DisableScreenSizeCheck: false
Reflection_MipBlur: true
FXAA_Enabled: true
TXAA_Enabled: false
Lighting_FogVolumes: true
Shader_SSA: true
DX_Version: 2
CityDensity: 1.000000
PedVarietyMultiplier: 1.000000
VehicleVarietyMultiplier: 1.000000
PostFX: 3
DoF: true
HdStreamingInFlight: true
MaxLodScale: 1.000000
MotionBlurStrength: 0.000000

i7 3770K @ 100×49 = 4.900 MHz, Z77, 4× 4 GiB DDR3 2133, GeForce GTX970 @ 1.577/4.011 MHz, Windows 8.1 Pro mit MC (FW350.12)



2015-06-20, 11:28:30
Pass 0 ist mittlerweile gefixt und das Spiel bietet internes Rescaling/Downsampling – schick. :) Da die Min-Fps bei Pass 0 jedoch noch kaputter als die der anderen Szenen sind, lasse ich Pass 0 erneut weg.

Zum Vergleich die bis zum Nahtod getaktete Titan Classic @ 1.254/3.703 MHz. Hier war alles an, inklusive Reflection MSAA ×4, Ultra-Gras und erweiterten Optionen:

2.560 × 1.440 mit 4x MSAA+FXAA/16:1 AF:
Pass 1, 16.460243, 40.319729, 25.541332
Pass 2, 27.580832, 82.224167, 39.331573
Pass 3, 26.566410, 75.772812, 42.772652
Pass 4, 12.516405, 63.255260, 36.368443

3.840 × 2.160* mit 4x MSAA+FXAA/16:1 AF:
Pass 1, 10.959531, 36.247292, 15.389479
Pass 2, 15.186047, 78.052368, 20.277483
Pass 3, 12.547089, 63.278214, 21.156172
Pass 4, 10.690639, 49.728077, 19.750278

5.120 × 3.200*, FXAA/16:1 AF:
Pass 1, 12.970853, 45.479778, 15.434784
Pass 2, 14.899122, 78.963707, 19.751860
Pass 3, 12.876719, 67.233971, 20.659447
Pass 4, 10.969330, 53.474972, 18.828243

Und jetzt die Titan X, ebenfalls am Rande des Todes (@ 1.500/4.207 MHz): ;)

2.560 × 1.440 mit 4x MSAA+FXAA/16:1 AF:
Pass 1, 16.236118, 60.366661, 43.171570
Pass 2, 23.779648, 94.262894, 57.902477
Pass 3, 11.138272, 97.730629, 65.438713
Pass 4, 14.696835, 121.499397, 54.315697

+47 bis +69 Prozent gegenüber der Classic.

3.840 × 2.160* mit 4x MSAA+FXAA/16:1 AF:
Pass 1, 13.523788, 53.024540, 25.690037
Pass 2, 23.394554, 63.909554, 31.365257
Pass 3, 18.534840, 84.439835, 34.027702
Pass 4, 10.163432, 61.301888, 31.332430

+55 bis +67 % gegenüber der Classic.

5.120 × 3.200*, FXAA/16:1 AF:
Pass 1, 13.593591, 57.636135, 26.095358
Pass 2, 17.877659, 127.011177, 32.986336
Pass 3, 15.707147, 131.251480, 34.308743
Pass 4, 11.979671, 67.852722, 30.229616

+61 bis +69 Prozent gegenüber der Classic.

*Custom-Resolution, also Treiber-Downsampling

Core i7-5820K @ 2,5 GHz (0,78V), 4 × 4 GiByte DDR4 @ 1.100 MHz bei 15-15-15-20-1T (1,2V), GeForce GTX Titan X @ 1.500/4.207 MHz (derzeit nur @ PCIe 3.0 x8), GeForce 353.12 @ Q, aufgeräumtes Windows 8.1 x64

Unklar ist, welche Auswirkungen die letzten Patches und der neuere Grafiktreiber auf die Vergleichbarkeit haben.


2015-06-20, 11:58:30
Deine min-fps sind irgendwie nicht normal, Raff. Spiel mal am Takt der CPU herum (auch HT mal ausmachen).
Ansonsten: Fette Leistung der TX. Hab gar nicht mitbekommen dass du die nun dein Eigen nennst ;D Gratz!

2015-06-20, 12:48:51
Danke! Das teure Biest ja auch noch ganz frisch, gerade umgebaut und ausgehärtet, und ich habe zur Abwechslung mal keine Pressemitteilung rausgeschickt. ;D

Zu den Min-Fps: Diese kaputten Werte inklusive Nachladestocken sehe ich nur im Benchmark, nicht im Spiel – Öl für das "Nur Savegames sind das Wahre"-Feuer. :)
