Archiv verlassen und diese Seite im Standarddesign anzeigen : Dual Universe :: Civilization Building Sci-Fi MMORPG (Kickstarter)

2016-09-16, 13:34:56

auf der Star Citizen-Seite wurde vom Chairman folgendes Projekt gezeigt:




Hier ein paar Schlagworte von der KS-Präsentation:

We want to go back to the roots of the MMO genre: massively multiplayer gaming, emergent gameplay, and fully editable world.

In Dual Universe, you can for example:

Build a giant space station the size of a moon with your friends

Create an intergalactic political Empire
Gather along with thousands of others in player-made cities
Get hundreds of players inside space exploring ships
Mass-produce your custom designed ships to sell them in-game
Become a trader, a logistician or an industrialist
Program complex behaviors for your constructions
Live in a secret base 1km underground on a remote moon
Make a name as a spaceship designer or outpost architect

In other words, in Dual Universe, you can invent a new life for yourself in a world without limits, where almost anything is possible. We aim to make a massively multiplayer roleplaying sandbox on PC like never seen before.

2016-09-16, 13:49:55
Meine Gedanken zum Game:

Im Video habe ich viele Elemtente gesehen, welche ich von anderen Games ähnlicher Machart kenne:

-No Man's Sky

Auf jeden Fall gut geklaut ist besser als schlecht selbst gemacht... ^^

Ambitioniert ist das Projekt und mit 500.000$ noch überschaubar. Ist halt nur die Frage, obs hier ein Abo MMO wird...

Dafür spricht eine Einheit "DACs", welche bei den entsprechenden Paketen in steigendem Maß enthalten sind und einem reellen Geldwert entsprechen.
Scheinen für mich Monatsgebüren zu sein, welche enthalten sind.

2016-09-16, 13:55:50
Es soll wohl ein Abo-MMO werden.

die 500 000 Dollar sind nur eine "Marktprüfung". Die Entwickler haben einige Investoren in der Hinterhand die je, nachdem Kickstarter erfolgreich ist oder nicht, nochmal mehr Geld springen lassen.

2016-09-16, 14:17:33
Der Titel erinnert mich stark an Anarchy Online, was imho eines der besten MMORGPs der Welt ist.
Ist damit gebacked!

2016-09-16, 14:30:38
Aha, die kleinen "early bird"-Gruppen sind schon so gut wie weg.
Konnte noch einen "Gold" mit phys. Kram ergattern ;)

Es gibt ei YT noch ältere Vids mit Gameplay:


und ein paar Kommentare von "BlueDrake42" (ja, dem, welche man die Aurora geklaut hat...)



und hier muss er einen Rückzieher machen, weil er sich wohl über das Building von den Schiffen usw. ausgelassen hatte, das alles fake sei...
Nutzt aber auch für einen rant gegenüber den Gameentwicklern.


2016-09-16, 14:34:03
Ja habe mich auch für die Gold Version entschieden. Alpha und Beta Zugang muss schon sein :biggrin:

€: Nach näherem reinschauen ist es mehr ein Mix aus AO/EVE Online. I Like!

2016-09-16, 14:57:26

hier noch mehr Kommentare von Bluedrake42...


hier über den Kickstarter und seine Zweifel bzgl. des Vorgehens...

2016-09-16, 16:15:48

hier noch mehr Kommentare von Bluedrake42...


hier über den Kickstarter und seine Zweifel bzgl. des Vorgehens...

Wer ist dieser Bluedrake und warum sollte man ihn für voll nehmen?

2016-09-17, 15:15:21
Dafür spricht eine Einheit "DACs", welche bei den entsprechenden Paketen in steigendem Maß enthalten sind und einem reellen Geldwert entsprechen.
Scheinen für mich Monatsgebüren zu sein, welche enthalten sind.

Subscription tokens you can either consume or sell for in-game currency to other players.

10 DACs = 10 months of subscription or 10 Coupons you can sell as an in-game item to other players for in-game cash.

(See PLEX on EVE Online, same thing)

2016-09-17, 16:02:08
Wer ist dieser Bluedrake und warum sollte man ihn für voll nehmen?

Er scheint aktuell der am häufigsten zu dem Game stellungnehmende Tuber zu sein...
Ob man ihn für Voll nehmen sollte oder kann, muss jeder selbst entscheiden. ^^

Subscription tokens you can either consume or sell for in-game currency to other players.

10 DACs = 10 months of subscription or 10 Coupons you can sell as an in-game item to other players for in-game cash.

(See PLEX on EVE Online, same thing)

oha... das sieht stark nach PtW aus... Echtgeld über Umwege zu Ingame-Geld. Naja, mal sehen, was das alles noch gibt.

2016-09-17, 17:34:20
Eve Online hat das selbe System und ist so etwas von gar nicht PtW, ich sehe das erst mal gelassen und warte auf was spielbares.

2016-09-18, 09:38:03
Eve Online hat das selbe System und ist so etwas von gar nicht PtW, ich sehe das erst mal gelassen und warte auf was spielbares.
Ok, hab EVE mal vor Jahren gespielt und nur meine normale Subscription bezahlt.
Ansonsten hab ich mit Bezahl-MMOs nur wenig Kontakt gehabt.
Abgesehen von ein wenig WoW und fast komplett Ryzom von Beta bis Pleite...
Rest alles Free-to-Play, wo ich nie was dazu gekauft habe.

2016-09-19, 22:14:37
Ich würde sagen da hast Du eine Menge sehr viele gute MMORPGs verpasst :redface:

Was neues von der Front:

Dear Backers,
AMA Follow-up
The "Ask Me Anything" event is now closed and your participation has been incredible: we received more than 200 different questions! As answering to all of them in a row in one video would have been somewhat difficult (a video lasting around 10 hours!), we took a few more than 20 questions among the most popular and answered them. All remaining questions will be answered in a written form. To give us some time to answer all questions, the video will be released at the end of the week, along with all the written answers. Some similar questions are currently being merged to give a global reply on a specific topic, while a few others have already an answer in the FAQ at the bottom of our Kickstarter page so don't hesitate to have a look at it if you still have questions about our monetization model or on a specific pledge.

Open Door Event
The open door event scheduled for tomorrow (Tuesday the 20th) is already a huge success with more than 75 attendants! All slots have been taken despite the short notice, and we even have a few people that are coming from other countries to meet us and have a first impression of the game! we will post a recap video of the event later this week.

Kickstarter Status
We just reached 66% of our starting goal! Again, we want to thank you all for the amazing support your provided to us so far. We decided to advance a bit the reveal of the first stretch goals by popular demand, and these will be made public as soon as we will reach 5,000 backers (a milestone that should happen very soon!).
The journey has not ended though: we still have a bit of way to go: you can help us by continuing to spread the word! For the occasion, we are sharing today with you an artwork gathering a few iconic elements from Dual Universe!

2016-09-22, 22:02:16

2021-02-16, 20:10:20
WIe schon bekannt kann man das nun auch in einer " Beta" spielen. Manche werden sich nun daran stören das sie ein abo modell gewählt haben.

Die Welt ist zu 100% persistent wenn man ein objekt irgendwo hinstellt oder ein Schiff abstellt ist das auch noch nach Monaten dort zu finden.

Fast alles was man dort sieht wurde von Spielern erstellt .

Natürlich gibt es auch da Probleme z.b. teilweise FPS einbrüche bei Handelsstationen weil dort viele Objekte rumstehen ( anmerkung da würde SC natürlich nicht die krätsche machen :wink: ), PvP ist noch unausgeglichen und nach dem letzten "größeren Patch" haben sie einen großen Teil der Spieler verloren :biggrin: .




2021-11-10, 21:35:55
Dual Universe Community Q&A - Demeter Edition



1:20 Reaction to Demeter
3:45 Reminders about Demeter
8:33 PART 1: Brakes
12:05 PART 2: Mining
12:27 Ore values on territory scans
14:14 Surface ore markers
17:55 Infinite ore pools
19:42 Hey Gottchar!
20:53 DSAT: The chicken and the egg
23:50 Scan results: wipe or no wipe?
26:51 Increasing spawned asteroids
28:38 Mining unclaimed tiles
30:20 Higher tier ores on planets?
31:44 Lua API for mining units
34:51 PART 3: Taxes
45:05 Are space stations taxed?
45:35 Static constructs and unpaid territory taxes
50:03 PART 4: Future plans
54:17 PART 5: Price changes
1:04:45 It's a wrap!

Zusammenfassung des Video´s aus dem Discord User : Sundown74 ( Carsten)

Zusammenfassung des Videos:
- Voxel-Komplexität wird erstmal im Editor nur angezeigt, aber später mal ein echtes Limit

- Die Bremsen werden nach einem der nächsten Updates außen liegen müssen (noch nicht Demeter)

- Mining-Talent Reset kommt mit Demeter

- Die Erze in den Gebieten sind endlos

- DSAT werden evtl. einfacher (Tier 2)

- Scan wipe ist noch nicht vom Tisch (aber noch nicht für Demeter)

- Asteroiden in der Safezone werden erhöht (75), vorerst Spawn zum Wochenende

- T4+T5 Erz-Felder auf den äußeren Planeten (sehr selten)

- Lua-Abfragen für Mining-Units möglich (derzeitiger Status, derzeitige Abbaurate, welches Erz wird abgebaut, Territorium-Erzpool), aber wahrscheinlich nicht sofort mit release von Demeter

- Wenn man Mining-Units betreibt soll jedes Feld profitabel sein

- Jeder Spieler kann bis zu 5 steuerfreie Territoren (Headquarter territories) beanspruchen (max 5 insgesamt auf allen Planeten/Monden), kommt eventuell erst nach Demeter.

ergänzung Es wird NICHT steuerbefreit, sondern nur unter schutz gestellt, wenn man die steuern nicht zahlen würde. diese "Headquarters" bleiben also im spielerbesitz und verlieren nur funktionen.

- zahlt man seine Steuern nicht, wird das Gebiet frei, jeder kann es claimen. Sobald jemand anderes ein Gebiet mit statischen Konstrukten geclaimt hat, kann er die statischen Konstrukte requirieren, es wird dann aber erstmal ein zwei Wochen Timer gestartet. In diesen zwei Wochen kann der ursprüngliche Besitzer vorbeikommen und sein Konstrukt abbauen. Danach gehört es dem neuen Besitzer des Gebietes. Es wird nicht erwähnt, was mit dynamischen Konstrukten passiert.

- 6.99Euro/Monat nur noch wenn man 12 Monate abboniert

- 9.99Euro/Monat für einen Monat; 8.99Euro/Monat für 3 Monate; 7.99Euro/Monat für 6 Monate

- Preisänderungen nur für Neuanfänger

2021-11-11, 10:55:21
Headquarter territories update

2021-11-23, 18:55:03
update 0.27.2 - DEMETER veröffentlicht


Mining Units

Mining units are one of the key features introduced in this Demeter update. Mining units are new elements that you can deploy on your static constructs on the surface of planets. They need to be linked to an output container and, once calibrated, they will autonomously dispense ore at regular intervals into this container without the need for you to be connected to the game. There is one mining unit for each tier and they are large elements. Each tier of mining unit is able to mine ores of the same tier. In addition to these five large mining units, there is also a small one for tier 1 only. This special small mining unit is intended for beginners. For more details, please read the Mining Units 101 devblog: https://www.dualuniverse.game/news/devblog-mining-units-101
Introduced a new extraction mechanic for mining units.
Introduced new mining unit talents and refunded all currently spent talents in the mining related talent tree.
Introduced exceptions for calibration charge maximum count and calibration charge cooldown talents; those talents are functional even in surrogate, allowing players to use them from VR.
Territory management revamp

New upkeep mechanic for territories. Introduction of extraction and Territory Upkeep mechanic. For more details on territories and headquarters, a dedicated DevBlog is available here: https://www.dualuniverse.game/news/devblog-territory-upkeep
New requisitioning mechanic for static constructs on territories owned by others. This feature allows the owner of a territory to requisition static constructs on their territory starting a two week time window for the owner to dismantle and collect their construct before its ownership is transferred to the new owner of the territory.
Headquarters feature:

Introduced "Headquarters" feature for player territories. A player can declare up to five territories as headquarters. A headquarters tile will still go inactive if upkeep is not paid, BUT, it will not be subject to abandonment of the territory after that the abandonment delay has passed once the territory goes inactive. For more details on territories and headquarters, a dedicated DevBlog is available here: https://www.dualuniverse.game/news/devblog-territory-upkeep
"Set headquarters" and "Cancel headquarters" actions are accessible from the context menu on the planet map or directly on the territory unit.
Headquarters can only be declared for player-owned territories. (And only the territory owner can change the headquarters state of his territory.)
Trying to remove the headquarters state of territory that would have otherwise been abandoned if it was not a headquarters territory will immediately abandon the territory upon loss of its headquarters protection state.
Tokenization of a headquarters territory will remove the headquarters state of the territory.
Terrain Reset and Improvements

Planets and moons now use our new HexOctree voxel technology greatly improving the efficiency of planet voxels. Performance should be improved for many players.
The terrain on all planets and moons has been reset to its original state from the start of Beta.
Maximum dig depth is now 20% of the planet or moon’s radius, or at least 5,000 meters below sea level.
Jago and Teoma now have new visual assets for an improved look and feel.
Implemented a new abuse report system

The Abuse Report system is accessible from both the main menu and from the right-click context menu on elements, constructs, chat, and other dynamic interface locations containing player-entered images or text.
Added construct visibility settings for performance improvements allowing client-side set limits for visible constructs.

Added new voxel complexity limit per chunk feedback.

Accessible and configurable from the build helper settings.
Is not visible by default unless complexity is high in a chunk.
This limit does not currently apply any restrictions but will in a later update after the vertex precision tool is introduced.
Element overlapping visual feedback

Accessible from the build helper through the element list of the construct.
Overlapping elements will have a small warning symbol next to it.
Overlapping elements will become non-functional in a later update.
The build helper now displays elements that are stacked on top of another element. In a future version of the game, elements in a stacked state will be inoperable until the offending elements are moved out of a stacked state.
The cockpit widget stack (and the custom Lua screen) is no longer rendered in 3D but instead in 2D like the other controllers.
Updated the in-game roadmap.
Optimizations in element lighting and shadow rendering.
Optimizations in rendering of animated elements, especially industry units.
Added wallet log entry on territory key consumption.
Added a confirmation notification when setting a linked container.
[Surrogate] Leaving a surrogate session will close any open interface (except VR interface).
The build helper is now available for static and space constructs. Tabs that contained irrelevant information for immobile constructs have been omitted.
[Login] Improved the security of credentials stored in the client cache. As a result, previously saved logins and passwords will be cleared. You will have to re enter your login credentials.
[Tools] Harmonize the behavior of the planet smooth tool with other similar tools by adding a deployment time and an automode.
Forcefields can no longer exceed the collision box of flying constructs. As soon as a construct is moving, force fields will be retracted to the limit of the construct's volume.
[Rendering] Improved the look of being underwater.
Added new filter input in the Mission panel to filter by planet.
[Tutorials] Improved tutorial loading speed..
[PvP] Weapon hits counted to combat core stress appear in the combat log.
[UI] Evolution of secondary button style/slight polish on maps (standard/hover/disabled states).
[UI] Minor style polish on panel headers.
[UI] Planet menus (i.e. construct list, territories, etc.) now have a more consistent behavior:
• Right-clicking a list entry no longer deselects it.
• Context menus have been reorganized.
• Selecting an entry no longer centers the map on; this is now only done by selecting the "Center map" context menu option or clicking the dedicated button.
[UI] Aphelia tutorial improvements:
• Evolutions on tutorial reward panel.
• Keep tutorial information when you have already completed a tutorial.
• Polish the new look for tutorial highlights (replace the last green).
• UI evolution of Aphelia windows.
• Changed Aphelia’s portrait used for tutorial helper and inside the mission system panel for Aphelia missions.
[UI] Polished the login page.
[UI] Added box shadow under all tooltips (visibility issue).
[Shield] Updated shield VFX and integrated shield impact VFX.
[Parenting] Undock/deboard action from the context menu no longer needs to raycast a construct.
[Parenting] Added an Alt+Y shortcut to deboard or undock.
[Parenting] Alt+T no longer allows you to deboard or undock (parent to closest only).
[Parenting] Added better feedback when (un)dock or (de)board is not possible.
Improved the maneuver tool’s construct freezing behavior. Maneuver tool now checks whether the player is grounded on a static core/planet when releasing a construct instead of when grabbing it.
Added Space Fuel Tank XS.
[Art] Added a visual link between a maneuver construct and its parent.
[Art] New textures for the adjusters family with mesh and size optimizations.
[Art] New surface ore rocks to harvest.
[Art] New trees/rocks/weed assets to update Jago and Teoma biomes.
[Art] New ground (voxels) textures for some biomes on Jago and Teoma.
[Art] New atmosphere settings for Jago and Teoma in order to have a different ambience.
[Art] The arkship beam and crater has been updated with a new planet impact, scale, and VFX.
[Art] New Mining Unit S and L elements with deploy and work animations/VFX.
[Art] New on element screen VFX for the mining units, showing basic information updated in real time.
[Art] New beam VFX for the mining units.
[Art] Only on Jago and Teoma: new ambient environmental FXs linked to biomes, such as butterflies, flies, falling leaves, sand dust, submarine dust, falling snow, and snow wind.
[Art] New link FX for the docking link following the parenting revamp.
[Piloting] Piloting helper is now present when starting a remote control unit.
[Lua] Added a Lua function to toggle the build helper on/off: system.showHelper([int] show): Set the visibility of the helper top menu. Note that this function is disabled if the player is not running the script explicitly (pressing F on the Control Unit vs. via a plug signal).
[Lua] Added the drawGrid function to the rslib.lua library for screen unit help and debugging purposes.
[Lua] Added a rendering usage percentage to the drawRenderCost function in the rslib.lua library for screen units.
[Codex] Fixed a number of inconsistencies and typos in the Lua codex.
[Performance] Improved performance and render settings of sun shadows.
[GUI] A few polishes on the Market interface.
Added the option "View market page" for the item in the market container to go directly to the market page of an item.
Added a confirmation popup when consuming a territory key as a quanta cost is involved.
Added a confirmation popup when removing a territory unit.
[Missions] Jobs can now be created for longer durations of seven and 30 days.
[FTUE Onboarding] Dispensers in the district hubs (aka “the starting buildings”) can now be accessed more than once (after a delay) so that players retaking the onboarding tutorial will no longer be blocked.
[Air Delivery Challenge] Hanger layout improved to avoid ships pushing against each other.
[Air Delivery Challenge] Ships are now the updated versions available at the ship shop
Impossible to enter build mode during combat lock.
Players are ejected from build mode on combat lock.
Terraforming now removes small leftovers when digging dirt.
[Asteroids] More tier 1 and 2 asteroids will spawn in the safe zone.
Fixed raycasted item identification helper.
Changed the behavior of the “add” panel: if a selection is made in the “preset” list, it’s automatically added to the list on the right (similar to the RDMS interface).
[RDMS] Added pagination results for each category: policies, actors, and rights./ tags).
[RDMS] Tags are now sorted in alphabetical order in the dropdown.
All the resurrection nodes on a construct are now disabled when the construct is tokenized or when construct ownership changes.
Deep Space Asteroid Tracker is now tier 1.
Restrict Aphelia mission to being not achievable using surrogate. You can't take an Aphelia mission nor retrieve/deliver an Aphelia mission during a surrogate session. No change for other mission types (player hauling mission and jobs).

Cannons have some of the best tracking and DPS and are currently the second most used weapons, so we want to be careful with over-buffing. Their falloff range already gives them some flexibility into the mid-range, but we want to solidify them as a close-range choice. In view of that, cannons will be getting a buff to their aiming cone falloff.

Cannon XS

Aiming cone falloff: 60 > 90
Damage: 6000 > 7000
Period of fire: 2 > 2.5
Reload time: 10 > 7.5
Cannon S

Aiming cone falloff: 60 > 90
Damage: 11100 > 12950
Period of fire: 2.7 > 3.375
Reload time: 10 > 7.5
Cannon M

Aiming cone falloff: 60 > 90
Damage: 20535 > 23957
Period of fire: 3.645 > 4.556
Reload time: 10 > 7.5
Cannon L

Aiming cone falloff: 60 > 90
Damage: 37990 > 44321
Period of fire: 4.92 > 6.15
Reload time: 10 > 7.5

Lasers felt a little overbearing, so we are going to be tuning them back a little. We still want lasers to be a reliable, mid-range versatile weapon, but when stacking up the better variants and maximum talents they were creeping a little too hard into the long-range while maintaining good tracking and DPS. In view of that, we will be adjusting their optimal range to keep them in that midrange archetype and giving some space for long-range weapons to shine.

Laser XS

Optimal range: 15000 > 12500
Damage: 7000 > 8000
Period of fire: 3 > 3.5
Laser S

Optimal range: 30000 > 25000
Damage: 12950 > 14800
Period of fire: 4.05 > 4.725
Laser M

Optimal range: 60000 > 50000
Damage: 23957 > 27380
Period of fire: 5.468 > 6.379
Laser L

Optimal range: 120000 > 100000
Damage: 44321 > 50653
Period of fire: 7.38 > 8.6

Missiles are the shotguns of Dual Universe, and we want to help them fulfill their purpose. A faster rate of fire will help them dump their load quicker while significant buffs to cone and tracking will help make your precious few shots count. Optimal range will be getting a slight buff; however, it will likely still be a limiting factor, as intended. For anyone that manages to make it in range to empty the magazine, there should be high-quality burst damage available in droves.

Missile XS

Optimal range: 7500 > 10000
Optimal tracking: 7.5 > 12
Falloff tracking: 7.5 > 12
Aiming cone: 89 > 119
Period of fire: 4 > 3
Missile S

Optimal range: 15000 > 20000
Optimal tracking: 3.75 > 6
Falloff tracking: 3.75 > 6
Aiming cone optimal: 89 > 119
Period of fire: 5.4 > 4.05
Missile M

Optimal range: 30000 > 40000
Optimal tracking: 1.875 > 3
Falloff tracking: 1.875 > 3
Aiming cone: 89 > 119
Period of fire: 7.29 > 5.47
Missile L

Optimal range: 60000 > 80000
Optimal tracking: 0.9375 > 1.5
Falloff tracking: 0.9375 > 1.5
Aiming cone: 89 > 119
Period of fire: 9.84 > 7.38

With the laser changes, railguns should once again dominate the long-range, but we think they needed a little more help. The tracking tweaks hit railguns the hardest, so we’re reverting a part of that on railguns and giving them back a part of their old tracking. As far as damage is concerned, they’ll be getting a large buff to alpha damage and a slight buff to reload speed, bringing in their DPS per seat in line with other options. Railguns will also benefit from a buff to aiming cone to help a little on weapon versatility in certain situations.

Railgun XS

Optimal tracking: 2.5 > 3.5
Falloff tracking: 2.5 > 3.5
Aiming cone optimal: 15 > 30
Aiming cone falloff: 15 > 30
Damage: 11000 > 18000
Reload time: 25 > 20
Railgun S

Optimal tracking: 1.25 > 1.75
Falloff tracking: 1.25 > 1.75
Aiming cone optimal: 15 > 30
Aiming cone falloff: 15 > 30
Damage: 20350 > 33300
Reload time: 25 > 20
Railgun M

Optimal tracking: 0.625 > 0.875
Falloff tracking: 0.625 > 0.875
Aiming cone optimal: 15 > 30
Aiming cone falloff: 15 > 30
Damage: 37647 > 61605
Reload time: 25 > 20
Railgun L

Optimal tracking: 0.3125 > 0.4375
Falloff tracking: 0.3125 > 0.4375
Aiming cone optimal: 15 > 30
Aiming cone falloff: 15 > 30
Damage: 69647 > 113969
Reload time: 25 > 20
Some stellar bodies have been moved slightly with the new world generation. Your builds on these bodies will not be affected, but this may have an impact on some player Lua scripts, refer to the Lua atlas library to get the new world positions.
Updated the Lua atlas library.
The distribution of minerals on the stellar bodies has been changed :

Madis: hematite, bauxite, quartz, coal, natron, garnierite.
Madis Moon 1: coal, hematite, limestone, vanadinite.
Madis Moon 2: hematite, quartz, malachite, ilmenite.
Madis Moon 3: quartz, bauxite, natron, columbite.
Alioth: coal, quartz, bauxite, hematite, acanthite, malachite.
Alioth Moon 1: coal, quartz, chromite.
Alioth Moon 4: bauxite, hematite, limestone.
Sanctuary: quartz, coal, bauxite, hematite.
Thades: quartz, coal, bauxite, hematite, chromite, pyrite.
Thades Moon 1: coal, bauxite, natron, vanadinite.
Thades Moon 2: bauxite, hematite, quartz, malachite, ilmenite.
Talemai: bauxite, hematite, quartz, coal, natron, limestone, petalite.
Talemai Moon 1: quartz, coal, hematite, limestone, vanadinite.
Talemai Moon 2: bauxite, quartz, coal, chromite, columbite.
Talemai Moon 3: hematite, bauxite, coal, natron, rhodonite.
Feli: coal, quartz, malachite, hematite, bauxite, petalite, gold nuggets.
Feli Moon 1: coal, hematite, malachite, ilmenite.
Sicari: bauxite, chromite, coal, hematite, quartz, pyrite, kolbeckite.
Sinnen: limestone, coal, hematite, bauxite, quartz, acanthite, cryolite.
Sinnen Moon 1: quartz, bauxite, chromite, columbite.
Teoma: coal, hematite, bauxite, quartz, natron, garnierite, cobaltite.
Jago: chromite, quartz, petalite, kolbeckite, columbite.
Lacobus: natron, hematite, pyrite, gold nuggets, ilmenite.
Lacobus Moon 1: hematite, acanthite, vanadinite.
Lacobus Moon 2: quartz; limestone, petalite, ilmenite.
Lacobus Moon 3: coal, pyrite, rhodonite.
Symeon: bauxite, garnierite, chromite, cobaltite, vanadinite.
Ion: acanthite, coal, limestone, cryolite, rhodonite.
Ion Moon 1: natron, bauxite, garnierite, columbite.
Ion Moon 2: malachite, chromite, bauxite, rhodonite.
Fixed a crash with widget context menus when having two active Lua sessions.
Fixed an occasional crash when entering/leaving build mode.
Fixed a crash when a surface does not have a material.
Fixed a rare crash when opening the Lua parameters window.
Fixed a crash when moving an element in a colliding position.
Fixed a rare crash related to antibury.
Fixed a crash when trying to pilot a construct already in use.
Fixed a crash when the "Enable voxel logs" checkbox is checked.
Fixed a crash related to screen unit images.
Fixed a bug that could result in a graphic driver crash.
[Radar] Fixed ECU control transition crash.
Fixed several rendering issues that could result in graphics driver timeouts, causing the game to crash.
Fixed an exploit related to the DSAT.
Fixed an exploit related to packages.
Fixed an exploit related to repair units.
Fixed some flickering/out-of-date shadows glitches.
Fixed some punctual framerate drop issues.
Fixed antibury being disabled when a menu is open.
[UI] Minor localization fixes.
[Tool] Fixed some nanotool VFX colors.
[Sun] The position of the sun no longer depends on the time zone.
[Arkship] Fixed beam sound not playing at the impact point.
[Tutorial] Fixed the auto-scroll in the chat in the gunner station.
[Tutorial] Fixed display of the chat in the gunner station.
Fixed error notification spam when leaving the piloting seat of a construct without fuel.
Fixed a bug where in-game popup would never show during a session, including the "leave game" popup.
Fixed offline player death not being applied.
Fixed a bug that caused a shield to be hidden after a server restart.
[Asteroids] Construct speed near asteroids isn't limited to 500 km/h anymore.
Fixed the blur when a panel is closed and another panel is still open.
Fixed chat panel scroll to the new channel tab when a new panel is added.
Fixed hide owner and DRM information when raycasting mysterious objects.
Fixed a bug blocking the activation of a transponder after deleting an active one.
[Market] Fixed lowest/highest price label in create order modal.
Fixed context menu order for pack/unpack item.
Fixed a bug where the refuel tool speed was FPS dependent.
[Talents] Fixed the "Conditioning" talent name.
Fixed territory scanner not showing when radial scanner tool selected.
Improved scanner precision in close range.
[Shield UI] Fixed “Stop venting” button.
[Shield] Fixed a bug that made shield generators show 0 maximum HP in the interface after being deployed by a blueprint.
Fixed elevator not working on a space station when boarded to a nearby dynamic construct.
[Achievements] Barters with no item or quanta exchanged will no longer count toward the barter-related achievements.
Fixed sound being "muffled" when closing the main menu.
[Territories] Fixed an issue where territory information on the map interface was not updated correctly after a territory was claimed.
[Localization] Fixed “ilmenite” that was sometimes spelled “illmenite”.
Shrunk canopy collisions to allow more complex placement configurations.
[Highlight] Highlight no longer makes elements go invisible when using the build helper or the link tool.
[Highlight] Highlight once again follows the full current element model.
[Lua] Fixed an incorrect localization field in the local atlas.lua lib.
Fixed construct speed sometimes resuming a few seconds after being released and stopped with a maneuver tool.
[Shield] Effect disappears correctly once shield HP reaches 0.
Fixed fuel leak when leaving piloting with thrusts at 100%.
Fixed notification showing restore instead of repair.
Fixed a bug where a blueprint deployed on a ship the player is boarded to would be ejected.
[Tutorial] Fixed a use case where the user could lock themselves during the market tutorial.
[Surrogate] Anchoring state is now reset upon leaving surrogate mode.
Fixed a bug where engines/adjustor would activate during warp.
[Audio] Fixed some random noticeable volume variations when mining and/or piloting.
Fixed the display of remaining validity time on tooltip for keys (both construct and territory).
Fixed boarding/docking key remapping.
Fixed predefined duplication in the search input field.
Fixed a bug where editing RDMS right after clicking on "View" made all actors, rights, and tags disappear.
Fixed the ability to trash elements with an active combat timer.
Fixed an issue where events from already completed mission objectives could trigger.
[GUI] Fixed overflow issue on container view.
[GUI] Fixed primary button issue on market orders.
Fixed industry unit, mining unit, and container hub that could be in a bad state when removing a linked container without unlinking first.
Fixed error log message when opening the RDMS panel.
[Audio] Fixed muffled Aphelia voice when in FTUE and menu enter.
Fixed a bug where planets and moons rendering order in space was wrong.
Prevented bad configurations when linking containers.
Fixed build helper window being visible yet not interactable on the right area of the screen.
Fixed repair unit not showing local construct scan when opened while being active.
Fixed a rare error yielding bug when trying to update the name or “Welcome Visitors” state while the planet’s map was not loaded due to having another planet in view or not being local to the territory's planet.
[Radar] Fixed atmosphere/space edge position check.
[Shield VFX] Fixed shield size around large constructs.
Fixed territory units that were not displayed on close tiles.
Correctly capture input in the tag manager panel in the "add custom tag" input field (avoid triggering shortcut when entering something in keyboard).
Correctly use superscript for stack mass and unit mass in item inspector panel.
Correctly update meta group progression display on home talent page when talent is acquired during game session.
Does not use an empty slot when deleting a range of items (created using Shift+click).
Fixed local instant buy button being used in the market overview page while the switch is toggled on "sell order".
Fixed soft lock when interacting with a dispenser unit.
Fixed a rare rendering issue where the planet map could cause extreme lag.
[Mining Unit] Rocks may not spawn after calibration sometimes. We’re investigating this issue.
[Lua] Edit Lua Parameters can fail to be applied with some specific custom configurations. After investigation, we’ll need time to fix this and can’t provide an ETA yet.
[Lua] We are aware of and investigating a number of other Lua-related crashes and freezes.
[Highlight] Element highlight doesn't match with the element in some cases.
[Tool] Some elements visually disappear when you use the link tool; however, they remain linkable as they reappear when moused over.
[Tool] The terrain smooth tool may be prone to some rare errors, we are investigating this issue and we hope we’ll have a fix soon.
[Voxel] There are 8 opposing territories per planet where terrain excavation might fail, we are actively investigating this issue and hope to have a fix out as soon as possible.
[Harvesting] Rock names appear as Undefined, we are investigating this issue and hope to have a fix soon.

2021-11-27, 15:43:25
Das Game ist dermaßen tot XD

2021-11-27, 19:15:32
Das Game ist dermaßen tot XD

für das, das es "tot" ist, spielen es doch ein haufen Leute :freak: .

Aber für dich ist ja alles tot gell.

2021-11-28, 01:16:42
Definiere einen „haufen“. Wie viele tatsächlich noch spielen wird man in ca. ner Woche an den freien Tiles sehen. Es waren schon wenig Spieler eher Demeter und nun mit dem Softnerf werden es noch weniger. Ich schätze das Game aktuell auf ca. 250 Leute die täglich einloggen, Tendenz sinkend.

2021-11-28, 10:50:58
Ich schätze das Game aktuell auf ca. 250 Leute die täglich einloggen, Tendenz sinkend.

oh da hat einer mehr Informationen als die Spieler allgemein haben.

Wenigstens kann man dort mit deinen 250 Spielern , Spielen und nicht wie bei beim Hyper Star Citizen spiel wo seit jahren und " in die glaskugel schaut " auch noch auf Jahre hin nicht mehr als 50 Spieler möglich sein wird.

2021-11-28, 11:30:23
Diese Unterhaltung ist strange.
Angenehmen Tag und so.

2022-04-26, 20:34:25
Dual Universe Update: Athena (0.29)


• SPACE TERRITORY WARFARE: We are introducing ‘Alien Space Core Units’, which you can find scattered around at various locations outside of the Safe Space zone. These Alien Cores provide resources to whoever can fight to take and hold them.

• NEW FTUE: Dual Universe’s First Time User Experience has been drastically upgraded to provide players with an easier to understand, more concise and overall improved introduction to the game. The starting experience will take place on a brand-new safe moon called: Haven.

• STASIS WEAPONS: Designed to reduce the maximum velocity of targeted ships, these weapons allow you to tackle those who try to swarm or out maneuver you. This will add more dynamics and possibilities to engaging in space battles across Helios.

• SPACE TRAVEL SPEED BALANCES: A constructs’ mass will now impact their speed: the heavier the ship, the less its maximum speed will be. Smaller, more agile constructs can now catch up with the heavier ones!

• SPACE MARKET: With the introduction of the Aegis Market, players can now directly access a bot-free market housed in the void of space, between Alioth, Madis, and Thades.

SYSTEM MAP: our new system map gives powerful new tools to players in visualizing the Helios system with new and improved menus, filters, navigation, and more!

• LUA: Athena’s Lua changes bring many community-requested features into the game.

• PVP VOXEL IMPROVEMENTS: We’ve improved performance when voxels are being destroyed. Thanks to the player reports we've received, we have been working hard to identify this voxel issue and have been able to improve on this system.

• GRAPHICAL UPGRADE: From Blueprint Pre-Visualisation to a new Skybox, to water and warp VFX, we’ve worked hard to improve the look of the game in Athena.

2022-07-16, 18:25:37
Dual Universe Developer Q&A: Ask Aphelia Episode 9 (Schematics)


Aus dem Hyperion Discord:

Die Master Schematics besitzt Alphelia.

Es wird ein spezielles Menü im Inventar geben. (Kann man im Video sehen).
Beispiel aus dem Video = Warp Cells, kosten 50k quanta benötigen 3h und per Druchlauf gibt es 10
5 gleichzeitige Kopien

Wieso werden Parts(Zwischenprodukte) keine Schematics benötigen:
Testlauf jetzt benötigt am Anfang und am Ende eine Schematic
Also Pure + Endprodukt.
Sie wollen die nummer der schematics limitieren.
Es kann sein das sie das nochmal ändern für parts.

PTS für Schematics?
Nein durch "Zeit bedrängnisse".
Die Folgen der Schematics werden sich erst auf lange sicht zeigen

Schematics handelbar = Ja

Muss man zum Kopieren irgendwo hin?
Nein alles in einem eigenen Menü direkt im User Interface.

Wieviele Kopier Slots:

5 Kopier Slots
Soll durch Talents geboostet werden können (später durch ein Update)
Talents für Zeitreduzierung genauso für die Erhöhung des Outputs.
Keine Org Slots

Existing Schematics=

Alle Schematics werden Refunded.

Neuer Talentreset wenn Schematics kommen?


Softcap für Solo Industrien?
.23 hat viele normale Players von Industrien ausgesperrt.
mit den neuen Schematics werden normale Players wieder ins Industrie game rein gebracht.

Sie sagen aber auch, das es eigentlich nicht gewollt ist als Solo Player alles bauen zu können.
Man soll den Markt benutzen.

2022-09-29, 20:35:00
Das Spiel wurde nun mit Version 1.0 am 27.09 released.
Die Entwickler waren wohl fleissig und haben zum Release noch viele Dinge verbessert und eingebaut.

Es gibt eine FreeTrail Version auf Steam welche auf einem extra Server läuft und wo die Progression beschleunigt ist. Der Fortschritt dort wird 1x pro Woche zurückgesetzt.

Our Steam Free Trial is designed to give a full taste of Dual Universe to any new player interested in the game, without limits and completely free of charge. The trial runs on a separate server that is a copy of our main, persistent server but with a few key differences to help you fully try the game:

Gameplay is accelerated, meaning that the markets are seeded with useful items at greatly reduced prices. You’ll still need to make money on your own, but you should be able to afford the elements you’ll need to easily try any game aspect.

The Free Trial Server is regularly reset. This means that all accounts are deleted, and the server restarts completely from scratch periodically. You’ll receive a notice on logging in informing you of the next reset date. The frequency of these server resets is yet to be finalized.

Other than that, the Free Trial is an exact copy of retail Dual Universe. There are no limitations.