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2003-07-17, 18:37:04
Hallo miteinander! Mir kam die Idee, mal ein Script von mir zu "veröffentlichen". Es ist zwar nur eine Englisch Hausaufgabe, aber was solls? Ihr könnt ja mitmachen!:D

Little Red Riding Hood

Scene 1

Once upon a time, in a little house which is located near to the woods...

Mother(holding a basket in her hands):"Little Red Riding Hood, it would make me so glad if you took this basket to your grandmother. She's very ill and I think she needs a little tonic to feel well! The basket is filled with a bottle of wine, an apple cake and some vegetables. I cannot do it because I have a lot of work to do!"

Little Red Riding Hood(,interlocks her arms and looks very angry):"Oh mum, you're driving me crazy! There's not a day without one of your exercices! You always say 'do this, do that' without so much as saying thank you! And I don't like grandma! She's a creepy old witch that bitches me frequently! Let's face it. You hate grandma, I hate grandma, so why don't you get drunk with that wine and have a nice day?"

Mother:"Oh dear, you're such a kiddy girl! Go out of the room, but don't forget the basket!"

LRRH(whistling, takes the basket and is about leaving the room):"Fucking Bitch!!"

Mother:"What you say?!"

LRRH(whistling and leaving the room):"Oh, I didn't say anything! Bye!"

Mother:"Little Red Riding Hood, don't forget to stay on the footpath!"

Scene 2

Holding a heavy basket in her hand, Little Red Riding Hood is on her way to Grandma...

LRRH:"I really hate my mum. And I hate my silly red costume!*looks down* Everybody treats me like a kid, though I am 12 years old!...Uh?! Who's that? Hey, hello!"

Wulf(sees LRRH and gets really angry):"ARGH!! You're already the third person that disturbs me while I shit! Go away you motherfucking slut!"

LRRH(near to tears):"You're so mean! I never met such an aggressive wulf..."

Wulf:"I don't care! Go away or I will eat you!!"

LRRH(her eyes suggested cleverness):"I think that's not a good idea!"

Wulf:" And WHY do you think it isn't a good idea to eat you?!"

LRRH:"Well, you said that you need to shit. If you eat me, you need even more to shit. You won't have any advantages of eating me!"

Wulf(scratching with his fingers on his head):"Oh...I think you're right!"

LRRH(excited):"Does it mean that you're not going to eat me??"

Wulf:"Haha! Let's say it this way: If you give me something delicious , I will leave you in peace!"

LRRH(immedeatly thinks of the wine and gives the bottle to the wulf):"Here you are! I've hear that wulves like wine!"

Scene 3

And so it came to pass that Little Red Riding Hood saved her life with a bottle of wine. ...Well, is it really wine? One day later, Little Red Riding Hood 's already back at home and she has a talk with her mother...

Mother:"Well, did you finally enjoy wandering through the forest?"

LRRH:"Oh yes! I tricked a wulf who wanted to kill me!"

Mother:" Oh my god! Are you well??"

LRRH:"Yes mum... well, be that as it may, I gave him the wine bottle, and as a reward, I saved my life!"

Mother(laughing as hell):"Hahaha! I can't believe that..."

LRRH(totally confused):"Er...could you tell me what's so funny?"

Mother(almost can't stop laughing):"Well...let me explain to you: You were right yesterday! I HATE Grandma! And that's why I filled an empty bottle with fluid laxatives! Let's hope that the wulf doesn't shit out his bowel!!"

LRRH:"Oh mum, I love you!"*gives her a hug*

The End!

2003-07-17, 19:02:53
ich kann nicht englisch;(:D

2003-07-17, 19:05:12
also an rotkaeppchen haste dich nicht zufaellig orientiert?

Gruss Titus

2003-07-17, 19:06:31
Original geschrieben von TitusXP
also an rotkaeppchen haste dich nicht zufaellig orientiert?

Gruss Titus

oraniert passt besser*eg*

2003-07-17, 19:29:19
Original geschrieben von TitusXP
also an rotkaeppchen haste dich nicht zufaellig orientiert?

Gruss Titus

Little Red Riding Hood = Rotkäppchen

2003-07-17, 20:17:46
Original geschrieben von Braincatcher
Little Red Riding Hood = Rotkäppchen

ach nee!;D
ich dachte nur, weil du " Mir kam die Idee, mal ein Script von mir zu "veröffentlichen"." ein script von dir veroeffentlichen wolltest...

Gruss Titus

2003-07-17, 20:20:24
Original geschrieben von TitusXP
ach nee!;D
ich dachte nur, weil du " Mir kam die Idee, mal ein Script von mir zu "veröffentlichen"." ein script von dir veroeffentlichen wolltest...

Gruss Titus

Hausaufgabe ist's gewesen, für Little Red Riding Hood ein Script zu schreiben - weiter kann ich nicht vom eigentlichen Märchen abschweifen. Aber trotzdem ist es von mir.:)

2003-07-18, 01:01:11
Nettes Script :D
Ich wollte mal ein Buch schreiben. Nach den ersten 3 Seiten wurde mir klar, wie beknackt diese Idee war und gab auf :D

2003-07-18, 09:43:57
hab früher oft kurzgeschichten geschrieben, auch mal ein buch angefangen (aber nur die ersten 80 seiten geschrieben, dann hatte ich mich in der story verrannt [drachen etc... wurde zu kompliziert]

aber liest sich lustig chef :D wenn auch gelegentlich etwas zu "rudimentär" ;)

2003-07-18, 16:28:42
[B]Original geschrieben von dreizehn
aber liest sich lustig chef :D wenn auch gelegentlich etwas zu "rudimentär" ;) [/QUOTE]

Danke. Meinen Lehrer kann man mit sowas in der Richtung auch vollkommen begeistern.:D
Meinst du mit "zu rudimentär" beispielsweise, dass ich nur kurz auf die Wichtigkeit einging, dass Rotkäppchen auf dem Weg bleiben soll?
Oder beziehst du dich auf Ausdrucksschwächen?