Archiv verlassen und diese Seite im Standarddesign anzeigen : Probleme mit 3D Mark 2001 und ATI 9800Pro

2003-08-26, 14:40:52
Hallo, ich hab das Problem das ich meine Ergebnisse nicht hochladen kann :( Hier mal ein Screenshot vielleicht könnt ihr mir ja helfen.


Könnt ihr mir helfen?

2003-08-26, 22:07:11
Den Thread kenn ich doch irgendwoher... atinews.de?! Für mich liegts daran, dass du zu viele Scores hochgeladen hast. Lösch mal alle bis auf zwei oder drei.


2003-08-26, 22:16:07
Was kommt denn, wenn du auf den Link 'More Information...' klickst?

2003-08-27, 21:11:22
also an zu vielen Links kanns nicht liegen habe schon fast alle gelöscht.

Bei more Infirmatonen kommen erklärungen aber mein englisch ist zu schlecht.

2003-08-27, 21:14:13
Dann poste sie hier rein. Vielleicht steht da ja etwas zur Problemlösung.

2003-08-27, 21:22:12
Original geschrieben von BlackArchon
Dann poste sie hier rein. Vielleicht steht da ja etwas zur Problemlösung.

Würd ich machen aber Server scheint down zu sein

Edit: das steht da :

Publish Project Help & FAQ
By default, the details of all your projects are available only to you. By publishing them, you grant other users the right to view the results. A Compare URL provides a quick access to a single project, whereas a Dynamic Compare URL allows access to a project of your choosing.

How do I publish my projects?
The Project Manager shows a list of your submitted projects. For each project, there is a checkbox labeled Published. By checking this box, you "publish" that project, allowing other users to examine your project details. (Please note: your email address will be visible as well, if you have not chosen 'Hide My Email' from Profile Manager).

The name and description can be changed in the Project Details page. Use the name field to give a short label (max. 50 characters) to your project ("My home computer", etc.). Use the description field to give more information about your project (the cooling system you used, display card clock settings, etc.).

How can I compare two of my own projects?
Project compare allows comparison between any two projects, as long as at least one of them is published. To compare two of your own projects, you must publish at least one of them:

Choose one of the projects, and publish it
Choose the other project as your active project
In Project Manager, click on the Compare URL of the first project

How can I examine and compare projects published by other users?
There are several ways to find published projects:

You can search for published projects (see below)
You can use a Compare URL, such as:



...where 7493984/9923874 is the number of the published project.
You can use a Dynamic Compare URL, such as:


You can find Compare URLs from your friends and other users (for example, on our Discussion Board).
How does the project search work?
The search allows you to find published projects.

Select CPU, video card chipset, resolution, operating system etc. to narrow the scope of your search results.
Select All or leave the text fields empty to cover all of the bases.
Select the score type (for 3DMark03: Overall or CPU, for PCMark2002: CPU, Mem or HDD). Search results will be sorted according to this score type. The "Score range" search parameter refers to this score type.
The Filter parameter allows you to show only one project per user. In this mode, only the highest score for each user is shown, and all subsequent are filtered out.
Please note that the User Email/User ID field is case sensitive.
Some search tips:

The results are ordered by descending score, so the fastest projects matching your search criteria are listed first.
To avoid browsing through multiple pages of search results, you can usually find what you are looking for very fast by using the search parameters creatively. For example, the score range fields can be very effective in narrowing the search. Experiment!
Use the shortcut links to reset the search parameters to match all benchmark projects, projects run with the default settings, or projects run with settings matching your currently active project.
How can I get a Compare URL for my own published projects?
The URL is visible under each published project in Project Manager. After you have published the project, giving your Compare URL to other users allows them to examine your project details and compare them with their own projects.

A more convenient way to provide links to your published projects is by using Dynamic Compare URLs (see below).

How does the project comparison page work?
The comparison page always compares your currently active project with the specified project (either a link from Project Search, or a Compare URL). It provides an easy and informative way to examine the differences between two projects.

The publish checkbox is not visible in Project Manager / Project Details, why?
The checkbox is not visible if a problem was detected in the benchmark project. Possible reasons for this are many, but most are due to an unknown component in your system, or inconsistensies during your benchmark run. If you feel you should be able to publish your project, please visit our support pages.

Whenever I publish a project, my original published project disappears!
(Applies to 3DMark03 only.) 3DMark03 Free users are allotted only one published project. 3DMark03 Pro users have no limitations on published projects.

Dynamic Compare
In addition to normal Compare URLs, a more convenient way to give others access to your project data is by using Dynamic Compare URLs. While each normal Compare URL points directly to a project, a Dynamic Compare URL points to your account. Hence, you are able to change instantaneously the project to which a Dynamic Compare URL points to, without changing the URL itself.

A Dynamic Compare URL looks like this:


where 123456 is your User ID, and 1 your Dynamic Compare URL id. The Dynamic Compare page shows your personal Dynamic Compare URLs and the projects that are currently assigned to them. You can "clear" a Dynamic Compare URL by clicking the "Unassign" link. Note that a project still remains published after clicking "Unassign". Unpublishing a project that is assigned to a Dynamic Compare URL automatically removes the assignment.

The Project Manager allows you to make the assignments. The rightmost column of each project box has 5 numbered buttons representing the 5 Dynamic Compare URLs. Clicking for example the button number 1 assigns that project to Dynamic Compare URL number 1. Note that a project assigned to a Dynamic Compare URL must be a published project - therefore, projects are published automatically when you click on the Dynamic Compare URL buttons.

A MultiCompare URL may also be assigned to a Dynamic Compare URL. Please see the MultiCompare Help page for more information.

Dynamic Compare URLs are handy if you for example like to include a Compare URL in your forum signature or other similar place. If you update your system often, you do not have to worry about changing the URL in your signature. Just updating the Dynamic Compare URL

2003-08-27, 21:23:03
Das liegt wohl eher an deinem Sys und nicht an 3DMark.
"Generic VGA" können die in ihrer Datenbank wohl nicht gebrauchen.

2003-08-27, 21:26:14
Original geschrieben von Anonym_001
Das liegt wohl eher an deinem Sys und nicht an 3DMark.
"Generic VGA" können die in ihrer Datenbank wohl nicht gebrauchen.

Ich glaub auch das es daran liegt, aber "Generic VGA" steht immer da, keine Ahnung wieso. Wie kann ich das ändern? Hilf da ein Bios flash?

2003-08-27, 21:41:23
3DMark liest die Daten doch aus der Registry.
Was steht im Geräte Manager als GK?
Versuch es mal mit dem Cat.

2003-08-27, 21:45:04
Original geschrieben von Anonym_001
3DMark liest die Daten doch aus der Registry.
Was steht im Geräte Manager als GK?
Versuch es mal mit dem Cat.

Also in der Systemsteuerung steht 9800 Series, hab aber auch schon in 9800 Pro geändert. Habs mit dem Cat auch schon versucht, wo in der Rigistry steht das?

2003-08-27, 23:01:21
Man kann dir Registrierung auch über "bearbeiten" -> "suchen" durchsuchen... natürlich kannst du auch jeden Schlüssel einzeln öffnen. Wie du magst :-)


2003-08-27, 23:02:21
Original geschrieben von Hagbard
Man kann dir Registrierung auch über "bearbeiten" -> "suchen" durchsuchen... natürlich kannst du auch jeden Schlüssel einzeln öffnen. Wie du magst :-)


Und was muss ich da eingeben? Ich mein nach was muss ich suchen?

2003-08-27, 23:27:48
In dem Fall würd ich halt na "Generic VGA" suchen, aber das in der Reg zu ändern wird nicht viel nützen. Ich tippe drauf, dass irgendwo im Sys noch n treiberrest klebt.
Versuchs mit Driverclean.


2003-08-28, 16:49:19
Original geschrieben von Hagbard
In dem Fall würd ich halt na "Generic VGA" suchen, aber das in der Reg zu ändern wird nicht viel nützen. Ich tippe drauf, dass irgendwo im Sys noch n treiberrest klebt.
Versuchs mit Driverclean.


Hatte in dem System seit der letzten neu instalation nur ATI Karten drin (9500,9700 und jetzt die 9800SE)