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2018-09-30, 16:39:05
Only one so far is Timespy, I think. I just meant that DX12 isn't anti-SLI... the devs are. It's like how 99% of games that use SMAA ignore SMAA x4 (which is SMAA + MSAA pretty much) because of the huge perf hit.
I'm not sure what TimeSpy does in the background, but there aren't any DX12 SLI bits in the driver profile at least.

2018-10-03, 19:22:38
I'm not sure what TimeSpy does in the background, but there aren't any DX12 SLI bits in the driver profile at least.
So what's this for?


2018-10-05, 21:27:16
I'm not sure what that is, is that really the TimeSpy profile? The TimeSpy profile ("3DMark TimeSpy") has no DX12 SLI bits and the profile from your screenshot does not trigger for the TimeSpy exe, so I'd say those bits are not for TimeSpy. Going by the exes for the 3DMark14 profile it seems to be related to draw call/API overhead benchmarks and not TimeSpy. Anyway, I suppose I've had my curiosity satisfied about actually seeing those DX12 bits used somewhere, even if it isn't a game.

2018-10-09, 16:16:07
Hallo zusammen,

wäre wirklich klasse, wenn hier einige mitmachen würden:


SLI Support für Assassins Creed Odyssey.

Vielleicht erreicht man ja etwas mit mehreren Stimmen.

2018-10-10, 09:22:52
@Blaire Post=Voll


Du hast recht wollte ich auch noch machen,aber ich denke unter 1000+ Postern wird das einfach mal hart ignoriert.
Soweit ich das sehe und rumprobiert habe mit Bits, ist da garnichts zu machen wenn die nicht was am game im größerem ramen um programmieren für 100k oder mehr $

Ich glaube nicht das dies passiert das nächste game wird eher DX12 MGPU Als dieses DX11 SLI

Ich hab es zz 4k alles max dafür aber 1/2 Sync is 100% stable bei mir damit , bei meiner FALD 4k HDR glotze habe ich auch keinen inputlag damit. SoTTR läuft 4k 60 alles max ohne taa, von daher schon traurig aber was solls kann man halt ned ändern muss ma gugge zu :-/

Aber wer weiß Blaire kann ja zaubern... "fg"

2018-10-14, 01:33:00
Any of you guys got a working SLI profile for OVERKILLS THE WALKING DEAD?

2018-10-15, 19:07:24
For OVERKILL's The Walking Dead, i use 0x080000F1 on AFR, nice scalling on 4K

using -useallavailablecores on Steam launch options is really helpfull


With this BETA 3 Update, The steam overlay must be DISABLED

2018-10-16, 01:25:52
For OVERKILL's The Walking Dead, i use 0x080000F1 on AFR, nice scalling on 4K

using -useallavailablecores on Steam launch options is really helpfull

Thanks, I will check it out

2018-10-20, 11:07:28
OVERKILL'S The Walking Dead:

Since the beta 3 update, the unreal engine version is now on 4.20
i have some performance problems at 3840x2160. it seems the TAA is always on on every AA presets.
I will search for a bette gpu scalling like the previous updates.

EDIT: find the solution for fixing the locked 25fps : Reduce all graphics presets , apply them, after set them on High or Ultra (at 4k shadows on ultra really cost)
The previous SLI BITS work alway well

2018-10-20, 14:06:21
OVERKILL'S The Walking Dead:

Since the beta 3 update, the unreal engine version is now on 4.20
i have some performance problems at 3840x2160. it seems the TAA is always on on every AA presets.
I will search for a bette gpu scalling like the previous updates.

EDIT: find the solution for fixing the locked 25fps : Reduce all graphics presets , apply them, after set them on High or Ultra (at 4k shadows on ultra really cost)
The previous SLI BITS work alway well

i was going to write that the sli scaling doesnt work now, so i will check if your setting change helps, any one has a profile for it that doesnt need changingoptions in game?

2018-10-20, 16:27:38
that not due to the profile!
that's a config file problem between the previous and the new version.
i forgot to say you: Remove the Steam overlay
This profile works fine.

i have edited the first post with a screenshot

2018-10-20, 21:02:42
that not due to the profile!
that's a config file problem between the previous and the new version.
i forgot to say you: Remove the Steam overlay
This profile works fine.

i have edited the first post with a screenshot

it has some scaling, i can see the sli indicator working, getting 45 to 50 fps max at 4K on two gtx1080s, hopefully we can get better performance with another flag or profile

2018-10-20, 21:25:37
on this screenshot, i use a cap for 75 fps just to avoid the overheatting, i keep always the GPUs at 60°c max 65 - 68c on some case, without this cap i have an average framerate of 130 - 140. all on ultra , except the shadows

Omegaferrari for your FPS, you play on 4k put the Antialasing on Medium ( FXAA) higher is useless, cost more and Blurry (TAA)

2018-10-21, 19:30:35
on this screenshot, i use a cap for 75 fps just to avoid the overheatting, i keep always the GPUs at 60°c max 65 - 68c on some case, without this cap i have an average framerate of 130 - 140. all on ultra , except the shadows

Omegaferrari for your FPS, you play on 4k put the Antialasing on Medium ( FXAA) higher is useless, cost more and Blurry (TAA)

I will try that, what is your steam username by the way?

2018-10-22, 18:09:24

never see a working SLI profile for this game (Just some Fools who recommand to use AFR2 on DX10/11 games ......POOR SLI)

as usual on UNREAL ENGINE 4.xx , the SLI BITS 0x080000F1 results a nice GPU Scalling, obviously on AFR.

nice results on 4K resolution 3840x2160 all on ultra except the AA set on medium (FXAA) , i really detest The blurriest TAA. use 2x ZOTAC GTX 1080Ti Amp Extreme
Proof with this screenshot, where my profile is capped at 75fps on Nvidia Inspector

2018-10-23, 12:29:01
Nochmal schnell einige RTX 2080 Ti SLI Werte, die mir Blaire hat zukommen lassen - die Performance ist schon krank, wenn es läuft :)
-> Got some nice RTX 2080 Ti SLI benches provided by Blaire - those are some serious numbers, man:

Doom - 5K Nightmare Preset + 8xTrSSAA OGL 4.6 - 103 fps:

Doom - 8K Ultra Preset + 8xTrSSAA OGL 4.6 - 63 fps:

The Witcher III - 4K maxed out - 130 fps:

W_D 1 - 4K+4xSGSSAA (enhanced) - 78 fps:

W_D 1 - 8K+4xTXAA - 50 fps:

Zudem gibt es nun mit NVLINK auch keine Performance Einbußen mehr, wenn man 3.0 x8 x8 (etwa per Patch auf einer HEDT-Plattform) zusammen mit TU-SLI plus G-SYNC verwendet - hat er in 4K und 5K in allen von ihm getesten Spielen.
Furthermore he said that even 3.0 x8 x8 (with a patch) plus using a G-SYNC display and 4K/5K resolution does provide identical performance compared to 3.0 x16 x16 in all games he tested. :cool:

2018-10-24, 03:40:30
Edgecrusher86 hat ja eigentlich schon das Wichtigste genannt. Ja, ich kann es auch kurz machen und auf umfangreiche Benchmark-Vergleiche verzichten, alle PCIe-Bus Bandbreiten-Engpässe mit zwei GeForce RTX 2080Ti SLI sind dank dem NVLink 2.0-Interface (bis zu 100GB/s) endlich ein Ding der Vergangenheit. Dabei war es egal ob SLI mit PCI Gen 2.0/3.0 oder 8/16 Lanes angebunden, ob G-Sync aktiviert war oder nicht... die Benchmark-Werte zeigten sich stets unbeeindruckt dessen! :)
Die PCI Bus-Last blieb jederzeit niedrig, ob 4K-, 5K- oder 8K-Auflösung zum Einsatz kam spielte dabei auch keine Rolle, NVLink verfügt also selbst für höhere Auflösungen über ausreichend Bandbreite!
Games wie DOOM (2016) (https://abload.de/img/doomidzexo.jpg) unter OpenGL erreichen immer noch weit über 100fps unter 5120x2880 Auflösung + Ultra-/Nightmare-Settings oder auch Shadow of the Tomb Raider (DX12) (https://abload.de/img/sottr-4k-dx12jrcvj.jpg) zeigt keine Scaling-Schwächen im MultiGPU-Modus mehr, selbst mit den Temporal AA-Modus sind stabile Frameraten unter 3840x2160 möglich! Auch dies war zuvor mit zwei TITAN X (Pascal) + HB-Bridge selbst bei 32 Lanes ein unüberwindbares Hindernis!
Weitere Problem-Games wie Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice (https://abload.de/img/hellbladel4iad.jpg) (4K+TAA) , Final Fantasy XV (https://abload.de/img/ffxv-maxhhcoz.jpg) (4K+TAA) , The Witcher 3 (https://abload.de/img/hexervsd6b.jpg) (4K+AA) , Star Wars Battlefront II (https://abload.de/img/swbf29wiq2.jpg) (5K+TAA) , Crysis 3 (https://abload.de/img/screenshot0007ibcaa.jpg) (5K+TXAA) , Formula 1 2018 (https://abload.de/img/f1_2018_5k_max_t.aa_s27eqt.png) (5K/TAA) skalieren nun auch mit G-Sync + auf Intel Mainstream-CPU's mit "nur" 16 Lanes einwandfrei. :) Getestet wurde übrigens mit 2 verschiedenen G-Sync Monitoren (Acer XB321HK @ 3840x2160@60Hz + Acer XB271HU @ 2560x1440@144Hz) Auch einige der hier im Thread von mir geposteten SLI-Profile benötigen leichte Anpassungen, da die Möglichkeiten nun ganz andere sind.
https://abload.de/thumb/hellblade62fwx.jpg (https://abload.de/image.php?img=hellblade62fwx.jpg)https://abload.de/thumb/hexertwc7b.jpg (https://abload.de/image.php?img=hexertwc7b.jpg)https://abload.de/thumb/swbf22wc4s.jpg (https://abload.de/image.php?img=swbf22wc4s.jpg)https://abload.de/thumb/crysis3j8f8s.jpg (https://abload.de/image.php?img=crysis3j8f8s.jpg)https://abload.de/thumb/ffxv-maxhhcoz.jpg (https://abload.de/image.php?img=ffxv-maxhhcoz.jpg)https://abload.de/thumb/doomi6zd9q.jpg (https://abload.de/image.php?img=doomi6zd9q.jpg)https://abload.de/thumb/f1_2018_5k_max_t.aa_st7dxe.png (https://abload.de/image.php?img=f1_2018_5k_max_t.aa_st7dxe.png)https://abload.de/thumb/sottr-4k-dx12wtcwu.jpg (https://abload.de/image.php?img=sottr-4k-dx12wtcwu.jpg)

2018-10-24, 08:29:21
Hat jemand den NVIDIA NVLink im Einsatz und kann mir sagen, ob diese beleuchtet ist (das Nvidia Logo)?


2018-10-25, 12:14:12
Vielen Dank Blaire - wieder einmal tolle Werte, die so ein Gespann liefert! Der Preis ist natürlich nicht ohne, aber zumindest die Leistung kann beeindrucken - es hätte nur auch z.B. etwas mehr VRAM sein dürfen, die man der Karte spendieren hätte können. Laufen die Titel gut, ist problemlos 5K60(+) möglich - eine Auflösung höher, wie mit GP102-SLI.
Dazu sind auch alle bisherigen Bandbreiten-Enpässe Geschichte - gerade auch ein großer Gewinn für Mainstream-Sockel; erst recht, wenn kombiniert mit G-SYNC. :)

Ich habe es zwar nicht im Einsatz wie Blaire zum Beispiel, aber ich kann sagen, dass das Logo beleuchtet ist. Anbei ein Bild von der GC Köln:


https://abload.de/thumb/geforce-rtx-2080-ti-srve3k.jpg (https://abload.de/image.php?img=geforce-rtx-2080-ti-srve3k.jpg)

Ok, back to topic. ;)

2018-10-26, 10:14:59

as usual on UNREAL ENGINE 4.xx , the SLI BITS 0x080000F1 results a nice GPU Scalling, obviously on AFR.

nice results on 4K resolution 3840x2160 all on ultra except the AA set on medium (FXAA) , i really detest The blurriest TAA. use 2x ZOTAC GTX 1080Ti Amp Extreme
Proof with this screenshot, where my profile is capped at 75fps on Nvidia Inspector
Is this scaling well on x8/x8 or only x16/x16? You don't have system info anywhere.

Also, what's the FPS on one card? I somehow find it odd that two 1080Tis are needed to nearly max utilization for only 75fps, even at 4k, that looks like small scaling (though any scaling is good in that game).

2018-10-27, 00:25:01
D2Ultima : sorry i only use the PCIe on x16/x16 via LGA2011

and ONLY 75 FPS due to the volontary FPS capping on Nvidia inspector (plz read before and look profil on screenshot)


Without this cap; this cards Reach 140 - 150 fps
That a choice for avoid USELESS overheating, GPUs around 60°C at 4k is really fine
And my 4K monitor 43" is limited a 60Hz

2018-10-28, 01:09:04
D2Ultima : sorry i only use the PCIe on x16/x16 via LGA2011

and ONLY 75 FPS due to the volontary FPS capping on Nvidia inspector (plz read before and look profil on screenshot)


Without this cap; this cards Reach 140 - 150 fps
That a choice for avoid USELESS overheating, GPUs around 60°C at 4k is really fine
And my 4K monitor 43" is limited a 60Hz
Your picture showed what i assumed to be 92% utilization across each card. You don't double fps from uncapping that.


Hence why I asked what your single and SLI performance was. I did some research and found 1080Tis only get around 60fps on ultra at 4k, and with yours appearing to be near max utilization at 75, scaling seemed to be low (30% or so).

I don't know how you get 150fps with it uncapped.

2018-10-30, 18:58:24
oh look my CPU is more used for more FPS

" I did some research and found 1080Tis only get around 60fps on ultra at 4k"
Did you see many 1080Ti with factory clock running at 2060mHz? (ZOTAC GTX 1080Ti Amp Extreme)
and they use SLI x16/x16 with an I7 5980x?

what you do is completely useless and not constructive for this forum
we are here to make the sli functional and sharing profiles
personally the performances variants according to the hardwares, i don't care

2018-10-30, 19:07:37
Earthfall: 0x080000F1 on AFR

2018-10-31, 04:14:37
FALLOUT 76 B.E.T.A, i try 0x080008F5 as the SLIKNIGHT's Fallout 4 profile (https://www.forum-3dcenter.org/vbulletin/showpost.php?p=11779296&postcount=2914)

Actually, the game is poorly exploited, the defaut config file is CONSOLIZED, poor lods, poor resolution of shadows, refractions....
i just remove the deph of field and the Forced TAA.


2018-11-01, 01:08:06
oh look my CPU is more used for more FPS

" I did some research and found 1080Tis only get around 60fps on ultra at 4k"
Did you see many 1080Ti with factory clock running at 2060mHz? (ZOTAC GTX 1080Ti Amp Extreme)
and they use SLI x16/x16 with an I7 5980x?

what you do is completely useless and not constructive for this forum
we are here to make the sli functional and sharing profiles
personally the performances variants according to the hardwares, i don't care
Yeah... asking about scaling when it looks like you were at max utilization is not constructive. All you had to do was show it.

And if you think 2060Mhz over a standard ~1873 is 15fps you really need to learn hardware better. Your profile didn't have a lick of info about your computer. Stop being so... I don't even have a word for it.

2018-11-01, 20:07:52
FALLOUT 76 B.E.T.A, i try 0x080008F5 as the SLIKNIGHT's Fallout 4 profile (https://www.forum-3dcenter.org/vbulletin/showpost.php?p=11779296&postcount=2914)

Actually, the game is poorly exploited, the defaut config file is CONSOLIZED, poor lods, poor resolution of shadows, refractions....
i just remove the deph of field and the Forced TAA.


@noiseovore thanks for that. I tried SLIKnights profile and only get 30-40 FPS in AFR and 24 FPS in AFR2, but just tried starting area so far.

Removed TAA but didn't try removing DOF ... will try now

2018-11-01, 20:41:13
R1fast i hope , u make a new profile for fallout 76 and not used the Nip profiles of fallout4
Forget AFR2 on DX10/11 games

make a Fallout76custom.ini on\Users\username\Documents\My Games\Fallout 76\

and add: for FOV 90 and disable DOF


2018-11-01, 23:05:06
R1fast i hope , u make a new profile for fallout 76 and not used the Nip profiles of fallout4
Forget AFR2 on DX10/11 games

make a Fallout76custom.ini on\Users\username\Documents\My Games\Fallout 76\

and add: for FOV 90 and disable DOF


Thanks - I created a new profile with 0x080008F5 and set 0x00000002 SLI_PREDEFINED_GPU_COUNT_DX10_TWO / 0x00000003 SLI_PREDEFINED_MODE_DX10_FORCE_AFR2 and also created a fallout76prefs.ini with the above flags, but I still get very bad shadow flicker.

I thought the flicker might be TAA but still happened with TAA off. Investigating.

2018-11-02, 00:10:28
yes amazing shadows flickering when sAntiAliasing=FXAA
maybe working with SMAA or other

2018-11-02, 00:41:55
Yep I just tried setting it to sAntiAliasing=0 and still flickers.

Tried a couple of unknown flags that worked in other games for flickering, but no luck. Seems to run fine other than the massive flickering though.

2018-11-02, 04:06:07
yes, wrong flags, discovering this shadows flickering on this last session, i just playing to the B.E.T.A with one GPU. Running fine with only 1 GTX 1080Ti @ 4K

2018-11-02, 04:49:22
That is what I will do for now until Blaire (cough) or someone else finds a working solution. Thanks for your help anyways!

2018-11-09, 04:22:17
Anyone has a good OVERKILLS THE WALKING DEAD SLI PROFILE? the noiseovore one no longer works with the latest update

2018-11-09, 07:55:42
Battlefield™ V can use SLi bits: 0x2A0115F5(as old driver Nvidia 416.64 (the newest one 416.81 is disable SLI) but the Blur effect must be off in game.

2018-11-09, 12:41:26
Battlefield™ V can use SLi bits: 0x2A0115F5(as old driver Nvidia 416.64 (the newest one 416.81 is disable SLI) but the Blur effect must be off in game.

Enabling SLI is not difficult, just set 0x00000002 SLI_PREDEFINED_GPU_COUNT_DX10_TWO and 0x00000002 SLI_PREDEFINED_MODE_DX10_FORCE_AFR (SLI bit is actually not important) and both cards are getting used BUT you don't gain any FPS and you're not entering D3D11AFR mode. You basically end up powering two GPUs without any fps gain.

Man, I love that Shadow of the Tomb Raider engine. D3D12AFR mode out of the box with both cards being utilized up to 100%.

2018-11-09, 13:35:50
Enabling SLI is not difficult, just set 0x00000002 SLI_PREDEFINED_GPU_COUNT_DX10_TWO and 0x00000002 SLI_PREDEFINED_MODE_DX10_FORCE_AFR (SLI bit is actually not important) and both cards are getting used BUT you don't gain any FPS and you're not entering D3D11AFR mode. You basically end up powering two GPUs without any fps gain.

Man, I love that Shadow of the Tomb Raider engine. D3D12AFR mode out of the box with both cards being utilized up to 100%.
In Driver version 416.64 Nvidia used Sli bit 0x2A0115F5, if you enable with this Sli bit the scale must be 150-180% than one card. But it make the Gun blur when moving arround. So just disable Motion Blur and the gun will be fine. 0x00000002 did not scale anything, and only special game which dev was enable Sli in game can use it. BTW in driver 416.64 Nvidia use DX10_FOUR not using TWO. I will post image and video to prove later.

2018-11-09, 16:24:32
In Driver version 416.64 Nvidia used Sli bit 0x2A0115F5, if you enable with this Sli bit the scale must be 150-180% than one card. But it make the Gun blur when moving arround. So just disable Motion Blur and the gun will be fine. 0x00000002 did not scale anything, and only special game which dev was enable Sli in game can use it. BTW in driver 416.64 Nvidia use DX10_FOUR not using TWO. I will post image and video to prove later.

Here is my prove. All in 4K with Maximum Setting.

SLi works with Motion Blur must be set at 0(Off, if not the gun will blur when you move)

Single GPU|2-way SLI
89 FPS|143 FPS

Motion Blur must be set at 0 (OFF)


SLI Profile is below, Remember "Motion Blur" must be set at 0(OFF)

2018-11-09, 20:29:30
Anyone has a good OVERKILLS THE WALKING DEAD SLI PROFILE? the noiseovore one no longer works with the latest update

On the Lastest update of OVERKILL's The Walking Dead
NoisOvOre's Profil (https://www.forum-3dcenter.org/vbulletin/showpost.php?p=11826241&postcount=3007)always works really fine!



2018-11-10, 00:15:16
I’m talking about the latest game update, we know that a clean install of drivers deletes all custom profiles, so my drivers are the same and the custom profile is on, just wondering if you had the same problem and maybe I’m not getting the right scaling because I have x8/x8 pci lanes? Thanks for the help in advance

2018-11-10, 10:33:52
x8/x8 must work fine, i have an old computer for my girlfriend where i use an sli of 980ti at 16x/4x to avoid high temperature when cards are paste on 16x/16x , i just try battlefield V on this, The result is surprising.

For OTWD, may be try the shadows on high, i see a reel performance gap between ultra and high.
At UHD resolution, i has set all ultra, except the shadows on High and the AA on medium for FXAA

2018-11-11, 01:12:44
Here is my prove. All in 4K with Maximum Setting.

SLi works with Motion Blur must be set at 0(Off, if not the gun will blur when you move)

Single GPU|2-way SLI
89 FPS|143 FPS

Motion Blur must be set at 0 (OFF)


SLI Profile is below, Remember "Motion Blur" must be set at 0(OFF)

The profile you have uploaded is the default one with only single card, Could you re upload your custom one please?

2018-11-11, 01:13:48
Here is my prove. All in 4K with Maximum Setting.

SLi works with Motion Blur must be set at 0(Off, if not the gun will blur when you move)

Single GPU|2-way SLI
89 FPS|143 FPS

Motion Blur must be set at 0 (OFF)


SLI Profile is below, Remember "Motion Blur" must be set at 0(OFF)

The profile you have attached is the standard one set to single card. Could you upload the custom one please?

2018-11-11, 04:27:40
The profile you have attached is the standard one set to single card. Could you upload the custom one please?
Oh! Sorry my mistake.

Here is it

2018-11-12, 00:58:10
Here is my prove. All in 4K with Maximum Setting.

SLi works with Motion Blur must be set at 0(Off, if not the gun will blur when you move)

Single GPU|2-way SLI
89 FPS|143 FPS

Motion Blur must be set at 0 (OFF)


SLI Profile is below, Remember "Motion Blur" must be set at 0(OFF)

You are right. These settings work wonderful. I don't know if I did something wrong or if something was bugged but SLI didn't worked for me (with a useful fps gain) last time I tried.

2018-11-12, 02:54:57
You are right. These settings work wonderful. I don't know if I did something wrong or if something was bugged but SLI didn't worked for me (with a useful fps gain) last time I tried.
Turn on SLi is not simple set Sli on in nvidia control, or set SLi bits is 0x0000000 or 0x00000002(as you said; only a few games which the devs was set SLi as default, but the nvidia devs did not add it on driver profiles, can use that Sli bits)
@Blaire and @SliKnight are master of this thread, find their posts to understand how to find an SLi bit. A lot of custom Sli bits they posted is better than nvidia df sli profiles(nvidia devs are so lazy and they do not focus on Sli, the mid-range VGA is what they do when release a new driver, so play SLi, do by yourself do not wait Nvidia, it will never come)��

2018-11-14, 23:44:53
Oh! Sorry my mistake.

Here is it

Thanks for posting. Have todays Day-One Patch improved SLI-Compatibility especially this one with missing Particle-Effects (Snow etc.)? There are still some open Bugs at Dice's end that is the reason why NVIDIA doesnt have official SLI-Profile pushed yet.

2018-11-16, 15:02:02
Anybody find a solution about:

FALLOUT 76: I've try differents bits where i've got the same massive Shadows Flickering.

HUNT: Showdown: running on CryEngine V, some bits results a good scalling, but when Sli is working, i have some random crash of the game

2018-11-17, 23:02:47

2018-11-18, 05:15:54
hi guys do you have a SLI profile for HITMAN 2 ? Please

2018-11-19, 18:26:07
x8/x8 must work fine, i have an old computer for my girlfriend where i use an sli of 980ti at 16x/4x to avoid high temperature when cards are paste on 16x/16x , i just try battlefield V on this, The result is surprising.

For OTWD, may be try the shadows on high, i see a reel performance gap between ultra and high.
At UHD resolution, i has set all ultra, except the shadows on High and the AA on medium for FXAA

Thanks! I tried those settings and it worked a bit better, I guess it’s time to upgrade to a single RTX2080ti and then Nvlink it to another one after saving some money haha

2018-11-21, 04:53:27
hi guys do you have a SLI profile for HITMAN 2 ? Please
Hitman 2 has the same engine and same Sli bit as Hitman 1, and it's an official Sli profile from Nvidia(as lastest nvidia driver 416.94). The problems here is Hitman 2 use CPU Physx as default physic simulation. So hope that they make an version can use GPU Physx for nvidia card to improve Fps or wait for dx12 version can improve performance as hitman 1 does

2018-11-21, 23:21:08
I’m thinking about buying shadow of the tomb raider, is it really good? Does it look better thn the
Last one (ROTTR)? Is the story or gameplay any good? How is the SLI performance?

2018-11-23, 10:13:59
Wenn noch jemand ein DX11 SLI-Profile für "Shadow of the Tomb Raider" benötigt (es soll ja auch Leute geben, welche nicht auf Windows 10 setzen...) Hier (https://www.forum-3dcenter.org/vbulletin/attachment.php?attachmentid=64158&d=1536849060) ist vielleicht ein passendes Profil speziell für 4K/UltraHD-Auflösung + maximierten Grafikdetails inklusive Temporal AA.

Hi Blaire, coming back to SOTTR (finally bought it, sorry to kick a dead horse).

I am using your profile but see 60-70% usage on GPU1 and 100% on GPU2. Not very balanced scaling... usually your custom profiles work like a charm. I thought maybe it was a bandwidth issue but still happens even with AA off and some other settings lowered.

Any suggestions?

All settings maxed
7700k @ 5.1ghz
Asus Formula IX z270
1080TI SLI @ 2050mhz
32gb Corsair Vengeance @ 3000
960 Pro SSD

2018-11-23, 13:24:43
Hi Blaire, coming back to SOTTR (finally bought it, sorry to kick a dead horse).

I am using your profile but see 60-70% usage on GPU1 and 100% on GPU2. Not very balanced scaling... usually your custom profiles work like a charm. I thought maybe it was a bandwidth issue but still happens even with AA off and some other settings lowered.

Any suggestions?

All settings maxed
7700k @ 5.1ghz
Asus Formula IX z270
1080TI SLI @ 2050mhz
32gb Corsair Vengeance @ 3000
960 Pro SSD

I am not sure how this SLI-profile working in x8/x8 SLI-Configuration, so i can't guarantee if working properly in such Systems, also G-Sync definitely show some of performance-drop even with 2-Way Titan X (Pascal) x16/x16 PCIe 3.0 + Ingame TAA enabled.
But like you described it could also be a completely different issue, also make sure Shadow of the Tomb Raider running in Exclusive Fullscreen (https://abload.de/img/sottr-setup88dkl.png) and not in windowed borderless-fullscreen. Another possibility could be Windows 10 own "Fullscreen Optimizations" which are enabled by default , so AFR can suffer by uneven GPU-usage especially when borderless Fullscreen will be used. There are many games like Dishonored2, Fallout 4 or Prey which lose some of performance if this option keep enabled.
For disable Fullscreen-Optimizations:
Right-click one the "SOTTR.exe"
In the context menu, select Properties.
Go to the Compatibility-Tab
Enable the option "Disable fullscreen optimizations".

Also there are a lot of places in the game which are very cpu-bound, so SLI doesnt show any performance-increase over Single-GPU. For further troubleshooting, please send me a private message better.

2018-11-23, 22:27:00
Thank you, Blaire. I did neglect to un-check Fullscreen optimizations in the .exe which does seem to disable 'true' fullscreen mode.

So far, so good... 90%+ on both cards in Cozumel area. Will play around with it today and see how things go... but this reminder did for sure help!

2018-11-24, 17:04:31
Awesome, I will try disabling full screen optimizations, I bought SOTTR, and it’s really good!!! Your profile seems to work fine here in 8x/8x (way better than the nvidia profile) will see if this tip helps even more, should I do this on every game?

2018-11-24, 21:50:50
i have only 2x 1080 but in SOTTR i have 100% 60fps all the time in dx12 MGPU max but without taa. but for me fullscreen is broken in this game after game start i need 5-15 x Alt+Enter or Alt-tab for fixing lag/Gpu usage issues! but after that i have for 10 h stable min 60fps

2018-11-26, 12:51:27
Hi to all,

is there a way to directly search for zip files for Nvidia inspector in this forum? I mean, in my case I need a SLI profile for Monster Hunter: World, but the quickest way I know so far is to look for it by starting from the last page of this thread and going backwards.

Is there a faster way?

Thank you ;-)

2018-11-26, 21:53:31
May be of note to some here

Open Issues in Version 417.01 WHQL

Windows 10 Issues
 [GeForce GTX 1080Ti]: Random DPC watchdog violation error when using multiple
GPUs on motherboards with PLX chips. [2079538]

2018-11-27, 21:25:56
Here is my Darksiders III SLI profile.

My testing system is SLI 2x 2080Ti with Darksider 3 on 4K HDR, all in Epic setting.
Captured on HDR Display so I shot it with my phone.

Single GPU|2-way SLI
72 FPS|126 FPS

Single GPU|2-way SLI
68 FPS|112 FPS


2018-12-03, 21:39:34
Hallo. Gibt es ein alternative SLI Profil zu Titanfall 2 oder eines ohne heftige Slowdowns? Vielen Dank!

2018-12-04, 02:34:23
Thank you, Blaire. I did neglect to un-check Fullscreen optimizations in the .exe which does seem to disable 'true' fullscreen mode.
So far, so good... 90%+ on both cards in Cozumel area. Will play around with it today and see how things go... but this reminder did for sure help!

Maybe also worth to mention since newer game-patches, the DX11-version running a bit slower compared to release. Also there are a few glitches with water-surfaces and other small stuff with my Custom-SLI Profile, on the other hand Temporal Anti Aliasing does working definitely better under DX11, while the frame-processing with DX12-MultiGPU are not always in sync with each other, so that ghosting can be happen.

Hi to all,

is there a way to directly search for zip files for Nvidia inspector in this forum? I mean, in my case I need a SLI profile for Monster Hunter: World, but the quickest way I know so far is to look for it by starting from the last page of this thread and going backwards.

Is there a faster way?

Thank you ;-)

No. For "Monster Hunter: World" you could try this one here:
But it does not work with maximum details, so I would not really recommend.

Hallo. Gibt es ein alternative SLI Profil zu Titanfall 2 oder eines ohne heftige Slowdowns? Vielen Dank!

Nicht daß ich wüsste... Da ich Titanfall 2 auch nicht selber habe, kann ich auch schlecht was empfehlen. Ich kann Dir jedoch anbieten einige SLI-Profile zu schicken, welche du dann selber ausprobieren kannst. Falls du die nötige Geduld dafür aufbringen kannst, schick mir doch eine private Nachricht und dann sehen wir weiter.

2018-12-05, 15:29:54
any assassins creed oddysey SLi bits ? before i buy it, beacuse i still want to use my gtx1080s in SLI, and not ditch them for a RTX2080 yet

2018-12-06, 09:26:16
AC Origins and Odyssey don't work with SLI at all, I think quite a few people have tried to find a workaround but they didn't seem to have much luck.

2018-12-07, 21:17:45
Ok then I guess I will wait and maybe finish shadow of the tomb raider and other games that work with SLI, anyone know of a fix for the shadow flickering in DX12 in Shadow of the tomb raider

2018-12-08, 13:41:53
Ok then I guess I will wait and maybe finish shadow of the tomb raider and other games that work with SLI, anyone know of a fix for the shadow flickering in DX12 in Shadow of the tomb raider

I used BTAO for ambient occlusion, instead of HBAO+ and that fixed the flickering shadows for me.

2018-12-11, 18:25:30
The Awesome Adventures of Captain Spirit SLI profiles

This awesome free game on steam uses Unreal Engine 4, the CPU for PhysX, so the performance depends on your CPU. And UE4 use so much bandwidths so I recommend just use 3D Rendering setting at 100%.

Single GPU|2-way SLI
99 FPS|141 FPS

testing at 4K Maximum settings with 3D Rendering at 100%

2018-12-12, 18:07:00
I used BTAO for ambient occlusion, instead of HBAO+ and that fixed the flickering shadows for me.
Unfortunately changing to BTAO doesn’t solve it for me, The lighting and shadows still flicker for a few seconds at the start of each scene or level

2018-12-13, 06:20:06
Unfortunately changing to BTAO doesn’t solve it for me, The lighting and shadows still flicker for a few seconds at the start of each scene or level
Only using TAA for AA + BTAO for Ambient in SLI mode. SMAA will make the screen flicker at the begins of each scene (SMAA still have in SMAAT2x(it combines SMAA+TAA) and in SMAA4x(it combines SMAA+TAA+DSR(Dynamic Super Relution), so in these modes the screen's still flicker)
Sorry, I mistake, you're right:(

2018-12-14, 07:33:57
Hallo! Könntest du mit dem Profil für das Spiel DayZ helfen? Das alte Profil aus der Tabelle funktioniert nicht (es basiert auf dem Arma 2-Spielprofil) - jetzt wird das Spiel auf eine neue Engine übertragen. Benötigen Sie ein neues Profil.
Vielen Dank!

2018-12-14, 19:26:54

For DayZ did you have add on your sli profil the new executable called "DAYZDiag_x64.exe" ?
Did you have try this Previous DayZ SLI Profil (https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=205916418)?
i will launch the download of this new release and try it.

2018-12-14, 20:18:22
Hallo! Könntest du mit dem Profil für das Spiel DayZ helfen? Das alte Profil aus der Tabelle funktioniert nicht (es basiert auf dem Arma 2-Spielprofil) - jetzt wird das Spiel auf eine neue Engine übertragen. Benötigen Sie ein neues Profil.
Vielen Dank!

They have changed to DX11 renderer, so new SLI-profile will be needed. I am busy with other Things right now. Maybe Noiseovore can helping out...

2018-12-15, 00:33:58
Yes i want help !

Sincerely nice work from the DEV! Nice optimisation!

i try the Arma3 DX11 sli Bits on the Dayz profil, and that work without errors.
0x000200F5 (Crysis, ArmA 3, Crysis 2, Crysis: Warhead, Natural Selection 2, Microsoft Flight) with 0x00000020 SKIP_NOSUBRES_RTT_BUT_TINY_RESOLVE_ON_TEXTURING

At the first try, at 3840x2160 i just set all on Extreme with the FXAA.

And after, i add the MSAA 4x and activate the Alpha coverage.

That's result a nice framerate ( Limited at 75 on my profils) outside and inside the cities.

i will try to add The Ambiant Occlusion Bits like ARMA3: 0x00000013 (ArmA 2: Operation Arrowhead, Take-on helicopters, ArmA 3, ArmA 2)

2018-12-15, 01:26:22
Exzellent! Das ging aber fix, falls es doch irgendwo Probleme geben sollte und Änderungen erforderlich, melde dich einfach bei mir. :) Danke auch an namheovang für Darksiders 3 + The Awesome Adventures of Captain Spirit!
Ok ich hab soweit erstmal alle neueren Sachen hinzugefügt, darunter auch ein neues Profile für "The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim-Special Edition" speziell für Temporal AA + SLI.

• Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice (https://www.forum-3dcenter.org/vbulletin/showpost.php?p=11455083&postcount=2622) (NVLINK/SLI - Update) added 3.12.2018
• The Witcher 3 (http://www.forum-3dcenter.org/vbulletin/showpost.php?p=10674669&postcount=2008) (NVLINK/SLI - Update) added 3.12.2018
• The Awesome Adventures of Captain Spirit (https://www.forum-3dcenter.org/vbulletin/showpost.php?p=11873612&postcount=3068) (new SLI-Profile) added 15.12.2018
• The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition (https://www.forum-3dcenter.org/vbulletin/showpost.php?p=9023588&postcount=94) (new SLI-Profile) added 15.12.2018
• DayZ (https://www.forum-3dcenter.org/vbulletin/showpost.php?p=11876602&postcount=3074)(new DX11 SLI-Profile) added 15.12.2018

2018-12-16, 12:05:44
Thank you for your work!
But, unfortunately, your profiles are not valid.
Yes, video cards are loaded at 95-99%, but the FPS is the same as with one video card! I have two 1080Ti video cards, and in this game I have 50 fps with one and two cards. There is also a flicker of textures in the menu ..
PS: Now I once again compared: with one FPS card above - 60-65 FPS, and with two - 50-55 FPS!

2018-12-17, 23:45:44
Assetto Corsa Competizione (Unreal 4)

Das ist nur ein Tip zum Testen oder Leute die mit einem 4k Monitor fahren.
Ich hab auch nur 2 x 1080 GTX die in 8X8 Laufen, vielleicht bekommt man
mit 16X16 bessere Ergebnisse.

Dx11 Bits 0x080020F5
Sli Mode AFR2

ganz wichtig !!

AA nur FXAA benutzen oder Temporal AA auf Off.
Schatten höchstens auf high, auf epic skaliert SLI nicht mehr.
und Effecte höchstens auf medium.Der Rest kann nach belieben.

mit sli in 4K ca.97Fps
im single 4K ca.63Fps

...wie gesagt...nicht besonders viel...auch nur mit abstrichen...
auf meinen Trible Monitor Setup sieht das auch fürchterlich aus in 1080p ohne Kantenglättung, auf mein single 4k sieht das auch ohne AA Hammer aus.

2018-12-18, 17:40:53

AFR2 on a DX11 game and on unreal Engine!
surely a better solution on AFR
AFR2 was only use on DX8 and DX9 engine

2018-12-18, 18:01:21

This setting is really overridden by the "0x080020F5" SLI profile applied ;)
Furthermore the "0x00000013" HBAO+ flag won't do anything in DayZ DX11, since it only contains AO bits specific to DX9.


I do have some experience with the ArmA II/III engine, but never played DayZ.
It is possible you are simply CPU limited.
Try reducing viewing distance ingame and report back.
You could also attempt other DX11 SLI profiles such as "0x080200F1" or "0x080240F1".

2018-12-18, 19:40:46

AFR2 on a DX11 game and on unreal Engine!
surely a better solution on AFR
AFR2 was only use on DX8 and DX9 engine


I will test it

2018-12-18, 19:50:08
This SLI Bits work fine on DayZ, with an older version of Nvidia Inspector , Specifics Hacks are applied??

Try to make your profil manualy!

2018-12-18, 21:28:13
I don't think the processor limits FPS. The processor is 7820x @ 4.6 GHz, I play with a resolution of 3840x2160.
The fact is that with the SLI profiles proposed above, FPS becomes smaller than without them and flickering appears in the inventory menu.
I will try the options offered by you.
Thank you very much!

2018-12-19, 14:20:41
At only 3840x2160 resolution you will most likely be CPU limited in DayZ with 2-way 1080Ti cards.
ArmA II and III for example are not very multi-threaded either, and basically suffer from the same problem.
So unless the developer worked wonders with the new version of the game engine, I suspect not much has changed in this regard.

Either try upping the resolution and/or reduce viewing distance as I said.

2018-12-21, 02:10:29
You are not right.
In this case, the processor does not limit the FPS. When activating the SLI profile for DayZ, performance drops.
I made 2 videos, you can see for yourself:

2018-12-22, 21:05:59

Dayz Profil Really works w fine:
3840x2160 all on extreme, MSAA 8x + Alpha Coverage:
i7 5960X LGA 2011 SLI ZOTAC 1080Ti AMP Extreme 16x/16x

on Nvidia inspector: Reset your Dayz Profil and set it manually like this screenshot:
(maybe my exported NIP profil is wrong)

2018-12-26, 16:57:58

Did you do actual FPS comparisons between Single GPU and 2-way SLI?
In my years of SLI testing I have encountered full GPU usage on both cards in several games and still only Single GPU performance.

2018-12-27, 00:33:34

I tried to manually set the settings in the profile, as you have in the screenshot, but the FPS does not exceed 55 frames per second! At the same time, both video cards are loaded at 98-99%! Still in the inventory menu the textures flicker ...
It is more comfortable to play with one video card, FPS is a little higher - 55-65 frames per second and the game is smoother, there are no stutters.
Have you tried playing without SLI mode?
PS: my computer configuration:
Core i7 7820x (4.6 GHz)
MSI X299 SLI Plus
RAM: 4x8Gb DDR4 3466 @ 3800MHz
Gigabyte GTX 1080 ti Gaming OC (2 way SLI 16x/8x)

2018-12-27, 03:38:38
Is there a different custom version of nvidiaprofileinspector with the added features added to the compatibility tab? I saw a few posts on here with RTT broadcast already listed, or do I have to do some weird setup for the default inspector.


EDIT: NVM, added the features, just gotta press the unhide unknown button. I was still on 2.1.3.

2018-12-27, 14:45:52
yes i tried with one GPU at 3840x2160 MSAA 8X Alpha coverage result 60-65 fps with a heater gpu
with SLI i got 85-120 fps when GPUs are 50-55°

2018-12-30, 18:04:36
Hat eine Idee, wieso bei SLI 2080Ti Assassin Creed Unity geht PC schon in Einstellung Menü gleich in reboot ? Einzeln Karte alles ok. Alle andere Spiele "ok". Wildlands und KCD, WD2 haben wohl Problem mit NVLink. Bei SLI 1080Ti war GPU Lord immer 95%, bei 2080Ti nur 50-60%

2018-12-31, 14:06:36
Anyone have a better SLI Profile for HITMAN 2? Please

2019-01-02, 01:02:36
Happy new year to all of you!

2019-01-02, 01:26:07
Anyone have a better SLI Profile for HITMAN 2? Please
As I said at some old posts, Hitman 2 using the same engine as Hitman 1, and it use a lot of physx by CPU...And event they released the patch to allow us customize simulation physic effect in game setting, but it still uses CPU for physx. So until they release the patch that allows us to run physx by gpu, there's no better sli profile can't help Hitman 2 in SLi mode.

PS: Happy new year :D

2019-01-03, 04:11:55
Anyone have a better SLI Profile for The Elder Scrolls Online ?Please

2019-01-04, 19:48:23
Hallo zusammen

Mir wurde im PCGH-Forum gesagt hier seien die SLI-Profis zu finden. :up:

Es geht um folgendes System:
Monitor: Asus PG278QR (WQHD 144Hz G-Sync)
CPU's: 2X E5-2687W ES
Mainboard: Asus Z9PE-D8 WS
RAM: 8X2GB = 16GB
SSD/HDD: Samsung P830 128GB, Intel Serie 330 20GB, OCZ Agility 3 120GB, Western Digital AV-GP 2TB
Grafikkarte 1: EVGA GTX Titan X SC
Grafikkarte 2: Asus GTX Titan X
Netzteil: be quit! Dark Power Pro 11 850W
Gehäuse: SilverStone Raven SST-RV03B-W
OS: Windows 10 Pro 64-bit auf dem aktuellen Stand

Falls weitere Infos zum System benötigt werden > http://extreme.pcgameshardware.de/folding-home-pcgh-team-70335-/240944-faltserver-e5-2687w-es-post8657194.html

Konkret geht es darum dass ich das SLI-Gespann aus zwei Titan X Maxwell beim Spiel Witcher 3 nicht richtig zum laufen bekomme :(:
Wenn ich sie im SLI-Modus laufen lasse (ohne Hairworks aber sonst alles auf max) bewegen sie sich bei 30-45 FPS rum. :P
Was dabei auffällt ist dass die Auslastung beider Karten nicht über 56% steigt.

Hab dann testweise mal nur eine Karte laufen lassen und die geht sauber bis auf 100% Last hoch bei 55-70 FPS.

Hab natürlich die verschiedenensten Treiber (alten mit DDU entfernt) und dabei die hier verlinkten SLI Bits bei jedem einzelnen Treiber durchprobiert, brachte aber leider keinen Erfolg.

Die Problematik zwischen G-Sync und SLI kenn ich, hab aber keinen Unterschied feststellen können obs an oder aus ist.

Bei anderen Spielen funktioniert SLI problemlos.

Ich hoffe ihr bringt mir endlich die Lösung. :massa:

Vielen Dank für eure Hilfe :up:

2019-01-04, 23:03:23
Hast du schon folgenden Möglichkeiten bedacht?
1.) Anti-Aliasing im Spiel zu deaktivieren
2.) G-Sync kostet selbst dann Leistung , das angepasste SLI-Profile hier aus dem Thread schließt die Leistungslücke auch nicht vollständig , daher G-Sync im Treiber-Panel ebenfalls testweise deaktivieren!
3.) Die Windows eigenen "Vollbild-Optimierungen (https://abload.de/img/witch323d8t.png)" sollten im SLI-Modus ebenfalls deaktiviert bleiben (standardmäßig sind diese aktiv!) welche im randlosen "Vollbild"-Fenstermodus oft in Konflikt mit dem für SLI üblichen AFR-Rendering stehen.
4.) Spectre-Schutz deaktivieren , mit diesem Tool -> https://www.grc.com/inspectre.htm wäre ebenfalls einen Versuch wert. Nach Deaktivierung nicht vergessen, den Rechner neu starten zu lassen!
Läuft SLI mit der vollen PCIe-Bandbreite mit 16 Lanes jeweils? Dazu anhängend noch die Frage, verwendest du noch eine ältere SLI-Brücke? Funktioniert SLI generell gut in anderen Games und stellt The Witcher 3 so ziemlich die Ausnahme dar? Ich bin jetzt nicht sicher, wie sich das mit Dual-Sockel-Systemen mit der PCI-Slot Anbindung verhält, deshalb meine Frage.

@All: Happy new Year. :)

2019-01-05, 01:01:48
Danke für die Antwort.

1.) Anti-Aliasing im Spiel zu deaktivieren

Teste ich :wink:

2.) G-Sync kostet selbst dann Leistung , das angepasste SLI-Profile hier aus dem Thread schließt die Leistungslücke auch nicht vollständig , daher G-Sync im Treiber-Panel ebenfalls testweise deaktivieren!

Wie bereits geschrieben hatte ich dass mal getestet und keinen Unterschied bemerkt, aber ich teste es nochmals.

3.) Die Windows eigenen "Vollbild-Optimierungen (https://abload.de/img/witch323d8t.png)" sollten im SLI-Modus ebenfalls deaktiviert bleiben (standardmäßig sind diese aktiv!) welche im randlosen "Vollbild"-Fenstermodus oft in Konflikt mit dem für SLI üblichen AFR-Rendering stehen.

Teste ich :wink:

4.) Spectre-Schutz deaktivieren , mit diesem Tool -> https://www.grc.com/inspectre.htm wäre ebenfalls einen Versuch wert. Nach Deaktivierung nicht vergessen, den Rechner neu starten zu lassen!

Um ehrlich zu sein bin ich überfragt ob bei meine beiden Xeon's überhaupt ein Schutz drauf ist da es sich um Engineering Sample CPUs handelt.
Theoretisch ist es möglich da es für Sandy Bridge auch ein Update gab aber ich weiss nicht ob dass auch bei meinen ES installiert wurde. :confused:

5.) Läuft SLI mit der vollen PCIe-Bandbreite mit 16 Lanes jeweils?

Ja, allerdings nur in 2.0 > Sandy Bridge lässt grüssen. :rolleyes:

6.) Dazu anhängend noch die Frage, verwendest du noch eine ältere SLI-Brücke?

Vermutlich meinst du das Alter der Brücke da die neuen HB-SLI-Brücken bei Maxwell nicht gehen > die Brücke dürfte 2-3 Jahre alt sein.

7.) Funktioniert SLI generell gut in anderen Games und stellt The Witcher 3 so ziemlich die Ausnahme dar?

The Witcher 3 ist bis jetzt das einzige Spiel bei dem das SLI drotz Unterstützung Probleme macht, allerdings hab ich nicht allzuviele Spiele mit Unterstüzung gespielt.

8.) Ich bin jetzt nicht sicher, wie sich das mit Dual-Sockel-Systemen mit der PCI-Slot Anbindung verhält, deshalb meine Frage.

Anbindung ist natürlich bei dem Board speziell:
Aus WaKü-Anschlussgründen steckt GPU 1 in Slot 3 und wird von Xeon 1 mit 16 Lanes versorgt.
GPU 2 steckt in Slot 5 und wird von Xeon 2 mit 16 Lanes versorgt.

Schau es dir am besten selber im Handbuch an damit es klarer wird:
Seite 225 zeigt ein Blockdiagramm wo man sieht was wie angebunden ist. ;)

2019-01-05, 03:08:00
Ich hab dir dazu ne Private Nachricht geschickt, sieh mal zu ob du es so hinbekommst. Viel Glück.

Edit: Danke für das PDF.

2019-01-06, 20:05:04
Hallo Piccolo71320.
Herzlich willkommen in Forum. Blaire vor kurzem könnte mit sein Tipps (s.oben) bei SLI 2080Ti mir helfen. Noch mal dank!
Was dein Problem betrifft, ich hatte mal Zeit (und nötige Mittel :) ) Um das mit Serverboard (Dual CPU) zu experimentieren. Idea war 64 PCIe 3.0 Lines zu haben... Lange Geschichte welche mit mangelhaften Unterstützung von 1080TI Quad SLI angestellt wurde.
Kleine Tipp. Bei mir gab schlecht SLI skalierung wenn ich Grafikkarten an unterschiedliche CPU genutzt habe. (Karte 1 am PCIe Slot von CPU1, Karte 2 am PCIe Slot CPU2) Beide Karten am ein CPU liefen problemlos. (Installation von Windows Server 2012 R2 hat nichts viel gebracht)

2019-01-06, 21:09:18
Life is Strange 2 SLI Profiles

More information will update soon....

Increase 50-80% FPS at MAXIMUM setting.

Screenshot and video will be posted here.

2019-01-07, 11:46:54
Hallo wolik

Danke für die Begrüßung.

Durch Blaire's Unterstützung via PN hab ich die Auslastung jetzt bei ~80% und die FPS bewegen sich zwischen 60-95 > wäre für mich eigentlich in Ordnung so.

Sicher wäre es besser wenn beide Titan's vom gleichen Xeon versorgt werden würden damit die Daten nicht durch den QPI-Link müssen, aber da ich mit dem System auch Folding@Hone betreibe wäre es da wieder nachteilig wegen zwei fehlenden Turbostufen was 210MHz weniger Takt bedeuten würde.

Leider bekomme ich auch PCIe 3.0 nicht zum laufen (System startet schon gar nicht).

2019-01-07, 22:36:44
Kleine Tipp. Bei mir gab schlecht SLI skalierung wenn ich Grafikkarten an unterschiedliche CPU genutzt habe. (Karte 1 am PCIe Slot von CPU1, Karte 2 am PCIe Slot CPU2) Beide Karten am ein CPU liefen problemlos.
Wollte heute Abend mal testweise die beiden Titan X so umstecken dass beide von Xeon 1 befeuert werden > leider geht das nicht ohne Wakü-Umbau. :frown:

Auf der EVGA Titan X hab ich eine aktive Backplate verbaut und die Platte die die Heatpipe auf die Backplate drückt kollidiert mit dem RAM von Xeon 1. :eek:

2019-01-08, 01:32:57
Backplatte wird überbewertet ;) Ich denke wenn du skalierung nahezu 100% hast (Crysis, Witcher 3, GTA5) dann musst du dir keine sorgen machen.

2019-01-08, 08:47:14
1. Wir reden hier über die Exotenkarte Titan X Maxwell die auch auf der Rückseite VRAM-Chips hat > ohne Backplate sind diese ohne Kühlung.

Ich kenne Wärmebilder-Tests unter Luft da werden diese bis zu 105°C heiß.
Andere berichten mit Wakü-Umbau aber ohne Backplate dass diese immernoch bis zu 80°C heiß werden können.

Da ich 24/7 mit den beiden Titan X falte (Folding@Home) wenn ich nicht am zocken bin, ist keine Backplate keine Option.

Du vergisst einen entscheidenden Unterschied zwischen deinen eigenen Tests und meinem System:
Dein System war in der Lage auf einer einzelnen CPU PCIe 3.0 16X/16X zur Verfügung zu stellen > mein System schafft mit einem einzelnen Xeon nur PCIe 2.0 8X/8X.

2019-01-10, 01:02:33
@Piccolo71320 Nicht einfach...
Weist einer ob Division 2 SLI bekommt ? Nach letzte Trailer (mit AMD Unterstützung ) sieht nicht danach aus :frown:

2019-01-10, 18:27:48
@Piccolo71320 Nicht einfach...
Weist einer ob Division 2 SLI bekommt ? Nach letzte Trailer (mit AMD Unterstützung ) sieht nicht danach aus :frown:

Das würde mich auch mal brennend interessieren. Wäre schön wenn SLI unterstützt werden würde.

2019-01-11, 16:52:25
Never mind.
SLI is simply too problematic in Conan Exiles at the moment :(

2019-01-11, 20:08:36

AA must be set at FXAA or SMAA (TAA/FXAA+TAA are still ok but get worse image)
Motion Blur must be OFF. Screen Space Reflections should be set OFF for better image Quality(try to be fix in next profile)

All can set max out.

Test at 4K all max out(with AA set SMAA and Motion Blur is OFF, Quality image at 100%)

Single GPU|2-way SLI
69 FPS|129 FPS

Single GPU|2-way SLI
75 FPS|143 FPS

2019-01-12, 09:52:03
Never mind.
SLI is simply too problematic in Conan Exiles at the moment :(


Really need a working profile for Conan Exile.
i sought during many months a solution:
at start with differents 0x080xxxFx, i found some nice scalling with purple textures.
and at last with others bits like 0x000020F1 and specific hack: 0x00000020
i found a great scalling without purple textutes but the game crashing at different moments.

since i have stop to search and playing at 1440p (blurry on 2160p screen) with only one GPU :(
If someone can help to find a solution on this Unreal engine game. Removing in game texture streaming??

2019-01-12, 11:50:52

need some help please!
I find the 0x2A0000F1 bits working with a small shadows flickering.
This flickering disapear after decrease and increase the Volumetric lights settings

One GPU: 1080Ti @ 3840x2160 all on Very High with SMAA

With 0x2A0000F1: 2x 1080Ti @ 3840x2160 all on Very High with SMAA
After moving Volumetric ligths for removing Flickering

Anybody have an idea for fixing this flickering?

2019-01-12, 14:35:03
Can you tell me where do I put this file? I cant find RE 2 in Nvidia inspector menu

Thanks in advance


AA must be set at FXAA or SMAA (TAA/FXAA+TAA are still ok but get worse image)
Motion Blur must be OFF. Screen Space Reflections should be set OFF for better image Quality(try to be fix in next profile)

All can set max out.

Test at 4K all max out(with AA set SMAA and Motion Blur is OFF, Quality image at 100%)

Single GPU|2-way SLI
69 FPS|129 FPS

Single GPU|2-way SLI
75 FPS|143 FPS

2019-01-12, 15:40:38
Can you tell me where do I put this file? I cant find RE 2 in Nvidia inspector menu

Thanks in advance
Just click as image


2019-01-12, 16:00:57
is there any SLI profile for Juste Cause 4 ?

2019-01-12, 16:27:08
is there any SLI profile for Juste Cause 4 ?
Till now, no!

2019-01-12, 17:43:20
Just click as image


2019-01-12, 18:05:39

Really need a working profile for Conan Exile.
i sought during many months a solution:
at start with differents 0x080xxxFx, i found some nice scalling with purple textures.
and at last with others bits like 0x000020F1 and specific hack: 0x00000020
i found a great scalling without purple textutes but the game crashing at different moments.

since i have stop to search and playing at 1440p (blurry on 2160p screen) with only one GPU :(
If someone can help to find a solution on this Unreal engine game. Removing in game texture streaming??

Trust me, there are no proper solutions in this game.
I tried absolutely everything and had to give up to not go completely insane :rolleyes:

2019-01-12, 18:22:04
Dead by Daylight! SLI profile please! anyone?

2019-01-12, 19:02:08
can we improve screen space reflections on SLI in Resident Evil 2 remake please, it looks really nice with that effect on but doesnt work well in SLI, SLI scaling does work with the namheovang profile tough, but just hoping some one can get a profile that doesnt mess with the screen space reflections

2019-01-12, 19:23:21
SLI information for The Witness

I did some SLI testing and tweaking in the puzzle adventure title The Witness.
Here 0x000020F1 is enough to ensure decent 2-way scaling without any slowdowns.

Testing was done at native 3840x2160 resolution with maximum settings and 8xMSAA enabled.
I increased both the sun shadow and point shadow resolution from 1024 to 4096 and disabled FXAA using \The Witness\data\Local.variables.

It should be noted that Fullscreen needs to be disabled and enabled ingame after each startup, otherwise the game won't run in exclusive fullscreen mode.
Finally I recommend disabling ingame V-Sync, and instead use G-Sync to ensure optimal smoothness and remedy some relatively minor shadow flickering issues.

Ingame -> Controls

Mouse Softening: Far left position
Mouse Control: FPS Mouselook

Ingame -> Settings

Field Of View: 100
Subtitle: No
Reticle: No
Vignetting: No
Fullscreen: Yes (Must be disabled and enabled at each startup to force exclusive fullscreen mode)
V-Sync: No (Use G-Sync instead)
Resolution: 3840x2160
Multisampling: 8xMSAA


Graphics Quality: High (recommended)

Fullscreen: Enabled
V-Sync: Disabled

Resolution -> Custom: 3840 x 2160
Multisampling: 8x MSAA
Shading quality: High
Reflection quality: High
Texture filter quality: High
Texture detail: High
Geometry detail: High

Local.variables (Located in \The Witness\data)

exported_build true
enable_autosave true
enable_streamsave false

profiling false

disable_developer_shaders true
debug_shadow_maps false

vsync false
show_config_dialog true

low_res_reflections false
sun_shadow_resolution 4096
point_shadow_resolution 4096
antialias_panel_rendering true
skip_mipmaps 0
msaa_sample_count 8
aa_mode 0 (Disables FXAA)
panel_render_width 1024
render_width 3840
render_height 2160
dynamic_resolution false
Single GPU|2-way SLI|Performance increase
30 FPS|55 FPS|~ 83%
https://abload.de/thumb/the_witness_11_singleupe3t.jpg (https://abload.de/image.php?img=the_witness_11_singleupe3t.jpg)|https://abload.de/thumb/the_witness_12_sli_55p3f2u.jpg (https://abload.de/image.php?img=the_witness_12_sli_55p3f2u.jpg)
37 FPS|66 FPS|~ 78%
https://abload.de/thumb/the_witness_21_single16dnf.jpg (https://abload.de/image.php?img=the_witness_21_single16dnf.jpg)|https://abload.de/thumb/the_witness_22_sli_66kcejt.jpg (https://abload.de/image.php?img=the_witness_22_sli_66kcejt.jpg)
42 FPS|74 FPS|~ 76%
https://abload.de/thumb/the_witness_31_singlekke24.jpg (https://abload.de/image.php?img=the_witness_31_singlekke24.jpg)|https://abload.de/thumb/the_witness_32_sli_74zsf5c.jpg (https://abload.de/image.php?img=the_witness_32_sli_74zsf5c.jpg)

Test system: Intel Core i7-5930K, 16GB DDR4, Asus Rampage V, Zotac GTX 980 Ti AMP! Extreme 2-way SLI, Acer Predator XB321HK, 397.64 WHQL, Windows 10 Pro 64-bit

2019-01-12, 19:25:34
Dead by Daylight! SLI profile please! anyone?

This has already been in the SLI list for quite a while.
Please learn how to read ;)

3DCenter SLI thread (#2913) (https://www.forum-3dcenter.org/vbulletin/showpost.php?p=11778542&postcount=2913)

2019-01-12, 20:00:31
This has already been in the SLI list for quite a while.
Please learn how to read ;)

3DCenter SLI thread (#2913) (https://www.forum-3dcenter.org/vbulletin/showpost.php?p=11778542&postcount=2913)

SLIKnight: i know it has been in the SLI fix list for a while but its broken man!!! i get a really bad FPS :( do i need to do somthing special to get it work?

2019-01-12, 20:48:42
SLIKnight: i know it has been in the SLI fix list for a while but its broken man!!! i get a really bad FPS :( do i need to do somthing special to get it work?

It scales well at 3840x2160 resolution on my system.
Please list all your system specs and game settings.

Keep in mind, that UE4 is quite bandwidth limited and you need full PCIe 3.0 x16/x16 mode for decent performance.

Maybe something changed again in the engine, let me have another look at it.

Edit 2
These developers definitively broke SLI again with this newer version of UE4.
Now you can only get very limited scaling with "0x080022F1" combined with setting "0x00A0694B" to "0x00000001".
Everything else either flickers as hell, or doesn't scale at all :mad:

2019-01-13, 13:31:24
It scales well at 3840x2160 resolution on my system.
Please list all your system specs and game settings.

Keep in mind, that UE4 is quite bandwidth limited and you need full PCIe 3.0 x16/x16 mode for decent performance.

Maybe something changed again in the engine, let me have another look at it.

Edit 2
These developers definitively broke SLI again with this newer version of UE4.
Now you can only get very limited scaling with "0x080022F1" combined with setting "0x00A0694B" to "0x00000001".
Everything else either flickers as hell, or doesn't scale at all :mad:

Thanks for the quick response mate! thats so sad:frown:! i wanted to play this game on ultra 4k really bad! so i gusse there is no way to play it on smoth frame rate with SLI fix?

2019-01-13, 13:46:01
SLI information for State of Decay: YOSE

Did some SLI testing in the CryEngine based survival horror title State of Decay: YOSE.
Here the standard 0x000000F5 DX11 profile is enough for very nice scaling.

By default the game will only run in 1920x1080 resolution, and higher resolutions will have to be forced using a custom configuration file called user.cfg.
I also recommend disabling the ingame ambient occlusion, since it is of very poor quality.
All testing was done using "Maximum Spec" settings at 5120x2880 resolution (3840x2160 combined with 1.78xDSR and 22% smoothness).

State of Decay: YOSE Settings and Tweaks

Help & Options -> Graphics Settings

Aspect Ratio - 16:9
Resolution 1920x1080 (Higher resolutions must be specified in user.cfg)
Graphics - Maximum Spec
VSync Off
Fullscreen On

user.cfg (Create and place in \steamapps\common\State of Decay YOSE)

r_width = 5120
r_height = 2880

r_ssao = 0
r_ssdo = 0

Single GPU|2-way SLI
39 FPS|79 FPS
https://abload.de/thumb/state_of_decay_yose_1q0klg.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=state_of_decay_yose_1q0klg.jpg)|https://abload.de/thumb/state_of_decay_yose_1hijv3.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=state_of_decay_yose_1hijv3.jpg)
36 FPS|78 FPS
https://abload.de/thumb/state_of_decay_yose_2flknh.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=state_of_decay_yose_2flknh.jpg)|https://abload.de/thumb/state_of_decay_yose_20lk3b.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=state_of_decay_yose_20lk3b.jpg)

Test system: Intel Core i7-5930K, 16GB DDR4, Asus Rampage V, Zotac GTX 980 Ti AMP! Extreme 2-way SLI, Acer Predator XB321HK, 397.64 WHQL, Windows 10 Pro 64-bit

2019-01-14, 23:00:13
Here is my Darksiders III SLI profile.

My testing system is SLI 2x 2080Ti with Darksider 3 on 4K HDR, all in Epic setting.
Captured on HDR Display so I shot it with my phone.

Single GPU|2-way SLI
72 FPS|126 FPS

Single GPU|2-way SLI
68 FPS|112 FPS


no work for me , i have a sli titan x pascal

2019-01-15, 03:25:45
any chance of a new profile that will allow screen space reflections , really miss them on the water, please.


AA must be set at FXAA or SMAA (TAA/FXAA+TAA are still ok but get worse image)
Motion Blur must be OFF. Screen Space Reflections should be set OFF for better image Quality(try to be fix in next profile)

All can set max out.

Test at 4K all max out(with AA set SMAA and Motion Blur is OFF, Quality image at 100%)

Single GPU|2-way SLI
69 FPS|129 FPS

Single GPU|2-way SLI
75 FPS|143 FPS

2019-01-15, 04:17:12
any chance of a new profile that will allow screen space reflections , really miss them on the water, please.
Yes! But only for 2080Ti SLi...New profile can set all thing at Maximum((event FXAA+TAA, Sceen space reflections and Motion Blur are ON), no flicking with Particale Lightning Quality))

This profile does not give any improve performance in SLi, it just keeps two card share % use of GPUs! Make the game can run as one 2080Ti but lower tempeture(lower noise of Fan and Heat)...I will update it when it ready(now it have some bug, make the game stop working at random time)

2019-01-15, 09:38:42

As I said, only the custom "0x080022F1" profile combined with "0x00A0694B" set to "0x00000001" gives a little scaling in Dead by Daylight right now.
But hopefully with future patches I can find something more suitable.


No custom SLI profile gives anything higher than single GPU performance in The Evil Within 2, and infact you get negative scaling with TAA enabled at 4K resolution.
I even added a new entry to the spreadsheet linked in my signature to indicate as much.


Honestly I think it is important you keep your profile postings "high quality".
Please always include direct NVIDIA Inspector information and a couple screenshot comparisons.
It is quite "annoying" that you have to actually import the attached .nip file to know what is going on.
And also, it doesn't really make any sense to post profiles which only give single GPU performance and just distributes the GPU load.

2019-01-17, 02:05:58
Namheovang SLI profile for RE2 Remake has good scaling, if some one could find some flags for SSR (screen space reflections) it would be perfect even if it’s just FXAA or smaa) can someone with enough knowledge try to make it?

2019-01-17, 13:34:40
no work for me , i have a sli titan x pascal
You must change Windows Mode in Game Setting 2 times, to make Fullscreen completely working. This is stupid mistake of Devs, as this game working fine with HDR...but they do not know how to put it in. The game always runs in Borderless mode every times you start the game(event you seted Fullscreen before). So you need change Windows Mode to Windows mode or borderless -> Apply then change Once again to Fullscreen then Apply, and MUST DO LIKE THIS as every times you start the game. And after that you will see my profile working like a charm :)

2019-01-17, 22:51:42
SLI information for Conan Exiles

I finalized my SLI testing in Conan Exiles and found something interesting.
It seems you can get away with using the basic AFR profile 0x20004211 combined with setting 0x00A0694B to 0x00000001 and 0x00A06746 to 0x00010000.
In case of stability issues you might want to use the less aggressive 0x20000211 variant instead.
This SLI solution doesn't suffer from any kind of flickering problems or purple texture issues.

But it does have one big caveat, namely that SLI doesn't kick in fully right after loading your savegame.
Due to the nature of the texture streaming system, you have to run around the map for a while before performance levels rise.
However as soon as this occurs, scaling is very good.

Performance might drop off over time, but that is not really related to SLI and more of a general engine problem.
In case that happens, simply exit the game and launch it again ;)

All testing was done at native 3840x2160 resolution using maximum "Ultra" settings with motion blur disabled and a vertical FOV of 74.
I did reduce "Effects Quality" to "High" though for performance and bandwidth reasons, and ingame AA to x2 since the higher x4 and x6 modes are too blurry for my taste.
Also carried out various .ini tweaks, all of which are detailed in the spoiler below.

Instead of the traditional single GPU versus SLI comparison screenshots I will just include a small image gallery.
On my 2-way 980 Ti system I get around 25-35 FPS on average with a single card and around 50-60 FPS with SLI using 60Hz G-Sync.
Keep in mind, that I only tried out singleplayer mode and have no experience whatsoever with the online part of the game.
Mostly bought it a while back to do SLI testing really :)

Settings -> Video

Window Mode: Fullscreen
Resolution: 3840x2160
Motion Blur: Disabled
VSync: Disabled (60Hz G-Sync is used instead)
Vertical FOV: 74.0
Horizontal FOV: 90.2
Max FPS: 60

Graphics Quality: Custom
Low End Laptop Mode: Disabled
View Distance: Ultra
Post Processing: Ultra
General Shadows: Ultra
Effects Quality: High
Texture Quality: Ultra
Foliage Quality: Ultra
Anti-Aliasing: x2 (x4 and x6 modes are too blurry)

BaseScalability.ini (Located in \steamapps\common\Conan Exiles\Engine\Config)

r.Streaming.PoolSize=0 (Sets an unlimited texture pool size)
r.TextureStreaming=0 (Disables texture streaming)





ConsoleVariables.ini (Located in \steamapps\common\Conan Exiles\Engine\Config)


DefaultEngine.ini (Located in \steamapps\common\Conan Exiles\ConanSandbox\Config)

gc.BlueprintClusteringEnabled=False (Potential stutter fix from Steam Forums)

DefaultGame.ini (Located in \steamapps\common\Conan Exiles\ConanSandbox\Config)

-StartupMovies=StartupUE4 (Disables introductory movies)
-StartupMovies=StartupNvidia (Disables introductory movies)
-StartupMovies=CinematicIntroV2 (Disables introductory movies)

DefaultScalability.ini (Located in \steamapps\common\Conan Exiles\ConanSandbox\Config)





https://abload.de/thumb/conan_exiles_1_sli_56zak11.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=conan_exiles_1_sli_56zak11.jpg) https://abload.de/thumb/conan_exiles_2_sli_56qvk00.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=conan_exiles_2_sli_56qvk00.jpg) https://abload.de/thumb/conan_exiles_3_sli_60nuj7i.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=conan_exiles_3_sli_60nuj7i.jpg) https://abload.de/thumb/conan_exiles_4_sli_59f0jim.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=conan_exiles_4_sli_59f0jim.jpg) https://abload.de/thumb/conan_exiles_5_sli_60pdjtv.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=conan_exiles_5_sli_60pdjtv.jpg) https://abload.de/thumb/conan_exiles_6_sli_60e4jmg.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=conan_exiles_6_sli_60e4jmg.jpg) https://abload.de/thumb/conan_exiles_7_sli_569ljpd.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=conan_exiles_7_sli_569ljpd.jpg) https://abload.de/thumb/conan_exiles_8_sli_57sgkf6.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=conan_exiles_8_sli_57sgkf6.jpg)

Test system: Intel Core i7-5930K, 16GB DDR4, Asus Rampage V, Zotac GTX 980 Ti AMP! Extreme 2-way SLI, Acer Predator XB321HK, 397.64 WHQL, Windows 10 Pro 64-bit

2019-01-18, 20:18:06
Another SLI update for Dead by Daylight

SLIKnight: i know it has been in the SLI fix list for a while but its broken man!!! i get a really bad FPS :( do i need to do somthing special to get it work?

Updated SLI post
3DCenter SLI thread (#2913) (https://www.forum-3dcenter.org/vbulletin/showpost.php?p=11778542&postcount=2913)

Did some further digging around in the latest version of Dead by Daylight.
It seems the only real SLI solution now is to use 0x080040F1 combined with setting 0x00A06746 to 0x00010100.
This gives at least some consistent scaling, and every other custom profile causes one problem or the other.

2019-01-19, 12:09:55
Another SLI update for Insurgency: Sandstorm

Preliminary SLI post
3DCenter SLI thread (#2924) (https://www.forum-3dcenter.org/vbulletin/showpost.php?p=11786771&postcount=2924)

Updated SLI post
3DCenter SLI thread (#3000) (https://www.forum-3dcenter.org/vbulletin/showpost.php?p=11813585&postcount=3000)

Suppose we can also change the SLI profile for Insurgency: Sandstorm.
Here combining 0x080040F1 with setting 0x00A06746 to 0x00010100 is also the best solution.
This fixes the negative scaling in the main menu, so that now the FPS is identical to single GPU.

It scales well ingame at native 3840x2160 resolution with maximum settings and TAA enabled on my 2-way 980 Ti system using 60Hz G-Sync.
But SMAA T2x breaks scaling though.

2019-01-19, 12:13:04
Another SLI update for Dead by Daylight

Updated SLI post
3DCenter SLI thread (#2913) (https://www.forum-3dcenter.org/vbulletin/showpost.php?p=11778542&postcount=2913)

Did some further digging around in the latest version of Dead by Daylight.
It seems the only real SLI solution now is to use 0x080040F1 combined with setting 0x00A06746 to 0x00010100.
This gives at least some consistent scaling, and every other custom profile causes one problem or the other.

Omg you are awsome mate!! thanks !!!!

2019-01-20, 01:19:03
:love3:OH!!!! SLIKNIGHT !!!
x10000000 for your work!
i will try for CONAN EXILES and updating Insurgency: Sandstorm Profils
Thanks again
i will post screenshot with my perfs results

(later, if you have time, can you explain your method to search and find you bits.
Did you use the Bits value editor?

2019-01-20, 11:15:48
You are very welcome guys :)

BTW I updated the Conan Exiles SLI post.
Replaced the critical SLI hack with bit #14 to ensure consistent texture loading and smooth gameplay.
There are still no flickering problems at all, so no downside by doing so really.

This solution is the only "useful" one available.
Of that I'm now 100% sure.

2019-01-20, 12:50:18
You are very welcome guys :)

BTW I updated the Conan Exiles SLI post.
Replaced the critical SLI hack with bit #14 to ensure consistent texture loading and smooth gameplay.
There are still no flickering problems at all, so no downside by doing so really.

This solution is the only "useful" one available.
Of that I'm now 100% sure.

i still have a problem with Dead by daylight Sli i get like 40fps with 2 1080 ti!!
i only Download the link blow (new sli update) and imported in to the current profile! do i need to do somthing els to get it work?
btw how do i combined with setting 0x00A06746 to 0x00010100.

2019-01-20, 14:29:13
That special undefined bit is already included in the .nip file I attached to the post :)
Very strange, because I get around 40-45 FPS ingame at 3840x2160 resolution with the custom profile and around 30 FPS with a single card.
Possibly you are CPU limited?
You are running in full PCIe 3.0 x16/x16 mode, right?

All I know is there is no way of improving scaling any further without seriously breaking things.
For example does setting the SLI broadcast flag to 0x00000008 improve scaling, but then it also causes weird black "boxes" to follow you around on some maps ;D

2019-01-20, 16:54:03

i have try your new sli bits for CONAN EXILES : 0x20004211
for me, the game constantly or immedialy crash where the DX error Lost my GPU
i try to Downclock the GPU -20/-30mhz but with the same result (2 Zotac GTX 1080Ti Amp Extreme with a factory overclocking at 2060Mhz) maybe an bandwith overload where the gpu is lost

When i use the Bits: 0x20000211 the game works without crashing

2019-01-20, 17:18:54
Well, then use the less aggressive variant ;)
Personally the new solution works fine on my system.

Added 0x20000211 to my SLI post for Conan, then users can decide for themselves which solution they wan't to use.
It is possible there is some difference in the behavior of newer and older SLI systems in such a special case.

2019-01-20, 18:14:17
That special undefined bit is already included in the .nip file I attached to the post :)
Very strange, because I get around 40-45 FPS ingame at 3840x2160 resolution with the custom profile and around 30 FPS with a single card.
Possibly you are CPU limited?
You are running in full PCIe 3.0 x16/x16 mode, right?

All I know is there is no way of improving scaling any further without seriously breaking things.
For example does setting the SLI broadcast flag to 0x00000008 improve scaling, but then it also causes weird black "boxes" to follow you around on some maps ;D
Okay i see so i do nothing wrong than!
My cpu is 7700k at 4.8ghz
Well maybe it's because i my sli is in 8x mode!
And my monitor is 3440/1440p 100hz

2019-01-20, 18:20:44
Definitively that is the answer.
UE4 almost "demands" full 32 lanes at 4K resolution, i.e. PCIe 3.0 x16/x16.
Or NVLink of course ;)

2019-01-21, 18:23:13
anybody have made some tests with HUNT: Showdown (Cryengine 5)?
all my trials result to a game crash

2019-01-21, 18:39:51
Life is Strange 2 SLI Profiles

More information will update soon....

Increase 50-80% FPS at MAXIMUM setting.

Screenshot and video will be posted here.

got no increase, both cards (1080 ti sli) are at 99% usage, but not one frame more than with one single card... i have i7-6850k@4,4ghz, so both cards using pcie 3x16

2019-01-21, 18:41:47
anybody have made some tests with HUNT: Showdown (Cryengine 5)?
all my trials result to a game crash

im using the profile from ryse:sone of rome or 0x080120F5, if youre not in sync with your refresh rate it will have some flickering, but no crash with my system

2019-01-21, 19:42:53
Thx jan90
i tried 0x2A0117F5 scaling fine,Without crashing, menu flickering, with a light shadow distance bug.

need help to find better

2019-01-23, 08:25:43
The Hong Kong Massacre??

2019-01-23, 16:06:12
vielleicht hat ja jemand ne idee...
und zwar habe ich das problem, dass einige der hier bereit gestellten sli profile bei mir nicht funktionieren, ich bekomme zwar auf beiden gpus 99% last, aber habe schlechter fps als mit einer single karte, die profile wären zb overkills walking dead oder life is strange 2, andere zb hellblade senuas sacrifice funktionieren einwandfrei.
das beste ist, dass das sli profile von hunt showdown bei mir 100% mal funktioniert hatte, mit relativ gutem scaling, aber mittlerweile teilen sich dort die gpus einfach die arbeit, aber mehr fps habe ich halt trotzdem nicht ^^
ich komm hier echt nicht weiter leider..
mein system:
msi x99a tomahawk
2x 1080 ti
32gb ram
cpu und gpus wassergekühlt
netzteil corsair hx1200i

treiber sind alle up to date, win10 1809 installiert.

ich habe in der registry eingestellt, dass die vollbild optimierung global aus ist.
weitere ideen habe ich bisher leider nicht, wäre nice wenn jemand nen tipp für mich hat :)

vielen dank schonmal, und liebe grüße :)

2019-01-23, 17:54:56
Hallo jan90.
Haben deine beide Karten 16 PCIe pro Karte?
Lies ab 155 Seite Beitrag von Blaier.Blaire :redface:
1809 hat Probleme mit SLI (oder CPU)

2019-01-23, 18:42:05
Hallo jan90.
Haben deine beide Karten 16 PCIe pro Karte?
Lies ab 155 Seite Beitrag von Blaier.
1809 hat Probleme mit SLI (oder CPU)

hey, ja beide karten haben x16, hatte ich vergessen zu erwähnen.. der i7-6850k hat ja 40 lanes, gpu z zeigt mir auch auf beiden karten nutzung von 3x16 an :) pci bus auslastung ist laut afterburner auch nur max bei 60% je nach game.
den spectre schutz ist bei mir zwar aktiv, aber bei msi gabs n bios update, also sind bei mir die microcodes geupdatet, sodass da alles super läuft, also übertaktung von cpu wird problemlos übernommen... cpu limit denke ich auch nicht, da kein einziger thread bei 100% oder in der nähe ist -.-

2019-01-23, 19:01:45
Overkills walking dead oder Life is strange 2 kann ich dir nichts zu sagen, da ich beides nicht habe. Sind noch weitere Titel betroffen? Wenn jedoch Hellblade Senua's Sacrifice allerdings wie gewünscht skaliert, dann sollte eigentlich alles passen, dieses Game setzt 32 Lanes PCIe 3.0 voraus. Einzig mit G-Sync gibt es da Einschränkungen.

2019-01-23, 19:16:50
Overkills walking dead oder Life is strange 2 kann ich dir nichts zu sagen, da ich beides nicht habe. Sind noch weitere Titel betroffen? Wenn jedoch Hellblade Senua's Sacrifice allerdings wie gewünscht skaliert, dann sollte eigentlich alles passen, dieses Game setzt 32 Lanes PCIe 3.0 voraus. Einzig mit G-Sync gibt es da Einschränkungen.

ich versteh es selbst nicht, was bei mir das problem ist.. hellblade habe ich in 4k maxed out mit sli profile gute 20-30fps mehr, also super scaling.. gsync oder freesync nutze ich nicht, und hat auch mein monitor nicht :)

2019-01-24, 02:18:52
ich versteh es selbst nicht, was bei mir das problem ist.. hellblade habe ich in 4k maxed out mit sli profile gute 20-30fps mehr, also super scaling.. gsync oder freesync nutze ich nicht, und hat auch mein monitor nicht :)

Bei welchen Game-Titeln aus der Liste hast du noch Probleme? Muss ja nicht zwingend ein Problem mit deinem PC-System sein. Schick mir halt mal eine Private Nachricht (nicht hier im Thread) dann können wir der Sache näher auf den Grund gehen.

2019-01-26, 06:47:18
What about that Resident Evil 2 SLI profile? any one able to use all effects and have good scaling?

2019-01-26, 07:32:12
What about that Resident Evil 2 SLI profile? any one able to use all effects and have good scaling?
I have an profile that can use all effects without any issue. The only issue that it's only improve performance when you go to water surface with a lot objects(2080Ti can not handle 4K60 at this scenario). B

TW: it's slightly inprove fps and lower gpu % of two card(4K60 at maximum setting with 50% of each cards vs 4K60 with over 90% of only one GPU). But Blaire told me...if the profile can not improve fps, it should not be post in here. So you can contact me by PM to get it.

2019-01-26, 08:35:20
I have an profile that can use all effects without any issue. The only issue that it's only improve performance when you go to water surface with a lot objects(2080Ti can not handle 4K60 at this scenario). B

TW: it's slightly inprove fps and lower gpu % of two card(4K60 at maximum setting with 50% of each cards vs 4K60 with over 90% of only one GPU). But Blaire told me...if the profile can not improve fps, it should not be post in here. So you can contact me by PM to get it.

You must have misunderstood me, you can share your SLI profile whenever you want, but it makes little sense to publish a SLI-profile if it shows a little or no performance-improvement over single-gpu and ultimately only input lag is increased. So it would not an good idea, especially since a RTX 2080Ti is powerful enough to handle this Game with maximum Settings under UltraHD-resolution. :)

2019-01-26, 08:41:21
You must have misunderstood me, you can share your SLI profile whenever you want, but it makes little sense to publish a SLI-profile if it shows a little or no performance-improvement over single-gpu and ultimately only input lag is increased. So it would not an good idea, especially since a RTX 2080Ti is powerful enough to handle this Game with maximum Settings under UltraHD-resolution. :)
Ok! Thanks Blaire, I will post it later.

2019-01-26, 14:00:50
I think I will wait for a profile with good scaling, I just have two 1080s in SLI

2019-01-26, 19:53:08
Anthem SLi profile profer will be posted soon.

I have a success with Anthem in SLi. The game's using Frostbite 3.0 as Battlefield I or Battlefile V, so creation an sli for it, I was base on my Battlefield V SLi. In Alpha testing, Nvidia used the same my Battlefiled V Sli bit, it makes game in good gpus scaling. But flicking, chopping and mesh character's face makes them off Sli in newest driver. As I found the Post-propressing in High or Ultra make the issue, but if we're lower post-progressing to Normal or Low, the profile will not work, it will run as one Gpu...it's only boost with high or ultra setting....as the same issue on Project Car 1 so base on that I make this profile.

The proplem is my monitor is HDR and I can't turn it off in demo version...so cannot take a screenshot and video. But I swear this profile give 80-99% boost at maximum setting. I will post it tomorrow(2am now so I must go to sleep)

PS:@Blaire! I will post info in my old post later(sorry, cause I'm so busy)

Update: the sli profile only works if you start the game after load another game. I don't know why...so I try to make a video to guide but...in demo, the game have no option to turn off HDR.
Update: Sli profile now works directly with the game without reload any game before it. I will post the guide when I'm sure the game run smooth with my profile.

Here some demo boost of SLI in game(All ULTRA SETTINGS at 4K, I shot with my phone, cannot screenshot in HDR mode:redface:)

Single GPU|2-way SLI
40 FPS|102 FPS

in the town

Single GPU|2-way SLI
47 FPS|88 FPS

Single GPU|2-way SLI
55 FPS|105 FPS

in house where if you're turn all SLI will make characters face mesh

Single GPU|2-way SLI
52 FPS|71 FPS

in battlefield

Here is me profile



2019-01-27, 00:53:50
Anthem SLi profile profer will be posted soon.

I have a success with Anthem in SLi. The game's using Frostbite 3.0 as Battlefield I or Battlefile V, so creation an sli for it, I was base on my Battlefield V SLi. In Alpha testing, Nvidia used the same my Battlefiled V Sli bit, it makes game in good gpus scaling. But flicking, chopping and mesh character's face makes them off Sli in newest driver. As I found the Post-propressing in High or Ultra make the issue, but if we're lower post-progressing to Normal or Low, the profile will not work, it will run as one Gpu...it's only boost with high or ultra setting....as the same issue on Project Car 1 so base on that I make this profile.

The proplem is my monitor is HDR and I can't turn it off in demo version...so cannot take a screenshot and video. But I swear this profile give 80-99% boost at maximum setting. I will post it tomorrow(2am now so I must go to sleep)

PS:@Blaire! I will post info in my old post later(sorry, cause I'm so busy)

0x2A0115F5 ?

2019-01-27, 11:16:26
What about that Resident Evil 2 SLI profile? any one able to use all effects and have good scaling?

If you don't mind setting subsurface reflections to off then try to use

0x080222F5 (Batman: Arkham Origins) - works fine for me with all settings to the max except shadows to high and volumetric lights to medium (demanding on 1070 SLI) on 4k.

2019-01-28, 13:09:52
Könnte sich eventuell jemand der Aufgabe annehmen, ein Profil für RE:2 zu erstellen?
Wäre mega cool!

2019-01-28, 14:53:22
Yeah, a good RE2 SLI profile would be really nice, someone?

2019-01-28, 15:54:23
Anthem SLI profiles

Here some demo boost of SLI in game(All ULTRA SETTINGS at 4K, I shot with my phone, cannot screenshot in HDR mode:redface:)

Single GPU|2-way SLI
40 FPS|102 FPS

in the town

Single GPU|2-way SLI
47 FPS|88 FPS

Single GPU|2-way SLI
55 FPS|105 FPS

in house where if you're turn all SLI will make characters face mesh

Single GPU|2-way SLI
52 FPS|71 FPS

in battlefield

Here is me profile



2019-01-29, 02:26:09
I just want to share this profile for RE2 that I've been using myself and personally haven't seen any flickering or game-breaking bugs besides "darker screen" and some weird reflection here and there and the scaling was fine (but not perfect). I managed to get both cards to run at 91-93% at some demanding scenes but most of the time it was less usage. I do have a cap of 62FPS because of g-sync (monitor OCd to 65hz). on a single card at some scenes hit 32fps while with the profile I was at a constant 62.

Specs: i7 6700k @ 4.7
1070 OC SLI 8x/8x
Resolution: 4k

I am using SMAA and have turned down shadows to high and volumetric lights to medium. What you must disable are the "screen reflections" as they are bugged and of low quality.

Single Card:


2019-01-29, 03:50:15
I just want to share this profile for RE2 that I've been using myself and personally haven't seen any flickering or game-breaking bugs besides "darker screen" and some weird reflection here and there and the scaling was fine (but not perfect). I managed to get both cards to run at 91-93% at some demanding scenes but most of the time it was less usage. I do have a cap of 62FPS because of g-sync (monitor OCd to 65hz). on a single card at some scenes hit 32fps while with the profile I was at a constant 62.

Specs: i7 6700k @ 4.7
1070 OC SLI 8x/8x
Resolution: 4k

I am using SMAA and have turned down shadows to high and volumetric lights to medium. What you must disable are the "screen reflections" as they are bugged and of low quality.

Single Card:


Looks like namheovang profile, just hope some one can make a profile that lets screen space reflections work too

2019-01-29, 10:49:15
Looks like namheovang profile, just hope some one can make a profile that lets screen space reflections work too

His profile is using Batman Arkham if I am not mistaken? I am not using those BITS as they never worked that good in RE7 and here as well.

I also have "AFR2 and 2GPU" here instead of "AFR1 and FOUR". What might be the same is the change to the hidden bit that makes the shadows not "glitchy" in this case.

2019-01-29, 10:50:42
@namheovang From the reports regarding SLI profile seems they would already have a profile default in the final release version @ https://www.tweaktown.com/news/62475/anthem-running-geforce-gtx-1080-ti-sli-e3-2018/index.html

2019-01-29, 20:03:53
is there any SLI fix for biohazard resident evil 7?

2019-01-29, 20:28:35
Looks like namheovang profile, just hope some one can make a profile that lets screen space reflections work too

Looks similar but no the same. The reflections are bugged in the game anyway even on single GPU or it's just me (just not low detailed). I rather leave it off it just looks weird. Buy an RTX card to get those shiny realtime reflections.

is there any SLI fix for biohazard resident evil 7?

Try Witcher 3 bits with either AFR2 or AFR1 (see which work better for you). Much better scaling and performance with less bugs as well for me on dual 1070 than the batman bits

2019-01-30, 01:47:04
Looks similar but no the same. The reflections are bugged in the game anyway even on single GPU or it's just me (just not low detailed). I rather leave it off it just looks weird. Buy an RTX card to get those shiny realtime reflections.

Try Witcher 3 bits with either AFR2 or AFR1 (see which work better for you). Much better scaling and performance with less bugs as well for me on dual 1070 than the batman bits

I was just hoping to get some more life out of my gtx1080s since performance is almost the same as an rtx 2080ti in most games, including RE2

2019-01-30, 11:04:34
I was just hoping to get some more life out of my gtx1080s since performance is almost the same as an rtx 2080ti in most games, including RE2

I see. Well the profile works for me okay who cares about those reflections :) I did order 2080ti for 920€ (found a deal on palit one) because I've always felt that single gpu is better than SLI for some reason. As long as it can do 4k60fps I am fine by it.

2019-01-30, 21:27:56
I see. Well the profile works for me okay who cares about those reflections :) I did order 2080ti for 920€ (found a deal on palit one) because I've always felt that single gpu is better than SLI for some reason. As long as it can do 4k60fps I am fine by it.

Ok I will use your profile, and if anyone has another one that works nicely I will try those too, hopefully yours work better than namheovang profile, any chance you can share the link for the rtx 2080ti on offer?

2019-01-31, 04:08:07
So which profile for RESIDENT EVIL 2 remake gives the best Performance and image quality?

2019-01-31, 11:26:10
So which profile for RESIDENT EVIL 2 remake gives the best Performance and image quality?

You have 2 profiles available. Test and see it out for yourself? For me, the profile I posted works better but not by much it seems (just less visual bugs). I've gotten some weird black flickering on other profile.

Btw, I bought it on mindfactory.de when it was on sale.

2019-01-31, 18:01:27
SLI information for Sherlock Holmes: The Devil's Daughter

It is sufficient to use the standard DX11 profile 0x000000F1 for good 2-way scaling in the UE3 based detective thriller Sherlock Holmes: The Devil's Daughter.
However must 0x00A06746 also be set to a value of 0x00000100 to prevent slowdowns in some scenes.
In addition should the Light Shafts setting be disabled, otherwise there will be significant flickering issues in certain specific locations.
Finally I recommend using the -nostartupmovies launch option to skip the introductory movies.

All of this was tested using maximum settings at 5120x2880 resolution with 60Hz G-Sync enabled (3840x2160 combined with 1.78xDSR and 22% smoothness).

Sherlock Holmes: The Devil's Daughter Settings and Tweaks

Options -> Video

Resolution: 5120 x 2880
Fullscreen: On
VSync: Off (Use G-Sync instead)
Shadows: High
Ambient Occlusion: High
Textures Quality: High
Light Shafts: Off (Must be disabled to prevent flickering issues)
Antialiasing: High

Options -> Gameplay

Subtitles: Off
Loading in Cab: Off


bSmoothFrameRate=FALSE (Disables frame rate smoothing)


DoFMode=0 (Improves performance in scenes with heavy usage of Depth of Field)



Single GPU|2-way SLI
35 FPS|60 FPS
https://abload.de/thumb/sh_tdd_11_single_gpu_hukgw.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=sh_tdd_11_single_gpu_hukgw.jpg)|https://abload.de/thumb/sh_tdd_12_sli_60_resiknjr9.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=sh_tdd_12_sli_60_resiknjr9.jpg)
31 FPS|55 FPS
https://abload.de/thumb/sh_tdd_21_single_gpu_mlktu.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=sh_tdd_21_single_gpu_mlktu.jpg)|https://abload.de/thumb/sh_tdd_22_sli_55_resikhjvk.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=sh_tdd_22_sli_55_resikhjvk.jpg)
29 FPS|52 FPS
https://abload.de/thumb/sh_tdd_31_single_gpu_z1kmh.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=sh_tdd_31_single_gpu_z1kmh.jpg)|https://abload.de/thumb/sh_tdd_32_sli_52_resiv1jd9.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=sh_tdd_32_sli_52_resiv1jd9.jpg)

Test system: Intel Core i7-5930K, 16GB DDR4, Asus Rampage V, Zotac GTX 980 Ti AMP! Extreme 2-way SLI, Acer Predator XB321HK, 397.64 WHQL, Windows 10 Pro 64-bit

2019-02-01, 22:36:12
I'm the only one shocked to see some one using AFR2 on DX10 and DX11 Games??
please study the previous sli profiles of the games.
AFR2 was used on DX9 games.

2019-02-02, 11:34:36
I'm the only one shocked to see some one using AFR2 on DX10 and DX11 Games??
please study the previous sli profiles of the games.
AFR2 was used on DX9 games.

I almost always would use AFR1 but for some reason and I don't know why, it works better when having it set to AFR2 (I get weird fire and smoke glitches with AFR1). It is why I said to either try AFR1 or AFR2. Sorry if my profile offended you ...

2019-02-02, 16:57:39
Thanks ! with SLI Bits 0x080222F5 on AFR game scalling fine.
All at ultra , textures on 8gb, 3840x2160 SMAA ,just Radial blur set OFF to fix the buggy character
i have no flickering (fps cap locked a 75)

2019-02-02, 19:12:22
A heads up for the RE2 SLI Profile by visualeagle, it gives me the best results, and I I recommend it, but please disable vsync and set fps to variable so it helps with hitching/micro stuttering and eliminates slowdowns

2019-02-02, 20:32:03
A heads up for the RE2 SLI Profile by visualeagle, it gives me the best results, and I I recommend it, but please disable vsync and set fps to variable so it helps with hitching/micro stuttering and eliminates slowdowns

I have adaptive-sync on my monitor so I enabled gsync (came with latest drivers) and it works fine :) I am limiting fps to 62 (I do have variable set) but using RTSS to limit it.

2019-02-02, 21:45:45
Is there any SLI fix for PUBG ? :D

2019-02-02, 22:52:42
SLI information for Betrayer

I'm currently in the process of wrapping up SLI testing for certain older games, and this time did some digging around in the DX9 UE3 title Betrayer.
Here 0x02402201 provides quite good 2-way scaling, as long as you are not CPU limited.
There are some slowdowns in the early part of the game around the coastline of the map, but that doesn't really affect the rest of the game.

Testing was done at 7680x4320 resolution with 60Hz G-Sync enabled (3840x2160 combined with 4.00xDSR and 22% smoothness).
I ended up disabling both the Light Shafts and Depth of Field settings.
Light Shafts doesn't cause any problems in SLI mode, but makes absolutely no visual difference either from what I can tell and costs a few FPS in some scenes.
And Depth of Field is simply disabled for personal preference.

Betrayer Settings and Tweaks

Options -> General

Listen HUD: Disabled
Compass: Disabled
Health and Ammo Display: Disabled
Show Map Position: Disabled
Show Enemy Health Bars: Disabled

Dark Intensity: 1.4
Light Intensity: 1.4
Color Saturation: 0.8

Otherworld Gain: Disabled

Options -> Controls

Mouse Smoothing: Disabled

Options -> Video

Resolution: 7680x4320
VSync: Disabled (Use G-Sync instead)
Fullscreen: Enabled
FOV: 100

Overall: Maximum
Antialiasing: FXAA0
Light Shafts: Off (Makes no difference visually)
Depth of Field: Off (Disabled for personal preference)
Shadow Quality: Maximum
Materials Quality: Maximum
World Detail Level: Maximum
Detail Draw Distance: Maximum


bSmoothFrameRate=False (Disables frame rate smoothing)

Single GPU|Single GPU
Light Shafts: On|Light Shafts: Off
31 FPS|34 FPS
https://abload.de/thumb/betrayer_8k_11_singlew1ku3.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=betrayer_8k_11_singlew1ku3.jpg)|https://abload.de/thumb/betrayer_8k_12_singlemwj7l.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=betrayer_8k_12_singlemwj7l.jpg)

Single GPU|2-way SLI
31 FPS|57 FPS
https://abload.de/thumb/betrayer_8k_21_singlewgkkm.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=betrayer_8k_21_singlewgkkm.jpg)|https://abload.de/thumb/betrayer_8k_22_sli_574okov.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=betrayer_8k_22_sli_574okov.jpg)
34 FPS|60 FPS
https://abload.de/thumb/betrayer_8k_31_singleotkr4.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=betrayer_8k_31_singleotkr4.jpg)|https://abload.de/thumb/betrayer_8k_32_sli_60b4kab.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=betrayer_8k_32_sli_60b4kab.jpg)
38 FPS|60 FPS
https://abload.de/thumb/betrayer_8k_41_singled7jsr.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=betrayer_8k_41_singled7jsr.jpg)|https://abload.de/thumb/betrayer_8k_42_sli_60gej7c.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=betrayer_8k_42_sli_60gej7c.jpg)

Test system: Intel Core i7-5930K, 16GB DDR4, Asus Rampage V, Zotac GTX 980 Ti AMP! Extreme 2-way SLI, Acer Predator XB321HK, 397.64 WHQL, Windows 10 Pro 64-bit

2019-02-02, 22:59:52
Is there any SLI fix for PUBG ? :D

Look at the first page (https://www.forum-3dcenter.org/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=509912) of this thread, you can find all listed sli profiles.
or here you can find the SLIKNIGHT LIST (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/15UvZ6COCpaD8JJkMqB4KMTxBXoEfDuaDiiP--H4BJ-U/edit#gid=1911323755)
PUBG SLI PROFIL (https://www.forum-3dcenter.org/vbulletin/showpost.php?p=11832501&postcount=3015)

2019-02-03, 14:33:04
Never mind.

2019-02-03, 15:46:27
Suche ein SLI Profil für

" What Remains of Edith Finch "

2019-02-03, 18:50:31
Suche ein SLI Profil für

" What Remains of Edith Finch "

ich benutze diese bits 0x080002F1 afr

und mal so am rande, wie reicht dir bei deinem system nen 850w netzteil? ich hab nen i7-6850k (4,4ghz 1,34V) sowie 2x 1080 ti msi gaming x (2050mhz), genauso wie du alles auf wasserkühlung... aber mein system braucht unter vollast (prime95 und furmark zeitgleich) gute 1050w :D theoretisch müsste dein verbrauch ja ähnlich sein, oder hast du null übertaktung?

2019-02-03, 20:39:07
ich benutze diese bits 0x080002F1 afr

und mal so am rande, wie reicht dir bei deinem system nen 850w netzteil? ich hab nen i7-6850k (4,4ghz 1,34V) sowie 2x 1080 ti msi gaming x (2050mhz), genauso wie du alles auf wasserkühlung... aber mein system braucht unter vollast (prime95 und furmark zeitgleich) gute 1050w :D theoretisch müsste dein verbrauch ja ähnlich sein, oder hast du null übertaktung?

Diese bits funktionieren hier nicht, beim Spielstart also sobald ich das Spiel starte, blinkt das Bild die ganze Zeit, wie wenn einer Lichtschalter an/aus macht, beide GPU´s haben 10-15% Auslastung und sensationelle 1fps perma !

Ich komme mit dem Netzteil sehr gut aus, im Test hat es auch dauerhaft 1kw ausgehalten laut Geizhals Test´s.

2019-02-03, 20:51:07
Diese bits funktionieren hier nicht, beim Spielstart also sobald ich das Spiel starte, blinkt das Bild die ganze Zeit, wie wenn einer Lichtschalter an/aus macht, beide GPU´s haben 10-15% Auslastung und sensationelle 1fps perma !

Ich komme mit dem Netzteil sehr gut aus, im Test hat es auch dauerhaft 1kw ausgehalten laut Geizhals Test´s.

Komisch, bei Mir funktionieren die Bits, aber habe ich auch oft, dass Bits die bei anderen klappen, bei mir nichts bewirken... Du kannst mal andere sli Profile/Bits von anderen Spiele mit der ue4 nutzen. Zb von hellblade senuas sacrifice oder ark survival evolved oder Conan Exiles etc... Die Bits bzw Profile findest hier im Forum... enfach mal schauen ob was davon funktioniert, falls das noch nicht gemacht hast ^^ deine CPU sowie manboard unterstützen ja auf beiden gpzs 16 lanes bei pcie 3.0... sind die auch aktiv? Bei der ue4 sind de von Nöten

2019-02-03, 21:03:24
Komisch, bei Mir funktionieren die Bits, aber habe ich auch oft, dass Bits die bei anderen klappen, bei mir nichts bewirken... Du kannst mal andere sli Profile/Bits von anderen Spiele mit der ue4 nutzen. Zb von hellblade senuas sacrifice oder ark survival evolved oder Conan Exiles etc... Die Bits bzw Profile findest hier im Forum... enfach mal schauen ob was davon funktioniert, falls das noch nicht gemacht hast ^^ deine CPU sowie manboard unterstützen ja auf beiden gpzs 16 lanes bei pcie 3.0... sind die auch aktiv? Bei der ue4 sind de von Nöten

Ich teste gleich mal die Hellblade bits, hab das Game ja in Steam drin.
Ja beide sind aktiv !

2019-02-03, 21:20:31
Keine Besserung mit den Hellblade bits, fehler der gleiche

2019-02-03, 21:23:51
Ich teste gleich mal die Hellblade bits, hab das Game ja in Steam drin.
Ja beide sind aktiv !

Ich meinte, nutze das Profil bzw die Bits von hellblade etc für what remains.. und nicht für hellblade (kannst die natürlich auch für hellblade nutzen). Im Inspektor kannst ja die what remains exe auch anderen Profilen zuordnen, musst die dann nur im what remains Profil rauslöschen vorübergehen :)

Schade dass kenne Besserung. Dann hilft nur mit anderen Profilen testen und hoffen dass es klappt :)

2019-02-03, 22:17:19
Ich meinte, nutze das Profil bzw die Bits von hellblade etc für what remains.. und nicht für hellblade (kannst die natürlich auch für hellblade nutzen). Im Inspektor kannst ja die what remains exe auch anderen Profilen zuordnen, musst die dann nur im what remains Profil rauslöschen vorübergehen :)

Schade dass kenne Besserung. Dann hilft nur mit anderen Profilen testen und hoffen dass es klappt :)

Ich habe verstanden wie du es meintest, ich habe für What Remains of Edith die Hellblade bits genutzt die Blaire hier https://www.forum-3dcenter.org/vbulletin/showpost.php?p=11455083&postcount=2622 emfpiehlt.

Er hat mir bereits per PN paar neue bits zum testen geschickt. Ich teste gleich mal und editiere hier ggf.
Das mit dem Inspektor weiß ich, weil der hat das Game so garnicht gekannt, hab deswegen neues Profil erstellt und die entsprechende .exe dem ganzen zugeordnet.

Trotzdem danke für deine Hilfe

2019-02-03, 22:48:55
Anthem SLI profiles

Here some demo boost of SLI in game(All ULTRA SETTINGS at 4K, I shot with my phone, cannot screenshot in HDR mode:redface:)

Single GPU|2-way SLI
40 FPS|102 FPS

in the town

Single GPU|2-way SLI
47 FPS|88 FPS

Single GPU|2-way SLI
55 FPS|105 FPS

in house where if you're turn all SLI will make characters face mesh

Single GPU|2-way SLI
52 FPS|71 FPS

in battlefield

Here is me profile



It wont work in my game :(
Applied it ingme in an expedition and nothing changend, also tried to apply it before launching but then the game freezes in loading screen...
(All options set to Ultra)

Any suggestions ?

Ryzen 5 2600 OC 4,2 GHz
2x1080 SLI

2019-02-03, 23:30:33
Ich habe verstanden wie du es meintest, ich habe für What Remains of Edith die Hellblade bits genutzt die Blaire hier https://www.forum-3dcenter.org/vbulletin/showpost.php?p=11455083&postcount=2622 emfpiehlt.

Er hat mir bereits per PN paar neue bits zum testen geschickt. Ich teste gleich mal und editiere hier ggf.
Das mit dem Inspektor weiß ich, weil der hat das Game so garnicht gekannt, hab deswegen neues Profil erstellt und die entsprechende .exe dem ganzen zugeordnet.

Trotzdem danke für deine Hilfe

Probier halt auch mal ohne TAA oder andere Postprocessing-Features zu deaktivieren, wenn nichts so richtig funktionieren will. Auch G-Sync im Treiber mal testweise deaktivieren (wenn GeForce "Pascal"-SLI und älter...)

2019-02-04, 00:12:34
Probier halt auch mal ohne TAA oder andere Postprocessing-Features zu deaktivieren, wenn nichts so richtig funktionieren will. Auch G-Sync im Treiber mal testweise deaktivieren (für GeForce "Pascal"-SLI und älter...)

Danke, hab dir dazu ne PN geschickt.

2019-02-04, 01:12:49
I just want to share this profile for RE2 that I've been using myself and personally haven't seen any flickering or game-breaking bugs besides "darker screen" and some weird reflection here and there and the scaling was fine (but not perfect). I managed to get both cards to run at 91-93% at some demanding scenes but most of the time it was less usage. I do have a cap of 62FPS because of g-sync (monitor OCd to 65hz). on a single card at some scenes hit 32fps while with the profile I was at a constant 62.

Specs: i7 6700k @ 4.7
1070 OC SLI 8x/8x
Resolution: 4k

I am using SMAA and have turned down shadows to high and volumetric lights to medium. What you must disable are the "screen reflections" as they are bugged and of low quality.

Single Card:


It's acting really strange for me with that profile and this one https://www.forum-3dcenter.org/vbulletin/showpost.php?p=11912687&postcount=3165 My GPU usage is 80-99% for both GPUs, but my FPS is actually much lower than none-SLI and the image is like its flickering back and forth. I've disabled motion blur in-game and Fullscreen Optomizations but it's still doing it. Any ideas? Thanks <3

2019-02-04, 01:16:14
I just want to share this profile for RE2 that I've been using myself and personally haven't seen any flickering or game-breaking bugs besides "darker screen" and some weird reflection here and there and the scaling was fine (but not perfect). I managed to get both cards to run at 91-93% at some demanding scenes but most of the time it was less usage. I do have a cap of 62FPS because of g-sync (monitor OCd to 65hz). on a single card at some scenes hit 32fps while with the profile I was at a constant 62.

Specs: i7 6700k @ 4.7
1070 OC SLI 8x/8x
Resolution: 4k

I am using SMAA and have turned down shadows to high and volumetric lights to medium. What you must disable are the "screen reflections" as they are bugged and of low quality.

Single Card:


It's acting really strange for me. My GPU usage is 80-99% for both GPUs, but my FPS is actually much lower than none-SLI and the image is like its flickering back and forth. I've disabled motion blur in-game and Fullscreen Optomizations but it's still doing it. Any ideas? Thanks <3

2019-02-04, 05:31:17
Unfortunately I haven’t found a good RE2 profile that works with TAA , I get a weird wobbling effect when enabling TAA and both SLI profiles posted here, with SMAA the shimmering and aliasing of a lot of objects is really bad, is there a profile that works well with TAA? I’m using lumasharpen to counter the blur caused from TAA, and it looks so good the problem is the wobbling effect

2019-02-04, 15:01:10
nur als Info :D
kaum ist die Anthem Beta vorbei, liefert Nvidia mit dem heute erschienem Treiber für Anthem ein Sli Profile :D

Desweiteren für einige weitere Spiele (zb Life is Strange 2) Sli Profile, allerdings nur für Turing GPUs.. wahrscheinlich wegen der Bandbreiten Begrenzung von normalen Sli, wenn keine vollen 16 Lanes für beide GPUs verfügbar sind... mal sehen ob man den Treiber trotzdem von Sli mit dem offiziellem Profil auf Pascal GPUs überreden kann...

2019-02-04, 15:05:50
Der Treiber bringt außerdem auch Optimierungen für G-Sync + Pascal/Maxwell SLI mit.

nur als Info :D
kaum ist die Anthem Beta vorbei, liefert Nvidia mit dem heute erschienem Treiber für Anthem ein Sli Profile :D

Die Beta-Demo lief mit dem Treiber immer noch nicht fehlerfrei, konnt es Samstag überprüfen, aber bis zum offiziellen Release ist ja auch noch ein paar Tage hin.

Desweiteren für einige weitere Spiele (zb Life is Strange 2) Sli Profile, allerdings nur für Turing GPUs.. wahrscheinlich wegen der Bandbreiten Begrenzung von normalen Sli, wenn keine vollen 16 Lanes für beide GPUs verfügbar sind... mal sehen ob man den Treiber trotzdem von Sli mit dem offiziellem Profil auf Pascal GPUs überreden kann...

Probier es aus :) ggf. auf TAA verzichten. Assetto Corsa Competizione + Life is Strange 2 skalieren mit zwei 2080Ti's anstandslos.

2019-02-04, 15:38:45
Der Treiber bringt außerdem auch Optimierungen für G-Sync + Pascal/Maxwell SLI mit.

Die Beta-Demo lief mit dem Treiber immer noch nicht fehlerfrei, konnt es Samstag überprüfen, aber bis zum offiziellen Release ist ja auch noch ein paar Tage hin.

Probier es aus :) ggf. auf TAA verzichten. Assetto Corsa Competizione + Life is Strange 2 skalieren mit zwei 2080Ti's anstandslos.

oh, auf die idee nach nem beta treiber zu schauen, bin ich garnicht gekommen :D mein fehler.. aber das sli profil von hier hat gut skaliert, leider mit random crashs und insbesondere in der höhle mit flilckern

und bei life is strange habe ich es schon versucht, das profil ist ja im inspector einsehbar (0x080000F4), allerdings weigert sich das spiel beide karten zu nutzen, obwohl ich die üblichen verdächtigen auf afr und 4 karten stelle -.- aber ich werd noch etwas testen, und den beitrag hier dann editieren

Edit: bringt alles nichts, bekomme mit dem neuen profil sli auf pascal nicht zum laufen...
jedoch habe ich 2 profile gefunden:

1. overkills walking dead, im schnitt in 4k maxed out (mit taa) 20fps mehr mit 2x 1080 ti: 0x080002F1 (als sli specific hack dx1x 0x00000100 FORCE_REPORT_NO_SLI_SUPPORT_FROM_NVAPI - If applition has buggy its own SLI support we need to do SLI magic in the driver and force app think it's run on single GPU) afr

2. life is strange 2 teils ein plus von 40fps, allerdings mit leichtem flickern, außerdem im hauptmenü sowie in einigen stellen im spiel kein scaling (warum auch immer): 0x080020F1 (The Witcher 3) (denselben sli specific hack, sonst garkein scaling) afr

vielleicht hilft das dem einem oder anderen..

falls wer ne lösung für das flickern findet, oder gar das neue profil von nvidia auf pascal karten zum laufen bekommt, ich bin interessiert :D

2019-02-04, 16:47:47
Any solution to fix the wobbling effect using TAA, in RESIDENT EVIL 2 Remake, while using the SLI PROFILE? Is there a way to inject TAA maybe? From outside of the game

2019-02-05, 18:50:07
Overkill's The Walking Dead Works Perfectly on Ultra with the SLI Bits "0x080000F1" on AFR Without any Specific Hacks on The Lastest Update (TAA also work, but thats too blurry on 4K)
With the lastest update , the game is really Optimized!
Unreal Engine 4 need a large bandwith , if you are not on 16x / 16x Sli , 4k resolution must be hard to have a smooth framerate.
Reduce your Textures and Shadows on High or Medium

2019-02-05, 19:17:30
SLI and tweaking information for What Remains of Edith Finch

I might have found something interesting for the UE4 indie title What Remains of Edith Finch.
The game has some general performance problems at native 3840x2160 resolution and above, as already discussed in this thread: No 4K? (Steam Forums) (https://steamcommunity.com/app/501300/discussions/0/1319961868336111982/)
This is not related to SLI at all, and single GPU is also affected.

However by digging around in the UE4 documentation, I discovered a decent workaround to the problem.
It seems that by adding the commands r.SceneColorFormat=3 and r.SSR.Quality=0 to Engine.ini, and reducing the ingame AA to Medium these issues can be fixed completely.
Of course there is a small price to pay in terms of "losing" screen space reflections, but these only appear to be used on ocean waves anyway.
Even setting AA to Medium is not a big problem in my opinion, since anything higher blurs the scene too much.

Disabling SSR also opens up for new possibilities in terms of SLI profiles.
Once these are done away with, there is a quite decent SLI solution possible.
Combining the 0x080002F1 profile with setting 0x00A0694B to 0x00000001 gives reasonable scaling on my 2-way 980 Ti system in PCIe 3.0 x16/x16 mode.
Please note, that in the table below "Tweaked" Ultra refers to using the two special commands in Engine.ini.

What Remains of Edith Finch Settings and Tweaks

Engine.ini (Located in \Users\\AppData\Local\FinchGame\Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor)


[U]GameUserSettings.ini (Located in \Users\[Username]\AppData\Local\FinchGame\Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor)


sg.AntiAliasingQuality=1 (1 = Medium, 2 = High and 3 = Ultra)


Single GPU|Single GPU|Single GPU|2-way SLI
Ultra Settings|"Tweaked" Ultra|"Tweaked" Ultra|"Tweaked" Ultra
AA = Ultra|AA = Ultra|AA = Medium|AA = Medium
13 FPS|26 FPS|84 FPS|120 FPS
https://abload.de/thumb/what_remains_of_edith6ekgp.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=what_remains_of_edith6ekgp.jpg)|https://abload.de/thumb/what_remains_of_edithmik66.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=what_remains_of_edithmik66.jpg)|https://abload.de/thumb/what_remains_of_edithxmjos.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=what_remains_of_edithxmjos.jpg)|https://abload.de/thumb/what_remains_of_edithrjk3t.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=what_remains_of_edithrjk3t.jpg)
18 FPS|43 FPS|45 FPS|75 FPS
https://abload.de/thumb/what_remains_of_edithaijwf.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=what_remains_of_edithaijwf.jpg)|https://abload.de/thumb/what_remains_of_edithnjjx3.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=what_remains_of_edithnjjx3.jpg)|https://abload.de/thumb/what_remains_of_edithk3j8a.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=what_remains_of_edithk3j8a.jpg)|https://abload.de/thumb/what_remains_of_edith7vkjr.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=what_remains_of_edith7vkjr.jpg)
17 FPS|64 FPS|68 FPS|95 FPS
https://abload.de/thumb/what_remains_of_edithzgjzu.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=what_remains_of_edithzgjzu.jpg)|https://abload.de/thumb/what_remains_of_edith6qjtk.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=what_remains_of_edith6qjtk.jpg)|https://abload.de/thumb/what_remains_of_edith63kbq.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=what_remains_of_edith63kbq.jpg)|https://abload.de/thumb/what_remains_of_edithizkim.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=what_remains_of_edithizkim.jpg)

Test system: Intel Core i7-5930K, 16GB DDR4, Asus Rampage V, Zotac GTX 980 Ti AMP! Extreme 2-way SLI, Acer Predator XB321HK, 397.64 WHQL, Windows 10 Pro 64-bit

2019-02-05, 19:30:28
Overkill's The Walking Dead Works Perfectly on Ultra with the SLI Bits "0x080000F1" on AFR Without any Specific Hacks on The Lastest Update (TAA also work, but thats too blurry on 4K)
With the lastest update , the game is really Optimized!
Unreal Engine 4 need a large bandwith , if you are not on 16x / 16x Sli , 4k resolution must be hard to have a smooth framerate.
Reduce your Textures and Shadows on High or Medium

i can confirm this, works great, without sli specific hacks :) thx

2019-02-05, 21:06:03
Apex Legends:

EDIT: Solution doesnt work fine

2019-02-06, 02:10:43
Apex Legends:

EDIT: Solution doesnt work fine

I tried adding .exe to Titanfall 2 and I get de-sync, or rather the frames drop suddenly every 30-60 secs. Reminded me of CoD 4 before SLI was fixed.

2019-02-06, 11:18:18
Assetto Corsa Competizione + Life is Strange 2 skalieren mit zwei 2080Ti's anstandslos.

Hello Blaire, could you share ACC profile? Thanks!

EDIT: OK it is official in new drivers 418.81, but only for Turing GPU. The question is whether it could be used without Turing GPU and with full 16x/16x SLI instead. Could you share what bits are used on 2080Ti anyway?

2019-02-06, 12:17:59
Is there any SLI fix for Apex Legends?

2019-02-06, 14:39:40
For AC Competizione and Pascal SLI, you can change 0x080000F4 (Turing) to 0x080000F1, but I would not recommend it, since there is a negative scaling for me with 1080 Ti SLI @ the X99 sys -> 3440x1440 + 130% res scale, FXAA and Epic settings: SGPU -> ~ 58 fps, SLI ~ 51 fps. Other bits like 0x280000F1 offer some scaling (~ 74 fps at that very same scene) at the cost of heavy flickering after starting the session, so not worth to be considered as an option at all.

https://abload.de/thumb/ac2-win64-shipping_20prjwz.png (http://abload.de/image.php?img=ac2-win64-shipping_20prjwz.png) vs. https://abload.de/thumb/ac2-win64-shipping_20ovkxp.png (http://abload.de/image.php?img=ac2-win64-shipping_20ovkxp.png)

Added the profile with 0x080000F1, but SGPU is the way to go for me in this case. GPU usages are high, but without an positive effect. :(

E: But there are also some good news with the new driver 381.81 WHQL for Pascal/Maxwell SLI users -> look at the performance improvements up to 26% at The Witcher 3 with G-SYNC enabled compared to R417 drivers.:

2019-02-06, 17:18:05
SLI and tweaking information for What Remains of Edith Finch

I might have found something interesting for the UE4 indie title What Remains of Edith Finch.
The game has some general performance problems at native 3840x2160 resolution and above, as already discussed in this thread: No 4K? (Steam Forums) (https://steamcommunity.com/app/501300/discussions/0/1319961868336111982/)
This is not related to SLI at all, and single GPU is also affected.

However by digging around in the UE4 documentation, I discovered a decent workaround to the problem.
It seems that by adding the commands r.SceneColorFormat=3 and r.SSR.Quality=0 to Engine.ini, and reducing the ingame AA to Medium these issues can be fixed completely.
Of course there is a small price to pay in terms of "losing" screen space reflections, but these only appear to be used on ocean waves anyway.
And you only see those in the opening scene for a moment :wink:
Even setting AA to Medium is not a big problem in my opinion, since anything higher blurs the scene too much.

Disabling SSR also opens up for new possibilities in terms of SLI profiles.
Once these are done away with, there is a quite decent SLI solution possible.
Combining the 0x080002F1 profile with setting 0x00A0694B to 0x00000001 gives reasonable scaling on my 2-way 980 Ti system in PCIe 3.0 x16/x16 mode.
Please note, that in the table below "Tweaked" Ultra refers to using the two special commands in Engine.ini.


Single GPU|Single GPU|Single GPU|2-way SLI
Ultra Settings|"Tweaked" Ultra|"Tweaked" Ultra|"Tweaked" Ultra
AA = Ultra|AA = Ultra|AA = Medium|AA = Medium
13 FPS|26 FPS|84 FPS|120 FPS
https://abload.de/thumb/what_remains_of_edith6ekgp.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=what_remains_of_edith6ekgp.jpg)|https://abload.de/thumb/what_remains_of_edithmik66.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=what_remains_of_edithmik66.jpg)|https://abload.de/thumb/what_remains_of_edithxmjos.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=what_remains_of_edithxmjos.jpg)|https://abload.de/thumb/what_remains_of_edithrjk3t.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=what_remains_of_edithrjk3t.jpg)
18 FPS|43 FPS|45 FPS|75 FPS
https://abload.de/thumb/what_remains_of_edithaijwf.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=what_remains_of_edithaijwf.jpg)|https://abload.de/thumb/what_remains_of_edithnjjx3.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=what_remains_of_edithnjjx3.jpg)|https://abload.de/thumb/what_remains_of_edithk3j8a.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=what_remains_of_edithk3j8a.jpg)|https://abload.de/thumb/what_remains_of_edith7vkjr.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=what_remains_of_edith7vkjr.jpg)
17 FPS|64 FPS|68 FPS|95 FPS
https://abload.de/thumb/what_remains_of_edithzgjzu.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=what_remains_of_edithzgjzu.jpg)|https://abload.de/thumb/what_remains_of_edith6qjtk.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=what_remains_of_edith6qjtk.jpg)|https://abload.de/thumb/what_remains_of_edith63kbq.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=what_remains_of_edith63kbq.jpg)|https://abload.de/thumb/what_remains_of_edithizkim.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=what_remains_of_edithizkim.jpg)

Test system: Intel Core i7-5930K, 16GB DDR4, Asus Rampage V, Zotac GTX 980 Ti AMP! Extreme 2-way SLI, Acer Predator XB321HK, 397.64 WHQL, Windows 10 Pro 64-bit

I will test it later and then publish my result, thanks for your great work

Gast (Skinner)
2019-02-06, 18:41:55
I keep on having trouble with certain UE4-games in fullscreen. The screen becomes very small instead ie scaling issues instead of scaling on the entire surface.

I have a 5K screen driven through MST .

BTW, thanks for all your work guys :)

2019-02-06, 22:01:28
Any SLI profile for RESIDENT EVIL 2 that might work well in TAA? I’m currently playing with lumasharpen and TAA But when I use the profiles that you guys kindly shared, I get a weird wobbling effect

2019-02-07, 03:59:52
Hello Blaire, could you share ACC profile? Thanks!

EDIT: OK it is official in new drivers 418.81, but only for Turing GPU. The question is whether it could be used without Turing GPU and with full 16x/16x SLI instead. Could you share what bits are used on 2080Ti anyway?

Yes Turing SLI is required, but SLI Compatibility-bits themselves (include predefined AFR-transfers) are not really different and you can testing out with older SLI too, new is just how the NVIDIA driver differentiate between "normal" SLI und new NVLink-SLI. This change allows NVIDIA to release new profiles that require more bandwidth between both GPUs without negative affects legacy SLI systems.

2019-02-07, 14:27:19
Never mind.

2019-02-07, 16:35:13
SLI and tweaking information for What Remains of Edith Finch

I might have found something interesting for the UE4 indie title What Remains of Edith Finch.
The game has some general performance problems at native 3840x2160 resolution and above, as already discussed in this thread: No 4K? (Steam Forums) (https://steamcommunity.com/app/501300/discussions/0/1319961868336111982/)
This is not related to SLI at all, and single GPU is also affected.

However by digging around in the UE4 documentation, I discovered a decent workaround to the problem.
It seems that by adding the commands r.SceneColorFormat=3 and r.SSR.Quality=0 to Engine.ini, and reducing the ingame AA to Medium these issues can be fixed completely.
Of course there is a small price to pay in terms of "losing" screen space reflections, but these only appear to be used on ocean waves anyway.
Even setting AA to Medium is not a big problem in my opinion, since anything higher blurs the scene too much.

Disabling SSR also opens up for new possibilities in terms of SLI profiles.
Once these are done away with, there is a quite decent SLI solution possible.
Combining the 0x080002F1 profile with setting 0x00A0694B to 0x00000001 gives reasonable scaling on my 2-way 980 Ti system in PCIe 3.0 x16/x16 mode.
Please note, that in the table below "Tweaked" Ultra refers to using the two special commands in Engine.ini.


Single GPU|Single GPU|Single GPU|2-way SLI
Ultra Settings|"Tweaked" Ultra|"Tweaked" Ultra|"Tweaked" Ultra
AA = Ultra|AA = Ultra|AA = Medium|AA = Medium
13 FPS|26 FPS|84 FPS|120 FPS
https://abload.de/thumb/what_remains_of_edith6ekgp.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=what_remains_of_edith6ekgp.jpg)|https://abload.de/thumb/what_remains_of_edithmik66.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=what_remains_of_edithmik66.jpg)|https://abload.de/thumb/what_remains_of_edithxmjos.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=what_remains_of_edithxmjos.jpg)|https://abload.de/thumb/what_remains_of_edithrjk3t.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=what_remains_of_edithrjk3t.jpg)
18 FPS|43 FPS|45 FPS|75 FPS
https://abload.de/thumb/what_remains_of_edithaijwf.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=what_remains_of_edithaijwf.jpg)|https://abload.de/thumb/what_remains_of_edithnjjx3.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=what_remains_of_edithnjjx3.jpg)|https://abload.de/thumb/what_remains_of_edithk3j8a.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=what_remains_of_edithk3j8a.jpg)|https://abload.de/thumb/what_remains_of_edith7vkjr.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=what_remains_of_edith7vkjr.jpg)
17 FPS|64 FPS|68 FPS|95 FPS
https://abload.de/thumb/what_remains_of_edithzgjzu.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=what_remains_of_edithzgjzu.jpg)|https://abload.de/thumb/what_remains_of_edith6qjtk.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=what_remains_of_edith6qjtk.jpg)|https://abload.de/thumb/what_remains_of_edith63kbq.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=what_remains_of_edith63kbq.jpg)|https://abload.de/thumb/what_remains_of_edithizkim.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=what_remains_of_edithizkim.jpg)

Test system: Intel Core i7-5930K, 16GB DDR4, Asus Rampage V, Zotac GTX 980 Ti AMP! Extreme 2-way SLI, Acer Predator XB321HK, 397.64 WHQL, Windows 10 Pro 64-bit

The profile works so far quite well, scaling is also available. Unfortunately, I now have Tearing, synonymous back to full screen in borderless mode and then back to full screen brings no success.

I hope someone can help


2019-02-07, 18:44:44
Not exactly sure what you mean by tearing to be honest?
The game is capped at 120 FPS by default though.

Personally I noticed no such downsides or any flickering problems for that matter.

2019-02-08, 19:14:54
DX11 SLI information for The Forest

Did some SLI testing in the DX11 version of the Unity engine based survival horror title The Forest.
Here the basic 0x000000F1 profile is enough for quite acceptable 2-way scaling at native 3840x2160 resolution even with TAA enabled.

The game does have some issues with enabling proper fullscreen though, which makes it necessary to start in windowed mode using the Launcher and then switch to native resolution and fullscreen ingame.
Otherwise there can be occasional situations, where full SLI scaling is not achieved after loading a savegame.
The only alternative is to start in fullscreen mode, and then use Alt+Enter twice in case scaling problems occur.
But simply starting in windowed mode seems like the more elegant solution in my opinion.

The Forest Settings and Tweaks

Options -> Display

Resolution: 2560x1600 (Launcher) -> 3840x2160 (Ingame)
Preset: Custom
Eye Adaptation: DX11
Field of View: 90
V-Sync: Off
Fullscreen: Off (Launcher) -> On (Ingame)
Max Frame Rate: No Limit

Options -> Graphics

Antialiasing: High (TAA)
Shadows: Very High
Far Shadows: On
Draw Distance: Very High
Sunshine Occlusion: On
Light Scatter: High
Terrain: Parallax
Texture Quality: Full Resolution
Grass Distance: Very Far
Grass Density: Ultra

Ocean Quality: High
SSAO Type: Amplify
SSAO Quality: Ultra
Motion Blur: Disabled
Chromatic Abberation: Off
Bloom: On
Film Grain: Off
Color Grading: Original
Screen Space Reflection: On
Volumetric Clouds: On

Options -> Controls

Gamepad Rumble: Off
Mouse Smoothing: 0%
Advanced Controller Support (XInput): Off


Single GPU|2-way SLI|Performance increase
40 FPS|69 FPS| ~ 73%
https://abload.de/thumb/the_forest_11_single_tzkc2.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=the_forest_11_single_tzkc2.jpg)|https://abload.de/thumb/the_forest_12_sli_69cvkcl.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=the_forest_12_sli_69cvkcl.jpg)
38 FPS|64 FPS| ~ 68%
https://abload.de/thumb/the_forest_21_single_utjl2.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=the_forest_21_single_utjl2.jpg)|https://abload.de/thumb/the_forest_22_sli_64l5kry.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=the_forest_22_sli_64l5kry.jpg)
40 FPS|70 FPS|~ 75%
https://abload.de/thumb/the_forest_31_single_61k9x.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=the_forest_31_single_61k9x.jpg)|https://abload.de/thumb/the_forest_32_sli_70etknc.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=the_forest_32_sli_70etknc.jpg)

Test system: Intel Core i7-5930K, 16GB DDR4, Asus Rampage V, Zotac GTX 980 Ti AMP! Extreme 2-way SLI, Acer Predator XB321HK, 397.64 WHQL, Windows 10 Pro 64-bit

2019-02-09, 15:31:19
DX11 SLI information for The Forest

Did some SLI testing in the DX11 version of the Unity engine based survival horror title The Forest.
Here the basic 0x000000F1 profile is enough for quite acceptable 2-way scaling at native 3840x2160 resolution even with TAA enabled.

The game does have some issues with enabling proper fullscreen though, which makes it necessary to start in windowed mode using the Launcher and then switch to native resolution and fullscreen ingame.
Otherwise there can be occasional situations, where full SLI scaling is not achieved after loading a savegame.
The only alternative is to start in fullscreen mode, and then use Alt+Enter twice in case scaling problems occur.
But simply starting in windowed mode seems like the more elegant solution in my opinion.


Single GPU|2-way SLI|Performance increase
40 FPS|69 FPS| ~ 73%
https://abload.de/thumb/the_forest_11_single_tzkc2.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=the_forest_11_single_tzkc2.jpg)|https://abload.de/thumb/the_forest_12_sli_69cvkcl.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=the_forest_12_sli_69cvkcl.jpg)
38 FPS|64 FPS| ~ 68%
https://abload.de/thumb/the_forest_21_single_utjl2.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=the_forest_21_single_utjl2.jpg)|https://abload.de/thumb/the_forest_22_sli_64l5kry.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=the_forest_22_sli_64l5kry.jpg)
40 FPS|70 FPS|~ 75%
https://abload.de/thumb/the_forest_31_single_61k9x.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=the_forest_31_single_61k9x.jpg)|https://abload.de/thumb/the_forest_32_sli_70etknc.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=the_forest_32_sli_70etknc.jpg)

Test system: Intel Core i7-5930K, 16GB DDR4, Asus Rampage V, Zotac GTX 980 Ti AMP! Extreme 2-way SLI, Acer Predator XB321HK, 397.64 WHQL, Windows 10 Pro 64-bit

im using this profile 0x42402005 with afr2, works fine in 4k maxed out... but didnt play that game a long time. but i cant remember the profile has that issue in fullscreen mode, also scaling was fine.
maybe its working better for you :)

2019-02-09, 17:54:39
your profil for "THE FOREST" was for the Old version of the unity engine running on DX9 like Verdun.
Now the game run on DX11. since the 1.0 Release , i used the 0x080000F1 on AFR.
I will try soon the SliKnight Solution.

For Apex Legends: i have tried some SLI bits like Titanfall 2: 0x000000F5 and 0x000000F1
working without TSAA and Shadows reduced on HIGH ( Very High doesnt like SLI bandwith)
On Menu, the FPS are Low (average 30-33) on game i'm on 65-80fps but the scalling is not really fine, or maybe the poor game optimisation on 4k where i have many FPS drops near 40

2019-02-09, 18:32:46
your profil for "THE FOREST" was for the Old version of the unity engine running on DX9 like Verdun.
Now the game run on DX11. since the 1.0 Release , i used the 0x080000F1 on AFR.
I will try soon the SliKnight Solution.

For Apex Legends: i have tried some SLI bits like Titanfall 2: 0x000000F5 and 0x000000F1
working without TSAA and Shadows reduced on HIGH ( Very High doesnt like SLI bandwith)
On Menu, the FPS are Low (average 30-33) on game i'm on 65-80fps but the scalling is not really fine, or maybe the poor game optimisation on 4k where i have many FPS drops near 40

but the "old" sli profile works also on dx11, i justed tested it... it scales about the same as the profile from sliknigt.. i get with one card in 4k maxed out ~70fps with two card ~105fps.. with both profiles, but with the old one the fullscreen bug does not exist :)

2019-02-09, 19:02:57

SLI Bits DX9 and SLI Bits DX1x are independants.

If on your old profil the SLI work on DX11 is just you have set your Rendermode DX11 on AFR2.

And , yes you have the same result cause "F1" on the "0x000000F1" Bits just Force the Rendermode on AFR


2019-02-09, 19:42:36

SLI Bits DX9 and SLI Bits DX1x are independants.

If on your old profil the SLI work on DX11 is just you have set your Rendermode DX11 on AFR2.

And , yes you have the same result cause "F1" on the "0x000000F1" Bits just Force the Rendermode on AFR


okay, sorry, i did not recognice that before :)

2019-02-09, 20:00:26
Apex Legends SLI profile.

All can do with MAXIMUM SETTING...Scale 85-99%

Here some screenshot at 4K MAXIMUM SETTING.

Single GPU|2-way SLI
85 FPS|121 FPS

Single GPU|2-way SLI
76 FPS|102 FPS

Single GPU|2-way SLI
93 FPS|140 FPS

Single GPU|2-way SLI
91 FPS|130 FPS


UPDATE: New SLI bit with improve SLI scale and only works with RTXs card.

Update video

Update 02/11: Add SLI profile for GTX cards
Update 02/12: Improved profiles

2019-02-09, 21:47:02
+1000 namheovang! Thanks again! so reactive on news titles. I will try this

Edit After Trying this Bits:
With your screenshots , i see you have made your tests on tutorial.
Did you have try this on a multiplayer session?
That doesnt works for me, 2x GTX 1080Ti on 4K

In game menu:
tight flickering with a low fps betwen 20-30 fps

In Tutorial:
SLI work fine, constant framerate
https://i.ibb.co/0FzR1nh/R5-Apex-2019-02-10-05-17-51-969.jpg https://i.ibb.co/TbdB3QY/R5-Apex-2019-02-10-05-18-02-277.jpg

In Multiplayer session:
On SLI i have a variant framerate with heavy Framerate Drop at 20 - 30 fps, same if i reduce gfx. TSAA disabled
When i Use one GPU i have got a playable game at 50-100fps
https://i.ibb.co/7Xr12Px/R5-Apex-2019-02-10-03-06-51-013.jpg https://i.ibb.co/ZH9tGs1/R5-Apex-2019-02-10-03-04-46-082.jpg

2019-02-09, 22:12:58
Never mind.

2019-02-10, 08:21:32
+1000 namheovang! Thanks again! so reactive on news titles. I will try this

Edit After Trying this Bits:
With your screenshots , i see you have made your tests on tutorial.
Did you have try this on a multiplayer session?
That doesnt works for me, 2x GTX 1080Ti on 4K

In game menu:
tight flickering with a low fps betwen 20-30 fps

In Tutorial:
SLI work fine, constant framerate
https://i.ibb.co/0FzR1nh/R5-Apex-2019-02-10-05-17-51-969.jpg https://i.ibb.co/TbdB3QY/R5-Apex-2019-02-10-05-18-02-277.jpg

In Multiplayer session:
On SLI i have a variant framerate with heavy Framerate Drop at 20 - 30 fps, same if i reduce gfx. TSAA disabled
When i Use one GPU i have got a playable game at 50-100fps
https://i.ibb.co/7Xr12Px/R5-Apex-2019-02-10-03-06-51-013.jpg https://i.ibb.co/ZH9tGs1/R5-Apex-2019-02-10-03-04-46-082.jpg
Haha ! I've never played online game....so I only check with training mode. Ok! I will try Online mode to find out what we can do with this game :rolleyes:

2019-02-10, 17:24:56
Haha ! I've never played online game....so I only check with training mode. Ok! I will try Online mode to find out what we can do with this game :rolleyes:

same for me bro, on Tutorial HUGE Fps boost !!
on multy lower fps then with only 1 GPU.

2x 2080 Ti

2019-02-10, 18:58:32
Do you guys have any SLI profile that works with TAA in RESIDENT EVIL 2 remake? Please

2019-02-10, 19:26:36
+1000 namheovang! Thanks again! so reactive on news titles. I will try this

Edit After Trying this Bits:
With your screenshots , i see you have made your tests on tutorial.
Did you have try this on a multiplayer session?
That doesnt works for me, 2x GTX 1080Ti on 4K

In game menu:
tight flickering with a low fps betwen 20-30 fps

In Tutorial:
SLI work fine, constant framerate
https://i.ibb.co/0FzR1nh/R5-Apex-2019-02-10-05-17-51-969.jpg https://i.ibb.co/TbdB3QY/R5-Apex-2019-02-10-05-18-02-277.jpg

In Multiplayer session:
On SLI i have a variant framerate with heavy Framerate Drop at 20 - 30 fps, same if i reduce gfx. TSAA disabled
When i Use one GPU i have got a playable game at 50-100fps
https://i.ibb.co/7Xr12Px/R5-Apex-2019-02-10-03-06-51-013.jpg https://i.ibb.co/ZH9tGs1/R5-Apex-2019-02-10-03-04-46-082.jpg

Oh! I checked my profile with Multiplayer...It works perfectly...so base on some new profiles only for RTX cards of Nvidia...I remake my profile with only works with RTX cards. I will post a video about my profile on multiplayer soon(uploading....)

New SLI bit with improve SLI scale(works well at Main menu of game with x2 FPS (vs one card or my old profiles) and only works with RTXs card.

Update video

Update 02/11: Add SLI profile for GTX cards
Update 02/12: Improved profiles

2019-02-11, 18:44:39
NAMHEOVANG Approuved as SLI Master !!!

I Just try your GTX Profil for APEX Legends
Where you used:
SLI Bits DX1x: 0x080000F5 With Sli Specific Hack DX1x: 0x00110000 (Battlefield 1) on AFR only for GTX (not RTX)
It works perfectly! Thanks Again

https://i.ibb.co/Gkg5Mnh/R5-Apex-2019-02-11-18-31-44-358.jpg https://i.ibb.co/Ldw34b3/R5-Apex-2019-02-11-18-37-42-238.jpg

EDIT: on your Improved GTX Profil , you have just removed the Sli Specific Hack DX1x: [B]0x00110000 (Battlefield 1) ?

2019-02-11, 21:23:23
I’m giving up on SLI at least with the gtx 1080 at 8x/8x nothing works well in SLI

2019-02-11, 23:57:28
SLI information for Kholat

The survival horror game Kholat also uses UE4, and scales nicely with the "0x080020F5" profile (game version 1.03).
"0x080040F5" and "0x080010F5" are the only real alternatives, but these more aggressive profiles break the snow effects and cause flickering.
For bandwidth and compatibility reasons, I only recommend using "0x080020F5" with ingame FXAA and not with temporal AA.
To skip the introductory movies played at game launch, I also suggest renaming "Startup.mp4" which can be found in "\Kholat\Content\Movies" in your install folder.

Here are all of my settings, as well as a set of screenshot comparisons taken at native 3840x2160 resolution:

Single GPU|0x080000F5|0x080020F5
38 FPS|41 FPS|61 FPS
https://abload.de/thumb/kholat_pic1_singlegpuz3jgc.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=kholat_pic1_singlegpuz3jgc.jpg)|https://abload.de/thumb/kholat_pic2_0x080000ff9k1g.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=kholat_pic2_0x080000ff9k1g.jpg)|https://abload.de/thumb/kholat_pic3_0x080020fkljl3.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=kholat_pic3_0x080020fkljl3.jpg)

Test system: Intel Core i7-5930K, 16GB DDR4, Asus Rampage V, Zotac GTX 980 Ti AMP! Extreme 2-way SLI, Asus ROG Swift PG27AQ, 375.63, Windows 10 Pro 64-bit

Works really well with me, except for small changes, I have your SLI bits 1:1 taken over.
Thanks for the great work.

2019-02-12, 08:23:45
NAMHEOVANG Approuved as SLI Master !!!

I Just try your GTX Profil for APEX Legends
Where you used:
SLI Bits DX1x: 0x080000F5 With Sli Specific Hack DX1x: 0x00110000 (Battlefield 1) on AFR only for GTX (not RTX)
It works perfectly! Thanks Again

https://i.ibb.co/Gkg5Mnh/R5-Apex-2019-02-11-18-31-44-358.jpg https://i.ibb.co/Ldw34b3/R5-Apex-2019-02-11-18-37-42-238.jpg

EDIT: on your Improved GTX Profil , you have just removed the Sli Specific Hack DX1x: [B]0x00110000 (Battlefield 1) ?
TAA is working perfectly in this game without using this hack, so I remove it(I used it in my first profiles because TAA in that case needs this hack bits, but in my newest SLI bit, TAA works as it does and then no need to be added this hack bits)

2019-02-12, 23:25:14
SLI and tweaking information for The Park

I would like to post an update to an older SLI post of mine, namely for the UE4 walking simulator The Park: 3DCenter SLI thread (#2604) (https://www.forum-3dcenter.org/vbulletin/showpost.php?p=11416625&postcount=2604)
There is no need for any change to the SLI profile, and 0x080040F1 combined with setting 0x00A06746 to 0x00010000 still does the job.
But it really isn't necessary to completely turn down post processing in GameUserSettings.ini to disable depth of field.

Instead just include the command r.DepthOfFieldQuality=0 in your Engine.ini.
I also discovered, that setting r.SceneColorFormat=3 in the same file results in a nice performance improvement in both single GPU and SLI mode with apparently no loss in image quality.
Finally the game also scales quite decently now at native 3840x2160 resolution even with temporal AA turned all the way up ;)
The Park Settings and Tweaks

Settings -> Video

Screen Size: 3840x2160
Display Mode: Fullscreen
Display Quality: Ultra
Antialiasing: 6x
Enable VSync: Disabled (Recommended to use G-Sync instead)
Field of View: 100
Enable Motion Blur: Disabled

Settings -> Audio

Enable Subtitles: Disabled

Settings -> Gameplay

Enable Outline Focus: Disabled
Shout Visual Guide: Disabled
Shout Object Visualisation: Disabled

Engine.ini (Located in \Users\[Username]\AppData\Local\AtlanticIslandPark\Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor)



Single GPU|Single GPU|2-way SLI
46 FPS|50 FPS|67 FPS
https://abload.de/thumb/the_park_11_color_foryrjz8.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=the_park_11_color_foryrjz8.jpg)|https://abload.de/thumb/the_park_12_color_forgkjrm.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=the_park_12_color_forgkjrm.jpg)|https://abload.de/thumb/the_park_13_color_fororjip.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=the_park_13_color_fororjip.jpg)
37 FPS|40 FPS|62 FPS
https://abload.de/thumb/the_park_21_color_for5zkih.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=the_park_21_color_for5zkih.jpg)|https://abload.de/thumb/the_park_22_color_ford8keq.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=the_park_22_color_ford8keq.jpg)|https://abload.de/thumb/the_park_23_color_forthkja.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=the_park_23_color_forthkja.jpg)
43 FPS|47 FPS|71 FPS
https://abload.de/thumb/the_park_31_color_forihk86.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=the_park_31_color_forihk86.jpg)|https://abload.de/thumb/the_park_32_color_forapj36.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=the_park_32_color_forapj36.jpg)|https://abload.de/thumb/the_park_33_color_fordrk70.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=the_park_33_color_fordrk70.jpg)
42 FPS|47 FPS|66 FPS
https://abload.de/thumb/the_park_41_color_forndk9m.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=the_park_41_color_forndk9m.jpg)|https://abload.de/thumb/the_park_42_color_forhnkqr.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=the_park_42_color_forhnkqr.jpg)|https://abload.de/thumb/the_park_43_color_forljkws.jpg (http://abload.de/image.php?img=the_park_43_color_forljkws.jpg)

Test system: Intel Core i7-5930K, 16GB DDR4, Asus Rampage V, Zotac GTX 980 Ti AMP! Extreme 2-way SLI, Acer Predator XB321HK, 397.64 WHQL, Windows 10 Pro 64-bit

2019-02-13, 01:10:59
Guys, any help for the RE2 profile that can work well with TAA?

2019-02-13, 13:13:09
Anybody try or find a solution for Sea Of Thieves?
before i used "0x080000F5" on AFR which the GPUs scalling is Fine but i have a Weird Vegetation collision Bug where plants spin to infinity.

2019-02-14, 18:49:41
Hello all im new here!!!nice supports for SLI guys keep it good working!!!

SLIKnight i have same system like you Asus rampage V and 6950X
and 2x 980ti sli zotac amp extreme!!do you have mod bios for this cards???your temps is good?thank you very much guys

2019-02-15, 10:36:08
SLi profiles for Metro Exodus and Far Cry New Dawn are coming soon;D

2019-02-15, 11:00:54
SLi profiles for Metro Exodus and Far Cry New Dawn are coming soon;D
please, create a version also for GTX (as for Apex) ... Metro in particular :love2:

2019-02-15, 14:48:46
please, create a version also for GTX (as for Apex) ... Metro in particular :love2:
I need to downgrade my 2080Ti performance to test SLi profile. As I know Metro can max all at 4K60fps on dx11, and Metro Exodus is heavy CPU phyxs effect, so as Hitman 2...Sli is just decrease GPUs using and not help so much about GPU scaling to improve fps. Far cry New dawn shows they can run Sli for 4K60fps as system requiment...but in newest nvidia official driver they disable SLi. I stil wait for the game unlock(Steam version:frown:)

2019-02-15, 17:40:31
I need to downgrade my 2080Ti performance to test SLi profile. As I know Metro can max all at 4K60fps on dx11, and Metro Exodus is heavy CPU phyxs effect, so as Hitman 2...Sli is just decrease GPUs using and not help so much about GPU scaling to improve fps. Far cry New dawn shows they can run Sli for 4K60fps as system requiment...but in newest nvidia official driver they disable SLi. I stil wait for the game unlock(Steam version:frown:)
Metro Exodus
2160p Ultra with my two 1080ti
First scene of the game
Sorry but I cannot take a screenshot with nvidia overlay, and I'am new on this forum (I don't know how to do an image preview)
I used this bit 0x2A0117F5 (Thank you Sli Knight, I started making profiles following your guide on guru3d)
There is a problem. There are some flickering with the lights (resolved with alt + tab): I ask for the collaboration of those who have more experience than me (Sli Knight, Blaire, Namheovang....all the help is good :) )

2019-02-15, 18:32:41
Metro Exodus
2160p Ultra with my two 1080ti
First scene of the game
Sorry but I cannot take a screenshot with nvidia overlay, and I'am new on this forum (I don't know how to do an image preview)
I used this bit 0x2A0117F5 (Thank you Sli Knight, I started making profiles following your guide on guru3d)
There is a problem. There are some flickering with the lights (resolved with alt + tab): I ask for the collaboration of those who have more experience than me (Sli Knight, Blaire, Namheovang....all the help is good :) )

Are you using RTX?

2019-02-15, 18:38:27
Far Cry New Dawn: It's using same engine of Far cry V...So The Far Cry V SLI bits works well with it.

2019-02-15, 19:43:39
Metro Exodus - SLI:

Momentan wohl nicht zu gebrauchen, siehe hier !


2019-02-15, 21:20:25
Metro Exodus - SLI:

Momentan wohl nicht zu gebrauchen, siehe hier !


It also crashes here, what a bummer :(

2019-02-15, 22:07:22
Are you using RTX?
No, Pascal (1080ti)

2019-02-15, 22:24:12
im gettin stutter all the time please what shuld i do!!? i get like hiccup and lags! im using two 1080 ti Sli 8x8 3440-1440 Gsync
please help
Apex Legends SLI profile.

All can do with MAXIMUM SETTING...Scale 85-99%

Here some screenshot at 4K MAXIMUM SETTING.

Single GPU|2-way SLI
85 FPS|121 FPS

Single GPU|2-way SLI
76 FPS|102 FPS

Single GPU|2-way SLI
93 FPS|140 FPS

Single GPU|2-way SLI
91 FPS|130 FPS


UPDATE: New SLI bit with improve SLI scale and only works with RTXs card.

Update video

Update 02/11: Add SLI profile for GTX cards
Update 02/12: Improved profiles

2019-02-15, 23:17:19
im gettin stutter all the time please what shuld i do!!? i get like hiccup and lags! im using two 1080 ti Sli 8x8 3440-1440 Gsync
please help
I’m getting that too, and some artifacts using two gtx 1080